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Medical Elites

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Mark Sircus

Ac., OMDhttp://www.worldpsychology.netArchives of The Medical News



Medical Elites

Doctor John Martin, a scientist well familiar with the inner circles at the FDA

and the CDC says of them, " My reaction of the members of The Advisory Committee

on Immunization Practices (ACIP) that I have met personally is that they first

avoid any criticism of their own actions. Second, they work towards the interest

of vaccine manufacturers in the sincere belief that vaccines are good. " There is

no doubt that people like Dr. Offit, for example,really believes that vaccines

do not cause serious deleterious effects and will site safety studies and trials

that " prove " that vaccines are safe. He sincerely believes these studies and

the data and research that

support them.

What he fails to even consider though is that most

adverse vaccine reactions are not reported--not even associated in a temporal

way with the administration of vaccines. This is a great oversight that is

disastrous for an ever-growing circle of families. He is like most of his

associates who do not recognize how conflicts of interests with pharmaceuticals

cloud their judgment and blind them to medical reality. Most people believe

that they are not conscious of any bad they are doing but this is no excuse.

There was a story circulating around that at a vaccine board meeting once, a

parent approached and showed the picture of her daughter who became autistic

after receiving a vaccine. It was reported that Dr. Paul Offit stood up, took

out his wallet

and showed the audience his two children and stated, " Look at my two healthy

children, they received their vaccine. "

Dr. Gary Goleman,Senior Editor of the Medical Veritas medical journal says,

" Indeed, the most important human issue about these people and organizations is

the depth of human anguish that may be imposed on people, without their

knowledge or consent, by an elite few who may intentionally or unwittingly abuse

their positions of authority.†The people at the top of the medical

establishment have shrugged off much information passed to them from legitimate

researchers, doctors and scientists choosing to cling to cherished medical

concepts and practices. Dr. Goleman, who served as a research analyst in a

program supported by the CDC, found irregularities and some dangerous trends in

his studies and said in his book new

book Rashes of Controversy, " I might have just shrugged those figures off,

passed them on to my superiors, taken my paychecks and kept quiet.But I

couldn’t do that, because I knew that each of those surprising,undesirable

numbers represented nothing less than a suffering person. "

When it comes to medicine we cannot rest on our assumptions for to be wrong in

our rightness is a cruelty toward others. It creates pain and suffering and to

not be sensitive to that taints medicine with something ugly.

Certainly there is massive denial underway, breathtaking

in scope, devastating in effect among the inner and upper circles of medical

agencies and committees. It is to be found anywhere when making money is put

first or power is abused. As long as certain assumptions go unchallenged, denial

can maintain itself in a loop that blocks all intelligent efforts for change.

Medical truth has been lost by the medical elite, they are wondering in a place

far from medical reality. The

reality they live in is false and that would not be a problem if it did not

reach out and affect many people’s lives. Humanity and medical practice as a

whole cannot afford to have this elite caught up in medical hallucinations that

support the financial interests of pharmaceutical companies for such illusions

translate into devastating suffering, pain and even death to many beings on our


Dr. Edward Yazbak said, “There has been a true and significant increase in

autism in the U.S. To date, the CDC and other governmental health authorities

have not given enough attention to this serious epidemic and its present and

future impact. They must face their responsibility now.†This is a prime

example of how the medical elite are demonstrating their abandonment of

integrity and their departure from medical reason. Though most medical

researchers tend to dismiss parents claims and experiences categorizing such

information as “anecdotal evidence†that is scientifically invalid, top

heath officials have to rise above the pettiness of medical

egos and grasp quickly the true picture that is shaping up to destroy the fabric

of life for millions of families now affected with autism. Dr.Yazbak continues

saying, “To ignore the information provided by parents of autistic children as

desperate conclusions drawn by grieving individuals is pretentious and overlooks

potentially valuable data.â€

Doctors, medical scientists and public health officials simply cannot overlook

such desperate people or data and remain integral with either their medical

oaths or their oaths of public office. Thus they must be called to task. They

must be made accountable for their denial and repression of medical truth. Some

feel rightfully that they need to be humiliated into change because humiliation

is the only medicine with sufficient spiritual force to make such people open

their eyes and see.

Normally their defense is demonstrated in their simple refusal to listen and in

their blocking meaningful communications with others who do not see everything

quite their way. Being near these people is like being near a fanatic

congregation of religious zealots who cannot stand anyone to be different.

That’s actually how they are able to remain in their present positions over

subjects like vaccines and autism. They do

not champion open communication so they do not allow anyone even near them that

would challenge and confront.

The International Medical Veritas Association is being formed with its own peer

review medical journal called Medical Veritas to call the medical establishment

back to its senses. If these people will not open themselves to serious

communications with a growing medical community that is opening their eyes to

truth, medical truth, they will be bypassed or swept away in a much needed

medical revolution. The peoples of the world cannot afford a long drawn out

process in this regard; we cannot send the elite off to psychologist couches for

years of therapy so they gently get what they need to understand about

themselves and their actions. Though revolutions of the past have had their

guillotines this one has to be more non-violent

though heads still have to roll if they refuse to change. Some worry that we

need to be very nice to these people to entice them into openness, communication

and change but the truth is not very nice.

Medical truth today is often cruel, heartless, cold, and arrogant especially in

the upper halls of the medical elite. Medical truth is calling for a medical

revolution, a complete restructuring, a renovation that will cut deeply into the

growing clouds of medical darkness that are obscuring the vision of medical

reality and truth.

On a practical and immediate level this translates into a demand, made by Dr.

David Geier, that the Institute of Medicine (IOM) spend billions of dollars in

an all out effort to determine as quickly as possible what is causing this


epidemic “before it totally destroys society.†The IOM is another medical

elite organization that despite the overwhelming evidence that Doctor Geier and

others have found remains confused about thimerosal and other vaccine problems

and their place in the cause of autism. Medicine is

not about confusion; certainly it cannot afford to be. When it

comes to talk about medical revolution physicians should be aware that what will

bring medicine and its leaders to their knees will be a tidal wave of families

afflicted with autism that is amassing an army to execute the largest

class-action litigations the world has ever seen. “Make no mistake, an army is

amassing and it's heading straight towards Congress and Courtrooms all across

this country,†says Michael A. Chernoff, of Houston, Texas. Many see the

autism epidemic as American's silent holocaust, one that has been ignored by the

medical establishment. This epidemic will cost society a cool trillion at a

minimum to manage as the FDA and the CDC refuse to look sincerely into the

causes. Modern allopathic medicine is going to be faced with a crisis of faith

as the truth

about this medical disaster comes to the forefront of public awareness.

Already the gates to Eli Lilly Company are under siege for they are the ones who

for sixty years have asserted the safety under false pretences of using mercury

in vaccines as a preservative.




Erin M

Bksfld, Ca


Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.



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