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Hi, I could send to you the patient's story who had had lupus almost die at a

few years ago. But now her organ's function is normal and she keeps her full

time job.


I could check web site on " anmedicine.com, " hope you could get more



The story is:



In the November 1996 I thought I was on top of the world. I was attending

college and everything in my life was going in right the direction, but my

health suddenly collapsed. I had never felt so weak and helpless in my life.

First, I noticed symptoms associated with Raynauds (a blood flow restriction

mainly noticeable on fingers) and lost of skin pigmentation. As my illness

progressed, I became very susceptible to colds and flu. I visited the

emergency room many times. Each time doctors told me that I merely had the

flu and that the virus would soon run its course. By November 1996, my

condition severely deteriorated, because of breathing difficulties I was not

even able to walk on level ground. Finally, I visited the school's health

clinic. A nurse detected irregularities in my heartbeat and acknowledged a

definite problem with my health. Consequently, I was then admitted to Johns

Hopkins Hospital. After being hospitalized for almost three weeks and

undergoing a series of diagnostic test, I was diagnosed with Mixed Connective

Tissue Disease (auto-immune disease) with Pulmonary Hypertension (high blood

pressure in my lungs).


When I was diagnosed, I was told that my conditions were chronic and that

there were no known cures for my disease. The doctors informed me that the

best I could hope for would be treatments for associated symptoms. My

immediate need was to treat my pulmonary hypertension.


The most effective treatment for pulmonary hypertension at that time was

Flolan, a medicine administered by continuous infusion through a permanent

heart catheter on my chest. This treatment was both inconvenient (I had to

carry a medicine pump around 12-7) and invasive to my skin. The catheter

opening caused frequent skin irritations and left me susceptible to

potentially deadly infections. Yet all of these difficulties were only a

treatment for symptoms rather than a cure.


At the time of my treatment, Flolan was administered on a limited basis

through clinical studies. People taking this Flolan were expected to remain

dependent on the medicine for the rest of their life. Despite those

expectations, I was determined to find a cure for my disease and release my

dependency on Flolan. With the help of my family, I researched and

discovered a cure for my disease that uses eastern medicine. My family,

friends, and relatives searched all over the world, including major cities in

China, New York, and Washington D.C., for the most qualified doctor of

eastern medicine. Most doctors did not have any knowledge of my disease nor

any concept of possible cures. Just as my hopes were beginning to fade away,

God sent me Dr. Hou.


Dr. Hou is a physician who is well-versed in both western and eastern

medicine techniques. I brought my lab results to Dr. Hou the first time I

visited her. I did not tell her what the other doctors had told me, but she

was able to independently diagnose me after studying my lab results. Most

importantly, Dr. Hou explained how she could help me. After our first visit

with Dr. Hou, my family and I knew that we had found the right doctor for me.

In conflict was the fact that one of the conditions to enter the Flolan

study was to not accept herbal medicine or acupuncture treatment at any point

during the study. Despite my desire to start treatment immediately and the

knowledge that the treatment could improve my health, I was unable to accept

Dr. Hou's help. Herbal medicine treatments work slowly for chronic

diseases. So Dr. Hou recommended that I first enter the Flolan study to

treat my pulmonary hypertension and wait for my condition to stabilize. When

the Flolan clinical studies ended, I continued to rely on Flolan. This time

I paired the western medicine treatment, Flolan, with Dr. Hou's eastern

medicine treatment, herbal medicine and acupuncture.


Dr. Hou's first treatment required me to drink herbal medicines and

eventually included acupuncture. I drank the medicine twice a day and I

received acupuncture treatments every other week. The prescription of my

herbal medicines depended on what symptoms I experienced that week and what

the most recent lab results showed. As time progressed, I noticed that my

health condition improved. I felt much healthier and much more energetic.

Moreover, the positive lab results that I received after beginning Dr. Hou's

treatment proved that I was not just imagining my better health. Dr. Hou

explained her treatment plans for me each time I visited her clinic. During

the last five years, she not only treated me for my disease, but also treated

many of my disease symptoms such as dry skin, dry skin bumps and rashes,

joint pains, lost of pigmentation, raynauds, pulmonary hypertension and the

flu. Dr. Hou has collaborated extensively with my western doctors to keep

track of all my treatment plans and has kept my western doctors well informed

of her treatment plans for me. Dr. Hou's experience with western medicine has

allowed her to help me reduce, in some cases eliminate, any side effects of

my western medicines.


After two years undergoing a paired treatment of both western and eastern

medicine, my pulmonary specialist advised that my health had improved so much

that I was strong enough to be weaned from Flolan. At the time that the

advisement was given, Flolan was not approved by the Federal Drug

Administration (FDA) as a treatment for secondary pulmonary hypertension. If

I removed it and for any reason I needed it again, I might not have been able

to obtain Flolan again. In addition, there are very few people in the world

who have been able to permanently stop needing Flolan medication. So I

against taking unnecessary risks and continued using Floaln. Finally, when

Flolan was approved by the FDA, my pulmonary specialist and I agreed to

remove Flolan by tapering down my dosages slowly to until I was completely

off the medication. I was monitored by the Johns Hopkins Hospital physicians

to remove Flolan because the catheter site developed an infection. I am the

first patient to ever be completely removed from Flolan medication at the

Johns Hopkins Hospital.


I have been off Flolan for several months now and my lung pressure at rest is

still normal. My health has made tremendous, previously unimaginable progress

since I started my eastern medicine treatment with Dr. Hou. Although, I have

yet to be cured of my Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, my symptoms have been

dramatically reduced. I continue to improve and in believe in the

effectiveness of eastern medicine as I receive treatments from Dr. Hou every



Yan Gong, in Maryland, U.S.A.




In a message dated 4/5/02 2:05:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

mish123 writes:


<< I'm looking for a better understanding of the autoimmune disease

lupus and am seeking advise on how best to treat it in of " flare ups "

since its outbreaks are always in different systems... thank you >>

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acupuncture, " mish1232242 " <mish123@h...> wrote:

> I'm looking for a better understanding of the autoimmune disease

> lupus and am seeking advise on how best to treat it in of " flare

ups "

> since its outbreaks are always in different systems... thank you


Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus causes inflammation of connective tissue.

Since we have alot of connective tissue in our bodies it can effect

multiple systems. Bob Flaws has a chapter on it in The Treatment of

Modern Western Medical Diseases with . He identifies

10 different patterns that can manifest at various stages of the

disease. In the remarks section, he notes that most cases present as

a combination of Qi and Yin vacuity, some sort of evil heat (toxic,

depressive, damp or vacuity), and Liver depression Qi stagnation. He

further notes that there is often blood stasis as well. Additionally,

if the patient is a woman 45-55 years old, one must also look at

Spleen vacuity which may have evolved into Kidney yang (Spleen

fuction begins to slow after age 35 which sets the stage for



I personally have not treated a lupus patient. I have had some

interactions outside of the clinical setting with people with the

disease, so I appreciate the complexity. I was able to observe a co-

worker as she struggled with a variety of recurring symptoms

including incredible mood swings. I offered to treat her at a

discounted price, but she chose alcohol over acupuncture (escape vs.

treatment I guess). Others I have seen have also observed outside of

the clinic have behaved in a very self-destructive manner. Not sure

if that is part of the disease or not.


Anyway, good luck, I hope this was helpful.


Michael Buyze, L.Ac.

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In general autoimune diseases are conected with Spleen problems. Take a look and

good luck!





Wednesday, April 03, 2002 3:13 AM

acupuncture lupus



I'm looking for a better understanding of the autoimmune disease

lupus and am seeking advise on how best to treat it in of " flare ups "

since its outbreaks are always in different systems... thank you



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Ditto....and further....

" After Shen (Kidneys), the foundation of the prenatal energies of the

Body, Pi (Spleen) is considered,

since it is the foundation of postnatal life. " " Zang Fu - Jeremy




> In general autoimune diseases are conected with Spleen problems.

Take a look and good luck!

> Roberta

> -

> mish1232242

> I'm looking for a better understanding of the autoimmune disease

> lupus and am seeking advise on how best to treat it in of " flare

ups "

> since its outbreaks are always in different systems... thank you



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  • 1 year later...

Dear Susan,



Lupus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that can affect virtually any system in the body. Think of it as a 'self-allergy' where the body attacks its own cells and tissues, causing inflammation, pain, and possible organ damage. Lupus is thought to have a viral root, in particular a herpes strain, as are most immune and auto immune dysfunction. Nature herself offers a way to address this with the Creosote bush or Larrea tridentata. The American Indians call this Shegoi, the mother of all plants and via carbon dating, the oldest plant on the planet.




Many individuals seek healing through the use of herbs and botanicals grown in diverse and distant regions of the world. However, those who live within these regions, inherently recognize the principle that harmony and balance exists as a potential within all things. Thus, nature herself within the Divine order of Unity, all effects having a resonant balancing factor, holds the secrets both energetically and nutraceutically of addressing all disease and dysfunction. As man has only recently evidenced his ability to travel vast spaces in relatively short times, it appears perfectly clear that the answers to everything lie within his own immediate orbit of activity.



Whether we speak of behavioral, financial or physiological dysfunction, energetically, vibrationally and botanically, the secrets to greater balance can be found where we are. In this context, I offer you what our own native Americans have for so long know and utilized as their medicine chest, a plant whose lignin and flavanoid components offer us the solution to the entire range of viral challenges we today face. It is not necessary to travel to Thailand, Tahiti or the Amazon to address a challenge, for whatever country in which we reside holds the key within its soil to all that disturbs us. Do you not see that all problems contain within themselves the answer to their own solution. Why? Because a problem does not arise because of conditions external to us but rather is the exact reflection and representation of what goes on within us.



Life is a mirror, as are we, and all that we see is but evidence of all that we are and of our inherent understanding and alignment with Laws of Being, interstitched with every atom and organ of our body. Today, we see greater evidence of this profound relationship in the many new technological advances which utilize that which is both light and sound in an array of healing modalities that are known as energetic, vibrational or supra physical. Medicine itself is being updated, much like a computer, as new software leaves its imprint on programs previously thought to be the limit of knowledge and our healing professionals find great need to remain abreast of all that enters this planet through the consciousness of those who better understand these universal Laws.



Within this context, I want to emphasize to you that my attention upon and my communication about the Larrea tridentata or Shegoi is not simply to assail your senses with another network marketing health supplement. Here, within the desert regions of the United States, on 40 million acres lies the oldest plant on this planet, one imbued with survival mechanisms in almost uninhabitable areas, which are deserving of respect from each of us. Shegoi contains thousands of years of accumulated wisdom about how to survive under the most difficult of conditions while demonstrating natural immunity to viral, bacterial, fungal and microbial elements and holding within itself the most profound of secrets to pain itself.



I invite each of you to download this book, read it and then contact me for further information about a healing botanical the likes of which modern man has not yet seen. It is my great pleasure to share this with you. Please, recognize that gifts often arrive in our presence wrapped in ways which test our capacity for flexibility of thought. Look not at how it is marketed but rather at what it is and how it can assist you to live a life of greater ease and protect you from the viral variations that continually puzzle even the greatest of our scientists. I can be reached at 860-295-1072 or at DrSABrown



Much Love in Spirit,












View my website





SuppyZ [suppyZ]Wednesday, February 11, 2004 10:21 PM Subject: Lupis


Not sure if i spelled it right.

Does anyone know anything about this disease? What can help someone with the pain that it causes? my friend has it.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I did a search in the H & H archives, and nothing came up for lupus.


Dr. says I might be headed on my way to having lupus, and it would

explain a lot of things that have been happening since I got military

vaccines 20 years ago, and just generally feeling pretty bad for the

last few years. I've read about some natural remedies for lupus; does

anybody here have personal experience with it, something that helped




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Hi Joy,



that lupus is an autoimmune disease – the body attacks itself due to

hypersensitivity of the immune system.

The problem with adding supplements to

your diet to help your body’s functioning, you also

sharpen your body’s capacity to attack itself. So *patience*

with any products you try. You’ll

probably go through detox. I would suggest plant-based digestive

enzymes (lots), probiotics, CoQ10, food-based

anti-oxidant supplements. I have a

girlfriend who had lupus who several years

ago reversed it with these supplements,

plus adding whole foods and whole food supplements,

eliminating offending foods. I’ll

send you a list of a special diet I

have for this, if you are interested.


Carol M.



Organic, wholefood,

supplements provide nutrients essential for the

health of people, pets and plants. http://www.bluegreensolutions.com







Dr. says I

might be headed on my way to having lupus, and it would

explain a

lot of things that have been happening since I got military

vaccines 20

years ago, and just generally feeling pretty bad for the

last few

years. I've read about some natural remedies for lupus; does

anybody here

have personal experience with it, something that helped






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Hi Carol and Joy. I would also be interested in the special diet as well. My daughter was diagnosed not long after she gave birth to my grandson with lupus. We had talked about supplements but never thought about them giving the body even more power to attack itself.


>"Carol Minnick" <carolminnick > > >RE: lupus >Thu, 1 Apr 2004 14:03:28 -0500 > >Hi Joy, > >Remember that lupus is an autoimmune disease - the body attacks itself >due to hypersensitivity of the immune system. The problem with adding >supplements to your diet to help your body's functioning, you also >sharpen your body's capacity to attack itself. So *patience* with any >products you try. You'll probably go through detox. I would suggest >plant-based digestive enzymes (lots), probiotics, CoQ10, food-based >anti-oxidant supplements. I have a girlfriend who had lupus who several >years ago reversed it with these supplements, plus adding whole foods >and whole food supplements, eliminating offending foods. I'll send you >a list of a special diet I have for this, if you are interested. > >Carol M. >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >Organic, wholefood, supplements provide nutrients essential for the >health of people, pets and plants. <http://www.bluegreensolutions.com> >http://www.bluegreensolutions.com >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > >joyinthewoods [peessnic] > >Dr. says I might be headed on my way to having lupus, and it would >explain a lot of things that have been happening since I got military >vaccines 20 years ago, and just generally feeling pretty bad for the >last few years. I've read about some natural remedies for lupus; does >anybody here have personal experience with it, something that helped >them? > >Joy > > Get rid of annoying pop-up ads with the new MSN Toolbar – FREE!

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Yes, please, and thanks



and whole food supplements, eliminating offending foods. I'll send you

> a list of a special diet I have for this, if you are interested.


> Carol M.

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Hi Linda,


Here is the diet that I mentioned

for autoimmune conditions.









by Donia Alawi, Health Teacher

and Nutritionist


some products mentioned can

be purchased from http://www.bluegreensolutions.com








Remove strong acid producing foods. 

Examples are beef, chicken and pork. 

If you must eat any of these meats, at least

reduce the amounts significantly. 



Remove all dairy

products (cheese and milk).  These are also acid

producing foods.  If you cannot avoid

them, then buy goat-based cheese (the soft kind) or raw goat milk. 



Avoid grains that are considered high-glycemic

foods.  Examples are corn chips, instant

processed grain mixes (i.e., puffed wheat), cakes, pies, pastry, processed

breakfast cereals, instant

grain cereals, white

rice, white flour and white flour pastas.



Avoid breads containing yeast.  It

may be prudent to consume types of

bread made from whole rye and leavened with lactobacillus.



Remove hydrogenated oils and margarine from your diet.  Use coconut butter or oil (not processed) for

cooking.  Use extra virgin olive oil or

raw butter for any cold spreads.



Avoid non-foods (i.e., salt, alcohol,

artificial sweeteners,

coffee, tea, soft drinks, ....etc.).



Avoid soy products, except for fermented soy

products (miso, tamari sauce, and tempeh).






Michael Klapper, M.D., recommends this

strict diet for the first 14 days.  Eat

only (in unlimited amounts):

A)  Brown rice and

sweet potatoes  (for

energy and protein).

B)  Green and yellow vegetables  (for

vitamins and minerals).

C)  Non-citrus fruits  (for vitamins,

minerals and fiber).


D)  Vegetable soups,

broth, and fresh vegetable juices.

E)  Ample pure water,

at least a 6 oz. glass every 1-2 hours.


Reconstruct your diet after 14 days with “safe”

foods.  You can add oily fish, such as salmon, halibut or cod,

soft goat cheeses, citrus fruits, all types of

vegetables, nuts, seeds...etc.


When you add such foods back to your diet, it is a good idea

to add one food at a time, every two

days.  You need to observe carefully any

effects on your joints and other tissues while keeping a food diary to record

your body’s reaction (if any) to each single reintroduced food.  Note any food that incites swelling,

stiffness, pain in joints, or other adverse bodily reactions within 2

days.   As your list of “safe foods”

grows, base your daily meal choices on

foods that cause no problems and that make you feel your best.




REPAIR “LEAKY” GUT:                                                                                                                                         


A)  Friendly Bacteria



Lynne McFarland, Ph.D., from the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at

the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, WA.,

reported that oral supplementation of

friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus can

help recolonize the intestinal tract with

good bacteria which can then force out toxic bacteria (Bland, Genetic....p.



One of the best friendly bacteria products in the market

today is a wide-spectrum friendly bacteria supplement

micro-blended with fructo-oligosaccharides.  Following are its ingredients:  Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, Bifidobacterium bifidum,

Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum,

Lactobacillus salivarius,

Streptococcus faecium, Streptococcus thermophilus, Acerola and Rose

Hips blend, wild blue green algae, Jerusalem Artichoke, Lipase, Amylase, Protease, and Cellulase.


B)  Enzyme Therapy:


Digestive enzyme therapy is

used to improve the breakdown and assimilation of food nutrients, reduce stress

on the gastrointestinal mucous, help

maintain normal body pH

levels, detoxify the body, promote the growth of healthy intestinal flora, and

strengthen the body as a whole. 


Systemic enzyme therapy is

used to reduce inflammation and stimulate the immune system.  Enzymes improve

circulation, help speed tissue repair, bring nutrients to the damaged area, and

remove waste products. 


One of the best enzyme products in

the market today is a wide-spectrum blend of 12 active enzymes with

digestive-enhancing ingredients such as blue green algae (high

mineral food),

fennel, ginger and cayenne pepper.


C)  High quality dietary



To maintain intestinal hygiene, you

need about 35 to 40 grams of different fiber sources everyday (i.e., bran,

cellulose, lignin, pectin, etc.), all found in

different organically grown,

ripe seasonal fruits,

seeds,  whole

grains, and vegetables.  Dietary fiber

helps improve the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).  Dietary fiber is fermented into SCFAs by friendly bacteria like acidophilus and bifidus.  One of the

best fiber sources is from brown rice and it has no adverse reactions in the

intestinal tract.  Rice has both the insoluble and soluble

fiber, which friendly bacteria ferment to SCFAs.  SCFAs nourishes

the critical intestinal lining.


Another source of good fiber is flax seed.  Besides being a well-rounded source of both

the insoluble and soluble fibers, flax contains another component called lignans.  Lignans have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties

(grind flax seed immediately

before you eat it). 







A)  Wild-crafted blue

Green Algae:


A specific amino acid, L-glutamine, is found to reduce

inflammation.  According to Douglas

Wilmore, M.D., a trauma care surgeon at Harvard Medical School, the amino

acid L-glutamine improves intestinal function and

can help preserve the gut lumen and heal a leaky gut

(Bland, Genetic, p. 135). 


One of the most amazing foods high in L-glutamine is

wild-crafted blue green algae from Upper

Klamath Lake, Oregon.  It is nearly two-thirds protein which is an

unusually high

proportion, particularly for a “plant” food.  Dietarily essential amino acids

compose 49.1% and non dietarily essential amino acids

compose 50.9%.  Supplementing with 4

capsules a day gives the body 78 mg. of L. Glutamine.  High amounts of blue green algae are

needed to promote healing of a

leaky gut.


In addition, wild-crafted blue green algae provides the vitamins

and minerals that can

put messages of

inflammation to sleep.  For example, blue

green algae is high in vitamin B-complex, including

vitamin B3 or niacinamide.  B3  can prevent inflammation by reducing

immune system activation and the resulting oxidant stress, which ultimately

produces the pain, swelling, redness and tissue destruction of arthritis (p.



B)  Virgin coconut



Coconut oil can reduce inflammation.  In a study reported by Dr. S. Sadeghi, coconut oil decreased pro-inflammatory chemicals in the

body.  The researcher suggested that

coconut oil might be useful in therapies involving a number of acute and

chronic inflammatory diseases (Sadeghi, S. et al, 1999,

dietary lipids modify the cytokine response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide in mice. 

Immunology  96(3):404). 


Coconut oil has strong antimicrobial effects and

can eliminate harmful and toxic organisms and therefore can prevent/relieve the

inflammation and pain they cause.


To get a therapeutic benefit from consuming coconut oil, 3½  tablespoons is the

recommended daily

intake.  You can also

incorporate more coconut meat and milk

into your diet.  For example, seven

ounces of dried coconut provides 3½  tablespoons of oil.


C)  Wheat Sprouts:


Wheat sprouts as a whole food supplement provides

one of the most potent antioxidant enzymes to fight

inflammation; superoxide dismutase

(SOD).  Since SOD requires copper and

zinc as cofacters to initiate maximum effectiveness,

a whole food supplement that

combines other foods high in minerals would be

the best type of supplement.  We recommend a  whole food

antioxidant made of organic wheat sprouts, blue green algae and red

beta algae (dunaliella salina).


D)  Turmeric and



Take turmeric powder

internally as an

anti-inflammatory food.  Taken internally, turmeric can inhibit

TNF which is a chemical mediator of

inflammation.  Take one teaspoon three times daily with

or without meals.  Best taken at bed time.


Ginger is considered an important anti-pain and

anti-inflammation food in the very old Ayurvedic and Tibb system of medicine in India.  Buy organic ginger powder and start by taking

a heaping teaspoon per day.  Mix the

ginger with your favorite beverage.  Or

if you don’t mind the taste, mix it in water (ideal way of

taking it).      





If you have a problem with chronic arthritis symptoms

including ankylosing spondylitis,

your first course of action might be to utilize the above recommended dietary

changes and whole food supplements.  Look for ways as to how your diet and lifestyle

can interrelate to reduce the outcome of

inflammation.  By modifying your diet and

lifestyle, you may be able to realize

considerable improvements in your

body’s immune system function and thereby lower the level of “alarm

substances” traveling in your bloodstream that trigger inflammation. 




The 20-day Rejuvenation Diet Program - Jeffrey Bland


Genetic Nutritioneering - Jeffrey





For more information on the above mentioned

products, please contact

Carol Minnick   —   716-759-6561   —  





Would you benefit from a

more effective and healthy immune system?

Organic, wholefood,

supplements provide nutrients essential for the

health of people, pets and plants. http://www.bluegreensolutions.com


For a FREE health article, " Standard vs. Wholefood Supplements " ,

send a blank email

to: wholefoodsupplements






Linda Duke


Thursday, April 01, 2004 5:23 PM


RE: lupus




Hi Carol and Joy. I would also be interested in

the special diet as well. My daughter was diagnosed not long after she

gave birth to my grandson with lupus. We had talked about supplements but

never thought about them giving the body even more power to attack




> " Carol Minnick "




>RE: lupus

>Thu, 1 Apr 2004 14:03:28 -0500


>Hi Joy,


>Remember that lupus is an autoimmune disease - the

body attacks itself

>due to hypersensitivity of the immune

system. The problem with adding

>supplements to your diet to help your body's

functioning, you also

>sharpen your body's capacity to attack

itself. So *patience* with any

>products you try. You'll probably go

through detox. I would suggest

>plant-based digestive enzymes (lots), probiotics,

CoQ10, food-based

>anti-oxidant supplements. I have a

girlfriend who had lupus who several

>years ago reversed it with these supplements, plus

adding whole foods

>and whole food supplements, eliminating offending

foods. I'll send you

>a list of a special diet I have for this, if you

are interested.


>Carol M.



>Organic, wholefood, supplements provide nutrients

essential for the

>health of people, pets and

plants. <http://www.bluegreensolutions.com>




>joyinthewoods [peessnic]


>Dr. says I might be headed on my way to having

lupus, and it would

>explain a lot of things that have been happening

since I got military

>vaccines 20 years ago, and just generally feeling

pretty bad for the

>last few years. I've read about some natural

remedies for lupus; does

>anybody here have personal experience with it,

something that helped












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To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit

research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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Here’s the article about the diet

for autoimmune conditions.








by Donia Alawi, Health Teacher

and Nutritionist


some products mentioned can

be purchased from http://www.bluegreensolutions.com








Remove strong acid producing foods. 

Examples are beef, chicken and pork. 

If you must eat any of these meats, at least

reduce the amounts significantly. 



Remove all dairy

products (cheese and milk).  These are also acid

producing foods.  If you cannot avoid

them, then buy goat-based cheese (the soft kind) or raw goat milk. 



Avoid grains that are considered high-glycemic

foods.  Examples are corn chips, instant

processed grain mixes (i.e., puffed wheat), cakes, pies, pastry, processed

breakfast cereals, instant

grain cereals, white

rice, white flour and white flour pastas.



Avoid breads containing yeast.  It

may be prudent to consume types of

bread made from whole rye and leavened with lactobacillus.



Remove hydrogenated oils and margarine from your diet.  Use coconut butter or oil (not processed) for

cooking.  Use extra virgin olive oil or

raw butter for any cold spreads.



Avoid non-foods (i.e., salt, alcohol,

artificial sweeteners,

coffee, tea, soft drinks, ....etc.).



Avoid soy products, except for fermented soy

products (miso, tamari sauce, and tempeh).






Michael Klapper, M.D., recommends this

strict diet for the first 14 days.  Eat

only (in unlimited amounts):

A)  Brown rice and

sweet potatoes  (for

energy and protein).

B)  Green and yellow vegetables  (for

vitamins and minerals).

C)  Non-citrus fruits  (for vitamins,

minerals and fiber).


D)  Vegetable soups,

broth, and fresh vegetable juices.

E)  Ample pure water,

at least a 6 oz. glass every 1-2 hours.


Reconstruct your diet after 14 days with “safe”

foods.  You can add oily fish, such as salmon, halibut or cod,

soft goat cheeses, citrus fruits, all types of

vegetables, nuts, seeds...etc.


When you add such foods back to your diet, it is a good idea

to add one food at a time, every two

days.  You need to observe carefully any

effects on your joints and other tissues while keeping a food diary to record

your body’s reaction (if any) to each single reintroduced food.  Note any food that incites swelling,

stiffness, pain in joints, or other adverse bodily reactions within 2

days.   As your list of “safe foods”

grows, base your daily meal choices on

foods that cause no problems and that make you feel your best.




REPAIR “LEAKY” GUT:                                                                                                                                         


A)  Friendly Bacteria



Lynne McFarland, Ph.D., from the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at

the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, WA.,

reported that oral supplementation of

friendly bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus can

help recolonize the intestinal tract with

good bacteria which can then force out toxic bacteria (Bland, Genetic....p.



One of the best friendly bacteria products in the market

today is a wide-spectrum friendly bacteria supplement

micro-blended with fructo-oligosaccharides.  Following are its ingredients:  Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, Bifidobacterium bifidum,

Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum,

Lactobacillus salivarius,

Streptococcus faecium, Streptococcus thermophilus, Acerola and Rose

Hips blend, wild blue green algae, Jerusalem Artichoke, Lipase, Amylase, Protease, and Cellulase.


B)  Enzyme Therapy:


Digestive enzyme therapy is

used to improve the breakdown and assimilation of food nutrients, reduce stress

on the gastrointestinal mucous, help

maintain normal body pH levels,

detoxify the body, promote the growth of healthy intestinal flora, and

strengthen the body as a whole. 


Systemic enzyme therapy is

used to reduce inflammation and stimulate the immune system.  Enzymes improve

circulation, help speed tissue repair, bring nutrients to the damaged area, and

remove waste products. 


One of the best enzyme products in

the market today is a wide-spectrum blend of 12 active enzymes with

digestive-enhancing ingredients such as blue green algae (high

mineral food),

fennel, ginger and cayenne pepper.


C)  High quality dietary



To maintain intestinal hygiene, you

need about 35 to 40 grams of different fiber sources everyday (i.e., bran,

cellulose, lignin, pectin, etc.), all found in

different organically grown,

ripe seasonal fruits,

seeds,  whole

grains, and vegetables.  Dietary fiber

helps improve the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).  Dietary fiber is fermented into SCFAs by friendly bacteria like acidophilus and bifidus.  One of the

best fiber sources is from brown rice and it has no adverse reactions in the

intestinal tract.  Rice has both the insoluble and soluble

fiber, which friendly bacteria ferment to SCFAs.  SCFAs nourishes

the critical intestinal lining.


Another source of good fiber is flax seed.  Besides being a well-rounded source of both

the insoluble and soluble fibers, flax contains another component called lignans.  Lignans have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties

(grind flax seed immediately

before you eat it). 







A)  Wild-crafted blue

Green Algae:


A specific amino acid, L-glutamine, is found to reduce

inflammation.  According to Douglas

Wilmore, M.D., a trauma care surgeon at Harvard Medical School, the amino

acid L-glutamine improves intestinal function and

can help preserve the gut lumen and heal a leaky gut

(Bland, Genetic, p. 135). 


One of the most amazing foods high in L-glutamine is

wild-crafted blue green algae from Upper

Klamath Lake, Oregon.  It is nearly two-thirds protein which is an

unusually high

proportion, particularly for a “plant” food.  Dietarily essential amino acids

compose 49.1% and non dietarily essential amino acids

compose 50.9%.  Supplementing with 4

capsules a day gives the body 78 mg. of L. Glutamine.  High amounts of blue green algae are

needed to promote healing of a

leaky gut.


In addition, wild-crafted blue green algae provides the vitamins

and minerals that can

put messages of

inflammation to sleep.  For example, blue

green algae is high in vitamin B-complex, including

vitamin B3 or niacinamide.  B3  can prevent inflammation by reducing

immune system activation and the resulting oxidant stress, which ultimately

produces the pain, swelling, redness and tissue destruction of arthritis (p.



B)  Virgin coconut



Coconut oil can reduce inflammation.  In a study reported by Dr. S. Sadeghi, coconut oil decreased pro-inflammatory chemicals in the

body.  The researcher suggested that

coconut oil might be useful in therapies involving a number of acute and

chronic inflammatory diseases (Sadeghi, S. et al, 1999,

dietary lipids modify the cytokine response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide in mice. 

Immunology  96(3):404). 


Coconut oil has strong antimicrobial effects and

can eliminate harmful and toxic organisms and therefore can prevent/relieve the

inflammation and pain they cause.


To get a therapeutic benefit from consuming coconut oil, 3½  tablespoons is the

recommended daily

intake.  You can also

incorporate more coconut meat and milk

into your diet.  For example, seven

ounces of dried coconut provides 3½  tablespoons of oil.


C)  Wheat Sprouts:


Wheat sprouts as a whole food supplement provides

one of the most potent antioxidant enzymes to fight

inflammation; superoxide dismutase

(SOD).  Since SOD requires copper and

zinc as cofacters to initiate maximum effectiveness,

a whole food supplement that

combines other foods high in minerals would be

the best type of supplement.  We recommend a  whole food

antioxidant made of organic wheat sprouts, blue green algae and red

beta algae (dunaliella salina).


D)  Turmeric and



Take turmeric powder

internally as an

anti-inflammatory food.  Taken internally, turmeric can inhibit

TNF which is a chemical mediator of

inflammation.  Take one teaspoon three times daily with

or without meals.  Best taken at bed time.


Ginger is considered an important anti-pain and

anti-inflammation food in the very old Ayurvedic and Tibb system of medicine in India.  Buy organic ginger powder and start by taking

a heaping teaspoon per day.  Mix the

ginger with your favorite beverage.  Or

if you don’t mind the taste, mix it in water (ideal way of

taking it).       





If you have a problem with chronic arthritis symptoms

including ankylosing spondylitis,

your first course of action might be to utilize the above recommended dietary

changes and whole food supplements.  Look for ways as to how your diet and

lifestyle can interrelate to reduce the outcome of

inflammation.  By modifying your diet and

lifestyle, you may be able to realize

considerable improvements in your

body’s immune system function and thereby lower the level of “alarm

substances” traveling in your bloodstream that trigger inflammation. 




The 20-day Rejuvenation Diet Program - Jeffrey Bland


Genetic Nutritioneering - Jeffrey





For more information on the above mentioned

products, please contact

Carol Minnick   —   716-759-6561   —  





Would you benefit from a

more effective and healthy immune system?

Organic, wholefood,

supplements provide nutrients essential for the

health of people, pets and plants. http://www.bluegreensolutions.com

For a FREE health article, " Standard vs. Wholefood Supplements " ,

send a blank email

to: wholefoodsupplements








Thursday, April 01, 2004 6:45 PM





Yes, please, and thanks



and whole food supplements, eliminating offending

foods. I'll send you

> a list of a special diet I have for this, if

you are interested.


> Carol M.












To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit

research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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Guest guest

Sorry, I thought those would go out personally to

the ones who asked for it. Well, everybody

has a copy of it now. Sorry I cluttered

up everything.






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Guest guest

Yes, I believe it would be good for

arthritis also.






june1 [june1 (AT) mesquiteweb (DOT) com]

Thursday, April 01, 2004 10:29 PM


Re: lupus



Would this diet for lupus help with











Linda Duke








April 01, 2004 2:22 PM











Hi Carol and Joy. I would also be interested in

the special diet as well. My daughter was diagnosed not long after she

gave birth to my grandson with lupus. We had talked about supplements but

never thought about them giving the body even more power to attack itself.




> " Carol Minnick " <carolminnick




>RE: lupus

>Thu, 1 Apr 2004 14:03:28 -0500


>Hi Joy,


>Remember that lupus is an autoimmune disease - the

body attacks itself

>due to hypersensitivity of the immune

system. The problem with adding

>supplements to your diet to help your body's

functioning, you also

>sharpen your body's capacity to attack

itself. So *patience* with any

>products you try. You'll probably go

through detox. I would suggest

>plant-based digestive enzymes (lots), probiotics,

CoQ10, food-based

>anti-oxidant supplements. I have a

girlfriend who had lupus who several

>years ago reversed it with these supplements, plus

adding whole foods

>and whole food supplements, eliminating offending

foods. I'll send you

>a list of a special diet I have for this, if you

are interested.


>Carol M.



>Organic, wholefood, supplements provide nutrients

essential for the

>health of people, pets and

plants. <http://www.bluegreensolutions.com>




>joyinthewoods [peessnic]


>Dr. says I might be headed on my way to having

lupus, and it would

>explain a lot of things that have been happening

since I got military

>vaccines 20 years ago, and just generally feeling

pretty bad for the

>last few years. I've read about some natural

remedies for lupus; does

>anybody here have personal experience with it,

something that helped












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To :.... -



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit

research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml











Subscribe:......... -


To :....



Any information here in is for educational purpose

only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always

consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of

treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is

distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have

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Guest guest


Let us know how it works for you. Another supplement that

may help is red yeast rice, which supports bone health. Make sure you get the kind that’s

been proven to build bone, not the kind for lowering cholesterol.





june1 [june1 (AT) mesquiteweb (DOT) com]









I just might try this out as I have

arthritis in the left hip and back in the lumbar area and have always felt that

certain foods can set it off.

















Yes, I believe it would

be good for arthritis also.









Would this diet for lupus help with











Linda Duke







Hi Carol and Joy. I would also be interested in

the special diet as well. My daughter was diagnosed not long after she

gave birth to my grandson with lupus. We had talked about supplements but

never thought about them giving the body even more power to attack




> " Carol Minnick " <carolminnick


>Hi Joy,


>Remember that lupus is an autoimmune disease - the

body attacks itself

>due to hypersensitivity of the immune

system. The problem with adding

>supplements to your diet to help your body's

functioning, you also

>sharpen your body's capacity to attack

itself. So *patience* with any

>products you try. You'll probably go

through detox. I would suggest

>plant-based digestive enzymes (lots), probiotics,

CoQ10, food-based

>anti-oxidant supplements. I have a

girlfriend who had lupus who several

>years ago reversed it with these supplements, plus

adding whole foods

>and whole food supplements, eliminating offending

foods. I'll send you

>a list of a special diet I have for this, if you

are interested.


>Carol M.


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Guest guest

Thank you Carol will check it out next time I go to St. George or Las Vegas. No store in this town.





Carol Minnick

Friday, April 02, 2004 7:27 PM

RE: lupus




I would think it should say on the label. The kind I am using has a “seal” on the label that says “certified bone active by the International Bone Labs”. I don’t know what the other kind would say, the one used for lowering cholesterol, since I’ve never needed to use that one.




june1 [june1 (AT) mesquiteweb (DOT) com] Friday, April 02, 2004 10:15 PM Subject: Re: lupus



How do you tell the difference when buying the red yeast rice?







Carol Minnick



Thursday, April 01, 2004 9:08 PM


RE: lupus




Let us know how it works for you. Another supplement that may help is red yeast rice, which supports bone health. Make sure you get the kind that’s been proven to build bone, not the kind for lowering cholesterol.



june1 [june1]





I just might try this out as I have arthritis in the left hip and back in the lumbar area and have always felt that certain foods can set it off.







Carol Minnick




Yes, I believe it would be good for arthritis also.



june1 [june1]


Would this diet for lupus help with Arthritis?







Linda Duke





Hi Carol and Joy. I would also be interested in the special diet as well. My daughter was diagnosed not long after she gave birth to my grandson with lupus. We had talked about supplements but never thought about them giving the body even more power to attack itself.


>"Carol Minnick" <carolminnick


>Hi Joy,


>Remember that lupus is an autoimmune disease - the body attacks itself

>due to hypersensitivity of the immune system. The problem with adding

>supplements to your diet to help your body's functioning, you also

>sharpen your body's capacity to attack itself. So *patience* with any

>products you try. You'll probably go through detox. I would suggest

>plant-based digestive enzymes (lots), probiotics, CoQ10, food-based

>anti-oxidant supplements. I have a girlfriend who had lupus who several

>years ago reversed it with these supplements, plus adding whole foods

>and whole food supplements, eliminating offending foods. I'll send you

>a list of a special diet I have for this, if you are interested.


>Carol M.


«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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