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The fluoride assault on humanity and the planet has been part of the AGENDA

for over fifty years. Not only that but we have been conditioned to believe

that it's GOOD FOR US!

What is described in this brief investigation is enough to show why so many

people world wide are so shockingly afflicted--- physically, mentally and

spiritually by this mass poisoning that has been going on for more than half

a century--and proposed to be expanded even further.




Top Secret Meeting " of the Manhattan Project was about fluoride

toxicity----to figure out how much of the waste from nuclear bombs they

could dump by recycling it through the population.


Toxic Secrets--Fluoride And The A-Bomb Project



" In the 1930's, Hitler and the German Nazi's envisioned a world to be

dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German

chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control

which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan

was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of

drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in

whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce

sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium

fluoride occupied a prominent place . " - Charles Perkins


" I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of

the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi

movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a

scientist who has spent nearly 20 years` research into the chemistry,

biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine--any person who drinks

artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never

again be the same person mentally or physically. " Charles Perkins


Charles Eliot Perkins, was a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry,

physiology and pathology, sent by the US to take charge of the vast Farben

chemical plants in Germany at the end of the WW II.


Quoting Eintsein's nephew, Dr. E.H. Bronner ( a chemist who had also been a

prisoner of war during WWII) in a letter printed in The Catholic Mirror,

Springfield, MA, January 1952:

" It appears that the citizens of Massachusetts are among the 'next' on the

agenda of the water poisoners.

There is a sinister network of subversive agents, Godless 'intellectual'

parasites, working in our country today whose ramifications grow more

extensive, more successful and more alarming each new year and whose true

objective is to demoralize, paralyze and destroy our great Republic - from

within if they can, according to their plan - for their own possession. The

tragic success they have already attained in their long siege to destroy the

moral fiber of American life is now one of their most potent footholds

towards their own ultimate victory over us.

Fluoridation of our community water systems can well become their most

subtle weapon for our sure physical and mental deterioration...

As a research chemist of established standing, I built within the past 22

years, 3 American chemical plants and licensed 6 of my 53 patents. Based on

my years of practical experience in the health-food and chemical field, let

me warn: fluoridation of drinking water is criminal insanity, sure national

suicide. Don't do it.

" Even in the small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which

no effective antidote has been found. Every exterminator knows that it is

the most efficient rat-killer. ...Sodium fluoride is entirely different from

organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate needed by our bodies and provided by

nature, in God's great providence and love, to build and strengthen our

bones and our teeth. This organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate, derived from

proper foods, is an edible organic salt, insoluble in water and assimilable

by the human body, whereas the non-organic sodium fluoride used in

fluoridating water is instant poison to the body and fully water soluble.

The body refuses to assimilate it. Careful, bonafide laboratory

experimentation by conscientious, patriotic research chemists, and actual

medical experience, have both revealed that instead of preserving or

promoting 'dental health,' fluoridated drinking water destroys teeth, before

adulthood and after, by the destructive mottling and other pathological

conditions it actually causes in them, and also creates many other grave

pathological conditions in the internal organisms of bodies consuming it.

How can it be called a " health " plan? What's behind it? That any so-called

" doctors " would persuade a civilized nation to add voluntarily a deadly

poison to its drinking water systems is unbelievable. It is the height of

criminal insanity. No wonder Hitler and Stalin fully believed and agreed

from 1939 to 1941 that, quoting from both Lenin's Last Will and Hitler's

Mein Kampf: " America we shall demoralize, divide, and destroy from

within. " ...

Are our Civil Defense organizations and agencies awake to the perils of

water poisoning by fluoridation? Its use has been recorded in other

countries. Sodium fluoride water solutions are the cheapest and most

effective rat killers known to chemists: colorless, odorless, tasteless; no

antidote, no remedy, no hope: Instant and complete extermination of rats...

Fluoridation of water systems can be slow national suicide, or quick

national liquidation. It is criminal insanity - treason! " DR. E. H. Bronner,

Mfg. Research Chemist, Los Angeles.


The use of Sodium Flouride for mass behavioral control in Nazi Germany



There is a wealth of information at this site




The effects of flouride on the pineal gland--which is the gland responsible

for production of seratonin/melatonin among other hormones (lack of which is

a major cause of depression--AND the icing on the cake--- major anti

depressants in the Prozac family etc... are flouride based)


The effects of flouride on the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism---yet

another source of depression and impaired metabolism:


(As well, in spiritual terms, the thyroid and the pineal glands are the seat

of the fifth and sixth chakra.)

On the neurotoxicity of flouride:

" A recent study in Brain Research demonstrated that chronic exposure to

fluoride in drinking water of rats compromised neuronal (hippocampal) and

cerebrovascular integrity (blood brain barrier) and increased aluminum

concentrations in brain tissues. "


Government Report---Alzheimers now 100 times 1979 rates;



Scientific research on Flouride:


More than you ever wanted to know about flouride...

Flouride--The Lunatic Drug:


Tea is deadly---( both green and black)--isn't amazing how such a seemingly

innocent and beloved (and considered as health promoting) past time could

serve so well in the agenda. On the other hand maybe it isn't so amazing...



Flouridating salt worldwide. (by your favourite breakfast company---Kellog,

subsidiary of I G Farben) The target areas I believe are Europe---where

water flouridation is not popular--and unlikely to be so, and third world

nations in South America and Africa.


Flouridation in the UK---This issue is going through the parliamentary

stages as we speak.


An interesting excerpt: " The Government has stated publicly that it plans

to target inner city areas as a priority - they have mentioned London and

Manchester for starters. Statistically, such areas tend to have large

concentrations of disadvantaged people who could be more susceptible to the

effects of fluoride - such as the elderly, people deficient in calcium,

magnesium and vitamin C, people with cardiovascular and kidney problems.

Scientific findings[*2] have shown that poor nutrition increases the

incidence and severity of dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis. So how

will fluoride help these badly nourished and/or chronically ill people? "



More: (May 2003)

" Health authorities are to get powers to dramatically increase the

fluoridation of drinking water in England and Wales. "



Map of US Flouridated areas (65.8%--the goal is 70%)



(Canada is 40% flouridated, though I'm sure plans are afoot to expand on

that---we must be vigilant!)




For those who think they are 'safe' by drinking bottled water:


Flouride in bottled water: (Ed Note: I belive water imported from Europe is

mostly safe---but I would check out domestic or US sources)

" How can a consumer tell how much fluoride is in their bottled water?

Consumers interested in the specific amount of fluoride in a product, if it

is not on the label, can get that information by contacting individual

companies directly. "



One among thousands of reports that flouride does NOT diminish tooth decay

in children.



Flouride is good for the teeth?

Severe Dental Flourosis In A Ten Year Old Girl



History of flouride---There is a wealth of information here, chronicling the

uses and sources of flouride from the 19th century on.



The cell killing ability of flourides.

Excerpt: " Being that there is evidence that silicofluorides [what is added

to most water supplies] may be even more toxic than NaF [sodium flouride],

it is quite possible that the DNA damage and cell-killing ability might be

even greater in the type of fluoride used in the water supplies. "


More on the use of silicoflourides:

" Compared to a matched group of 30 towns that do not use silicofluorides,

children in 30 communities that use these chemicals were over twice as

likely to have over 10µg/dL of blood lead....

Silicofluorides are largely untested, " said Professor Masters, who pointed

out that over 90 percent of America's fluoridated drinking water supplies

are treated with silicofluorides. " Virtually all research on fluoridation

safety has focused on sodium fluoride, even though the studies in the 1930s

showed important biological differences between these chemicals. The

correlation with blood levels is especially serious because lead poisoning

is associated with higher rates of learning disabilities, hyperactivity,

substance abuse and crime. "


Flourine and Organoflouride Pesticides

Think you're 'safe' eating organic?

" List 4 Inerts " are approved for use in the US National Organic Program

which is administered by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). In 2000,

approximately 125 individuals contacted USDA requesting that the use of

sodium fluoride be denied in organic agriculture - all to no avail.


Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluorides

Fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to the

breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin, cartilage, lungs,

kidney and trachea.


" Perhaps most surprising is the relative sparseness of data addressing the

central question of whether or not this chemical, which is intentionally

added to drinking water, may interfere with normal brain development and

function. Focused research should address this important matter urgently. "


Studies done in China

" Since Mullenix et al. two more studies have been widely cited as evidence

that fluorides inhibit IQ. These two epidemiology studies from China showed

IQ deficits in children over-exposed to fluoride either via drinking water

(Zhao et al, 1996) or soot from burning coal (Li et al, 1994) (21,22). "

Flourosis in India

Introduction: What is Skeletal Fluorosis? - Michael Connett, May 2003

Skeletal fluorosis is a bone disease caused by excessive consumption of

fluoride. The disease was first discovered in the 1920s, among cattle

grazing downwind of aluminum and phosphate industries, and was first

diagnosed in humans in 1932, among a group of Danish cryolite workers.

Since that time, cases of skeletal fluorosis have been reported all over the

world, among workers in industry, in communities where coal is used as an

indoor fuel source, and in communities with high levels of fluoride in the

water supply.

According to the latest estimates from UNICEF, " fluorosis is endemic in at

least 25 countries across the globe. The total number of people affected is

not known, but a conservative estimate would number in the tens of

millions. "

The fluorosis problem is most severe in the two largest countries of the

world, China and India. [Ed. Note: not only is flouride rampant in the

environment--but these countries are among the leading tea-drinking nations

in the world]



On the flouride--cancer and chromosome damage connection:

In Poland, scientists at the Pomeranian Medical Academy reported that as

little as 0.6 parts per million produced chromosomal damage to human white

blood cells(7). The world's leading authority on the biological effects of

fluoride, Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, estimates that 30,000 to 50,000 deaths

each year in the USA are directly attributable to fluoride(8). Agreeing with

Yiamouyiannis, Dr. Dean Burk, the Chief Chemist Emeritus of the U.S.

National Cancer Institute, stated: " In point of fact, fluoride causes more

human cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical " (8).


Enzyme Toxicity and Genetic Damage

Studies suggest that even a supposedly " safe " concentration of 1 ppm of

fluoride [the rate of most water flouridation---though some are higher]

added to drinking water can interfere with critical biological functions.

This was demonstrated in 1977 at Austria's Siebersdorf Research Center by

Dr. W. Klein and colleagues, who found that even the low dose of 1 ppm

inhibited DNA repair enzyme activity by 50% and caused genetic and

chromosome damage.62



Most researchers who have come out against flouridation have been either

fired from their posts and discredited, or prevented from publishing their

findings. Many consequently sued and were reinstated.


And particularly this:




Press Releases From New York State Coalition Against Flouridation:




Problems With Flouride Filtration



What Government Community Health Workers Tell Us ! ! ! !

http://www.doh.gov.ph/cvhw/index.asp?cat_id=2 & topic_id=36


- Foods that are good sources of Flouride are tea (tsaang gubat), soy beans,

coconut, seafoods, and some tubers like sweet potatoes.

5. Use flouride to make the teeth stronger and prevent cavities

* Different ways of obtaining the benefits of flouride:- drinking water

with flouride - mouth rinsing with flouride- using toothpaste with flouride-

taking flouride tablets prescribed by the dentis - applying flouride

directly on the tooth surface by the dentist


Flouride In The Environment


The Donora Fluoride Fog: A Secret History of America's Worst Air Pollution



Flouride And The Mohawks



Latest News:




Contact: Dr. Paul Connett <pconnett or TEL (315) 379-9200


Scientists: Integrity needed on fluoride's health risks

Hundreds of leading scientists and public health activists from across the

globe issued a joint statement today, urging governments promoting

fluoridation to " bring some integrity into the debate " and stop what those

who organized the petition call a cover-up of the public health risks posed

by decades of adding fluoride to drinking water. The petition and list of

signers is available at http://www.fluoridealert.org/integrity.htm It will

be published in the October issue of The Ecologist.







EPA Scientists oppose Fluoridation


P.O. BOX 76082


202-260-2383(V) 202-401-3139(F)


May 1, 1999



The following documents why our union, formerly National Federation of

Federal Employees Local 2050 and since April 1998 Chapter 280 of the

National Treasury Employees Union, took the stand it did opposing

fluoridation of drinking water supplies. Our union is comprised of and

represents the approximately 1500 scientists, lawyers, engineers and other

professional employees at EPA Headquarters here in Washington, D.C.

The union first became interested in this issue rather by accident. Like

most Americans, including many physicians and dentists, most of our members

had thought that fluoride's only effects were beneficial - reductions in

tooth decay, etc. We too believed assurances of safety and effectiveness of

water fluoridation .

Then, as EPA was engaged in revising its drinking water standard for

fluoride in 1985, an employee came to the union with a complaint: he said he

was being forced to write into the regulation a statement to the effect that

EPA thought it was alright for children to have " funky " teeth. It was OK,

EPA said, because it considered that condition to be only a cosmetic effect,

not an adverse health effect. The reason for this EPA position was that it

was under political pressure to set its health-based standard for fluoride

at 4 mg/liter. At that level, EPA knew that a significant number of children

develop moderate to severe dental fluorosis, but since it had deemed the

effect as only cosmetic, EPA didn't have to set its health-based standard at

a lower level to prevent it.

We tried to settle this ethics issue quietly, within the family, but EPA was

unable or unwilling to resist external political pressure, and we took the

fight public with a union amicus curiae brief in a lawsuit filed against EPA

by a public interest group. The union has published on this initial

involvement period in detail.\1

Since then our opposition to drinking water fluoridation has grown, based on

the scientific literature documenting the increasingly out-of-control

exposures to fluoride, the lack of benefit to dental health from ingestion

of fluoride and the hazards to human health from such ingestion. These

hazards include acute toxic hazard, such as to people with impaired kidney

function, as well as chronic toxic hazards of gene mutations, cancer,

reproductive effects, neurotoxicity, bone pathology and dental fluorosis.

First, a review of recent neurotoxicity research results.

In 1995, Mullenix and co-workers \2 showed that rats given fluoride in

drinking water at levels that give rise to plasma fluoride concentrations in

the range seen in humans suffer neurotoxic effects that vary according to

when the rats were given the fluoride - as adult animals, as young animals,

or through the placenta before birth. Those exposed before birth were born

hyperactive and remained so throughout their lives. Those exposed as young

or adult animals displayed depressed activity. Then in 1998, Guan and

co-workers \3 gave doses similar to those used by the Mullenix research

group to try to understand the mechanism(s) underlying the effects seen by

the Mullenix group. Guan's group found that several key chemicals in the

brain - those that form the membrane of brain cells - were substantially

depleted in rats given fluoride, as compared to those who did not get


Another 1998 publication by Varner, Jensen and others \4 reported on the

brain- and kidney damaging effects in rats that were given fluoride in

drinking water at the same level deemed " optimal " by pro-fluoridation

groups, namely 1 part per million (1 ppm). Even more pronounced damage was

seen in animals that got the fluoride in conjunction with aluminum. These

results are especially disturbing because of the low dose level of fluoride

that shows the toxic effect in rats - rats are more resistant to fluoride

than humans. This latter statement is based on Mullenix's finding that it

takes substantially more fluoride in the drinking water of rats than of

humans to reach the same fluoride level in plasma. It is the level in plasma

that determines how much fluoride is " seen " by particular tissues in the

body. So when rats get 1 ppm in drinking water, their brains and kidneys are

exposed to much less fluoride than humans getting 1 ppm, yet they are

experiencing toxic effects. Thus we are compelled to consider the likelihood

that humans are experiencing damage to their brains and kidneys at the

" optimal " level of 1 ppm.

In support of this concern are results from two epidemiology studies from

China\5,\6 that show decreases in I.Q. in children who get more fluoride

than the control groups of children in each study. These decreases are about

5 to 10 I.Q. points in children aged 8 to 13 years.

Another troubling brain effect has recently surfaced: fluoride's

interference with the function of the brain's pineal gland. The pineal gland

produces melatonin which, among other roles, mediates the body's internal

clock, doing such things as governing the onset of puberty. Jennifer Luke\7

has shown that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and inhibits its

production of melatonin. She showed in test animals that this inhibition

causes an earlier onset of sexual maturity, an effect reported in humans as

well in 1956, as part of the Kingston/Newburgh study, which is discussed

below. In fluoridated Newburgh, young girls experienced earlier onset of

menstruation (on average, by six months) than girls in non-fluoridated

Kingston \8.

From a risk assessment perspective, all these brain effect data are

particularly compelling and disturbing because they are convergent.

We looked at the cancer data with alarm as well. There are epidemiology

studies that are convergent with whole-animal and single-cell studies

(dealing with the cancer hazard), just as the neurotoxicity research just

mentioned all points in the same direction. EPA fired the Office of Drinking

Water's chief toxicologist, Dr. William Marcus, who also was our local

union's treasurer at the time, for refusing to remain silent on the cancer

risk issue\9 . The judge who heard the lawsuit he brought against EPA over

the firing made that finding - that EPA fired him over his fluoride work and

not for the phony reason put forward by EPA management at his dismissal. Dr.

Marcus won his lawsuit and is again at work at EPA. Documentation is

available on request.

The type of cancer of particular concern with fluoride, although not the

only type, is osteosarcoma, especially in males. The National Toxicology

Program conducted a two-year study \10 in which rats and mice were given

sodium fluoride in drinking water. The positive result of that study (in

which malignancies in tissues other than bone were also observed),

particularly in male rats, is convergent with a host of data from tests

showing fluoride's ability to cause mutations (a principal " trigger "

mechanism for inducing a cell to become cancerous) e.g.\11a, b, c, d and

data showing increases in osteosarcomas in young men in New Jersey \12 ,

Washington and Iowa \13 based on their drinking fluoridated water. It was

his analysis, repeated statements about all these and other incriminating

cancer data, and his requests for an independent, unbiased evaluation of

them that got Dr. Marcus fired.

Bone pathology other than cancer is a concern as well. An excellent review

of this issue was published by Diesendorf et al. in 1997 \14. Five

epidemiology studies have shown a higher rate of hip fractures in

fluoridated vs. non-fluoridated communities. \15a, b, c, d, e. Crippling

skeletal fluorosis was the endpoint used by EPA to set its primary drinking

water standard in 1986, and the ethical deficiencies in that standard

setting process prompted our union to join the Natural Resources Defense

Council in opposing the standard in court, as mentioned above.

Regarding the effectiveness of fluoride in reducing dental cavities, there

has not been any double-blind study of fluoride's effectiveness as a caries

preventative. There have been many, many small scale, selective publications

on this issue that proponents cite to justify fluoridation, but the largest

and most comprehensive study, one done by dentists trained by the National

Institute of Dental Research, on over 39,000 school children aged 5-17

years, shows no significant differences (in terms of decayed, missing and

filled teeth) among caries incidences in fluoridated, non-fluoridated and

partially fluoridated communities.\16. The latest publication \17 on the

fifty-year fluoridation experiment in two New York cities, Newburgh and

Kingston, shows the same thing. The only significant difference in dental

health between the two communities as a whole is that fluoridated Newburgh,

N.Y. shows about twice the incidence of dental fluorosis (the first, visible

sign of fluoride chronic toxicity) as seen in non-fluoridated Kingston.

John Colquhoun's publication on this point of efficacy is especially

important\18. Dr. Colquhoun was Principal Dental Officer for Auckland, the

largest city in New Zealand, and a staunch supporter of fluoridation - until

he was given the task of looking at the world-wide data on fluoridation's

effectiveness in preventing cavities. The paper is titled, " Why I changed My

Mind About Water Fluoridation. " In it Colquhoun provides details on how data

were manipulated to support fluoridation in English speaking countries,

especially the U.S. and New Zealand. This paper explains why an ethical

public health professional was compelled to do a 180 degree turn on


Further on the point of the tide turning against drinking water

fluoridation, statements are now coming from other dentists in the

pro-fluoride camp who are starting to warn that topical fluoride (e.g.

fluoride in tooth paste) is the only significantly beneficial way in which

that substance affects dental health \19, \20, \21. However, if the

concentrations of fluoride in the oral cavity are sufficient to inhibit

bacterial enzymes and cause other bacteriostatic effects, then those

concentrations are also capable of producing adverse effects in mammalian

tissue, which likewise relies on enzyme systems. This statement is based not

only on common sense, but also on results of mutation studies which show

that fluoride can cause gene mutations in mammalian and lower order tissues

at fluoride concentrations estimated to be present in the mouth from

fluoridated tooth paste\22. Further, there were tumors of the oral cavity

seen in the NTP cancer study mentioned above, further strengthening concern

over the toxicity of topically applied fluoride.

In any event, a person can choose whether to use fluoridated tooth paste or

not (although finding non-fluoridated kinds is getting harder and harder),

but one cannot avoid fluoride when it is put into the public water supplies.

So, in addition to our concern over the toxicity of fluoride, we note the

uncontrolled - and apparently uncontrollable - exposures to fluoride that

are occurring nationwide via drinking water, processed foods, fluoride

pesticide residues and dental care products. A recent report in the lay

media\23, that, according to the Centers for Disease Control, at least 22

percent of America's children now have dental fluorosis, is just one

indication of this uncontrolled, excess exposure. The finding of nearly 12

percent incidence of dental fluorosis among children in un-fluoridated

Kingston New York\17 is another. For governmental and other organizations to

continue to push for more exposure in the face of current levels of

over-exposure coupled with an increasing crescendo of adverse toxicity

findings is irrational and irresponsible at best.


Thus, we took the stand that a policy which makes the public water supply a

vehicle for disseminating this toxic and prophylactically useless (via

ingestion, at any rate) substance is wrong.


We have also taken a direct step to protect the employees we represent from

the risks of drinking fluoridated water. We applied EPA's risk control

methodology, the Reference Dose, to the recent neurotoxicity data. The

Reference Dose is the daily dose, expressed in milligrams of chemical per

kilogram of body weight, that a person can receive over the long term with

reasonable assurance of safety from adverse effects. Application of this

methodology to the Varner et al.\4 data leads to a Reference Dose for

fluoride of 0.000007 mg/kg-day. Persons who drink about one quart of

fluoridated water from the public drinking water supply of the District of

Columbia while at work receive about 0.01mg/kg-day from that source alone.

This amount of fluoride is more than 100 times the Reference Dose. On the

basis of these results the union filed a grievance, asking that EPA provide

un-fluoridated drinking water to its employees.

The implication for the general public of these calculations is clear.

Recent, peer-reviewed toxicity data, when applied to EPA's standard method

for controlling risks from toxic chemicals, require an immediate halt to the

use of the nation's drinking water reservoirs as disposal sites for the

toxic waste of the phosphate fertilizer industry\24.

This document was prepared on behalf of the National Treasury Employees

Union Chapter 280 by Chapter Senior Vice-President J. William Hirzy, Ph.D.

For more information please call Dr. Hirzy at 202-260-4683. His E-mail

address is <hirzy.john





1.Applying the NAEP code of ethics to the Environmental Protection Agency

and the fluoride in drinking water standard. Carton, R.J. and Hirzy, J.W.

Proceedings of the 23rd Ann. Conf. of the National Association of

Environmental Professionals. 20-24 June, 1998. GEN 51-61. On-line at URL


2.Neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats. Mullenix, P.J., Denbesten, P.K.,

Schunior, A. and Kernan, W.J. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 17 169-177 (1995)

3. Influence of chronic fluorosis on membrane lipids in rat brain. Z.Z.

Guan, Y.N. Wang, K.Q. Xiao, D.Y. Dai, Y.H. Chen, J.L. Liu, P. Sindelar and

G. Dallner, Neurotoxicology and Teratology 20 537-542 (1998).


4. Chronic administration of aluminum- fluoride or sodium-fluoride to rats

in drinking water: alterations in neuronal and cerebrovascular integrity.

Varner, J.A., Jensen, K.F., Horvath, W. And Isaacson, R.L. Brain Research

784 284-298 (1998).

5. Effect of high fluoride water supply on children's intelligence. Zhao,

L.B., Liang, G.H., Zhang, D.N., and Wu, X.R. Fluoride 29 190-192 (1996)

6.. Effect of fluoride exposure on intelligence in children. Li, X.S., Zhi,

J.L., and Gao, R.O. Fluoride 28 (1995).

7. Effect of fluoride on the physiology of the pineal gland. Luke, J.A.

Caries Research 28 204 (1994).


8. Newburgh-Kingston caries-fluorine study XIII. Pediatric findings after

ten years. Schlesinger, E.R., Overton, D.E., Chase, H.C., and Cantwell, K.T.

JADA 52 296-306 (1956).

9. Memorandum dated May 1, 1990. Fluoride Conference to Review the

NTP Draft Fluoride Report; Wm. L. Marcus, Senior Science Advisor ODW;

Alan B. Hais, Acting Director Criteria & Standards Division ODW.

10. Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of sodium fluoride in F344/N rats

and B6C3F1 mice. NTP Report No. 393 (1991).

11a. Chromosome aberrations, sister chromatid exchanges, unscheduled DNA

synthesis and morphological neoplastic transformation in Syrian hamster

embryo cells. Tsutsui et al. Cancer Research 44 938-941 (1984).

11b. Cytotoxicity, chromosome aberrations and unscheduled DNA synthesis in

cultured human diploid fibroblasts. Tsutsui et al. Mutation Research 139

193-198 (1984).

11c. Positive mouse lymphoma assay with and without S-9 activation; positive

sister chromatid exchange in Chinese hamster ovary cells with and without

S-9 activation; positive chromosome aberration without S-9 activation.

Toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of sodium fluoride in F344/N rats and

B6C3F1 mice. NTP Report No. 393 (1991).

11d. An increase in the number of Down's syndrome babies born to younger

mothers in cities following fluoridation. Science and Public Policy 12 36-46


12. A brief report on the association of drinking water fluoridation and the

incidence of osteosarcoma among young males. Cohn, P.D. New Jersey

Department of Health (1992).

13. Surveillance, epidemiology and end results (SEER) program. National

Cancer Institute in Review of fluoride benefits and risks. Department of

Health and Human Services. F1-F7 (1991).

14. New evidence on fluoridation. Diesendorf, M., Colquhoun, J., Spittle,

B.J., Everingham, D.N., and Clutterbuck, F.W. Australian and New Zealand J.

Public Health. 21 187-190 (1997).

15a. Regional variation in the incidence of hip fracture: U.S. white women

aged 65 years and older. Jacobsen, S.J., Goldberg, J., Miles, ,T.P. et al.

JAMA 264 500-502 (1990)

15b. Hip fracture and fluoridation in Utah's elderly population. Danielson,

C., Lyon, J.L., Egger, M., and Goodenough, G.K. JAMA 268 746-748 (1992).

15c. The association between water fluoridation and hip fracture among white

women and men aged 65 years and older: a national ecological study.

Jacobsen, S.J., Goldberg, J., Cooper, C. and Lockwood, S.A. Ann. Epidemiol.2

617-626 (1992).

15d. Fluorine concentration is drinking water and fractures in the elderly

[letter]. Jacqmin-Gadda, H., Commenges, D. and Dartigues, J.F. JAMA 273

775-776 (1995).

15e. Water fluoridation and hip fracture [letter]. Cooper, C., Wickham,

C.A.C., Barker, D.J.R. and Jacobson, S.J. JAMA 266 513-514 (1991).


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