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United for Peace and Justice Unity Statement


Adopted as a work in progress at the June 2003 United for Peace and Justice

National Strategy Conference


We, the members of United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), stand opposed to

the " pre-emptive " wars of aggression waged by the Bush administration; we

reject its drive to expand U.S. control over other nations and strip us of

our rights at home under the cover of fighting terrorism and spreading

democracy; we say NO to its use of war and racism to concentrate power in

the hands of the few, at home and abroad.


We come together to turn the tide, to overwhelm war with peace, and

oppression with justice. We hold that sovereign nations have the right to

determine their own future, free from the threat of " pre-emptive attacks "

and " regime change, " military occupation, and outside control of their

economic resources. We call for new foreign and domestic policies based on

the peaceful resolution of disputes amongst states; respect for national

sovereignty, international law, and the Universal Declaration of Human

Rights; the defense and extension of basic democratic freedoms to all;

social and economic justice; and the use of public spending to meet human

and environmental needs.


We seek to build a broad mass movement for peace and justice composed of

all who are threatened by the new war program. We envision UFPJ as a

movement-building coalition that coordinates and supports the work of

existing groups and builds linkages and solidarity where none exist. We

will link the wars abroad with the assaults at home, and U.S. militarism to

the corporate economic interests it serves. We will work to make the peace

movement a strong ally to movements for social and economic justice in the

U.S. and abroad.


We will pay special attention in all aspects of our work to the inclusion

and leadership of constituencies bearing the brunt of the war's impact at

home, such as people of color, youth, women, and workers. We will be

pro-active in addressing internal power dynamics within our movement,

especially regarding issues of race, class, gender, religion, sexual

orientation or gender identity, nationality, disability, cultural heritage,

or ethnicity.


We will work for peace and justice through nonviolent means. We will strive

to embody in our day-to-day work the values we espouse and the world we

seek to build.


War and Empire: The Right-Wing Agenda and Why It's Urgent to Work for Peace

and Justice


When the U.S. government invaded and occupied Iraq--though Iraq posed no

imminent threat and had already been devastated by 12 years of punishing

economic sanctions--it broke international law and defied world public

opinion, killed thousands of Iraqi civilians and soldiers unnecessarily,

treated U.S. soldiers as cannon fodder, and devastated Iraq's ancient

cities and modern infrastructure.


The Bush administration sold the war by claiming war was necessary to

prevent terror attacks, eliminate weapons of mass destruction, and liberate

Iraq through " regime change. " These were bold-faced lies and half-truths.

Yet the corporate media and nearly all of the Democratic Party refused to

challenge them. Now, with a colonial-style occupation underway, Washington

is moving to place the reins of power in Iraq in U.S. hands, establish

permanent military bases there, and shift control over Iraq's oil reserves

and companies to foreign corporations.


George W. Bush has declared the war on Iraq officially over, but the threat

posed by the U.S.' increasingly militaristic policies has only grown. It is

now clear the war on Iraq was the leading edge of a relentless drive for

U.S. empire. Exploiting the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the Bush

administration has sought to use aggressive military action to pursue a

long-term agenda: to forcibly dominate the world and impose right-wing

policies at home under the cover of fighting terrorism. This military

strategy brutally reinforces the empire-building agenda of corporate

globalization, which uses " free trade " policies to concentrate power and

wealth in the hands of a few by attacking labor and environmental

protections, reducing governments' control over their country's economies,

and slashing public services. This reckless pursuit of empire is

endangering the lives and rights of people abroad and at home. [snip]


With Heartfelt Blessings,







Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky











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