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Internet ScamBusters

The #1 Publication on Internet Fraud


By Audri and Jim Lanford

C o p y r i g h t © 2004 Audri and Jim Lanford.

All rights reserved.

Issue #73 March 10, 2004


Hi Emma,


With the news filled with Martha Stewart, WorldCom, Enron,

Adelphia, Tyco... the list goes on and on... we decided that

this was an excellent time to focus on an issue we've been

wanting to cover for a long time: investment fraud.


Plus, since Charles Ponzi, known as the father of investor

schemes, was born in the month of March, this seems like the

perfect time to address the broader topic of investment



We'll tell you the top investing scams, danger signs to look

out for, how to avoid becoming an investing scam victim --

and share some additional useful resources with you.


Note: Easily change your subscription information by clicking

the link at the very bottom of this newsletter.


OK, let's get to it...



Investing Safely:

How to Avoid Investment Scams, Schemes and Scandals



The North American Securities Administrators Association

(NASAA) -- not to be confused with NASA, the space agency ;-)

-- has identified the Top 10 scams, schemes, and scandals

that investors will most likely face in 2004.


According to Ralph Lambiase, NASAA's President:


" Investors are facing increasingly complex and confusing

scams. Our fight against fraud never stops because each year

con artists discover new ways to fleece the public. Sadly,

many of the age-old scams still work to cheat victims of

their hard-earned savings as well. It pays to remember that

if an investment opportunity sounds too good to be true, it

usually is. "


Lambiase continues: " Education and awareness are an

investor's first line of defense against investment fraud. "


And that's the purpose of this issue.


Some investment scams take place on the Internet, and some

offline. By understanding the principles of avoiding

investing scams and by following the guidelines below, you

can reduce your risk dramatically.



Ponzi Schemes


The top scam on the NASAA list is the Ponzi, or pyramid,

scheme. Named after Charles Ponzi, who scammed investors out

of $10 million in the early 1900's by promising them 40%

returns, these are a big favorite among scamsters.


Ponzi scams work by promising high returns to investors.

They use money from new investors to pay previous investors.

That leads to excellent testimonials -- and everything goes

OK for investors... for a brief period of time. However, the

scheme inevitably collapses, leaving the vast majority of

investors poorer.


The only people who consistently make money are the initial



For example, you're asked to put in a sum of money (often up

to $5,000) with the hope of getting a lot more in return once

you recruit others below you on the 'pyramid.'


These schemes have been known as the 'Airplane Game,' the

'Dinner Party,' and other names.


They often include confidentiality requirements (under many

different guises) -- so you don't tell someone about the

scheme who recognizes it as the fraud it is.


Pyramid schemes are illegal. Nonetheless, they continue to

thrive. Last year in Mississippi, a Tennessee attorney and a

Mississippi security dealer pleaded guilty to defrauding 41

investors in four states out of $10.2 million.



Senior Investment Fraud


We could easily devote an entire issue to this topic (perhaps

we will in the future) -- it's number 2 on the NASAA list.


The fact that interest rates are so low, the stock market so

volatile, and that life expectancy has increased are just

three of the trends that create the perfect backdrop for

rampant senior investment fraud.


Seniors are being targeted with increasingly complex

investment scams. These include: CD Alternatives,

unregistered securities, charitable gift annuities,

promissory notes, variable annuities, viatical settlements,

prime bank schemes, and many others.


To learn more about how seniors can avoid these investing

scams, visit:


==> http://www.nasaa.org/nasaa/sirc/sirc.asp


We don't have space to review the entire Top 10 list from the

NASAA. You can find it here:


==> http://www.nasaa.org/nasaa/news & pa/Fraud_Center.asp



Investment Fraud on the Internet


Investing scams are everywhere on the Internet. The Net has

made it simple -- and extremely inexpensive -- for scammers

to reach millions of potential victims.


Perhaps the most common type of investing scam is called

" pump-and dump. "


Con artists send bulk email, use chat rooms, send phony

online newsletters, or post messages on Internet stock

message boards praising a specific stock, " pumping " the price



They often claim that they have " inside " information that

they are sharing with you (and thousands -- or millions -- of

other potential victims).


They then " dump " the shares they own, driving the stock back



The SEC catches some of these scammers. However, it's next to

impossible to regain the money you lost.


Moral: NEVER buy stock based on a hot tip from bulk email or

based on what you read on the investment message boards or

chat rooms. The chances are excellent that it's a scam.


For a more detailed explanation of how " pump and dump " scams

work, visit:


==> http://www.fraudbureau.com/investor/101/article15.html



6 Danger Signs to Look Out For


1. Fast money - Making money fast is a goal for many people.

If you've been on the Internet for a while, you've probably

seen the " Make Money Fast " emails that have circulated for



People still fall for this nonsense, and the lure of fast

money -- with little or no work -- lives on.


2. Guarantees - If someone tells you a particular stock or

investment is guaranteed to double or triple in price, run.


No reputable financial advisor or stockbroker will ever

guarantee a rate of return, unless it's an investment such as

a term deposit or government bond. Every investment carries

some degree of risk, no matter how small.


3. Foreign Investments - Certainly not all foreign

investments are scams -- far from it. Nonetheless, if a

foreign investment goes bad, it can be much more difficult

to recover any money, since the investment will be beyond

the jurisdiction of your country, and will be difficult for

officials to investigate and prosecute. Be extra careful.


4. Buzz Words - A hot company that suddenly springs up,

offering to capitalize on a current issue (terrorism, child

safety, anthrax) may be legitimate, or it may simply be

preying on fears to bilk investors. Use the resources at the

end of this newsletter to check it out.


5. High Pressure Tactics - If someone (especially someone you

don't know) pressures you to act now, run!


6. Hot Tips and Rumors - Ignore these. Sometimes scammers

issue fraudulent press releases as part of " pump and dump "

scams. Rely on real facts and official press releases only.



Consider the Source


In the 1980's, 'boiler room' operations employed

smooth-talking salesmen to sell worthless stocks over the

telephone. This practice continues today, although the

Internet is being used more and more because it's cheaper and

faster to contact potential targets.


Whether you receive a hot tip or investment suggestion from a

telephone call, an email, a Web site, or Uncle Frank,

consider the source. Do you know the source? Do you trust him

or her? Does this person have an impressive track record of



Even if you answer yes to all these questions, always

investigate before you invest. A little bit of extra work can

save you a lot of grief!



How to Avoid Becoming an Investing Scam Victim


1. Always do your own research before you invest your money.


2. Check with your state or provincial securities regulator

to see if both the investment vehicle and the person who is

selling it are properly registered. Also, find out the

disciplinary and complaint history of the sales person.


3. Ask for a written prospectus and read it carefully.


4. Avoid investments that involve any of the danger signs

described above.



Useful Resources


The Motley Fool isn't foolish (in the bad sense) at all.

It's an excellent resource to learn and discuss investing,

the stock market, retirement, personal finance, and other

subjects. One must-see section of the site is the Fool's

School, which provides 13 Steps to Investing, and numerous

short articles on finance written in clear, simple language.


==> http://www.fool.com/school.htm


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a very

good page on " Internet Fraud: How to Avoid Internet

Investment Scams " at:


==> http://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/cyberfraud.htm


The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) has an

extensive Web site that lets you check your broker or

financial advisor's background, learn how to file complaints,

and view alerts about frauds, scams, and unethical dealings.


==> http://www.nasd.com/Investor/



We hope you found these tips and guidelines useful. Have a

safe and scam free month.


- Please Check Out These Offers - They Keep ScamBusters Free -



Learn to Play Your Favorite Song on the Piano -- By Ear!


We recently found a really interesting website that offers

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If you'd like to learn how to play literally any song on the

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principles, check this out:


==> http://scambusters.org/a/24.html





If You Want More Energy (Naturally) or You're Feeling

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Note: There are still some doctors who feel that all

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ignore this promo... ;-)


Subscribers have asked us if we can recommend supplements that

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About 27 months ago, we found a New Zealand company that

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Even if you're happy with your current formula, sign up for

their Free Newsletter or one of their excellent free reports.


Why not check them out? Visit

==> http://scambusters.org/a/xtend.html





How to (Really) Write a Book in 14 Days or Less...


If you're serious about writing a book, check out Steve

Manning's excellent course called " How to Write A Book On

Anything in 14 Days or Less... Guaranteed. "


In a word, it is spectacular.


Whether you want to write fiction or non-fiction, Steve shows

you how to:


- Get an agent in 36 hours.

- Blueprint your entire book in 2 hours.

- Buy a best-selling plot for 75 cents (yes, he delivers

on this promise).

- Create demand for your book without ever leaving home.

- Get an editor free... and much more.


Sign up for Steve's FREE online course, " How To Write A Book

On Anything in 14 Days... or Less. " (You'll find the place to

type in your email address about halfway down the page.) Visit


==> http://scambusters.org/a/34.html






About Internet ScamBusters - Administrivia


To remove yourself or change address options visit:



(you might have to copy and paste it into your browser)

This will take you off the ScamBusters list.


To , visit: http://www.scambusters.org/


ScamBusters is a public service from Jim and Audri Lanford.

Lanford Inc.

197 New Market Center, #115

Boone, NC 28607


Please do not send vacation notices or other autoresponders

to us. This may take you off the ScamBusters list.


Since ScamBusters is a public service and we receive thousands

of emails, we cannot answer individual emails.


For more about our privacy policy, see



The legal info is located at

http://www.scambusters.org/legal.html and applies to

this newsletter.





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