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i've worked in a drug treatment program for several years. Its very

fascinating and anyone who has questions can write me.

In general, the protocol (5 needles) is always the same, the theory being

that addicts need a consistent treatment, they always know how the treatment

feels, otherwise they start looking at the points used (and the practitioner)

and begin blaming them for any lack of success.

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the 5 needle protocol is the standard used treating addictions to heroin

or nicotine. I believe it's the same in both cases.... I've only treated

nicotine addiction.


Shen Men






I know.... I know... this is a totally " cook book " approach. But it

works... and you can modify it if you choose.



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Greg Dember <dember




the 5 needle protocol is the standard used treating addictions to heroin

or nicotine. I believe it's the same in both cases.... I've only treated

nicotine addiction.


Shen Men






I know.... I know... this is a totally " cook book " approach. But it

works... and you can modify it if you choose.




geovani: I would like to use this oportunity, to explore further

some thoughts about the " cook book " issue. We said that the

correct aprouche would be to treat the patient, and try to " face "

the real, fundamental " illness " . And we questioned the value of

the " recepies " - but did not desregarded them - for they represent

centuries of successfull clinical practice...And I would like to

question something further. When the patient complains about

that old shoulder pain, and the practicioner punctures those local

sore points, and some distal ones....is he not, eventualy, treating

exactly the fundamental deseise? I mean - and I am questioning this

- could it not be that the shoulder pain is guiding the practicioner

to treat exactly the canals, organs, and energy levels that will " touch "

the fundamental desequilibrium in depth? So the pain, or the local

afection, would be exactly the guiding trail that will lead to the

" real " profound illness in many cases? After all, in puncturing points

of meredians, a whole set of chain reactions could happen, no?

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>When the patient complains about

>that old shoulder pain, and the practicioner punctures those local

>sore points, and some distal ones....is he not, eventualy, treating

>exactly the fundamental deseise? I mean - and I am questioning this

>- could it not be that the shoulder pain is guiding the practicioner

>to treat exactly the canals, organs, and energy levels that will " touch "

>the fundamental desequilibrium in depth? So the pain, or the local

>afection, would be exactly the guiding trail that will lead to the

> " real " profound illness in many cases? After all, in puncturing points

>of meredians, a whole set of chain reactions could happen, no?



yes, in many cases. well stated...



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Thanks for the 5 needle info, Greg. And Giovani, yes, the symptomatic

treatment you describe can lead back to the cause - but I'd also use 5

element skills to get there faster, ie I mix TCM and 5 element within the

same treatment, to treat cause and symptom at the same time. Patients need

the physical relief, but they also appreciate your reaching deeper ( I

always put this into context at the beginning of treatment, so they

understand where I'm coming from, and we can talk about whether this feels

appropriate. sometimes people just want to get fixed, barefoot style!).



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