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geovani: What is the degree of precision of those eletronic acupuncture

point finders?

Is it an everyday tool used by acupuncture prastitioners? And....wich one

would be the best kind? It seems to me, that realy almoust (?) all acu-points

are " painfull " spots.




Well, first I own a point finder and prior to learning more about


I used it a lot. I believe that it is pretty accurate. However with more

training I have found that it is not a very valuable tool at all. As a

matter of fact and you other acupuncturists correct me if I am wrong, but I

believe after working with people for a while you can sense the points with

your fingers and hands. Thus no need for a point finder. I probably would

not recommend spending the money for a point finder unless it is really of

interest to you. They run about $80.00 and I do not even take mine out

anymore. Hope this helps.




Electronic Point Finders: I know that they were banned from College. The

teachers would say that they would find the acupuncture points - but which one.

If you look on some modern charts there are quite often points clustered. For

example, there are 4 or 5 points close to Col 4. We were always taught to find

a point with intention at Five Element school.


All the Best,


Gye Bennetts


geovani: First of all i want to thank you all for the valuable inputs (to

me). It is

priceless to listen to the feelings of practicioners. I live in a small

island in Southern Brazil....and it would be very dificult for me to engage any

kind of conversation

about these matters with the local fisherman. :^) When i refer to precise

point locations, i supose that the person is " fairly well equainted " with


" general " position of points. Just as a general guideline, let's supose that

i know that a particular point is within a range of 1 sq. inch, or maybe 1


sq. inch. It is within this " field " that i want to " fine-tune " the

location. It seems

to me that missing some points by 1/2 inch may turn the action of needling

valueless. Obviously i am being very generic here - for points near some


and bone protuberances fall into different parameters. It is in this context


i proposed the question about electro-point-finders. So, in reference to


near Col 4, i would assume that one knows the particular general positions

with some degree of detail. BTW, points Col 1 to Col 8 are refered to in

quite a controvertial way....no?

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