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KTheisWe The People Law Class <wtplc5 wrote:

wtplc5Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 14:22:39 -0600"We The People Law Class" Final Demand and Order to Cease and DesistEveryone in Texas should read and understand this document and all others should be informed!Guest speaker: Announcement - Final Demand and Order to Cease and DesistLarry Hughes Counsel GeneralRepublic of TexasInterim GovernmentOverton, Republic of Texas Copy of the Document is available as a PDF attachment by request.Request at wtplc @ lycos.comLarry Hughes was a guest speaker at our last class March 4, 2004. Mr. Hughes wants everyone have a copy of the attached letter written to the STATE BAR OF TEXAS. Copies were mailed to The GOV, A.G. and S.O.S. by Reg-Mail. Please share this information with everyone. They want everyone one know and

understand. Document below:Seal - Republic of Texas Peace FlagSeal - Republic of TexasPRESIDENT BETSY WHITAKER STATE BAR OF TEXAS/CROWN 1414 COLORADOP.O. BOX 12487AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711FINAL DEMAND AND ORDER TO CEASE AND DESIST:Greetings BETSY WHITAKER:I, Larry Hughes, the undersigned affiant and Counsel General of the Interim Government of the Republic of Texas, do hereby make this FINAL DEMAND AND ORDER TO CEASE AND DESIST willingly and with full knowledge of the facts set forth herein, and attest to the veracity of said facts and state that I am competent to testify to same.On or about June 12, 1998 NOTICE OF LACK OF JURISDICTION was mailed by Certified Mail # P 388 292 799 to Frank Newton (Hereinafter “Newton”), Chief Administrator and President of the State Bar of Texas, an Administrative Agency (Hereinafter “Agency”) of the STATE OF TEXAS and to the Supreme Court of the STATE OF TEXAS. Said Notice was

received by Newton and by the Supreme Court on June 15, 1998. There has been no response from the NOTICE OF LACK OF JURISDICTION.On or about June 26, 1998 NOTICE OF DEFAULT NIHIL DICIT was mailed by Certified Mail # P 388 293 158 to Frank Newton (Hereinafter “Newton”), Chief Administrator and President of the State Bar of Texas, an Administrative Agency (Hereinafter “Agency”) of the STATE OF TEXAS and to the Supreme Court of the STATE OF TEXAS. Said Notice was received by Newton on July 6, 1998 and by the Supreme Court on or about July 1, 1998. There has been no response from the NOTICE OF DEFAULT NIHIL DICIT.NOTE: Copies of recordings available upon request and Fee: Four Grams of Texas Silver per page.THE STATE OF TEXAS, through its agents, has affirmed without dispute and confessed by default and acquiescence that the un-chartered STATE BAR OF TEXAS was created as a corporate Administrative Agency of the corporate Judicial Branch by the

State Bar Act of 1938.THE STATE OF TEXAS, through its agents, has affirmed without dispute and confessed by default and acquiescence that the President and Chief Administrator of the un-chartered STATE BAR OF TEXAS is responsible for all acts of the corporate Agents/Members of the un-chartered STATE BAR OF TEXAS which includes, but is not limited to, the acts of all corporate agents of the corporate judicial system of corporate THE STATE OF TEXAS.Final Demand And Order To Cease And Desist Page 1 of 7THE STATE OF TEXAS, through its corporate agents, has affirmed without dispute and confessed by default and acquiescence that on November 16, 1995, in cause no. 95-1002, the Supreme Court of the STATE OF TEXAS passed for want of jurisdiction.THE STATE OF TEXAS, through its corporate agents, has affirmed without dispute and confessed by default and acquiescence that this act of the Supreme Court establishes the truth and the fact that THE STATE OF

TEXAS, its corporate political Subdivisions, and its corporate ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES has no jurisdiction or venue regarding the Republic of Texas and its declared Texian National Citizens, whether it be through the corporate government of THE STATE OF TEXAS or its corporate Administrative Agencies, such as the un-chartered STATE BAR OF TEXAS and its agents or THE STATE OF TEXAS corporate Judicial System of corporate Administrative Courts (which includes THE STATE OF TEXAS and all corporate political subdivisions of THE STATE OF TEXAS).THE STATE OF TEXAS, through its corporate agents, has affirmed without dispute and confessed by default and acquiescence that THE STATE OF TEXAS has no jurisdiction, venue, and authority to impose compelled performance or intrude upon the Substantive Rights or Private Property of the Interim Government or the declared Texian National Citizens of the Republic of Texas through the private copyrighted laws, statutes, ordinances, rules,

regulations of THE STATE OF TEXAS or to prosecute same in the corporate Administrative Courts of THE STATE OF TEXAS (which includes THE STATE OF TEXAS and all corporate political subdivisions of THE STATE OF TEXAS).The Lands, Republic of Texas was born a Sovereign Nation in 1836, was brought forward on December 13, 1995 and can never be anything but a Sovereign Nation. The People are Texian citizens of a nation with all God given rights reserved and not Texan CORPORATE CITIZENS of a MUNICIPAL CITY, COUNTY, STATE or UNITED STATES. The Nation of the Republic of Texas being empowered and mandated by the Texian People operates through the CONTRACT/CHARTERS of the CORPORATIONS on behalf of the Sovereign Texian People. The Texian People being Sovereigns cannot CONTRACT with the CORPORATIONS. The Texian People being Sovereign are under God given Common Natural Laws of Sovereigns and cannot act themselves within the realm of CORPORATIONS those being FICTIONS created out of

the minds of men, operate under codes, rules, regulations, statutes, procedure, etc. The Republic of Texas, empowered and mandated by the Texian People, issues the CHARTERS for all STATE, COUNTY AND CITY CORPORATE FICTIONS AND ENTITIES within its borders through the Congress or Legislature (Interim Government) for the purpose of allowing We the People of the Republic of Texas to act in Commerce, without Corporate Rules, Regulations, Codes, Statutes, or administration procedures. The Texian People’s individual rights or property rights can never be taken nor can a LAW be passed to violate any Right given to the People by their creatorAfter investigation it has been discovered that no permission and/or charter or law enacted by the congress of the republic of Texas is recorded for allowing the lawful or unlawful operation of the STATE BAR OF TEXAS. Furthermore no application has been received requesting permission to operate the STATE BAR OF TEXAS as a Corporate

Entity.Final Demand And Order To Cease And Desist Page 2 of 7The CHARTERS are active and good until a CORPORATE STATE, CITY, OR COUNTY or ENTITY breaks the LAW. Violate the Peoples Rights and you have broken the LAW. The penalty for the breaking of the LAW is INVOLUNTARY DIS-SOLVEMENT of that CHARTER with the selling off of all the assets created under that CHARTER. I, Larry Hughes Counsel General for the Republic of Texas Interim Government do hereby find the following violations have occurred and/or are occurring against, We the Texian People of the republic of Texas without permission and/or approved Corporate Charter for Jurisdiction and/or Venue. After careful consideration and investigation into the activities of the Corporate STATE BAR OF TEXAS and the Bar Act of 1938, We the People of the republic of Texas level the following charges: 1. Criminal conversions of the given and Family names of every Texian into a created fiction for the

purpose of divesting the peoples’ wealth, rights and Freedoms.2. The setting of a court system to deny justice for the Texian people.3. The setting of a court system to deny the Texian peoples their rights to their constitutional courts of Common Law. 4. Inferior Administrative Law Merchant Courts have been implanted in the peoples’ Court Houses without the people’s permission.5. The setting up of the LAW MERCHANT system against the “created fiction (STRAW MAN)” and unknown to the Common man leading him to serve the sentence of another PERSON. Fraud by deception.6. Identity theft in collusion with the Corporate US Government, Government of Washington D. C. as in the theft of Birth Certificates and Domiciling people in Washington D. C. as a STRAW MAN.7. Bringing actions against the people by corporate 3rd party agents without either Jurisdiction and/or Venue.8. The making of the people pay the Debts of others (STRAWMEN corporate fictions) therefore

creating the operation of corporate Debtors prisons. We the People through our official Counsel General are issuing these Demands, without dishonor and by the will of the Texian people, because we have learned that the Texian people have no liabilities to foreign un-chartered and/or unauthorized Commercial Entities operating within the boundaries of the Republic of Texas.BETSY WHITAKER and all you are, being hereby informed that no declared Texian National Citizens are residents of THE STATE OF TEXAS, THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO, THE STATE OF COLORADO, THE STATE OF WYOMING, THE STATE OF KANSAS, THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, the UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON DC, the united States of America and/or any of their derivatives, possessions, territories or enclaves scattered across the North American Republic outside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas (Herein after; THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR ANY ASSOCIATED DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES). Therefore, it is

We the People’s lawful determination that all STATE BAR OF TEXAS corporate members and/or Agents actions are under fraudulent unconscionable contracts. You, BETSY WHITAKER and all you are, have three days to Respond or this document becomes a binding contract on you and THE STATE OF TEXAS and after 7 days a default is put into effect on THE STATE OF TEXAS and after 10 days the Republic of Texas has a Binding Contract and Default with THE STATE OF TEXAS and the CORPORATE UNITED STATES -- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Republic of Texas is a Sovereign Nation created by the Sovereign People of the republic of Texas and THE STATE OF TEXAS and all of its CREATED ENTITIES/PERSONS/AGENTS can only exist by CORPORATE CHARTER issued by the Republic of Texas.Final Demand And Order To Cease And Desist Page 3 of 7Notice to BETSY WHITAKER and all PERSONS, ASSIGNS and/or AGENTS representing, employed by, or in collusion with the foreign corporate entities, THE ACTING

CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. above) inside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas; you and all you are, as Corporate Entities acting as un-chartered, renegade, and/or unauthorized Commercial Entities do not have statutory or regulatory authority, venue, jurisdiction, right of possession, and/or claim to any rights, to Lands, private Properties, crops, water, minerals, air or Labor within the boundaries of the Republic of Texas. • On November 16, 1995, in cause no. 95-1002, the Supreme Court of the STATE OF TEXAS passed for want of jurisdiction. This act of the Supreme Court confirms and establishes the truth and the fact that THE STATE OF TEXAS and its political Subdivisions (hereinafter "STATE OF TEXAS") has “Want of Jurisdiction” over the Republic of Texas and its declared Citizens, whether it be through the government of the STATE OF TEXAS or its Administrative Agencies, such as the State Bar of Texas and its agents or

the STATE OF TEXAS Judicial System of Administrative Courts.• At the International Court of Justice, of The Hague, December 18, 1995, Cause No. 94135, the court ruled that there is “Want of Jurisdiction” and that they could not rule on sovereign issues, only on CORPORATE issues between CORPORATE NATIONS or STATES with differences between two or more CORPORATIONS. THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. above) with you, BETSY WHITAKER and your members and/or Agents being inside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas, has no authority to impose compelled performance or authority to intrude upon the Substantive Rights or Private Property of any declared Texian Citizens of the Republic of Texas through your private copyrighted laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations created by THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. above) in collusion with the STATE BAR OF

TEXAS/CROWN CHARTER. There is no jurisdiction or venue authority given by any Constitution(s) or Bill of Rights to prosecute sovereign people and take their wealth, Land(s), private and personal property, and/or rights in the Administrative Courts of Commerce being held by THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. above) in collusion with the STATE BAR OF TEXAS/CROWN CHARTER inside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas. The Rights of the People of Texas, a Republic, are inalienable, unalienable and imprescriptibly reserved for the people.THE LAND OF TEXAS WILL FOREVER BELONG TO THE PEOPLEThe Sovereigns Texian People, being living souls, derived their life from the Sovereign Creator of the universe and plead that our inherited rights to claim the land of Texas was derived from the Creator of all destinies by covenant “not by man created Corporations, Fictions, Trust, Charters or 3rd party Agents”

and all boundaries were permanently installed within several sealed international treaties for the people forever.The Texian People, declare that any agreement between the foreign entities the UNITED STATES and THE STATE OF TEXAS, THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO, THE STATE OF COLORADO, THE STATE OF WYOMING, THE STATE OF KANSAS, THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, UNITED NATIONS, NATO, THE WORLD COURT, INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, or any other derivative used by any of the above, does not apply to the People of the republic of Texas, and will not be accepted by the Texian People without a properly sealed treaty between Nations.Final Demand And Order To Cease And Desist Page 4 of 7The Texian People, declare that Fiat Money (money without intrinsic value) will not be authorized or used as currency in the republic of Texas.The Texian People, declare that the foreign entities known as THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES

(REF. above) in collusion with the STATE BAR OF TEXAS/CROWN CHARTER inside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas, have no ceded Jurisdiction or Venue to operate, harass, threaten, or intimidate the People of Texas by any means over the rightful ownership of private personal and/or real property. The Texian People, demand that all unwarranted attacks and/or trespass on the rights and/or private property by foreign entities, THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. above) in collusion with the STATE BAR OF TEXAS/CROWN CHARTER inside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas against the Texian People Cease and Desist. Failing any Demands and/or orders, you BETSY WHITAKER and all you are, will immediately produce all ratified Legal Documents for the Annexation of the republic of Texas to the united States of America and all authorizing documents thereof. The Republic of Texas Supreme Court is the lawful jurisdiction upon

the unceded land of Texas where the Corporate entities may be sued and/or seek lawful remedy. No foreign corporate entity has jurisdiction or venue authorization without a Treaty of Commerce between our Nations allowing for any foreign IRS assigns and/or Agents, FEDERAL RESERVE Agents, UNITED STATES Agents, GOVERNMENT of WASHINGTON D.C. Agents, UNITED NATIONS Agents, THE STATE OF TEXAS Agents, THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO Agents, THE STATE OF COLORADO Agents, THE STATE OF WYOMING Agents, THE STATE OF KANSAS Agents, THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA Agents and/or any associated derivatives, to occupy, do commercial activities or reside on any lands of the Republic of Texas. Therefore no permission by charter or agreement through Treaties have ever been described and made permanent by the republic of Texas since its Eastern and Northern boundaries and the united States of America Western and Southern boundaries were set by Treaty forever in 1819, 1838 and 1844.In the event that you

BETSY WHITAKER and all you are, do not have the above requested contractual documents. It is hereby demanded, you re-direct your guidelines, rules, regulations, statutes, codes for your County foreign assigns and/or agents, to advise all declared Texian Nationals in writing that further investigation has established that a declared republic of Texas Texian National is not to be required, forced, tricked or donate any monetary funds of any form for Commercial Charges, Judgments, property taxes to a Corporate Entity or Sub-Corporate Entity without a contract signed and agreed to by both parties and that no further correspondence from any un-chartered STATE BAR OF TEXAS member and/or Agent concerning a Texian National Citizen will be issued.Final Demand And Order To Cease And Desist Page 5 of 7Final DemandTake Notice BETSY WHITAKER, and all you are, that the unauthorized Commercial foreign entities THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS,

TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. above) in collusion with the un-chartered STATE BAR OF TEXAS/CROWN CHARTER inside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas, or any other fictional derivative(s) used in the unlawful title conversion of property, given names, Family names, identity theft and/or fraudulently confiscating of private property, the using of threats, coercion, collusion, conversion, and trickery on the Texian Peoples’ Lands within the boundaries and/or borders of the republic of Texas is forever dissolved from doing Commercial business. All assets fraudulently confiscated by THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. above) in collusion with the STATE BAR OF TEXAS/CROWN CHARTER inside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas, including all Sub-Corporate Counties, Sub-Corporate Cities or any other fictional derivative(s) and/or its Agents are to remain on the Land called the Republic of Texas and returned to the Texian

people. To all individual Foreign parties, persons, assigns and/or Agents and/or Corporate entities in collusion with the present foreign Commercial fraud and thievery: You are demanded to cease and desist immediately, or be subject to being summoned for testimony in your behalf pending possible Criminal Complaints/charges recorded into the Republic of Texas Supreme Court. These would include restitution for past, present and/or future actions against the people of Texas from Agent(s), administrator(s), or 3rd party representative(s) for THE ACTING CORPORATE STATES AND/OR DERIVATIVES, POSSESSIONS, TERRITORIES OR ENCLAVES (REF. above) in collusion with the STATE BAR OF TEXAS/CROWN CHARTER inside the boundaries of the Republic of Texas and to include all Sub-Corporate Counties, Sub-Corporate Cities and/or any other fictional derivative(s).Therefore these Demands, being final, makes any continued violations against the Texian people, a Trespass upon the unceded Lands of

Texas, and will constitute probable cause for international criminal trespass subjecting you and all you are, as the individual parties, persons, representative(s), 3rd parties, assigns and/or Agents and/or Corporate entities to be summoned to appear before the republic of Texas Supreme Court, an Admiralty/Equity Court. Non-appearance may lead to involuntary dissolvent and/or involuntary bankruptcy for any foreign assigns and/or Agents found by the Court to be violating, We the Texian Peoples’ “Rights”.May my Creator-God Bless and protect the Land of Texas forever.Sincerely. ______________________Attested to byAlva Rice McLeodSecretary of Judicial Affairs______________________Larry HughesCounsel GeneralRepublic of TexasInterim GovernmentP.O. 100Overton, Republic of Texas near 75684Final Demand And Order To Cease And Desist Page 6 of 7SealFinal Demand And Order To Cease And Desist

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