Guest guest Posted March 15, 2004 Report Share Posted March 15, 2004 [AltWritersFiles] CHEMTRAILS Hamilton Activist's Personal Observations Return to Index Read Prev Msg Rumor Mill News Reading Room Forum CHEMTRAILS Posted By: somtum Sunday, 30 June 2002, 7:33 a. m. Here is a well-done piece on chemtrails. A useful link to share with those unfamiliar with the subject, or for those who have to live with the chemtrails, interesting coverage by concerned people in another area. Easy to browse, or to study in considerable depth using the hyperlinks and listing of links at the end. I can not understand how someone could spend even 10 minutes examining this material and still maintain chemtrails are simply a product of overactive imaginations. I bet the people living under these skies and who bother to simply look up wish it were simply their imagination! Heavy Aerosol Spraying Activity Over Hamilton Area Documented by IMC Hamilton Journalists & group=webcast The page loads fast, not graphic intensive. Below are some snippets from the page. An IMC Hamilton Activist's Personal Observations by Lysander Zimmerman In October of last year I started becoming aware of a chronic bronchial congestion that still persists today. After submitting sputum samples to my doctor on two occasions and receiving negative results for typical bronchial microorganisms, I began to question the cause of my persistent illness. During the weeks to follow my father and I also began noticing bizarre cloud formations and we recalled an article that we had previously read about mysterious " chemtrails " . Initially, we were skeptical of the chemtrail theories, but that all changed one afternoon in late January when I emerged from my grandparents' home to see a perfectly linear cloud formation stretching across the entire sky. As I scanned the sky for a plane, I was astounded to see an aerial spraying operation taking place with some 6 or 7 jets in participation. Each plane was leaving a long thin dense white trail behind that would not dissipate. I was familiar with the existence of jet condensation trails but I had never witnessed anything like that before. Over a period of an hour or so, the trails slowly widened before transforming into cirrus-like cloud formations. After several hours, the sky was blanketed with a thin haze, accompanied by cirrocumulus-like waves, a cirrostratus-like blanket and cirrus-like wisps. Although these cloud types are perfectly natural, I was amazed that I had just witnessed a cloud manufacturing operation. >From then on I began documenting these operations on film and I have accumulated over 2 hours of video clips. Seeing as the sprayings have been occurring just about daily, I committed myself to capturing at least 1 out of every 3 incidents on video, with the exception of heavy chemtrail activity, which I always videotape. Over the past 5 months of monitoring this activity, my father and I believe to have identified certain trends resulting from the operations: 1. Most of these large high-flying white jet planes we witness making " chemtrails " appear to originate from the United States - flying North and Northwest from over Lake Ontario. 2. Multiple jets take part in these operations forming all sorts of cloud patterns including grids, X-shapes, multiple parallel lines, and curved trails (including U-shapes). However, the majority of sprayings randomly blanket the sky without any set formations. 3. The planes can be observed making lasting chemtrails in the same sky as others simply leaving behind rapidly-dissipating contrails. 4. The heaviest spraying operations appear to take place in the early morning just before and after sunrise and continue all day. 5. Other heavy sprayings take place above naturally existing cloud covers. The " chemtrails " and " chemclouds " can be seen in breaks in the natural cloud cover. 6. Some operations take place at night or during the early morning hours. The planes are much lower and can be heard passing over repeatedly. On at least 4 occasions, my family has been kept awake as planes passed over our house every 5 to 10 minutes for about an hour. One night in May at about midnight, my father and I watched as two " chemjets " flew overhead in perfect tandem, leaving behind the long trails barely visible in the glow of the urban lights below. A couple of weeks ago, my father and grandparents witnessed a plane leave a chemtrail underneath the full moon on a cloudless night. Later on, the jets could be heard flying back and forth across the sky. 7. The haze produced by the chemtrails refracts light, occasionally producing rainbow-like rings around the sun and moon. The " chemclouds " seem much more reflective than natural clouds at night. The skies have recently been covered by this white haze. Is this the same white haze that Teller says will remain in the sky for five years at a time as it is compounded by continuous aerial scattering operations? Furthermore, we have collected solid samples on three occasions - each time after a precipitation subsequent to the aerial sprayings. A heavy cover of silver-brown powder -- sometimes a very fine fibrous deposit - is most visible on neighbourhood automobiles. Could these strange particles be the cause of my congestion? -------------------------------. Videos of Chemtrails Over the Hamilton Area No. 1: A Cloud Manufacturing Operation Broadband QuickTime Video This clip was taken around the middle of February. Notice the irregular flight patterns and the number of planes seeding the sky with an unidentified aerosol. No. 2: Contrails Versus Chemtrails Broadband RealVideo This clip shows clearly, in the same sky, the difference between a regular contrail and a chemtrail. No. 3: Ring of Refracted Light Broadband QuickTime Video -- During a heavy " sprayday " , a ring of refracted light formed around the sun. It resembles a faint rainbow. No. 4: A Cirrocumulus-like " Chemblanket " Broadband RealVideo -- download here or stream here This is one of the heaviest blanketing of the sky that I recorded on video. It is still hard for me to believe that this is artificial, even though formations similar to this formed from jet " contrails " in front of my very eyes on many occasions. No. 5: Solid Samples Collected After a Light Rainfall. Broadband RealVideo -- download here or stream here Several of my neighbours complained that they had never seen their cars so dirty after a rainfall. Many people were out washing their cars that day. ------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------- {The text in these sections is rich with hyperlinks to many other sites if you want to use them.} Introduction What are in " chemtrails " ? 1. Aluminum and Global Cooling 2. Barium and the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) 3. A Biological Warfare Agenda? An IMC Hamilton Activist's Personal Observations Video Documentation What can Citizens do? Links to Further Reading ---------------------------- All the above at & group=webcast Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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