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pH and being sick, (& Lemon anionic Vs Cationic property, per Dr Reams theory of food & nutrition)

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" MichaelO " <beeline

pH and being sick, ( & Lemon anionic Vs Cationic property, per Dr

Reams theory of food & nutrition)



> This topic came up on another forum & is a repost from another

poster...someone recently mentioned on this forum some advice from the best

Doctor they ever saw.

> In my case , the best Dr I ever saw as a patient (allopathically

trained but alternative minded ), once told me of this cation/anion factor

re lemons (see below) & advised me too have 2 fresh lemons each morning

first thing for the liver ..fwiw

> Below article also touches on several subjects recently touched on in

this forum including acid/alkiline factors in health & body pH, quantity of

fresh water required (approx) by an individual, Calcium absorption


> Lemons are a worthwhile addition in morn imo

> Michael



> Reams Biological theory of Ionization



> Reams Biological theory of Ionization

> This might hold the cure for most, if not all all disease


> I think, after brainstorming for quite some time, that the cause and the

treatment for most, if not all disease was found in 1976 by Dr. Carey Reams.

Remember, that we concluded that the soil determines the disease. Like in

agriculture, a bad soil yields unhealthy vegetables, which are prone to

parasites, to rot, fungi, etc. Inside a human body, the same applies. When

the soil, i.e. the blood pH, the mineral and vitamin status is bad, the

blood and tissue become a place where the protits (Enderlein) can't live

anymore. They transform into pathogenic microbes (viri, bacteria, molds,

fungi, yeasts) and start to destroy the host. At the same time, they try to

create the perfect habitat by excreting acids that make the soil even worse,

so these microbes can thrive inside the body.


> Regular medicine says that these diseases care caused by invasive microbes

or because of an overactive immune system or a defective immune system.

Energy medicine tries to kill the pathogenic materializations of the

protits, but it doesn't change the soil. Alternative medicine like

homeopathy tries to relieve the symptoms using interesting techniques.

Low-carb approaches are also quite nice, as it strarves the microbes and

boosts immunity. Alas, it's all not enough and it doesn't tackle the real

problem: The soil is still a perfect habitat for the pathogenic microbes.


> The only real cure of any disease can be found when we start to focus on

the soil. Well, Dr. Carey Reams fits in perfectly.




> Dr Carey Reams was both a physician and an agronomist. His medical degree,

completed in England, included an undergraduate degree in chemistry. Upon

returning to the US to practice medicine, Reams chose to retain his

independence by avoiding membership of the AMA (American Medical



> It is a fact that a shining intellect can often be apparent at an early

age, and Reams' genius shone through from the outset. During his childhood

on the family farm in Florida, his intuitive and practical understanding of

plant growth became legendary. It has been said that his father entrusted

him with sole responsibility for a significant growing area when he was just

five years old. He devised a fertility program, organised labour and

apparently produced an exceptional melon crop at that tender age.


> Dr Reams never really separated his two professions. He developed

extensive systems related to both during the 50's and 60's. While practicing

medicine in Orlando, Florida, he opened a health retreat in Georgia and used

this accumulated practical experience and research to develop what he termed

the Reams Human Health Equation - a diagnostic and analytical tool based on

the testing of urine and saliva. These body fluids were tested with the

identical LaMotte soil testing approach, which Reams favoured when

evaluating soil health. The test measured energy loss in his patients, and

Reams accurately diagnosed specific diseases based upon small reductions in

energy loss, without actually seeing his clients.


> More than anyone else, he was able to make the link between earth soil and

the soil of a person, especially since he also has an undergraduate degree

in chemistry.


> The story was told that Dr. Reams had a friend with a dying daughter who

insisted that if Dr. Reams could do wonders for soil, plants and crops, that

he should be able to help the young child. He wouldn't take " no " for an

answer. Eventually, this personal obligation is what drove Dr. Reams to

making the transition from soil chemistry analysis to body chemistry

analysis. After years of testing, Dr. Reams determined that urine and saliva

provided the best medium for testing his Theory of Biological Ionization.


> Executive Summary

> Dr. Reams realized that the soil was everything, just like Pasteur said on

his dead bed: " The soil is everything, the germ is nothing " . He discovered

that all the variables of the human soil can be determined from a persons

urine plus saliva. His test consisted of 7 parameters (optimal values in

between the brackets). Sugar brix (1.5); Urine pH (6.4); Saliva pH (6.4);

Conductivity (7); Cell Debris (1); Nitrate Nitrogen (3); Ammonia Nitrogen

(3). It was accomplished by using laboratory instruments and techniques

normally used for agricultural testing. Using these figures, he could tell

the person exactly what's his condition, exactly where a tumor is forming,

and he could predict when a person might get a heart attack. Dr. Reams

started a Health Retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia. People

seeking wellness would come to this retreat for several weeks and be given a

diet to suit their body chemistry. Many of them left feeling better than

they had felt in years. It was quite amazing. His success with treating

terminal cancer patients, abandonded by the regular medicine to die in

peace, was astounding. He only lost 6 patients of the 10,000 treated in one

year ! That's a 99,94% success rate with TERMINAL PATIENTS. Even though you

probably think that's too good to be true, please keep on reading.


> Reams theory of Biological Ionization

> His treatment and his tests are based on the Reams theory of Biological

Ionization. A real mouthful, but in short it means that all the energy any

organism uses is produced by friction between anions and cations.


> The Curse Causeless shall not Come

> Now we are getting down to the BIOLOGICAL THEORY OF IONIZATION for the

production of energy. Please fasten your seat belts; we are going to have to

get into a little chemistry, physics and electronics. I hope that you see

what I am driving at in a few pages.


> A single ANION* contains the smallest amount of energy that there is. This

single ANION will contain 1 Millhouse unit of energy. However, an ANION may

contain as many as 499 Millhouse units of energy and still be known as an

ANION. The word ANION is both singular and plural. An ANION MOLECULE has a

positive ion as a nucleus. This + ion is known as a CATION. One single

CATION contains 500 mh units of energy but may contain as many as 999 mh

units and still be known as a CATION. The orbiting shell of an ANION

molecule rotates in a clock-wise direction. A CATION molecule has an ANION

as its nucleus and has CATIONS, or if you prefer cationic electrons, in its

outer orbit. This orbit is counter-. clock-wise. But why is this important?

Because herein is the vital key to health as expressed in science! All

energy in human bodies is created by the RESISTANCE generated when these

oppositely charged ions rotating in opposite directions come together. Think

of that, you physics majors! In college physics we have been taught, and

generally quite true, that RESISTANCE consumes energy. But in the ionization

chemistry of the human body, it is the RESISTANCE between the orbiting

anions and the orbiting cations that actually creates energy! If there is no

resistance, then no energy is created. In chemistry, the measure of this

RESISTANCE is known as " pH. " But pH is neither a qualitative or a

quantitative measurement. It is just resistance.

> | |


> Perhaps you should go back and read again the part about anions and

cations before going on. Then I will show you why all this makes a vital

difference in the struggle against disease.


> Suppose, in theory, that you ate only foods or substances that contained

cations. What would happen? With no anionic substances present, there would

be no resistance. Remember, no resistance, no energy. Suppose, in theory,

you consumed only anionic substances. Where would you get the cations to

create the energy? You would not have any! In the practical considerations,

it is not possible to have only anions or only cations present. However, it

happens all the time with sick people that there are never enough anionic

substances present to get for them the energy needed from the cationic foods

that they have eaten. Thus it is said that we " do not properly digest our

food, " or as some of the more recent writers on cancer


> So, in short: An anion, (like OH-) can yield energy when it creates

resistance with an cation, like H+. For those who've had chemistry, you can

see what's the point. The amount of OH- anions and H+ cations in a solution

determine the acidity of the solution and thus the pH. As Enderlein showed,

our body runs in perfect harmony with the protits when the pH is 7.4, which

is close to a neutral solution, so a perfect ratio of cations and anions and

thus the perfect ratio to create the most friction and thus the most energy.

At that point (blood pH 7.4), the saliva and urine pH is 6.5. Without

invasive tests we can determine the saliva and urine pH and our goal is to

get it back to where it belongs: 6.5.


> Diet

> How can we make sure that our pH is and will stay perfect (blood pH 7.5,

saliva and urine pH 6.5). This can be done by proper diet. Reason dictates

that natural, uncooked, unprocessed foods are the best. The Western diet is

loaded with culprits: The worst ones are the refined sugars and the grains.

We even drink huge amounts of pure acids, like Coca Cola. But beware, also

coffee is very acidic. Most, if not all degenerative diseases in the Western

world are caused by the consumption of excessive amounts of acidifying

foods. If your goal is to cure the disease and to stay healthy and sparkling

with energy afterwards, you need to rethink your entire diet.


> The anionic Lemon

> Dr. Reams states that each and every food is cationic. There is only one

exception: The lemon ( " citroen " in Dutch), which is anionic. So, to

metabolise our food, we need to produce anionic foods that balance the

cationic foods we eat. Otherwise we can't get any friction and thus no

energy out of our food.


> The liver

> This is where the liver fits in. The liver produces huge amounts of bile

to aid in the digestion of the food, but more important to balance the

cations in the food with the anions in the bile. Besides that, the liver

produces about 6 billion enzymes, which are used by the organs in our body.

Let's take the pancreas as an example. The pancreas produces primarily three

things: Insulin, alcohol and pancreatic enzymes that metabolise protein.

Where does the pancreas get its input ? From the liver enzymes. Without the

correct amount of liver enzymes, the pancreas can't do its job. Result:

Diabetes (insulin), cold hands and feet (alcohol) and cancer (digestive

enzymes). When any organ in your body is malfunctioning, you should always

look at the liver first. If the liver was running at 100%, it would supply

the right enzymes to all organs, so that the organs can heal themselves..

i.e. This means: No kidney transplants are ever needed anymore. Problems

with the thyroid or the adrenals ? Again: Check the liver !


> Liver-regeneration protocol

> The liver regeneration protocol is quite simple. Feed it the only anionic

food available on this planet: The lemon. Use a neutral non-anionic,

non-cationic liquid as a medium: Distilled water fits in perfectly. The

protocol is as follows: Make fresh lemon juice and add 9 parts of distilled

water to the 1 part of juice, i.e. 4 ounces vs 36 ounces distilled water.

Four ounces of the lemon-water solution each hour and Four ounces of plain

distilled water take on the half hour.


> Example: 9:00 4 ounces of lemon-water solution, 9:30 4 ounces distilled

water, 10:00 lemon-water, 10:30 distilled water, 11:00 lemon-water, 11:30

distilled water, etcetera.










> Why can it be fatal ? It's because the pancreas gets a lot more enzymes

that it was used too and all of a sudden starts to produce a lot more

insulin. You can imagine what happens. When bloodsugar levels fall too low,

due to excessive insulin, you can fade or fall into a coma, which might very

well prove to be fatal.


> Anionic Minerals

> While lemon is the only anionic food, calcium and potassium are the needed

anionic minerals. If you don't eat enough mineral-rich organic foods, you

will develop a deficiency of anionic minerals, which means you can't develop

enough resistance with the cationic food, which means you can't produce

enough energy. Energy starvation is what causes cancer. The best way to get

the proper anionic minerals is to eat the widest possible variety of fruit

and vegetables you can.


> Sugar (again)

> Sugar (and grains) is one of the worst foods there is. White sugar

depletes calcium from the body because it turns most easily into alchohol.

Alcohol is the greatest enemy of calcium in the body chemistry. Now do you

see the ionization connection between the high consumption of white sugar

and cancer? Does white sugar cause cancer and other diseases? No, but it

does drive out the anionic calcium that you are trying to accumulate from

the foods, thus shifting the body chemistry enough so that proteins are not

digested. If this goes on long enough, you will begin to lose energy and

start to get sick. The shift in body chemistry can cause a host of problems,

of which cancer is only one. For instance, it has never been known for a

person who has sufficient calcium and whose blood sugar is not above normal,

to come down with polio. Did I say that the white sugar in cookies was the

cause of polio? No. But it does drive out calcium and if that person happens

to be a borderline diabetic - Wham: Polio!


> Pancreas rebuilding protocol

> This is a very easy one. Get yourself a vegetable-juicer machine and make

4 ounces of juice twice a day. Use good green leafy vegetables. Again, use

distilled water to make the juice.


> Water

> Water is very important for health. You should at least drink an ounce of

water for each kilo (2 pounds roughly). So if you weigh 150 pounds, you

should drink 75 ounces of water, which is about 2.5 liters. Please note

there is a major difference in water qualities. The best water, according to

Reams, is distilled water. The water should have the least amount of

minerals (The Belgium Spa mineral water only has 30mg per liter). Besides

the zero-mineral content, the extra advantage of distilled water is the high

energy. Dr. Beddoe says that water is the " wettest " of all waters.


> The connections

> The connection with Bechamp, Enderlein and other pleomorphic scientists

must be clear now. As they did, Dr. Reams also claims that the soil is

everything. I also found very interesting connections between the Reams

Theory and energy medicine. Check this out: I believe the energy that is

produced by the friction between anions and cations is what Reich called

Orgone, also known as ch'i and prana. Orgone is the real energy a human

lives on and is the energy that allows him to walk from his chair to the



> Also, I've reread parts of the The Curse Causeless shall not come again

and can't help to notice the similiraties with both Reich and Dr Hamer's new



> Check this out:


> The Curse Causeless shall not come, page 10 (with the pH/Engery chart on

the left):


> " Suppose that we could determine, by some means, WHERE THE ENERGY LOSS WAS

LOCATED IN THE BODY. What would we then know ? We would know the probable

location of [...] the cancer, wouldn't we.. Is there a way to determine this

and the extent of the energy loss ? Yes, but it's beyond the scope of this

little booklet.. "


> Now Check what Dr. Wilhelm Reich says about this: An emotional armor

materializes in the body in the form of a body armor, which is a blockade of

life energy. So, the armor is deprived of life energy, orgone, or, as Reams

says: There is more energy-need than energy-input.. Or: The anion-cation

relation isn't balanced (urine and saliva pH not at 6.5)--> Not enough

friction between anions and cations ---> Energy deprivation !


> Now check what Dr. Hamer says about this: A biological or emotional trauma

causes a tumor on a specific location in the body, and also one in the

brains, also on a specific location. Once the trauma is dealt with, the

cancer will disappear.


> When a person lacks energy, he can't produce enough energy (=orgone, life

energy) due the unbalance between the anions and cations and thus the pH is

too acid or too alkaline.. An orgone accumulator supplies this extra energy

to the person, and a MWO probably also. This extra amount of energy is then

happily used by the body organs to regain health.. However, the cause is

still there: An emotional or biological trauma (Reich, Hamer) or an overly

acidified body (Reams).


> So, we should see the energy medicine not neccesarily as a cure but more

like this: Suppose we are a car and due to some cause (acidification due to

bad diet or trauma) the energy levels are suppressed.. Both the

Orgone-Accumulator and the MWO are like a battery-charger and supply us with

extra 12V power, so we can again run the start-motor, the fuel-pump, etc.

However, the situation hasn't changed yet and the car still has a defective

dynamo and over time the problems will reappear.... That is, until the

dynamo (the ratio of anions to cations) is repaired..


> The zapper, blood cleaner, etc are also not a cure.. They take away the

manifestation of the bad condition, but these also reappear quickly again as

the protits still can't live happily in the body and will keep mutating into

other forms !


> Conclusion: I think it's very probable that the Reams Theory holds the

cure for virtually each disease. The keywords are: Soil, liver, lemon,

calcium, anionic-cationic balancing, pH balancing, water.


> I've just ordered a book on the Reams Theory. It can be ordered at


> Health Guide for Survival

> Salem Kirban;

> Paperback.


> There are only a few copies left, so if you want one, get it quickly..


> Update: You can also get the book from the writer's website:

> Health Guide for Survival




> Further readings: Please read the book The Curse Causeless shall not Come

for many more details and check the articles on Reams in the Archive



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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Elaine,


What about " real lemon " in a bottle?


I recently had to give up diet drinks becasue of aspertame, and so I was

drinking tea with stieva, and then I found out about the massive amounts of

floride in tea, so for a few months I have been making lemonaid with the bottled

lemon and stevia to sip on all day long.


I have a water filter, but not one of the real good ones..I can not afford those

so I just got a Pur pitcher and make all my drinks and ice using filtered water.

(a couple of gallons a day)


My boyfriend use to complain saying that I had bad breath all the time, but

now he says it has cleared up. I thought it was from the lemon aid that I was



The bottled lemon is much more convient for me, but if you think it is not any

good I will try to use fresh lemons.


bye cindy






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where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it at the health food store?


bye cindy





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Ascorbi acid is vitamin c powder - but for the lemonade needs to be the

nonbuffered kind. I get mine relatively inexpensive by 3 pound container

from NOW vitamins. Buying it at health food store can get rather expensive.

Try vitaglo.com Joy


where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it at the health food store?

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Why do you want just ascorbic acid? Wouldn't you want the " whole "

vitamin C, instead of just that one part of it?





Cindy Porter [pgmr_64804]

Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:20 PM



where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it at the health food


bye cindy

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Sorry – never mind answering – I missed that previous post about the

lemonade, it just showed up in my mail box.




Carol Minnick [carolminnick]

Thursday, March 11, 2004 2:30 PM



Why do you want just ascorbic acid? Wouldn't you want the " whole "

vitamin C, instead of just that one part of it?





Cindy Porter [pgmr_64804]

Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:20 PM



where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it at the health food


bye cindy











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Any vitamin C you purchase, labeled vitamin C or ascorbic acid, IS ascorbic

acid. That is its technical name. Stuff you get in whole foods is better

for you, for sure, but I could NEVER eat enough foods to get as much vitamin

C as I need to use to stay healthy - 5-6 grams a day.

I do eat tons of fresh veggies each day as well, however. Joy



" Carol Minnick " <carolminnick


Thursday, March 11, 2004 1:29 PM

RE: pH and being sick, ( & Lemon anionic Vs

Cationic property, per Dr Reams theory of food & nutrition)



Why do you want just ascorbic acid? Wouldn't you want the " whole "

vitamin C, instead of just that one part of it?





Cindy Porter [pgmr_64804]

Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:20 PM



where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it at the health food


bye cindy












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Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

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just eat an orange


I do only supplements that I cannot get from eating

real food



--- Carol Minnick <carolminnick wrote:

> Why do you want just ascorbic acid? Wouldn't you

> want the " whole "

> vitamin C, instead of just that one part of it?


> Carol



> Cindy Porter [pgmr_64804]

> Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:20 PM


> Hi,

> where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it at

> the health food

> store?

> bye cindy









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Hi Joy: Are you aware that wild african violets are loaded with vitamin " C " .

three leaves are equal to a daily adult requirement. That is the ones that grow

in the NC Mountains. Honest Injun.




Sara Mandal-Joy

Thursday, March 11, 2004 3:49 PM

Re: pH and being sick, ( & Lemon anionic Vs

Cationic property, per Dr Reams theory of food & nutrition)



Any vitamin C you purchase, labeled vitamin C or ascorbic acid, IS ascorbic

acid. That is its technical name. Stuff you get in whole foods is better

for you, for sure, but I could NEVER eat enough foods to get as much vitamin

C as I need to use to stay healthy - 5-6 grams a day.

I do eat tons of fresh veggies each day as well, however. Joy



" Carol Minnick " <carolminnick

Thursday, March 11, 2004 1:29 PM

RE: pH and being sick, ( & Lemon anionic Vs

Cationic property, per Dr Reams theory of food & nutrition)



Why do you want just ascorbic acid? Wouldn't you want the " whole "

vitamin C, instead of just that one part of it?




Cindy Porter [pgmr_64804]

Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:20 PM



where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it at the health food


bye cindy











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Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving

the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes

only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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My wife is a CNC - wrote a great article, " Do We Really Need Supplements? "

Reply with your po box or street address - to jmittelman - and

ask for the Supplement article, and we'll get a copy to you. You'll love what

you read!

Jerry Mittelman, DDS, FAPM

Past Pres. International Academy of Preventive Medicine



" mike man " <mgsboediitodpc


Thursday, March 11, 2004 4:16 PM

RE: pH and being sick, ( & Lemon anionic Vs

Cationic property, per Dr Reams theory of food & nutrition)



> just eat an orange


> I do only supplements that I cannot get from eating

> real food



> --- Carol Minnick <carolminnick wrote:

> > Why do you want just ascorbic acid? Wouldn't you

> > want the " whole "

> > vitamin C, instead of just that one part of it?

> >

> > Carol

> >

> >

> > Cindy Porter [pgmr_64804]

> > Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:20 PM

> >

> > Hi,

> > where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it at

> > the health food

> > store?

> > bye cindy

> >

> >

> >

> >





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> Subscribe:......... -

> To :.... -


> Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

> any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the

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Do We Really Need Supplements?




Author: Gina Dronenburg

Published on: August 6, 1999

Related Subject(s): Vitamins in human nutrition ,

Dietary supplements


Recently, I went through a “not so easy to handle”

situation that opened my eyes to vitamin and mineral

supplementation, and whether it is truly needed. I was

always under the impression that if I ate what I

considered “healthy” food, there was no need to

supplement. I was surprised to say the least. I

realized after speaking with my doctor, that we can

always use a little help. We don’t eat the healthiest

diet in general here in America, so any help that we

can get (in moderation of course), is always welcome.


One of the most important supplements is Vitamin C.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not mean mega doses of this

particular vitamin, as there has been controversial

information published on the true benefits of Vitamin

C. in megadoses. I do believe though, that moderate

dosages of this vitamin can help boost the immune

system, amongst other combinations to help with many

situations that our bodies are faced to handle each

and every day. A normal “supplemental” dosage is one

250mg. tablet in the morning, and one at night before

you go to bed. This totals 500mg per day in supplement

form. This is considered safe and needed to help our

bodies with the daily effects of free radicals,

exercise, pollution, radiation in the air, etc.


Another beneficial vitamin I will suggest taking is

Vitamin E. Again, not in megadoses, but in safe and

needed regular supplemental doses. This vitamin helps

with the formation of red blood cells and muscle

tissue growth. 400 I.U. per day is safe and considered

needed by many health authorities. This vitamin can be

purchased in 200 I.U. gelcaps. (they are small and

round if you have never seen one) One gelcap taken in

the morning and one at night before you go to bed,

gives you a total of 400 I.U. per day. This is

considered to be a safe nutritional supplemental



And, last but not least, is a One-A-Day supplement.

These are regular vitamins with a combination of

dosages of different supplements believed to be needed

by our bodies on a daily basis. Some have minerals

added and others have extra supplements to help with

oxidation etc. Again, one of these a day gives you a

little extra help to fight off the “negative”

situations our bodies must go through each day.


Many people take only a One-A-Day supplemental vitamin

and feel fine doing so. I was one of these people for

years until recently. I decided that I had nothing to

lose by adding some of the other supplements, and that

hopefully they would help me with my own particular

situations. To this date, I have suffered no ill

effects from doing so, and actually feel healthier.

(whether this is psychological or not, I don’t know) I

just want to give my body the most help that I can

give it.


Please remember that I have shared the above

information with you from my own personal views. I

have not taken this information from any published

information or research. I shared this information

with you in the hopes of helping to make your choice

to supplement or not, an easier one.


Why wait till you get older? Try out some vitamins

now, and hopefully you will feel better! Even if it is

just " psychological " .




The Healthy Exchange






Volume 5, Number 1

Fall 1999





Do We Really Need Supplements?


It is almost impossible to go through each day without

coming across someone selling nutrition supplements,

hearing a radio ad for them, or seeing an infomercial

touting the wonderful benefits of a particular brand

of supplements. Massive marketing is so effective that

many people begin to wonder if they are nutrient

deficient. We begin to doubt the value of food

regardless of our diet, and before long, we start

buying supplements based only on the power of

suggestion from the marketing hype.


Scare tactics are often used to convince people to buy

supplements. It is amazing what the public will

believe about nutrition from a slick sales person

compared to the knowledge of a qualified nutrition

professional. While nutrition is complicated, it is

not as confusing as the supplement pushers lead us to

believe. Nutrition is an evolving science and it takes

time to come to solid conclusions about nutrition and

how it affects our health. Too often, supplement hype

is based on one study that may have been poorly

designed. Regardless of how sound a study may or may

not be, responsible health professionals do not make

recommendations based on only one study. It is common

practice for the supplement industry to take a shred

of truth or one lone study and twist it into a sales



Determining if any of us needs supplements depends on

several variables. One variable is our current diet.

Whether we have any medical problems may also play a

factor in the need for supplements. Taking certain

medications may warrant a supplement or possibly be a

good reason to avoid supplements. Our age can be a

factor regarding supplement use. The bottom line is to

establish a healthful diet first and then an

assessment can be made to decide if a supplement is

needed. If supplements are necessary, the we need to

use them responsibly.


Food Safety Resource


Food borne illness (food poisoning) has been in the

news frequently in recent years. Making sure food is

safe is an involved process and food processors and

restaurants are only part of the story. Most cases of

food poisoning (e.g upset stomach) actually happen in

the home because safe food handling practices are not

followed. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

recently opened its new Outreach and Information

Center, which provides information on food safety,

food additives, and dietary supplements. The number is





Something to Think About



It’s time to make some lifestyle changes when you

notice you’re puffing going down the stairs.



Do We Really Need Supplements? Deb Drewke on Nutrition


By Deb Drewke

March 2002

Chicago Athlete


Athletes and non-athletes alike commonly practice

vitamin and mineral supplementation. Tremendous

quantities of vitamins and minerals are gulped down

daily to improve health and performance. Is

supplementation really necessary?


Supplementation can benefit certain groups of

individuals. Those individuals include people who

restrict their calories such as runners, dancers,

gymnasts and wrestlers to maintain a low body weight;

people who eliminate certain food groups from their

diet such as dairy products; people who eat too few

fruits and vegetables; and those who eat a majority of

their daily calories from fast foods or highly

processed, convenient foods. All of these individuals

are eating diets void of a sufficient amount of

nutrients to maintain good health.


The most common vitamin deficiencies in the diet are

for vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E and

beta-carotene. Vitamin overload is unlikely unless an

individual is consuming large quantities of

vitamin-fortified foods such as breakfast cereals or

large doses of a specific supplement. Eating a wide

variety of foods assures exposure to the widest

spectrum of nutrients without consuming too much of

any single nutrient.


Vitamins obtained from the diet are preferred over

supplements because natural foods contain other

important nutrients or phytochemicals that are not

found in supplements. Phytochemicals provide

protective health and disease-fighting benefits. They

are predominantly found in fruits and vegetables. If a

person is nutrient-deficient because of their diet,

then they should consume a better diet.


Vitamin and mineral supplementation can improve sports

performance only in those athletes with a true

deficiency. Taking more than the body needs will not

enhance performance. Concentrate on consuming

wholesome healthy foods instead of pills.


Athletes who wish to be on the safe side of avoiding a

deficiency may choose to take a multivitamin and/or

mineral supplement each day or every other day. The

supplement should not exceed the recommended dietary

allowances (RDA) or adequate intake (AI) for vitamins

and minerals. Overload may occur if the supplement

contains many times the recommended amount.


Choose products produced by nationally known

manufacturers and those with the initials UPS (United

States Pharmacopoeia) on the label. Reputable

manufacturers often have strict quality control

procedures and will more likely provide a reliable

product. Supplements with the UPS initials on the

label have been tested for quality in terms of

disintegration, potency or strength, and purity. UPS

is a not-for-profit voluntary organization that sets

standards assuring the integrity and uniformity of

drugs and health care products. The standards set by

UPS are legally enforceable by the Food and Drug

Administration. Let this be a guide since the

supplement industry is not regulated.





Deborah Drewke is a registered dietician at Swedish

Covenant Hospital's Cardiac Rehabilitation Department,

Chicago, IL.




--- J Mittelman <jmittelman wrote:

> My wife is a CNC - wrote a great article, " Do We

> Really Need Supplements? "

> Reply with your po box or street address - to

> jmittelman - and

> ask for the Supplement article, and we'll get a copy

> to you. You'll love what

> you read!

> Jerry Mittelman, DDS, FAPM

> Past Pres. International Academy

> of Preventive Medicine


> -

> " mike man " <mgsboediitodpc


> Thursday, March 11, 2004 4:16 PM

> RE: pH and being sick,

> ( & Lemon anionic Vs Cationic property, per Dr Reams

> theory of food & nutrition)



> > just eat an orange

> >

> > I do only supplements that I cannot get from

> eating

> > real food

> >

> >

> > --- Carol Minnick <carolminnick

> wrote:

> > > Why do you want just ascorbic acid? Wouldn't

> you

> > > want the " whole "

> > > vitamin C, instead of just that one part of it?


> > >

> > > Carol

> > >

> > >

> > > Cindy Porter [pgmr_64804]


> > > Thursday, March 11, 2004 12:20 PM

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > > where do you get absorbic acid? Just ask for it

> at

> > > the health food

> > > store?

> > > bye cindy

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Search - Find what you're looking for

> faster

> > http://search.

> >

> >

> >

> >



> >



> >

> > Subscribe:.........

> -

> > To :....

> -

> >

> > Any information here in is for educational purpose

> only, it may be news related, purely speculation or

> someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified

> health practitioner before deciding on any course of

> treatment, especially for serious or

> life-threatening illnesses.


> > In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

> > any copyrighted work in this message is

> distributed under fair use without profit or payment

> to those who have expressed a prior interest in

> receiving the included information for non-profit

> research and educational purposes only.

> http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

> >

> >

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Hi Cindy, Elaine,


> What about " real lemon " in a bottle?


I missed the first part of this thread, but if it's about eating

lemons to correct pH, it's the pulp, the alkaline ash of the whole

lemon that does it; many people make the mistake of just using a bit

o' juice thinking it will elevate pH.




Duncan Crow

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Hi Cindy:


<<I recently had to give up diet drinks becasue of aspertame, and so I was

drinking tea with stieva, and then I found out about the massive amounts of

floride in tea,>>


==>I'm trying to get off the coffee and switch to tea and haven't heard of

this flouride problem. Can you please tell us more about flouride in tea.



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Hi Amber,


The Floride articles came through this email group, and one of them was a

newsletter and that had some links on it.


I clicked one link that talked about green-tea because it was suppose to be so

good for you and my boyfriend had me start getting it for him and I had started

drinking that instead of regular tea and it was to a vitimin site and it

talked about tea and floride.


Apparently the tea leaves soak up lots of floridated water and a the decaf tea

is much worse because they use lots of water in the processing it. 1 glass of

tea is equivilant to drinking about 8 liters of floridated water.


maybe you can search the archives for floride and find the article with the

links, or maybe someone here knows. It was a doctor that has a website and he

sells books and herbs and vitimins and stuff.


bye cindy




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Thank you for the info Cindy. I'll go thru the archives and see what I can






I clicked one link that talked about green-tea because it was suppose to be

so good for you and my boyfriend had me start getting it for him and I had

started drinking that instead of regular tea and it was to a vitimin site

and it talked about tea and floride

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