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Spring Detoxification

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Spring Detoxification


Spring is here. The best time to take a seasonal check up of our

health on all levels; mentally, physically and spiritually. One

of the best ways to do this is with a simple detoxification of

the " soul " .


Detoxification is a process that occurs within our bodies on a

continual basis. When we drink too much coffee, have cigarettes,

drink too much alcohol or do recreational drugs these substances are

transformed by the liver to a more harmless substance that can be

excreted in the urine. With all the medications, refined foods,

additives, alcohol, pesticides and other chemicals we are exposed to

in the environment, our ability to adapt and detoxify can become



A detox diet strengthens the organs involved in detoxification and

releases stored toxins, expelling them through the organs of

elimination: the skin, intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys, and

lymphatic system. With the rising prevalence of diseases such as

cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity,

attention deficit and hyperactivity (ADHD, ADD), and autoimmune

disease PLUS the fact that there are few long-term studies on the

cumulative health effects of all sources of toxins in our

environment, makes periodic detox diets a prudent preventative

measure. In addition, we have to factor in the role that stress,

sedentary lifestyles, use of prescription drugs and hormone

therapies, and the increasing proportion of dietary fast food,

saturated fats, salt, and sugar play in our body.


Eating a diet that focuses on fresh vegetables and fruits, whole

grains, legumes, nuts and seeds are extremely important. Adopt a

healthy lifestyle including regular exercise and avoiding drugs and

alcohol. Taking a high potency multiple vitamin and mineral

supplement. Nutritional and herbal supplements to protect and enhance

liver function. Go on a three day fast, four times per year (fasting

at the change of the seasons is a good rule to remember).


Herbal Considerations


Milk Thistle, Garlic, Gotu Kola, Hawthorne Berry and Ginger are among

the detox and cleansing herbs.


Used in vitamins, herbal teas and tinctures, these are the best ways

to supplement your detox program.



is a traditional Ayurvedic Indian herbal compound used for

constipation and poor bowel tone and is designed to support the

body's natural cleansing process. It is one of Ayurveda's most

important herbal formulas for thousands of years. Triphala is a

balanced blend of three Indian Herbal Fruits: Harada, Amla, Behada.

This combination of fruits is unique because the astringent qualities

of the fruits serve to tonify the colon therefore promoting internal

cleansing naturally. This is highly recommended for anyone doing a

detox program. Triphala is available in capsules now in health food

stores. There is No known interactions between herb and allopathic

drugs. When buying Triphala, buy only in capsules. Avoid any powder

form. No Safety Warnings. Adults can take two tablets 2-3 times a day

between meals. Children under 10 can take the same dosage. Best used

regularly to improve bowel health.



Essential oils recommended are juniper, lavender, orange, rosemary,

rosewood, tea tree, thyme ... These essential oils work as an

antiseptic, diuretic and fight infection. Excellent for their

detoxification properties. Stimulates lymphatic circulation, improves

immunity. Stimulates the adrenal glands, circulatory system, liver,

gallbladder, promotes nerve health





Excretion through sweating releases fat soluble toxins such as DDT,

and heavy metals such as lead. Cleansing the pores of the skin and

allowing for the rejuvenation process are all the great benefits of

detoxing through regular exercise.




Water should be a very important part of any nutritional program.

Distilled water is best. 6-8 eight ounce glasses a day.


Glutathione is an important detoxification compound. Vitamin C is the

most cost-effective way of raising Glutathione levels. Take 1,000 mg

three times a day.


Taking Silymarin,(70 to 210 mg three times per day) the flavonoid

complex from Milk Thistle is a well-researched way to improve liver



Take 1 to 2 tablespoons of water-soluble fiber supplement at night

before bed. Powdered Psyllium, Seed husks, or Oat Bran are suggested.


Fasting is one of the fastest ways to increase elimination of wastes

and enhance the healing process of the body. Go on a three day fast,

four times per year (fasting at the change of the seasons is a good

rule to remember).


Eating a diet that focuses on fresh vegetables and fruits, whole

grains, legumes, nuts and seeds are extremely important.


Adopt a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise and avoiding

drugs and alcohol.


Taking a high potency multiple vitamin and mineral supplement.

Nutritional and herbal supplements to protect and enhance liver



Managing Your Detox


In general, it is usually recommended that you begin with the

intestines. The reason for this is if you focus on the liver first,

the stored toxic substances that are released from the body tissues

may become reabsorbed if the bowels are not moving adequately enough

to expel them and can monitor your progress throughout the program.


The most easiest, inexpensive and effective methods of detoxification

are fasting and specific dietary regimens. Keep in mind that the goal

is to achieve a healthier way of eating, not weight loss, or to rid

the body of all bacteria. In fact, " the good bacteria, " known as

Probiotics, is necessary in order to remain in good health.


Green Whole Foods. Most natural health practitioners agree that

periodic internal cleansing is an essential key to radiant health.

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is the goal of a regular

cleansing program. Without a proper functioning digestive system we

are unable to absorb the nutrients we eat or effectively or eliminate

toxins that our bodies generate. An easy way to get your greens in

our busy life style is through a concentrated formulation of the

super green wholefoods. Super Green Foods include: Spirulina,

Chlorella, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Klamath Blue Green Algae.

These ingredients contain the most powerful combination of nutrients

ever known in any grain, herb or food. They contain almost all of the

vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes necessary for the human

diet, plus chlorophyll. These necessities are bio-available which

means that they are easily assimilated throughout the digestive

tract, giving our bodies instant access to vital nutrients.


Water and Juice Fast:

Most experts recommend beginners to do one or the other over every

weekend for a few months. A water only fast starting Friday evening

and ending Sunday morning (or just all day Saturday, as an

alternative) should be broken with a day of raw foods (fruit/salad

only, plus water), not with a heavy meal. Make sure that not less

than four, and not more than eight, pints of water are consumed

during the fast.


Juice Therapy

During juice therapy, the eliminative and cleansing capacity of the

organs of elimination, specifically lungs, liver, kidneys and the

skin, is greatly increased and accumulated metabolic waste and toxins

are quickly eliminated. It affords a physiological rest to the

digestive and assimilative organs. After the juice fasting or juice

therapy, the digestion of food and the utilization of nutrients is



As juices are extracted from plants and fruits, they process definite

medicinal properties. Specific juices are beneficial in specific

conditions. Besides specific medicinal virtues, raw fruit and

vegetable juices have an extraordinary revitalizing and rejuvenating

effect on all the organs, glands and functions of the body.

Raw juices of fruits and vegetables are extremely rich in vitamins,

minerals, trace elements, enzymes and natural sugars. The juices

extracted from raw fruits and vegetables require no digestion and

almost all their vital nutrients are assimilated directly in the

bloodstream. Raw juices are extremely rich in alkaline elements. This

is highly beneficial in normalizing acid-alkaline balance in the

blood and tissues as there is over-acidity in most conditions of ill-

health. Organic minerals in raw juices especially calcium, potassium

and silicon help in restoring biochemical and mineral balance in the

tissues and cells, thereby preventing premature aging of cells and



Weekend Monodiet:

This consists of a full weekend of relying on a single food such as

grapes, apples, pears (best choice if you have a history of allergy

problems), brown rice, millet, or even potatoes (boiled only).



Alkaline-Detoxification Diet:

Developed by Dr. Haas, this three to four-week plan helps to detoxify

the body tissues of protein and acid wastes and can also help to

reduce weight, increase vitality, and promote healing. This plan

involves the elimination of acid-forming foods from your diet and

eating only fruits and vegetables (mostly vegetables), plus fresh

sprouts and millet. The diet also focuses on particular eating

principles, including exceptional chewing (thirty to fifty times each

mouthful), drinking quality water plus the steamed vegetable water,

and eating all food prior to nightfall.


Vitamin C Therapy:

Exposure to various toxins, like lead or benzene, will deplete your

vitamin C stores. Evidence also suggests that vitamin C deficiency

hampers the body's own detoxification process. Take 1,000 mg three

times a day.



Chelation Therapy:

A synthetic amino acid known as EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic

acid) is administered intravenously and binds to various toxic metals

in the blood. The toxins are then flushed from the body through the

kidneys. Used primarily to treat cases of lead poisoning, many

doctors have found that EDTA can remove the calcium and plaque

present in the walls of arteries in artheroscelerosis. This therapy

has yet to have FDA approval as a treatment for heart disease.



Andrew Pacholyk, L.Ac, MSTOM


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for healing mind, body & spirit!



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