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Tips for Neele practising!

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Well if you want to practise needling then try a Lo balancing+ACE-


Lu 7

TW 5

PC 6

Tips about this Lo balancing is to be care with Lu7 and PC6

as they are near arteries.


We use/d +ACI-The Acupuncture Point Location Guide+ACI-

A.Lotan, Published by Top Systems.

ISBN 965-222-735-8


Of course never insert needle into anyone unless you are trained

to handle any complications.



L I 11 is great for training

St 36 is great for training

L I 4 is great for training


Avoid Ren Mai 1 +ACY- Du Mai 1 can be sensitive. :-)


There are many ways to learn things . Acupuntucture is a +ACI-doing thing+ACI-

and if you don't do it you won't learn it it is that simple. Sure be careful

but be proactive in your approach friends.




Patrick Dooley, President

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+ACI-It costs to be at the bottom, it costs to be a

the top you choose where you want to be+ACEAIg-

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-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----

Fr+AOU-n: geovani +AFs-inandor+AEA-uol.com.br+AF0-

Skickat: den 16 november 1999 14:26

Till: acupuncture+AEA-

+AMQ-mne: +AFs-acupuncture+AF0- Advice...




hi Geovani


please don't go needling yourself yet, tempting though it may be. There are

nerves, vessels, structures that you can seriously damage+ACE- If you don

successfully find an acupuncture point, how are you going to know whether it's

appropriate for you to use? Each point has at least one specific action on your

energetic flow and balance+ACE-


when I was training, we didn't needle at all for the first two years (while we

learnt all the point locations, the anatomy and physiology), and then only on an

orange (for practising technique). Finally, we'd practice on each other in safe

areas, identified by a trained supervisor who would be with us throughout (this

continued into our clinical training). So basically, I think you should hang

fire until your tutors determine that you are ready+ACE-


Sorry to seem like a cautious mother - sometimes, that's what's appropriate..





geovani: Too cautious...or not, I'll use the advice. :+AF4-)

In fact I am studying the theory, learning the points, and using

a small +ACI-7 needles hammer+ACI-... in a light fashion, over the channels.

Also using the fingers....trying to get familiarised with certain

+ACI-correlations+ACI-....like the sensation of the channels...by pressing

points on it.


...but....taking in account that i am not a teenager anymore :+AF4-)

and that i am a relatively cautious but impatient person....

probably you'll be hearing something of my +ACI-needlings+ACI-

sooner...then later.. LOL


I am preparing a small +ACI-piece of work+ACI- on the subject of

+ACI-chosing the points+ACI- according to the classical chinese

approuche. I'll certainly be glad to hear some comments

about it.


Just for funn: Victor, a friend of mine suffered from rehumatic

pains in the joints. He used to go for walks....here in the dunnes,

to releif the pains. One day he turned around in one of this walks,

and hit his back into a cactus plant. He tried to take the spike out of

his back...but it broke at the skin level. He gave up trying and walked

homeward. After 20 min. of walking all of the pains where releifed, to

his amazement. He got home and looked for his wife to help him take

the spike out, but she was out....So he remained with it for some more

hours. The pains have lef him completly. The next day he was back to the

same cactus plant, and collected a handfull of the spikes. He was in doubt

wether the curing effect was acupunctural or homeophatic or fitotherapic.

He punctured himself dayly for the following weeks with the aid of his

wife, on the +ACI-same spot+ACI-. He was free of the pains. A month later he

went through a regular acupunctural treatment. This episode was the

spark that aroused my interest into acupuncture.

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