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I'm 46 and studying TCM since 1 year at a French school.

Have also some practice in acupuncture and herbs, so as in aromatherapy and

Qi Gong.

I've made good personal development based on Barbara Brennan's course of

Healing during the last 3 years.


kind regards



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Hi to Bernard and others out there


I'm an acupuncturist in England, practising for 11 years now, with general

experience and special interest in pregnancy and childbirth. Looking

forward to meeting others on the list and sharing thoughts and ideas.


Best wishes



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Hi Amanda. I am an acupuncturist in Washington state, USA, practicing

for 5 years. No offense to the students and lay people on the list, but

I am glad to see a practitioner is present. I would like to discuss

interesting cases, discoveries, problems, etc. Not that students can't

be part of that, don't get me wrong.....


Greg Dember





>I'm an acupuncturist in England, practising for 11 years now, with general

>experience and special interest in pregnancy and childbirth. Looking

>forward to meeting others on the list and sharing thoughts and ideas.


>Best wishes



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" BoumBoum " <boum.boum wrote:


> I'm an acupuncturist in England,


and I'm the husband of someone in London pondering whether to

turn to it after some years of frustrating chemotherapy. I joined

the list about 2 months ago hoping to find an active discussion

of this and that but apart from 2 other presentations like yours

(plus mine!) and your post to Greg, the silence has been deafening.


I still don't know whether questions about the suitability of

acupuncture in given syndromes are in order or whether they

should be addressed - as this enquiry is - by email. Therefore

I shall also post this to the list to see if we get any reaction.




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Hi Amanda,


I enjoy to see that something is moving on the list.


I discovered acupuncture many years ago.

Later on I came back to the TCM in general, due to severe health problems.

I got a CML (chronic myeloid leucemy) on July 96 (>250.000 WBC) and have had


big chance to be selected for a bone marrow transplantation on may 97.

In the meantime I was treated by chemo-drugs in order to reduce the level of

white blood cells.

The transplantation was not a full success and 10 % of old mutating cells

were remaining,

so I accepted a second one in July 98.

The last treatment induced a general GVH, on a such level that I was needing

a cortisone therapy for

the next 12 months.

Actually I'm working with a TCM therapist since 2 month and our first

results are coming soon,

my GVH is disappearing slowly and the fitness coming back.


Let's coming to TCM, I started my studies in parallel to the CML an

especially acupuncture

and aromatherapy.

Both therapies brought me motivation and hope during the above mentioned

quite hard time.

Later on I decided to learn TCM in general in the frame of a French TCM

school in Lyon.



I wouldlike also to send a short message fulfilled with HOPE to


Please don't get wrong, I know what hard chemotherapy is, but never lose

hope and lessons to me

-Chine Traditional Medicine- is a really great therapy for several types of


Get in touch with a good and experienced therapist and you will enjoy



Kind regards



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