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Acup and homeop.

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I just found this first reference to the subject. It's just

one or two references (acup/homeop), but it is a first

" thing " for me (Andreia?)


BTW....is it a policy of this forum to " accept " related articles?

I could easily edit the article below.....if it is the " preference " ....(?)









Auricular Therapy FAQ

by Richard Feely, DO



What is Ear Acupuncture?

Ear acupuncture is needle stimulation to the auricle, or external

ear, using fine acupuncture needles.


Who Can Perform Ear Acupuncture?

Ear acupuncture can be performed by licensed MDs, DOs, DCs and



What is Auriculotherapy?

Auricular therapy is needle-less stimulation of the auricle, or

external ear, using electrical probe for alleviating pain, dysfunction and

disease as manifest in other parts of the body.


Who is a Candidate for Acupuncture vs. Auriculotherapy?

Auricular therapy is a very good modality for children and those

patients afraid of needles who wish to have the stimulatory and healing effects

of acupuncture. Ear acupuncture is well suited for adults who have disease or



How Does Ear Acupuncture Work?

Ear acupuncture works similar to auricular therapy in stimulating

neuro transmitters in the central nervous system releasing endorphin for pain

control and physiological changes.


Who is Not a Candidate for Ear Acupuncture?

People who do not want ear acupuncture or auricular therapy should,

obviously, not have it, but it would be wise for anyone with the following

conditions to abstain from ear acupuncture or auricular therapy. These

conditions include:


a.. First trimester pregnancy

b.. First two months of constitutional homeopathic treatment

c.. Patients with pacemaker or spinal cord stimulator

d.. Neonates children less than one days old

e.. Patients with no external ear

Individuals with a known genetic abnormalities of CCK enzyme

produced in the central nervous system. (This enzyme, which is produced in the

brain, neutralizes the neuroprotients that are released with acupuncture. Only a

very small percentage of the population is affected. As of today, there is no

simple test to identify these patients other than a trial of acupuncture or

auricular therapy.


Are There Side Effects?

The primary side effect of ear acupuncture or auricular therapy is

tenderness or inflammation to the ear itself. Auricular therapy and acupuncture

generally have almost no side effects, especially if one is using auricular

therapy with electrical stimulation. If the therapist is using the

Elector-Therapy Association's guidelines for treatment, there are virtually no

negative side effects.


Infection is possible when the skin is pierced with the acupuncture

needle, but is almost never heard of in auricular therapy. If the patient is

afraid of needles, auricular therapy, rather than ear acupuncture should be



What is Auriculotherapy?

Auricular therapy is the bioenergetic and biomechanical approach to

wholistic health care and pain management. It is a form of needle-less

acupuncture. It is a diagnostic method and a therapeutic treatment of the

microsystem. It is rooted in acupuncture teachings and research and it is the

easiest and most " western " approach to acupuncture.


How Does One Perform Auriculotherapy?

It is performed by a therapist using electrical means to diagnose

auricular acupoints. There are over 200 auricular acupoints on each ear that

represent all parts of the body and many functional areas of the human organism.

These points represent anatopical and neurological and physiological functions.


The physician therapist uses a hand held wand and a diagnostic probe

similar to a pen that measures differences in skin conductivity between the hand

and the acupoint on the ear. The positive and negative polarity of that

relationship and if it is extremely negative or extremely positive, with the

touch of a button, the instrument stimulates the ear with electrical stimulation

either positively or negatively as needed. With this the physician auricular

therapist will be able to diagnose pain, dysfunction and disease whether it be

somatic, visceral or psychological in origin. These diagnostic aids, through

research performed at UCLA, prove to be quite accurate for a simple test -- on

study yielding over 75% accuracy in a double-blind study.


What is Auricular Acupuncture?

Auricular acupuncture is performed by physicians or acupuncturists

using needles, using the Chinese and/or French auricular acupoints.


What is Auricular Medicine?

Auricular medicine uses medicine or homeopathics as an aid in

diagnosing auricular points. It uses the vascular, autonomic response of the

radial pulse to the diagnostic auricular points and the relationship to the

medicine homeopathic held upon the ear. Auricular medicine uses needles or laser

or electricity to treat acupoints. Auricular medicine is performed by

physicians, mostly in Europe.


What is Auricular Therapy?

Auricular therapy uses electricity to diagnose auricular acupoints.

It uses electricity, laser or colored filters to treat auricular acupoints. It

is performed by a physician, acupuncturist or therapist.


What Does Research Show Regarding Auricular Acupuncture?

In the 1980s, Drs. Oleson, Kroening, and Bresler, UCLA, in a paper

entitled, " An experimental evaluation of auricular diagnosis: The somatotopic

mapping of the musculoskeletal pain at the ear acupuncture points. " This study

verified the somatotopic auricular map in a blinded experiment using electrical

skin conductivity to 40 musculoskeletal pain subjects with a 75.2% accuracy.

(Reference: PAIN, 8, 1980, PP. 217-229.)


1985 UCLA Kroening and Oleson, " Rapid narcotic detoxification and

chronic pain patients with auricular electro acupuncture and Maloxon. " Twelve

out of 14 chronic pain subjects, or 85.7%, were completely withdrawn from

narcotic medication within two to seven days with no side effects through the

use of auricular electrical stimulation and acupuncture needling of two

auricular points used. (Reference: International Journal of Addictions, 20 (9),

PP. 1347-1360, 1985.)


1993, UCLA, Drs. Simmons and Oleson, " Auricular electrical

stimulation and dental pain thresholds. " Auricular electrical stimulation

increased dental threshold by 19% and was partially reversed by Maloxone .

(Reference: American Dental Society of Anesthesiology, 4:14-19, 1993.)


1993, Drs. Oleson and Flocco, " Randomized control study of

premenstrual syndromes triggered with ear, hand and foot reflexology. " Results

show a significant decrease of 46% in premenstrual symptoms from true

reflexology compared with placebo. (Reference: Obstetrics and Gynecology, 86,

NO. 6, DEC 1993, PP. 906-911.)

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