Guest guest Posted March 24, 2004 Report Share Posted March 24, 2004 Educate-Yourself The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought © <A HREF= " " ></A> <A HREF= " " >Current News</A> | <A HREF= " " >Introduction</A> | <A HREF= " " >Colloidal Silver</A> | <A HREF= " " >Chemtrails</A> | <A HREF= " " >Emerging Diseases</A> | <A HREF= " " >Forbidden Cures</A> | <A HREF= " " >Immunity Boosting</A> <A HREF= " " >Nutrition</A> | <A HREF= " " >Mind-Body Connection</A> | <A HREF= " " >Ozone</A> | <A HREF= " " >Bioelectrification</A> | <A HREF= " " >Story on Drugs </A> | <A HREF= " " >Vaccine Dangers</A> | <A HREF= " " >Cancer</A> | <A HREF= " " >Newsletter</A> <A HREF= " " >Coming Attractions</A> | <A HREF= " " >New World Order</A> | <A HREF= " " >NWO News</A> | <A HREF= " " >Pam Schuffert</A> | <A HREF= " " >Reports From Peru</A> | <A HREF= " " >Phil Schneider</A> | <A HREF= " " >Al Bielek</A> <A HREF= " " >Trevor James Constable</A> | <A HREF= " " >Mind Control</A> | <A HREF= " " >Brice Taylor</A> | <A HREF= " " >Ted Gunderson</A> | <A HREF= " " > Free Energy</A> | <A HREF= " " >Membership</A> | <A HREF= " " >Help</A> | <A HREF= " Educate-Yourself_Forum/ " >Discussion</A> | <A HREF= " " >2003</A> <A HREF= " " >Matthew Ward</A> | <A HREF= " " >Kanya Vashon McGhee</A> | <A HREF= " " >Montalk</A> | <A HREF= " " >Cell Phone Towers</A> | <A HREF= " " >Ruth Drown</A> | <A HREF= " " >ZS Livingstone</A> | <A HREF= " " >Red Elk</A> | <A HREF= " " >Dowsing</A> <A HREF= " " >Don & Carol Croft</A> | <A HREF= " " >Anna Hayes</A> | <A HREF= " " >Gary Wade</A> | <A HREF= " " >Tone Generator</A> | <A HREF= " " >Home</A> | <A HREF= " " >Contact Us</A> | <A HREF= " " >Products</A> | <A HREF= " " >Search</A> | <A HREF= " " >Letters</A> | <A HREF= " " >Links</A> Total Population Control > [Editor's Note: This is a highly revealing and insightful overview of the > ELF, GWEN towers, and HAARP inter-connection. It was posted some time ago on > Al Bielek's web site before Al went off the air, but its content is as timely > today as when it first came out. The same author, Nicholas Jones, posted an > excellent article about <A HREF= " ../ct/ctpeanutbutterbariumsandwiches17apr02.shtml " >Chemtrails, Peanut Buter and Barium Sandwichs</A> on Jeff > Rense's web site a few months ago. This might be the same Nicholas Jones who > is a BBC journalist and author of two books on Spin Control...Ken Adachi] > By Nicholas Jones > Earth is wrapped > in a donut shaped magnetic field. Circular lines of magnetic flux > continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole. The Ionosphere, > an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 100 kilometers [62 miles] above the > earth, consists of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield > from solar winds. Earth Resonant Frequency > Natural waves are created which result from electrical activity in the > atmosphere. They are thought to be caused by multiple lightning storms. > Collectively, these waves are called 'The Schumann Resonance', with the strongest > current registering at 7.8 Hz. These are quasi-standing [scalar], extremely low > frequency (ELF) waves that naturally exist in the earth's electromagnetic cavity > which is the space between ground and the Ionosphere. These 'earth > brainwaves' are identical to the frequency spectrum of our human brainwaves. > [Frequency nomenclature: 1 hertz = 1 cycle per second, 1 Khz = 1000cps, 1 Mhz =1 > million cps. Wavelength: A 1 Hertz wave has a wavelength that is 186,000 miles > long, A 10 Hz wave is 18,600 miles long, etc. Radio-waves move at the speed of > light (186,000 miles per second)] HAARP > The Creator designed living beings to resonate to the11 natural Schumann > Resonance frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously. The Ionosphere is > being manipulated by US government scientists using the Alaskan transmitter > called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends > focused radiated power to heat up sections of the Ionosphere, which bounces > power down again. ELF waves produced from HAARP, when targeted on selected > areas, can weather-engineer and create mood changes affecting millions of people. > The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power. Geomagnetic Waves & GWEN > > Sixty four elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic > waves naturally coming from the ground. The earth's natural 'brain rhythm' > above is balanced with these. These are the same minerals found in red blood > corpuscles. There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves. An > imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts these biorhythms. > These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created low > frequency (LF) ground waves coming from <A HREF= " ../dc/gwentowersbybyronweeks.shtml " >GWEN</A> Towers. GWEN (Ground Wave > Emergency Network) transmitters placed 200 miles apart across the USA allow specific > frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, > allowing the magnetic field to be altered. They operate in the LF range, with > transmissions between LF 150 and 175 KHz. They also emit waves from the upper > VHF to the lower UHF range of 225 - 400 MHz. The LF signals travel by waves > that hug the ground rather than radiating into the atmosphere. A GWEN station > transmits in a 360 degree circle up to 300 miles, the signal dropping off > sharply with distance. The entire GWEN system consists of, (depending on source > of data), from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters spread across the USA, each > with a tower 299-500 ft high. 300 ft copper wires in spoke-like fashion fan > out from the base of the system underground, interacting with the earth, like > a thin shelled conductor, radiating radio wave energy for very long > distances through the ground. The United States is bathed in this magnetic field > which can rise from ground up to 500 ft, but goes down into basements, so > everyone can be affected and mind-controlled. The entire artificial ground-wave > spreads out over the whole of the USA like a web. It is easier to mind-control > and hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic-wave. GWEN > transmitters have many different functions including: 1. controlling the > weather, > 2. mind control, > 3. behavior and mood control, and > 4. sending synthetic-telepathy as infrasound to victims with US government > mind-control implants. GWEN works in conjunction with HAARP and the Russian > Woodpecker transmitter, which is similar to HAARP. The Russians openly market a > small version of their weather-engineering system called Elate, which can > fine-tune weather patterns over a 200 mile area and have the same range as the > GWEN unit. An Elate system operates at Moscow airport. The GWEN towers shoot > enormous bursts of energy into the atmosphere in conjuction with HAARP. The > website wrote <A HREF= " " >an expose</A> of how the major floods of the > Mid-West USA occurred in 1993. Atmospheric Vapor Rivers > Enormous, invisible rivers of water, consisting of vapors that flow, move > towards the poles in the lower atmosphere. They rival the flow of the Amazon > River and are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long. They are 1.9 > miles above the earth and contain a volume of water equivalent to 340 lbs of > water per second. There are 5 atmospheric rivers in each Hemisphere. A massive > flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing > huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped. The GWEN Towers positioned along the > areas north of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers were turned on for 40 days > and 40 nights, probably mocking the Flood of Genesis. (This was in > conjunction with HAARP, that creates a river of electricity flowing thousands of miles > through the sky and down to the polar ice-cap, manipulating the jet-stream , > like the Russian Woodpecker.) These rivers flooded, causing agricultural > losses of $12-15 billion. HAARP produces earthquakes by focusing energy along > fault lines. GWEN Towers are located on the fault lines and volcanic areas of > the Pacific Northeast. In 1963, Dr Robert Beck explored effects of external > magnetic-fields on brainwaves showing a relationship between psychiatric > admissions and solar magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed > magnetic-fields similar to magnetic-storms, and found a similar response. US 60 Hz > electric power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. UK 50 Hz > electricity emissions depress the thyroid gland. Human Vulnerability > Dr Andrija Puharich in the 50's/60's, found that clairvoyant's brainwaves > became 8 Hz when their psychic powers were operative. He saw an Indian Yogi in > 1956 controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from > one level to another. Puharich trained people with bio-feedback to do this > consciously, making 8 Hz waves. A healer made 8 Hz waves pass into a patient, > healing their heart trouble, her brain emitting 8 Hz . One person emitting a > certain frequency can make another also resonate to the same frequency. Our > brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology which sends out ELF waves, > because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of > tuning-fork effect. Puharich experimented discovering that A) 7.83 Hz (earth's > pulse rate) made a person feel good, producing an altered-state. > B) 10.80 Hz causes riotious behaviour and > C) 6.6 Hz causes depression. Puharich made ELF waves change RNA and DNA, > breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person have a higher vibratory rate. He > wanted to go beyond the psychic 8 Hz brainwave and attract psi phenomena. James > Hurtak, who once worked for Puharich, also wrote in his book The Keys of Enoch > that ultra-violet caused hydrogen bonds to break and this raised the > vibratory rate. Puharich presented the mental effects of ELF waves to military > leaders, but they would not believe him. He gave this information to certain > dignitaries of other Western nations. The US government burned down his home in > New York to shut him up and he fled to Mexico. However, the Russians > discovered which ELF frequencies did what to the human brain and began zapping the US > Embassy in Moscow on 4 July 1976 with electromagnetic-waves, varying the > signal, including focusing on 10 Hz. (10 Hz puts people into a hypnotic state. > Russians and North Koreans use this in portable mind-control machines to > extract confessions. A machine was even found in an American church to help the > congregation believe!) The Russian " Woodpecker " signal was traveling across the > world from a transmitter near Kiev. The US Air Force identified 5 different > frequencies in this compound harmonic Woodpecker signal that was sending > signals through the earth and the atmosphere. Nikola Tesla revealed in 1901 power > could be transmitted through the ground using ELF waves. Nothing stops or > weakens these signals. The Russians retrieved Tesla's papers when they were > finally returned to Yugoslavia after his death. Puharich continued to monitor the > Russian ELF wave signal while in Mexico and the higher harmonics produced > in the MHz range (5.340 MHz). He met the CIA and started working for them. He > and Dr. Robert Beck designed equipment to measure these waves and their > effect on the human brain. Puharich started his work by putting dogs to sleep. By > 1948/49 he graduated to monkeys, deliberately destroying their eardrums to > enable them to pick up sounds without the eardrum intact. He discovered a nerve > in the tongue could be used to facilitate hearing. He created the dental > tooth implant which mind-control victims are now claiming was surreptitiously > placed in their mouth by controlled dentists causing them to hear 'voices in > their head.' The implant was placed under dental caps or lodged in the jaw. > Vaccine Implants > Implants are now smaller than a hair's width and are injected with vaccine > and flu shots. Millions have had this done unknowingly. These 'biochips' > circulate in the bloodstream and lodge in the brain, enabling the victims to hear > 'voices' via the implant. There are many kinds of implants now and 1 in 40 > are victims from 'alien abduction' statistics, though 1 in 20 has also been > gauged. The fake alien abduction event, revealed to be actually the work of US > military personnel using technology to make hologram spaceships outside, > virtual reality scenarios of going onto a spaceship with humans in costumes, has > been astutely perceived. Though real alien abductions do occur, the 'alien > abduction' scenario has been useful to stop any further investigation or > accountability of government authorities by poor victims who would face mockery > and appear silly. Are we being forced to respond to an artificially induced > vibratory rate by global masters who want this planet to have a sudden leap in > evolution, populated by the psychically aware and therefore a superior class > of humans or is the agenda designed to eliminate billions of people who are > 'useless eaters', deceptively being disposed by electro magnetically-induced > cancers and diseases? Electromagnetic Disease Transmission, ELF, & Chemtrails > The physics and engineering behind electromagnetic disease transmission are > frightening. Diseases can be reproduced as 'disease signatures' in that the > vibration of a disease can be manufactured and sent on to be induced. (The > brainwave pattern of hallucinogenic drugs can also be copied and sent by ELF > waves to induce 'visions'.) Once diseases are sprayed in the air, > electromagnetic-waves attuned to the disease, using harmonics and subharmonics, will make > them more lethal and infectious by sending particular disease frequency > death-patterns. Chemtrails are being sprayed daily all over USA (and other > countries too) in a white crisscross pattern. They contain diseases and chemicals > which affect our state of consciousness. They can produce apathy which works in > conjuction with fluoridation of the water, as well as aspartame and drugs. > Fluoride disables the willpower section of the brain, impairing the left > occipital lobe. Fluoride and selenium enable people to 'hear voices'. ELF waves > create disturbances in the biological processes of the body and these can be > activated in the population once the diseases are introduced into the body from > the chemtrails. Some chemtrails have been analyzed and shown to be creating > cleavages in spacial perceptions, blocking the interaction of various > amino-acids that relate to higher-consciousness and to increase dopamine in the > brain producing a listless, spaced-out state of lower reactive mind. Basically, > the goal is to fog the difference between the real and unreal and some of this > could be connected with the many UFO abductions occurring en-mass. Hundreds > have been witnessed laid out on tables and implanted. Intelligence agencies > are in league with each other behind this disablement of the masses to such a > point that they can't even fight back. In order for the perpetrators to do > what they want, they need the overall 'frequency' of each victim to function > at a specific rate below the threshold of awareness. Could this be part of a > greater plan with mind-control transmitters covering the whole of USA and > England, cleverly disguised as cell phone towers and trees? The power from > microwave towers may be turned up to such a level that people can die. A brain > functioning at beta-level (above 13 Hz) is agitated and can't change its > perceptions, if it is artificially maintained by technology to that frequency. This > may increase body electricity in others, giving them psychic powers. Is this > linked to the New-Agers claim of a rising 12-14 Hz Schumann Resonance, inching > us towards the 4th dimension? Stimulants ingested globally from caffeine > genetically-modified plants, may also produce an impact on the 'global-brain' in > the ionosphere collecting our brainwaves. New-age channellers say we are > going into 4th dimensional frequency. They 'heard' the voice of some 'ET' who > told them. However, some 'ETs' may be local boys. Voices in the head were > produced in prisoners in Utah prisons using Tesla technology. Each of the > prisoners received the same message from an 'ET'. Today, it seems, it's easy to > produce 'voices in the head' without implants. A prisoner called David Fratus in > Draper Prison, Utah in 1988 wrote: > >> " I began to receive, or hear, high-frequency tones in my ears. When I >> plug my ears..the tones are still inside and become amplified. It's as if they >> had become electrified echo chambers with the sounds coming from the inside >> out..I began to hear voices..into my inner ears as vivid as though I were >> listening to a set of stereo headphones..with the end result being that I am >> now having my brain monitored by an omnipotent computerized mind reading or >> > Hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, and > the State Hospital were subject to this brand of mind-control in order to test > it. In the early 1970s, this was brought out in the Utah U.S. District > Court, because inmates who had been subjected to this Tesla-wave mind-control in > prison had tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court. The University of > Utah researched how Tesla-waves could be used to manipulate the mind into > hearing voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, and reading the > thoughts, as well as developing eye-implants. > Tracking > Cray computers, using artificial-intelligence, monitor the victims of > government implants sending pre-recorded sound-bytes or occasional live messages. > They are picked up by satellite and relayed to whatever large TV broadcasting > antenna, GWEN tower or other microwave antenna is near the victim. It's > believed that some type of body implants pick up the signal and broadcast the > correct Tesla-wave pattern to create voices within the victim. > The tracking implant keeps the staff and the satellite system informed every > few minutes as to exactly where to send the voice signals. The master > computer and central HQ for this is reported to be in Boulder, CO. It is thought > that transponders are being made there as well. The central cellular computer > is in the Boulder, CO National Bureau of Standards building. AT & T is also > cooperating in this project. Several government agencies work together on this. > Tim Rifat of UK wrote that > >> " this inter-cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one >> else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. >> Transmission of auditory data directly into the target's brains using microwave >> carrier beams is now common practice. Instead of using excitation potentials, one >> uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are >> > The Sydney Morning Herald on 21 March 1983 published an article by Dr Nassim > Abd El-Aziz Neweigy, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture, > Moshtohor Tukh-Kalubia, Egypt. It stated: > >> " Russian satellites, controlled by advanced computers, can send voices in >> one's own language interweaving into natural thoughts to the population of >> choice to form diffused artificial thought. The chemistry and electricity of >> the human brain can be manipulated by satellite and even suicide can be >> induced. Through ferocious anti-humanitarian means, the extremist groups are >> fabricated, the troubles and bloody disturbances are instigated by advanced >> tele-means via Russian satellites, in many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe >> > Another source says that these have been fed with the world's languages and > synthetic telepathy will reach into people's heads making people believe God > is speaking to them personally to enact the Second Coming, complete with > holograms! The Russians broke the genetic code of the human brain. They worked > out 23 EEG band-wave lengths, 11 of which were totally independent. So if you > can manipulate those 11, you can do anything. > NSA Cray computers can remotely track people just knowing the specific EMF > waves (evoked potentials from EEGs in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range) of a > person's bioelectric-field. Each person's emissions are unique and they can > remotely track someone in public. > Maxwell's 'Hidden' Etheric Component > Evoked-potentials officially don't exist in physics, but in 1873 a Scotsman, > James Clerk Maxwell, discovered electromagnetic waves have 3 components: > He discovered waveforms which exist at a certain number of right-angled > rotations away from the electromagnetic-field. These are hyperspacial components, > not subject to constraints of time and space. He claimed that > electromagnetic-radiation waves were carried by the ether and the ether was disturbed by > magnetic lines of force. The hidden component is called only 'potential' now > and not normally used except for covert hyperdimensional physics and to > manipulate consciousness itself via electromagnetic-waves covering vast areas of the > planet. > Approx. one person in 3000 is naturally sensitive to this magnetic-waveform > component, the telepathic types (according to a writer called " Majix " ), but > we are all capable of tuning into this magnetic component by tuning our > subconscious to it. Maxwell's successors thought potentials were akin to mysticism, > because they believed fields contain mass which cannot be created from > apparently nothing, which is what potentials are, both literally and > mathematically - they are an accumulation or reservoir of energy; but this hasn't been > taught in mainstream physics. > Thought Control > Subliminal words in the correct electromagnetic-field that expresses human > consciousness, attuned to the human brain, can enter our minds at a > subconscious level. Our brain activity patterns can apparently be measured and stored > on computer by super-computers. If a victim needs subliminal-thoughts > implanted, all that is necessary is to capture, save on computer, and target the > person's brainwave pattern to send them such low frequency subliminal-messages > that they actually think it is their own thoughts [confirmed by Al Bielek and > Preston Nichols with the Montauk Project in Long Island]. The researcher Majix > says our brains are so sensitive that they are like liquid-crystal in > response to the magnetic component of the earth. > We are sensitive to earth's magnetic changes, changes in the ionospheric > cavity and re-resonate those frequencies ourselves. We are incredibly complex, > beyond comprehension and a type of biocosmic transducer. He adds: > >> " Physicists in Russia correlate the mean annual magnetic-activity, >> electro-magnetic and electro-static fields on human behavior and medical >> indications.They are similar to biorhythms.These magnetic frequencies can be >> manipulated. Our brain waves can mimic magnetic frequencies from very simple >> equipment at extremely low power levels. From half a second to 4 seconds later, the >> neurons and brainwaves are driven exclusively by the device, with power >> levels almost nonexistent. All one needs is a circularly polarized antenna >> aimed up at the ionospheric cavity and they can manipulate the moods of everyone >> within a 75 sq. mile area. The body picks up these " new " manipulated waves >> and begins to correspond immediately. " Sleep " frequency will make everyone >> > In 1967, an " internationally renowned scientist " and Christopher Hills, a > pendulum expert, communicated with some ETs. (It is not known who the scientist > was, but at one time both Hills and Puharich were with the medium > Garrett at a time when Puharich was communicating with ETs.) > In short, ETs communicated with us via modulated radio-waves, between 10,000 > and 20,000 cycles below the known electromagnetic-spectrum. In the > carrier-wave by amplitude modulation, mixed with frequency modulation. Single band > energy, transmission power less than 25 watts. A naturally present wave on > earth, the brain modulated - a wave that resonates between the earth and the > ionosphere. All humans influence the ionosphere in this manner. A reflecting > technique is involved. The brain modulation consisted of pulses, akin to those > known from neuro pulses. Two humans can use this. It's related to something akin > to low frequency radar and to ultrasonic techniques, but qualified. A mixed > electro-acoustic wave function. The electromagnetic-wave induced an > ultrasonic transduction in human tissue. The brain radiation has a sonic component to > it as well as an electromagnetic component. Electromagnetic-radiation has a > sonic component and it's dependent on the medium through which it travels. > The scientist cut through months of work. Now HAARP is slicing up the > ionosphere, the world-brain, like a microwave knife, producing long tear incisions > destroying the membrane which holds the reservoir of data accumulated by all > earth's history. A healer called Mr. " A " claimed to receive " Ancient Wisdom " > from this protective Magnetic-Ring of energy which stores within it all > knowledge since time began. Ruth Mongomery wrote about him in Born To Heal. > He claimed that if our energy flow is cut off from this magnetic-field, the > Universal-Supply is obstructed and we are no longer in tune and start to get > sick. The Power from this travels in split-seconds around the world and is > available to anyone who is capable of receiving it and handling it. The waves > from The Ring automatically translated into words in his mind, as wisdom to > diagnose and heal others, coming from the storehouse of knowledge here since > the beginning of time. He produced instant miracles, knitting broken bones and > removing arthritis. A photo caught forked lightning coming from his fingers. > In Let's Talk MONTAUK, Joyce Murphy shows that experiments on the 410-420 > MHz cycle have been done which could affect the " window frequency to the human > consciousness " as a whole: > >> " He (Preston Nichols) used equipment to learn that whenever a >> 410-420 MHz signal appeared on the air, the psychic's minds would be >> " jammed. " Tracing the signal to Montauk Point and the red and white radar antenna >> > In Encounter in the Pleiades by Peter Moon and Preston Nichols, > Preston wrote that: > >> " Dr. Nicholas Begich has picked up 435 MHz signals connected to HAARP >> and that a mind control function is being employed. He says that 400-450 MHz >> is the window to human consciousness because it is our reality's background >> > Tim Rifat wrote in his Microwave Mind Control in the UK article <A HREF= " " > ></A>/ that cellular phones use 435 MHz. UK police use 450 MHz > exclusively. Dr. Ross Adey used this for CIA behavioral modification > experiments. Police have a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all > over the UK. Adey used 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulate microwave at a > frequency of 450 MHz, with an ELF modulation to control all aspects of human > behavior. 450 MHZ radar modulated at 60 Hz greatly reduced T-lymphocyte > activity to kill cultured cancer cells. A study of USA 60 Hz powerlines repeated > <A HREF= " " >Current News</A> | <A HREF= " " >Introduction</A> | <A HREF= " " >Colloidal Silver</A> | <A HREF= " " >Chemtrails</A> | <A HREF= " " >Emerging Diseases</A> | <A HREF= " " >Forbidden Cures</A> | <A HREF= " " >Immunity Boosting</A> <A HREF= " " >Nutrition</A> | <A HREF= " " >Mind-Body Connection</A> | <A HREF= " " >Ozone</A> | <A HREF= " " >Bioelectrification</A> | <A HREF= " " >Story on Drugs </A> | <A HREF= " " >Vaccine Dangers</A> | <A HREF= " " >Cancer</A> | <A HREF= " " >Newsletter</A> <A HREF= " " >Coming Attractions</A> | <A HREF= " " >New World Order</A> | <A HREF= " " >NWO News</A> | <A HREF= " " >Pam Schuffert</A> | <A HREF= " " >Reports From Peru</A> | <A HREF= " " >Phil Schneider</A> | <A HREF= " " >Al Bielek</A> <A HREF= " " >Trevor James Constable</A> | <A HREF= " " >Mind Control</A> | <A HREF= " " >Brice Taylor</A> | <A HREF= " " >Ted Gunderson</A> | <A HREF= " " > Free Energy</A> | <A HREF= " " >Membership</A> | <A HREF= " " >Help</A> | <A HREF= " Educate-Yourself_Forum/ " >Discussion</A> | <A HREF= " " >2003</A> <A HREF= " " >Matthew Ward</A> | <A HREF= " " >Kanya Vashon McGhee</A> | <A HREF= " " >Montalk</A> | <A HREF= " " >Cell Phone Towers</A> | <A HREF= " " >Ruth Drown</A> | <A HREF= " " >ZS Livingstone</A> | <A HREF= " " >Red Elk</A> | <A HREF= " " >Dowsing</A> <A HREF= " " >Don & Carol Croft</A> | <A HREF= " " >Anna Hayes</A> | <A HREF= " " >Gary Wade</A> | <A HREF= " " >Tone Generator</A> | <A HREF= " " >Home</A> | <A HREF= " " >Contact Us</A> | <A HREF= " " >Products</A> | <A HREF= " " >Search</A> | <A HREF= " " >Letters</A> | <A HREF= " " >Links</A> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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