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Slaughterhouse splitting saw targets cattle's spine

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Slaughterhouse " splitting saw " targets cattle's spine " Contamination is smeared

across every cut " by Dave Louthan


Jan. 26, 2004

My name is Dave Louthan. I'm the guy who shot that mad cow in Moses Lake.


I have talked to dozens of reporters about all this trouble and they have done a

pretty good job getting the story out, I guess. The USDA appears to be on the

run but I still have a lot of work to do.


My main problem now is informing people about the splitting saws we use to split

the cow carcass in half. You see, every beef slaughtered is split right down the

middle from tail to neck. This means that a band saw cuts right down the exact

center of the spine cutting the spinal cord in half the long way.


There are hot water jets spraying on the blade at the guides to clean off the

fat, blood, and bone dust. As the blade cuts down through the spinal cord little

bits are torn out and mix with this hot water slurry which runs all over the

beef inside and out totally contaminating the meat.


Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, popularly known as mad cow disease, is caused

when misshapen proteins (called prions) accumulate in an infected animal's spine

and brain.


People who eat meat from infected cattle -- especially meat from the animal's

spine or brain -- are susceptible to a related disease, variant

Creutzfeldt-Jakob and possibly susceptible to classical Creutzfeldt-Jakob.


--H & HH, Unknown News


When the butcher starts cutting the steaks and roasts with his knife or saw this

contamination is smeared across every cut he makes.


So as you can see, it doesn't matter if it's hamburger or fillet mignon -- it's



Please help me warn the unsuspecting consumer. Thank you for your time.



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karl theis jr

















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