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Most of my colon clients cannot handle super blue green algae, it's too cold for

them. Their lower burner needs to be warmed up. They do far better with gentle

warming foods. I have a great success using liquid moxa and a heating source

such as a hot pack or heating pad when people are in the midst of a flare up. (I

used to be involved with celltech but found their products too costly) I am in

fine health and take algae but then again, I'm not too cold. It can make you go

thru a de-tox, my eyes itch when i go back on it as it moves through my liver.

PM Takayanagi

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I agree the algae can be too cleansing for some, especially when there are

challenges. That's why it's important to go slowly and use small amounts. But

I'm suggesting the probiotics, especially when there are problems with the

intestines, to build the bacteria foundation. And drinking good quality water.

And the caster oil packs can be very soothing.


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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

, " 121 " <121@l...> wrote:

> Algae: False Claims and Hype



Unbelievable! I guess I can continue just as long as you want me to.


Response from the company to Health Canada Concerns:


(May 7, 1999) (like I said, these claims have all been addressed

satisfactorily some time ago)


A recent announcement by Health Canada should serve to remind us all

how GOOD it is to be associated with our company and to be confident

in the quality of our product.


The announcement says Health Canada plans to conduct " a survey of

products containing blue-green algae to determine how many are on

the market, in what forms they are sold, and the levels of

microcystins they contain. "


Microcystin is a toxin that can be produced by an algae called

Microcystis. It CANNOT be produced by Blue Green Algae. However, it

may be present as a contamination, which is why we test both its

harvest and its product to be sure regulatory guidelines are

enforced and there is no microcystin contamination of our products.


This was NOT reported in the Health Canada press release. Nor was

the perfect record of many algae manufacturers mentioned. The Health

Canada press release merely advised people that the agency believes

there may be potential toxicity associated with blue-green algae



For more than 15 years we have been a leader in developing and

enforcing quality standards in the harvesting and manufacturing of

blue-green algae. Secondly, in the entire history of our company and

the millions of dollars of sales and the hundreds of thousands of

customers, there has never been an illness linked with any of our



But even more importantly, over the last 5 years we have been

working in cooperation with the world's leading algologists and

several federal and state agencies to develop industry standards

based on our own quality control and demands for purity.


Not only are we in full compliance with the standards deemed

appropriate by the international scientific community for algae

products, we constantly monitor the lake to be certain the ecosystem

in which we harvest our algae is maintained; and we have been

congratulated by state authorities for our involvement in

maintaining and even improving that ecosystem.


Are there companies out there that are less attentive to quality

standards than we are? Perhaps. If so, we hope Health Canada

discovers and reveals them... just as we urge Health Canada to

report the quality of the products and the care taken by us at

harvesting and marketing blue-green algae.


That's why we support and encourage any study that serves to

strengthen the quality and standards of blue-green algae harvesting

and product manufacturing. We will always have the ONLY Super Blue

Green Algae... but we want everyone to adopt our standards for

purity and responsibility.


Until then, we will all continue to trust in the testimonials of

hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers and the nearly two

decades of FLAWLESS HISTORY. The bottom line is that we have

participated in some of the most profound transformations in

people's health and the quality of their lives ever witnessed as the

result of nutritional supplementation. To cause people to doubt the

experience of their own bodies is like yelling fire in a crowded

theater when there is no threat of fire: it's irresponsible.


All that we ask is that regulators be as responsible as we are. And

all you need to do to know how responsible we have been is to

read " The History of Quality Control in the Manufacturing of Blue

Green Algae of Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA. "

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--- all of the testing you claim has been done is only alledged , I

have never met a distributor that could produce it


show us the tests that are alledged to have been conducted

you have something to gain from posting that info as you sell the


so sell me by showing me the alledged testing

have you even seen the test results? show the data

do you have access to it? , if so why have you not posted the data?


testimonials dont mean a hill of beans! ,

show the data can you do that or not? cause if not then you be a one-

legged man in an butt kicking contest








In , " Carol " <carolminnick@a...>


> , " 121 " <121@l...> wrote:

> > Algae: False Claims and Hype

> --------


> Unbelievable! I guess I can continue just as long as you want me



> Response from the company to Health Canada Concerns:


> (May 7, 1999) (like I said, these claims have all been addressed

> satisfactorily some time ago)


> A recent announcement by Health Canada should serve to remind us


> how GOOD it is to be associated with our company and to be


> in the quality of our product.


> The announcement says Health Canada plans to conduct " a survey of

> products containing blue-green algae to determine how many are on

> the market, in what forms they are sold, and the levels of

> microcystins they contain. "


> Microcystin is a toxin that can be produced by an algae called

> Microcystis. It CANNOT be produced by Blue Green Algae. However,


> may be present as a contamination, which is why we test both its

> harvest and its product to be sure regulatory guidelines are

> enforced and there is no microcystin contamination of our



> This was NOT reported in the Health Canada press release. Nor was

> the perfect record of many algae manufacturers mentioned. The


> Canada press release merely advised people that the agency


> there may be potential toxicity associated with blue-green algae

> products.


> For more than 15 years we have been a leader in developing and

> enforcing quality standards in the harvesting and manufacturing of

> blue-green algae. Secondly, in the entire history of our company


> the millions of dollars of sales and the hundreds of thousands of

> customers, there has never been an illness linked with any of our

> products.


> But even more importantly, over the last 5 years we have been

> working in cooperation with the world's leading algologists and

> several federal and state agencies to develop industry standards

> based on our own quality control and demands for purity.


> Not only are we in full compliance with the standards deemed

> appropriate by the international scientific community for algae

> products, we constantly monitor the lake to be certain the


> in which we harvest our algae is maintained; and we have been

> congratulated by state authorities for our involvement in

> maintaining and even improving that ecosystem.


> Are there companies out there that are less attentive to quality

> standards than we are? Perhaps. If so, we hope Health Canada

> discovers and reveals them... just as we urge Health Canada to

> report the quality of the products and the care taken by us at

> harvesting and marketing blue-green algae.


> That's why we support and encourage any study that serves to

> strengthen the quality and standards of blue-green algae


> and product manufacturing. We will always have the ONLY Super Blue

> Green Algae... but we want everyone to adopt our standards for

> purity and responsibility.


> Until then, we will all continue to trust in the testimonials of

> hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers and the nearly two

> decades of FLAWLESS HISTORY. The bottom line is that we have

> participated in some of the most profound transformations in

> people's health and the quality of their lives ever witnessed as


> result of nutritional supplementation. To cause people to doubt


> experience of their own bodies is like yelling fire in a crowded

> theater when there is no threat of fire: it's irresponsible.


> All that we ask is that regulators be as responsible as we are.


> all you need to do to know how responsible we have been is to

> read " The History of Quality Control in the Manufacturing of Blue

> Green Algae of Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA. "

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Guest guest

> You will notice, 121, that the quackwatch page you posted had been

> eliminated - simply because it was not true!!


The above is the biggest speculation I've seen on this list in recent

memory. About 1/3 of the content on the Quackwatch site is

misinformation and disinformation, and there it remains in print.


Duncan Crow

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