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- Action Pack TWO



















Clarifying Chemtrail Confusion


By William Thomas wilco@i...


Over the past two years - and possibly longer - one of the biggest covert

operations ever undertaken by a military in peacetime has caused illness and

consternation across America as positively identified U. S. Air Force aerial

tankers continue to spread broad white plumes in patterns that defy civil air

regulations, public health and air pollution laws - and the physics of normal

contrail formation.


As hundreds of thousands of North Americans jam hospital emergency rooms in a

nearly year-round epidemic of sometimes fatal " flu-like " illness, it has been

difficult not to believe that some kind of population cull is underway.


Indeed, more than 80 years of calls by pioneering American eugenicists, some of

the most powerful families in the U. S., and their Nazi allies to eliminate

unproductive " useless eaters " and the " human weeds " of non-white races, the

infirm and elderly - are thoroughly documented. With the pressures of an aging

population increasingly squeezing government and corporate bottom lines, such

influential statesmen as Henry Kissinger, Robert McNamara, Jaques Cousteau and

Ted Turner have called for immediate and drastic population reductions.


The dictionary definition of decimation of a population is a one-in-10 death

toll. Despite a CDC-confirmed few-percentage increase in annual deaths among the

elderly from pneumonia, Influenza-Like Illness and related cardiac arrest -

there is no statistical proof that such a chemtrail cull is currently taking



If genocide is truly intended, such an aerial spray program need not be repeated

relentlessly over cities and remote rural communities for at least

28 months. Current U. S. biowarfare capabilities could see one or two aerial

applications of a rapidly replicating contagion infecting, sickening and killing

target populations virtually overnight.


But who would fly the genocide planes? Since there are not nearly enough foreign

pilots qualified to fly the 700 KC-135 and KC-10 tankers in the U. S. inventory,

how could American air crews be persuaded to carry out such missions against

their own families?


The " inoculation " explanation would not play well among tanker crews already

leaving the armed forces in droves rather than line up for anthrax vaccinations

known to contain illegal adjuvants and the mycoplasma responsible for Gulf War

Illness. Military personnel conversant with germ warfare also know that besides

posing grave risks, no inoculation can possibly protect against terrorist

" cocktails " of multiple disease agents whose genetic composition can be altered

literally overnight.


If the choice is air-sprayed genocide, what would be the point of any government

inflicting massive and indiscriminate casualties on its own people? With so many

sick and dying workers, managers and consumers, entire economies would face

catastrophic curtailment. Not to mention armed revolt by the survivors.


A far more effective and selective pathway for pathogens is through vaccination.

In 1969, House Appropriations bill 15090 approved an additional $10 million for

U. S. biowarfare researchers to produce a synthetic biological agent " that does

not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. "

Three years later, the misnamed World Health Organization suggested that their

new human immuno-deficiency virus could best be tested in a vaccination program

aimed at infecting siblings. In 1977, after warning of a non-existent epidemic,

the WHO began injecting HIV-laced smallpox vaccine into over 100 million

Africans in the remote jungles of Sierre Leone.


The following year an experimental hepatitis B vaccine administered to gay men

in seven U. S. cities was followed by an outbreak of AIDS in those seven - and

only those seven - locations. Five years after receiving the WHO, s contaminated

vaccinations, 60% of recipients became infected with HIV. Today, half of New

York City, s gay population has died from AIDS, and 30 million African people

are infected with this lab-concocted disease. Within

15 years, the population of Africa could be cut in half, and the spread of AIDS

in Asia will account for more infections than in sub-Saharan Africa.


Merck pharmaceutical, Litton Bionetics and other profiteering vaccines-makers

have a long history of biowarfare research - as well as close connections with

Henry Kissinger and other influential Americans who have called for a cull. In

October, 1999, a special congressional investigation examined contractual links

between vaccine makers and the biological weapons industry after the National

Cancer Institute tied millions of cases of cancer and auto-immune illness to

contaminated vaccines and possible bioweapons experiments. Experimental vaccines

known to cause systemic illness continue to target minority groups in the USA,

where the inoculation of infants is now mandatory.


A campaign as vast, blatant and expensive as chemtrails is not needed to

facilitate a cull continued under the guise of " mercy killing " in hospitals

across North America. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that at least

1 in 5 critical care nurses admit to having hastened the death of the elderly in

their care - even killing patients who are not terminally ill. Pope John Paul II

has railed against this " Culture of Death " , which he warned in a recent

encyclical " is advancing above all in prosperous societies, marked by an

attitude of excessive preoccupation with efficiency and which sees the growing

number of elderly and disabled as intolerable and too burdensome. "


People sickened by chemtrails are easier to control. But mass media

brainwashing, orchestrated fears of unemployment, a cornucopia of legal and

illicit drugs - and the further mind-muddle caused by incessant din,

experimental electromagnetic weaponry and rapidly rising microwave smog - have

already created a befuddled and docile public too frightened, apathetic or

mesmerized even to look up at the outrageous aerial patterns being woven right

over their heads.


But not everyone is asleep. In the face of deepening distrust in shadowy federal

agencies unresponsive to their electorate employers, chemtrail confusion and

paranoia is spreading with every repetition of unverified rumor and garbled



Let's look at the facts as they are known today:


1. Steadily intensifying high-level " chemtrail " spraying at altitudes between

approximately 20,000 and 35,000 feet are being reported over at least 14 allied



2. Widespread illness and unusual, non-forecast weather events often follow

heavy spraying - which usually takes place on " blue sky days " , clear nights just

before dawn, and/or along the edge of advancing storm fronts.


3. To date, no disease-causing organisms have been found in chemtrail plumes.


4. To date, no chemtrail plumes have been successfully sampled.


5. There are at least two aerial spray programs underway. Though much less

extensive than high-altitude chemtrail spraying, over the past two years C-130

propeller aircraft have dropped gel-like material at rooftop-level over at least

40 neighborhood and wilderness locations in the USA. The biggest cluster of

suburban spatterings has taken place in Utah near Dugway Proving Grounds. (This

military test center for bioweapons became notorious for killing sheep around

its boundaries after the spray valve on a jet fighter failed to close.)


Intentional treetop-level drops of a sick-making red powder also took place over

Espanola, Ontario last summer. Just as in high-level chemtrail spraying, in all

documented cases of extremely low-level drops over populated areas, serious

upper respiratory and/or gastrointestinal illness followed within 24 - 48 hours

among people and pets exposed on the ground.


6. Our only laboratory tests of air-dropped gel and red powder come from

rooftop-level releases. The disease-causing bacteria, molds and fungi found so

far have not come from chemtrails.


7. While decades of " open air " biowarfare tests on population centers in Canada,

England and the U. S. provide plenty of precedent for experimenting on

uninformed and non-consenting " human test subjects " - the current chemtrail

program is far too pervasive and persistent to coincide with previous biowarfare

tests conducted at specific locations over a few days.


Nor are supposedly harmless biowar " simulants " being used today. " Bio-hazard "

materials found in low-level gel and red powder drops by startled laboratory

technicians include corroborative " cocktails " of disease-causing bacteria, molds

and fungi. (The televised 1994 gel drops over Oakville, Washington were also

found by the state health department to contain human blood cells.)


8. Cobweb-type material has also fallen across the United States, Canada, the

Caribbean, Australia and South Africa. Eye-witnesses report fine filaments -

sometimes referred to as " angel hair " - being dropped over Salisaw, Oklahoma and

Karoo, South Africa from high-flying jet aircraft. So far, microscopic

examinations revealing the possible presence of inert blood cells have not been

corroborated by actual lab tests. \ 9. A call by Edward Teller for an aerial

" sunscreen " to be sprayed above the Earth, a practical patent for the reduction

of greenhouse warming by spraying reflective aluminum particles from jets, and a

study by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory confirming that this

billion-dollar-a-year aerial spray program would prevent further warming despite

a projected doubling in CO2 emissions came in 1998 as the world, s insurers

pressed governments to turn down the heat on rapidly rising temperatures.

Reeling from catastrophic storm losses up 1,500% over the past decade, the

insurance lobby is a voice - and money market investor - bigger than Big Oil and

the international trade in arms.


10. The only actual laboratory test carried out on rainwater falling through

heavy chemtrails over Espanola, Ontario found aluminum particles at seven-times

maximum permissible " safe " levels.


11. Aluminum is a potent neurotoxin capable of producing all symptoms of

Chemtrail-Related Illness (CRI). Unlike viral-derived illness, the absence of

contagion between exposed and non-exposed family members - along with asthma

attacks and other severe allergic reactions - points to a non-viral cause of

chemtrail sickness.


12. Jet fuel ingredients found to cause severe allergic reactions include

benzene byproducts and Ethylene Dibromide (EDB). Tests on commercial jet fuel

(not chemtrails) carried out by Aqua-Tech labs in 1997 found in lab sample #MEL

97-1140, 51 toxic substances - including benzenes, various methanes, carbon

tetrachloride, styrene, toluene, and 1,2 dibromethane



The EDB measured by Aqua Tech was found at such minute levels as to be almost

undetectable. But the Registered Microbiologist who submitted this California

JP-8 jet fuel sample disputes the official lab report, insisting that the actual

levels of this potent carcinogen (banned by emergency EPA order in 1984) were

much higher. Recently reported NASA lab tests of JP-8 do not substantiate his



13. Despite laboratory evidence of potent chemtrail allergens, the weeks-long

dry hacking cough and other extreme and persistent symptoms often experienced in

the wake of chemtrail spraying - coupled with reoccurring illness in the absence

of re-exposure - argue strongly for a pathogenic component. With the CDC now

reporting that an unknown disease-causing parasite is responsible for epidemics

that most often test negative for influenza, this reporter believes that

parasitic fungal infection is the primary agent of systemic sickness in the

North American population today.


Since no actual chemtrail plumes have been tested, it is not yet possible to say

whether fungal spores growing inside jet fuel tanks or deliberately introduced

into the spray " mix " are part of the chemtrail program. But immune-weakening

reactions to aluminum dust fine as talcum powder could leave susceptible persons

vulnerable to extremely toxic fungal mycotoxins already proliferating in the



The escape of germ warfare-modified mycoplasma fungi into the general population

following the Gulf War, and the sudden appearance of other " stealth " pathogens

such as viral-bacterial-fungal hybrids called viteria are further cause to

suspect inadvertent and intentional releases of experimental bio-agents from

secretive biowarfare labs. Adding chemtrail contamination to this unholy brew is

extremely hazardous.


14. Though aluminum carries a relatively low electrical conductivity, the

possible presence of other chemicals and/or metals in chemtrail sprays could

interact unpredictably with electromagnetic energy already saturating urban

environments. The possibility of deliberately introduced pulsed microwaves or

low frequency waves to cause confusion and illness cannot be ruled out. On

several occasions, aircraft displaying unusual antenna have been sighted during

chemtrail activity and simultaneous television interference on the ground. At

least two observers report electromagnetic alarms sounding during chemtrail



15. So far, those persons with strong immune systems appear to be either

unaffected by chemtrails, or recover relatively quickly from heavy exposure.

Reported effective treatments and preventative " cellular shielding " include

homemade colloidal silver, liquid oxygen supplementation, and high-quality

vitamin and herbal supplements. Laboratory-confirmed mycoplasma infection can

almost always be cured by repeated courses of specific antibiotics such as

doxycycline administered under a physician, s direct supervision.


16. While the best available print and photographic documentation confirms what

USAF " Weather Force Specialists " refer to as chemical spraying for the purposes

of " aerial obscuration " - the bottom line of the chemtrails conundrum remains:

We still cannot say for certain what is being sprayed on us, and why.


17. Any government that continues to spray toxic substances on its own people

for any reason - knowing that an epidemic of fatalities is taking place at the

same time - is committing murder.


18. Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, it is illegal to carry out an

illegal order. Even if undertaken as an " operational necessity " for reasons of

unannounced and unsubstantiated national security, any member of the military

who deliberately sickens and kills her or his own people is committing treason

against the populace they are pledged to protect.


Our investigation continues.




William Thomas - Investigative Journalist Author: Scorched Earth, Bringing The

War Home, Probing The Chemtrails Conundrum Documentary videos: " Eco War " ,

" Chemtrails: Mystery Lines In The Sky " wilco@i...


---------------- http://www.rense.com/general2/clar.htm








Chemtrail Media Coverage - One Good Job & One Turkey From David Allen



A couple of years ago I was living on the northern California coast, twenty

miles south of the Oregon border. I had a friend who was very much into the

conspiracy theories, and was always ranting and raving about what " they " were

doing to us, what " they " were hiding, and so forth. One day during a visit, he

brought up CHEMTRAILS. I listened to his rantings with the usual grain of salt,

and promised him I would look at the websites he offered would " open my eyes " .


A few days later, while on the net, I decided to look up the alleged CHEMTRAILS.

I was at first amazed. The sites I looked at contained photos, maps and eye

witness accounts- Then I began to be concerned. Just what were " they " spraying?

I began to inform other friends and neighbors, and it wasn't long before I saw

the spraying with my own eyes, above my own house. Now it was " real. "


Last year, I made a trip to Nashville, TN to visit my mother and she admitted to

following the growing data being compiled on the net, too. We stood outside her

house a couple of mornings and evenings watching a myriad of gridlines being

laid over the area , and tossed about a few theories as to the meaning of them



Now I live in Cocoa, FL and see heavy spraying overhead almost everyday. I

watched the internet coverage explode almost over night with reports from

Portland to Perth. A few solid theories seem to have taken hold, but I have yet

to make up my own mind ( I favor the inoculation theory).


I am writing today because I have witnessed a new chapter unfold. Last night

(Sunday, July 16), Channel 35 News, which is the local FOX station out of

Orlando, actually did a hefty segment (on Chemtrails) on the 10pm news. I was

stunned, and pleased. Finally.


They presented many photographs and had a few experts on both sides of the

issue. It was typical media fare, but it was THERE. Probably the best thing of

all was that the anchor refrained from making any follow-up comments, leaving

the issue suspended, and the viewers to make up their own minds.


As I went out this morning to have my coffee on the back porch, I noticed the

spraying is quite intense today, about 10 lines so far- and I couldn't help but

wonder how many " new " eyes were now gazing along with me, and asking the same

question.... why?




>From Tod 7-16-2000


Hi Jeff,


Thanks for all the great shows and info you provide. I just wanted you to know

that today, July 16, we here in Portland, OR were treated to beautiful chemtrail

" rainbows " for lack of a better word. Actually more of an oily smudge in the sky

similar to oil on pavement in wet weather. It, along with about 35 other

chemtrails polluted my whole beautiful blue sky. We topped out at 92 degrees

today, but without all the clouds from the craptrails we would have hit alot



Our CBS affiliate weatherman, Randy Querin, reported this as some sort of 'ice

crystal' in the atmosphere phenomenon and actually gave it a rather

pretty-sounding name which, not being a meteoroligist, escapes me. However, his

describing this as a 'high altitude ice crystal rainbow' makes no sense as I

witnessed it in my local geographic location not once but about 5 times in

different parts of the sky at different times of the day, and agles of the sun.

So, why something so rare would occur so frequently during a single day makes no

sense. Not to mention I have personally witnessed the exact same " formations "

about 3 times since last year. Not to mention the fierce-looking black line that

you have pictures of on your site. I have noticed that the black line varies as

to duration from mere minutes to more like 10 minutes. I have seen this scarey

momma 3 times and pointed it out twice to others. It is time for an answer. Let

us all work together on this.












By Eve Sinton Environmental Editor - The Echo, Mullumbimby. 7-25-2000


Last Wednesday's unusual sky patterns over Byron Bay attracted the attention of

a number of people interested in the phenomenon of 'chemtrails', which are the

subject of a large volume of internet and fringe media content.


What they saw was a lingering set of vapour trails, similar to those commonl y

seen when high-altitude jet aircraft pass overhead and known as 'contrails'.


But unlike contrails, which dissipate over a few minutes, chemtrails linger in

the sky for hours, sometimes eventually forming an overhead haze. Chemtrails are

typically found at lower altitudes than contrails, typically between 10,000 and

15,000 feet.


Often, chemtrails form cross-cross or scattered matchstick patterns. They are

associated with anonymous white aircraft, and appear to be emitted directly from

the plane, unlike contrails which form distinctly behind, and separate from,

high-flying jet aircraft.


Within hours of the sightings, the high-volume Jeff Rense web-site

http://www.rense.com featured a report of 'Chemtrails over Byron Bay and Gold

Coast of Australia'.


Local resident Gary Opit contacted The Echo about the sightings, saying 'During

the last couple of years in the USA various newspapers have been reporting

epidemics of respiratory infections and auto-immune reactions immediately after

residents have sighted aircraft creating chemtrail grid patterns followed by

occluded skies. Severe headaches, shortness of breath, joint pain and dry,

hacking coughs are the usual symptoms.


'It is interesting to note that Dr Lyman Condie, chair of the Virtual Proving

Ground at the US Army's Dugway biowarfare testing centre, states in their

website that " the computer-derived Atmospheric Dispersion Models, used to

simulate the spread of bioweapons in the open air, must be validated by field

testing on live human subjects provising a far more realistic and believable

simulation " .'


When attempting to confirm this quote, I contacted the Dugway site but was

rebuffed with an 'access forbidden' message.


Mr Opit continued, 'In December 1998 and January 1999 the BBC reported lingering

contrails and cobweb-like fallout followed by epidemics of respiratory infection

in the London, Birmingham, Manchester, Mersey, Norfolk and Norwich areas of

England and in August 1998 at Quirindi, NSW, dozens of residents reported a

similar occurrence.'


Another local chemtrail-watcher, Shlomo Arnon, provided The Echo with many

references on the subject, including a woman from Pingelly, WA, a small town

south-east of Perth. She claims her family has suffered dramatic ill-health

since numerous chemtrail appearances over the town in April and May last year,

and that many other the townspeople suffered similarly. Mr Arnon says he also

saw chemtrails over Brunswick Heads in early June.


The skies over Byron last Wednesday also caught the attention of wholistic

health practitioner Mark Abriel. He photographed the chemtrail-like formation

while on a surf-stop at Lennox Head. Mr Abriel has been intrigued by a number of

people coming to him recently with ailments similar to those described by

chemtrail-affected people. Although he is the first to point out it's impossible

to link these illnesses with chemtrails, just as it's extremely difficult to

unequivocally link ailments with almost any form of chemical exposure, he finds

the similarities striking.


'These people had lingering infections, such as month-long flu symptoms, or

ulceration of the mucus lining inside the nose,' he said. 'They had lethargy,

digestive problems, confusion and flu-like sore throats.' Analyses of chemtrail

fallout overseas have shown up a biochemical-warfare soup of toxins, pathogens,

fungi, moulds, and genetically-engineered organisms such as Mycoplasma

Fermentens Incognitus and Psuedomonas Flourescens. Some of these organisms have

been linked to the 'Gulf War Syndrome'. Most are extremely antibiotic-resistant.


Mark Abriel said, 'The whole brew is said to be activated by oxidated stress, so

anything that oxidises the body and the production of free radicals will

accelerate the destructive effects.'


He is a practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine which has at its disposal some potent

anti-oxidants, such as Amla berry, and finds that people with mystery lingering

illnesses often respond well to these treatments. 'It's an ancient form of

defence against our newest modern threats,' says Mr Abriel.' He finds that the

diagnostic techniques of Kinesiology and other alternative health traditions

make treatment and neutralisation of difficult illnesses very effective. 'But

these diagnostic techniques are not accepted as evidence by Western science,' he



Chemtrail-watchers find the appearance of the phenomenon over Byron extremely

disturbing, and a trawl through the internet explains why.


There are hundreds of sites documenting chemtrails.


Chemtrail theory includes the possibility of biowarfare tests, clandestine

mass-vaccination, attempts to ameliorate global warming, and de-population

strategies. Some of the exerts, like award-winning journalist Will Thomas, make

convincing reading.


And there are plenty of sceptics who say this is nothing but another

lunatic-fringe conspiracy theory. Space constraints prevent us from evaluating

these theories here.


While it's not possible to be sure exactly what was drifting over Byron last

week, a trawl of the internet certainly has one paying more attention than usual

to the sky.


Some initial links to the subject: http://www.strangehaze.freeservers.com








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