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Adrenals, adrenals. adrenals.. can iI say less?

No, here it is in captials which means I an shouting, NEVER SUGGEST THAT SHE


what's happening here? The predisone is trashing her and yet helping her. She

probaly has a MOON face, in addition, (if you don't have a reference guide on

prescription drugs in your office then GET ONE and keep revising it) Oriental

med is fantastic but we live in a western world with western clients on western

drugs. Check out predisone or any other corticoid steroid drug. The side

effects are HUGE but you can't just stop taking them as the body is supplemented

from the outside and the adrenal glands say " yeah, so, I don't have to make

cotisol because you are giving it to me " . You have to taper off steroids. The

thing is she may taper off and then the sypmptoms scream, her body isn't

compenstating as it should to create it's own cortisol. YOU HAVE TO WORK ON HER


As for herbs or Chinese Patent Herbal Formulas, it would be irresponsible to

suggest any for your client without doing my own assessment. Saying that, no

doubt she isn't processing her food and could use six gentleman. You have to do

a deep assessment. Trust your training. Is she blood deficinet, Oketsu, immune

deficient (no doubt), what about the chong mei or yin wei mei. The chrohn's is

only a symptom, remember that, it's not her true problem.

Also, steroids creat a situation, beyond all the bone stuff, of severe

depression, black moods where the client doesn't feel that they have any hope

and they become suicidal. CAREFUL. You are a TCM practiotioner but how are you

at counseling? You cannot separate the body from the mind. Again, the

prednisone creates a depression, why? Yes the client has a health " situation "

AND the kidney/adrenals are being messed with from an external source.


Where are you located? Just would like to know if you are near me and I can

point you to places near you.

But actually, it may seem way too hard for you now, but take your training, take

your knowledge and THROW IT OUT for a moment. Center yourself and go with your

intutition, get out of your head, trust that you have learned and done so well,

feel and trust. All of you puncture people may slam me for this one, but

sometimes we get so into our knowledge and our heads that we forget that we are

working with energy and with INTENT. Approach your client with the intent of

helping them heal (not with healing them, it's their job, you can only help it

along, facilitate if you will) and teach them not the technics of TCM but of the


PM Takayanagi

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