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For High Blood Pressure Garlic Better than Statins

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by Alan Tillotson, Ph.D., AHG


Recent TV ads from major cholesterol-lowering drugs like Lipitor flash

language stating that the medicines do not prevent heart attacks or

heart disease.


In comparison, the below scientific reports deal with the much more

important purpose of lowering cholesterol - to prevent vessel clogging,

how garlic effects can be made stronger with fish oils, and finally

estimates on the core issue of garlic's effectiveness in preventing real

heart attacks.


The antiatherosclerotic effect of Allium sativum.Koscielny J,

Klussendorf D, Latza R, Schmitt R, Radtke H, Siegel G,

Kiesewetter H. Atherosclerosis 1999 May;144(1):237-49


In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, the

plaque volumes in both carotid and femoral arteries of 152 probationers

were determined by B-mode ultrasound.


Continuous intake of high-dose garlic powder dragees reduced

significantly the increase in arteriosclerotic plaque volume by 5-18% or

even effected a slight regression within the observational period of 48



Also the age-dependent representation of the plaque volume shows an

increase between 50 and 80 years that is diminished under garlic

treatment by 6-13% related to 4 years.


It seems even more important that with garlic application the plaque

volume in the whole collective remained practically constant within the

age-span of 50-80 years.


These results substantiated that not only a

preventive but possibly also a curative role in arteriosclerosis therapy

(plaque regression) may be ascribed to garlic remedies.


Publication Types:

* Clinical Trial

* Randomized Controlled Trial


J Natl Med Assoc 1997 Oct;89(10):673-8

Modulation of lipid profile by fish oil and garlic combination. Morcos

NC. Division of Cardiology, University of California, Irvine 92717, USA.



Fish consumption has been shown to influence epidemiology of heart

disease, and garlic has been shown to influence triglyceride levels.



This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of fish oil and garlic

combinations as a dietary supplement on the lipid subfractions. Forty

consecutive subjects with lipid profile abnormalities were enrolled in a

single-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study. Each subject received

placebo for 1 month and fish oil (1800 mg of eicosapentanoic acid [EPA]

+ 1200 mg of docosahexanoic acid) with garlic powder (1200 mg) capsules

daily for 1 month.


Lipid fractionation was performed prior to study initiation, after the

placebo period, and after the intervention period. Subjects all had

cholesterol levels > 200. Subjects were instructed to maintain their

usual diets.


Supplementation for 1 month resulted in an 11% decrease in

cholesterol, a 34% decrease in triglyceride, and a 10% decrease in

low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, as well as a 19% decrease in

cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein (HDL) risk. Although not

significant, there was a trend toward increase in HDL. There was no

significant placebo effect.


These results suggest that in addition to

the known anticoagulant and antioxidant properties of both fish oil and

garlic, the combination causes favorable shifts in the lipid

subfractions within 1 month. Triglycerides are affected to the largest



The cholesterol lowering and improvement in lipid/HDL risk

ratios suggests that these combinations may have antiatherosclerotic

properties and may protect against the development of coronary artery



Publication Types:

* Clinical Trial

* Randomized Controlled Trial

Wien Med Wochenschr 1999;149(8-10):217-24 [Pleiotropic effects of

garlic] [Article in German] Siegel G, Walter A, Engel S, Walper A,

Michel F. Institut fur Physiologie, Universitatsklinikums Benjamin

Franklin, Freien Universitat Berlin, Deutschland.



Garlic as a herbal remedy reduces a

multitude of risk factors which play a decisive role in the genesis and

progression of arteriosclerosis: decrease in total and LDL-cholesterol,

increase in HDL-cholesterol, reduction of serum

triglyceride and fibrinogen concentration,


lowering of arterial blood

pressure and promotion of organ perfusion, and, finally, enhancement in

fibrinolysis, inhibition of platelet aggregation, and diminution of

plasma viscosity.


In a prospective, 4-year clinical trial with primary

endpoint 'arteriosclerotic plaque volume' it was proven not only a 9 to

18% reduction and 3% regression in plaque volume of the total collective

under the influence of standardized garlic powder dragees (900 mg/die LI

111), but also of some facets of the phytopharmacologic pleiotropy of

this herb: decrease in LDL level by 4%, increase in HDL concentration by

8%, and lowering in blood pressure by 7%.


The reduction of arterial

blood pressure is due to an additional opening of K(Ca) ion channels in

the membrane of vascular smooth muscle cells that effects its

hyperpolarization. This membrane hyperpolarization closes about 20% of

the L-type Ca2+ channels, consequence of which is vasodilatation. In

human coronary arteries, the increase in vascular diameter by 4% is

closely associated with an improvement of coronary perfusion by 18%.

These pleiotropic effects of garlic result in a reduction of relative

cardiovascular risk for infarction and stroke by more than 50%.

Publication Types:

* Review

* Review, Tutorial







Alan Keith Tillotson, PhD, AHG

1008 Milltown Rd., Wilm., DE 19808 USA

(302) 994-0565 (302) 995-0653 fax

Email: Ala-


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