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Digest Number 827

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At 08:22 PM 4/30/03 +0000, you wrote:

>Yea, I can testify to Helichrysum. After using it to prevent a

>bruise, I was wondering what was wrong with me. I had an extremely

>sad week anyway, and was dwelling on recent loss events.

>Then I went to one of my favorite of my favorite sites to read about

>Heli, see if I missed something. And sure enough, it's probably been

>there the whole time but missed it. It said Heli was good for

>bringing up unresolved issues, things buried in the past.



and if you were already feeling sad because of 'situations' in the present,

seems to me that the heli would intensify the effects. Perhaps a good oil

if one has unfinished grieving to do???


>Well that's where I was. Then I went on to read that it was mixed

>with Jasmine sambac by some to work to cure depression. So I got out

>some sabac, blended that in, and I sure did feel better.


and that's a blend I've never tried... now, I know that jasmine (grand,

not sambac) with bergamot is a wonderful emotionally healing blend...


>Gosh, one can be effected my an oil and not even know all its

>properties. Guess I'm one of those people that gets weird dreams from



chuckling...the oils are going to do what they do whether you know about

their properties, or whether you BELIEVE in their properties or not. The

thing that interests me...if you didn't KNOW that Heli could have this

effect (or believe it?)...then the placebo effect can't be part of the



>Has anyone else noticed that one get MORE effected by the oils the

>more you use them?


I would have said the opposite... well, if you are using them nonstop

without a break.. but if you put one aside after using it for a bit, and

then come BACK to it... seems to me it greets you with a lot more

intensity and power.




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In a message dated 3/18/2004 11:37:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,


<<No water filter can remove the ammonia (in chloramine) now in the public

water supply in the San Francisco Bay area and other areas of the U.S.>>

<<--- and no filtration system removes the prions passed thru

urine/fecal only an electromagneticpulsing will remove that disease

marker from the waters memory>>



As I stated, it filters to one tenth of a micron, and does filter out

chlorine and ammonia, (chloramine). The water becomes micro-clustered, so that

it is

wetter and more absorbable for flushing and hydration, and it is Pi water.

It is oxgenated and alkzlized. This system filters bacteria, viruses,

chemcals, metal particulate, and is magnetically charged, along with FIR

charged, and

adds coral calcium and magnesium back into the water the natural way.





Barbara Johnson RN

Health and Wellness Consultant


Energy technology products, help for sleep & discomfort

Energized air treatment, w/ 5 filtering technologies

Energized Water w/ coral calcium to oxygenate & alkalize,

Natural whole food dietary supplements

Weighted exercise shoes - increase metabolism, burn calories, tone

Rife technology, rebounders, Transfer Factor Plus

Liquid colostrum, T-Plus Aloe (pp. 429-231 in " Politics in Healing " )

Natural & non chemical makeup, shampoo, cleansers





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---Namaste Barb,

there are devices to produce H2O molecules 5-7 nano's in size

which by the way is way way smaller than 600 nano's or 1/10th micron

and at 5-7 nano's it can still pass prions (without the use of emp)

so does this device you are talking about have emp capability?

I already know per your statement that the size of the H2O molecule

is better than some but not anywhere near better than all

and take take my word for it every manufacturer will say theirs is

the smallest H2O molecule, best, etc

but then I am not a manufacturer only a collector of secret

technologies which I use for the benefit of myself and family and

regularly post............................

if you are willing to obtain the knowledge and build a TESLA coil in

the range of 1,000,000 Kv and up you can reduce the molecule size

even further than 5-7 nano's and additionally it will be emp'ed in

the same process...........................

the problem with adding Coral calcium to micro-clustered waters is

that the water will carry thru the metals more effectively than the

other minerals......just a note to the wary..................






In , Bjohnsonrn@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 3/18/2004 11:37:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> writes:

> <<No water filter can remove the ammonia (in chloramine) now in

the public

> water supply in the San Francisco Bay area and other areas of the


> <<--- and no filtration system removes the prions passed thru

> urine/fecal only an electromagneticpulsing will remove that


> marker from the waters memory>>



> As I stated, it filters to one tenth of a micron, and does filter


> chlorine and ammonia, (chloramine). The water becomes micro-

clustered, so that it is

> wetter and more absorbable for flushing and hydration, and it is

Pi water.

> It is oxgenated and alkzlized. This system filters bacteria,


> chemcals, metal particulate, and is magnetically charged, along

with FIR charged, and

> adds coral calcium and magnesium back into the water the natural



> Barb



> Barbara Johnson RN

> Health and Wellness Consultant

> *************************************

> Energy technology products, help for sleep & discomfort

> Energized air treatment, w/ 5 filtering technologies

> Energized Water w/ coral calcium to oxygenate & alkalize,

> Natural whole food dietary supplements

> Weighted exercise shoes - increase metabolism, burn calories, tone

> Rife technology, rebounders, Transfer Factor Plus

> Liquid colostrum, T-Plus Aloe (pp. 429-231 in " Politics in

Healing " )

> Natural & non chemical makeup, shampoo, cleansers

> **************************************




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Can you explain what you say here in a little more detail? I'm not sure

I understand what this means.


" the problem with adding Coral calcium to micro-clustered waters is

that the water will carry thru the metals more effectively than the

other minerals "


I am in the market for a type of water filter, but am at a loss to know

which, because there are so many out there - which one do you recommend

and why?




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--- Namaste Carol,

hmm! lets see,

well due to the properties of the micro-clustered water just as

they will effectively clean out metals(monoatomics included) by the

same token when combined with compounds(which contain metals) such

as coral calcium the will become an excito-toxin activator and that

last phrase may probably not the best in trying to make the point

I mean we are all pretty familiar with metal toxicity and one thing

you do not want to do when using micro-clustered waters is mix them

with products that enable the water to carry in more metals than

they are able to carry out

certain types of micro-clusters that work magnificently on myself

do not work the same on others

so my suggestion would be to try different forms of micro-clustered

waters for a couple of weeks per to figure out which works the best

for you and yours


I will admit that I put monoatomic gold/rhodium/iridium in ine once

a day in the morning

the rhodium/iridium prevents the lethargic sensation normally

produced by monoatomic gold alone or in combination with silver

hope that helps



In , " Carol Minnick "

<carolminnick@a...> wrote:

> Grasshopper,


> Can you explain what you say here in a little more detail? I'm

not sure

> I understand what this means.


> " the problem with adding Coral calcium to micro-clustered waters


> that the water will carry thru the metals more effectively than


> other minerals "


> I am in the market for a type of water filter, but am at a loss to


> which, because there are so many out there - which one do you


> and why?


> Carol

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Would you benefit from a more effective and healthy immune


> <http://www.bluegreensolutions.com>


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





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basically if the metals are not monatomic its not a good thing



, " grasshopper " <k_t723>


> --- Namaste Carol,

> hmm! lets see,

> well due to the properties of the micro-clustered water just as

> they will effectively clean out metals(monoatomics included) by


> same token when combined with compounds(which contain metals) such

> as coral calcium the will become an excito-toxin activator and


> last phrase may probably not the best in trying to make the point

> I mean we are all pretty familiar with metal toxicity and one


> you do not want to do when using micro-clustered waters is mix


> with products that enable the water to carry in more metals than

> they are able to carry out

> certain types of micro-clusters that work magnificently on myself

> do not work the same on others

> so my suggestion would be to try different forms of micro-


> waters for a couple of weeks per to figure out which works the


> for you and yours


> I will admit that I put monoatomic gold/rhodium/iridium in ine


> a day in the morning

> the rhodium/iridium prevents the lethargic sensation normally

> produced by monoatomic gold alone or in combination with silver

> hope that helps

> karl


> In , " Carol Minnick "

> <carolminnick@a...> wrote:

> > Grasshopper,

> >

> > Can you explain what you say here in a little more detail? I'm

> not sure

> > I understand what this means.

> >

> > " the problem with adding Coral calcium to micro-clustered waters

> is

> > that the water will carry thru the metals more effectively than

> the

> > other minerals "

> >

> > I am in the market for a type of water filter, but am at a loss


> know

> > which, because there are so many out there - which one do you

> recommend

> > and why?

> >

> > Carol

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Would you benefit from a more effective and healthy immune

> system?

> > <http://www.bluegreensolutions.com>

> http://www.bluegreensolutions.com

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> >

> >

> >

> >

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" Coral " calcium is pure bunk. There's no need to agonize over the issue.

Obtain good quality mineral supplements, and stop worrying about this.



" Carol Minnick " <carolminnick


Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:32 AM

RE: Re: Digest Number 827





Can you explain what you say here in a little more detail? I'm not sure

I understand what this means.


" the problem with adding Coral calcium to micro-clustered waters is

that the water will carry thru the metals more effectively than the

other minerals "


I am in the market for a type of water filter, but am at a loss to know

which, because there are so many out there - which one do you recommend

and why?




Would you benefit from a more effective and healthy immune system?

<http://www.bluegreensolutions.com> http://www.bluegreensolutions.com






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--- Hi John, we are all ebtitled to our own opinions I guess huh?

just like some people think that bovine products are ok to consume,

do you have some info to back that up, cause all I know is that I

rid myself of acid-reflux with it a long time ago

I initially learned about the benefits of eating coral while bumming

thru the pacific in my 20's



In , " John Polifronio "

<counterpnt@e...> wrote:

> " Coral " calcium is pure bunk. There's no need to agonize over the


> Obtain good quality mineral supplements, and stop worrying about


> JP

> -

> " Carol Minnick " <carolminnick@a...>


> Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:32 AM

> RE: Re: Digest Number 827



> Grasshopper,


> Can you explain what you say here in a little more detail? I'm

not sure

> I understand what this means.


> " the problem with adding Coral calcium to micro-clustered waters is

> that the water will carry thru the metals more effectively than the

> other minerals "


> I am in the market for a type of water filter, but am at a loss to


> which, because there are so many out there - which one do you


> and why?


> Carol

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Would you benefit from a more effective and healthy immune system?

> <http://www.bluegreensolutions.com>


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





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I read or heard that calcium and magnesium go hand in hand...that calcium

assists or actually is essential for the absorption of magnesium.


My .02 worth,




" grasshopper " <k_t723


Friday, March 19, 2004 9:33 AM

Re: Digest Number 827



--- Hi John, we are all ebtitled to our own opinions I guess huh?

just like some people think that bovine products are ok to consume,

do you have some info to back that up, cause all I know is that I

rid myself of acid-reflux with it a long time ago

I initially learned about the benefits of eating coral while bumming

thru the pacific in my 20's



In , " John Polifronio "

<counterpnt@e...> wrote:

> " Coral " calcium is pure bunk. There's no need to agonize over the


> Obtain good quality mineral supplements, and stop worrying about


> JP

> -

> " Carol Minnick " <carolminnick@a...>


> Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:32 AM

> RE: Re: Digest Number 827



> Grasshopper,


> Can you explain what you say here in a little more detail? I'm

not sure

> I understand what this means.


> " the problem with adding Coral calcium to micro-clustered waters is

> that the water will carry thru the metals more effectively than the

> other minerals "


> I am in the market for a type of water filter, but am at a loss to


> which, because there are so many out there - which one do you


> and why?


> Carol

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Would you benefit from a more effective and healthy immune system?

> <http://www.bluegreensolutions.com>


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





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Oops...got that reversed. My dyslexia must've kicked in...LOL.







" Anna Webb " <aross2


Friday, March 19, 2004 9:47 AM

Re: Re: Digest Number 827



I read or heard that calcium and magnesium go hand in hand...that calcium

assists or actually is essential for the absorption of magnesium.


My .02 worth,




" grasshopper " <k_t723


Friday, March 19, 2004 9:33 AM

Re: Digest Number 827



--- Hi John, we are all ebtitled to our own opinions I guess huh?

just like some people think that bovine products are ok to consume,

do you have some info to back that up, cause all I know is that I

rid myself of acid-reflux with it a long time ago

I initially learned about the benefits of eating coral while bumming

thru the pacific in my 20's



In , " John Polifronio "

<counterpnt@e...> wrote:

> " Coral " calcium is pure bunk. There's no need to agonize over the


> Obtain good quality mineral supplements, and stop worrying about


> JP

> -

> " Carol Minnick " <carolminnick@a...>


> Thursday, March 18, 2004 11:32 AM

> RE: Re: Digest Number 827



> Grasshopper,


> Can you explain what you say here in a little more detail? I'm

not sure

> I understand what this means.


> " the problem with adding Coral calcium to micro-clustered waters is

> that the water will carry thru the metals more effectively than the

> other minerals "


> I am in the market for a type of water filter, but am at a loss to


> which, because there are so many out there - which one do you


> and why?


> Carol

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Would you benefit from a more effective and healthy immune system?

> <http://www.bluegreensolutions.com>


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





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