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Digest Number 122

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Mike - your reference (below) about you being an " alum " at the MCOM is not

correct. A female grad is an alumna, and a male is an alumnus. Thought that you

might like to know. FYI. Dane



At 11:25 AM 12/07/1999 +0000, you wrote:




> There are 3 messages in this issue.


> Topics in today's digest:


> 1. Re: Digest Number 121

> " Mike Buyze " <mbuyze

> 2. RE: Digest Number 121

> " Janine Wrzesniewski " <Janine

> 3. Re: basic set of concerns

> Dagmar <jiankang2000



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> Message: 1

> Mon, 06 Dec 1999 06:22:02 PST

> " Mike Buyze " <mbuyze

> Re: Digest Number 121


> > Sun, 05 Dec 1999 19:15:51 GMT

> > " jen rose " <foru45

> >Re: Digest Number 120

> >

> >greetings acupuncture onelist! I am exploring the field of TCM and seeking

> >a credible institution. I am presently considering the Institute of

> >Traditional in Racine Wisc. I would be pleased to recieve

> >feedback from former students and also info regarding researching

> >prospective schools. thankyou!

> >

> >

> Jen:


> The Midwest College of Oriental Medicine has campuses in both Racine, WI and

> Chicago. I am an alum and have done some teaching there also. I have not

> attended or visited any other schools so my frame of reference is somewhat

> limited. I will say however, that the rate of passing the NCCAOM exam on the

> first attempt is quite good for graduates of this school. I think the school

> is a reasonably good choice. Whatever school you chose, you will get out of

> it what you put into it. Good luck in your decision.


> Michael



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> Message: 2

> Mon, 6 Dec 1999 15:04:32 -1000

> " Janine Wrzesniewski " <Janine

> RE: Digest Number 121


> Just a quick note to Gye Bennetts:


> It is just so much fun for me to read a treatment protocol from the 5

> Element perspective. It truly is a different language. Just addressing the

> Entry/Exits blocks can prove to be such a powerful opening into the

> Body/Mind/Spirit, and I know you've seen the patient shift at so many

> levels, including the physical when such issues are addressed. Did you

> study with Dr. Worsley in England?


> Aloha, Janine

> __________________________

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> Message: 6

> Tue, 7 Dec 1999 00:09:33 +1100

> " Mirva & Gye Bennetts " <gyemirva

> Re: patients who want weight loss


> Hello,


> Now this is just my opinion. In my experience weight has more to do with

> emotional issues than how much the person is actually eating. So in some

> ways, looking at it from this view is the best way to do anything permanent

> with it.


> Quite often people with weight are Earth CFs ( ie permanent St. and Spl.

> deficient ). So that means they are carrying a lot of emptiness/neediness

> and usually a lot of anger around that feeling from their childhood.


> I always check for blocks from the Liv. to the Lung meridian. Feeling for a

> large G.B./ Liv pulse and a non existent Lung/L.I. pulse. This block quite

> often comes from repressed anger. I keep this unblocked by tonifying Liv.14

> and Lu1 as opposed to sedating the Wood meridians. They might experience

> some of this anger as it releases but it will help them feel lighter and the

> digestion should flow better.


> Next it is important to fill them emotionally. Points like " Receive

> Fullness " (St 20) and Abdomen Sorrow (Sp16) are good with moxa, if you

> tonify the point. Ren 8 " Spirit Deficiency " Moxa on salt up to 11 cones.

> This will help them feel fullness and not have to fill an inside hole with

> an outside things


> Not that this is going to change everything for them but at least you have

> hit the nail on the head and not just treated the symptoms.


> Again this is from a Five Element perspective and my opinion.


> All the best


> Gye Bennetts


> -


> acupuncture

> Wednesday, November 24, 1999 3:43

> acupuncture patients who want weight loss





> I am an acupuncturist for a number of years and have come up with a more

> than

> a few patients wanting " weight loss " . They generally are women in their

> 40-50's generally very aware that cultural pressures are defining their

> self-esteem. In other words, intelligent yet they still ask me to help.

> I used to avoid weight loss and worked on the esteem etc... but now I

> really

> feel like I should address the physical aspects. I have had little success

> I

> must admit.

> Do other practitioners of acupuncture/herbs have special skills they can

> share? For the most part these patients eat very little and are 10-30

> pounds

> over " ideal weight " (whatever that is). The main diagnosis is spleen

> deficiency.

> Thanks






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> Message: 3

> Tue, 7 Dec 1999 02:36:03 -0800 (PST)

> Dagmar <jiankang2000

> Re: basic set of concerns


> Geovani,

> >What is in you opinion the basic set

> >of concerns that should guide a " good acupunturist " ?


> I don't know what exactly you mean by " concerns " , but

> something I always thought was important was that, after

> having studied dilligently and having absorbed and digested

> the theories, we have to remember our intuition again and

> place it over the textbook stuff. At first it was hard for

> me to leave the " safe ground " of the classroom teachings

> and remember my gut feelings and intuitions, but I think it

> is an essential process to regain these abilities in order

> to become a good acupuncturist. Sounds pretty basic, but it

> was a hard process for me, although I had started out my

> career with pure intuition.

> Dagmar



> =====


> http://www.chinesemedicine.8m.com/newsletter.html

> or gesund2000

> with " " in the subject line.



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