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RE: Digest Number 145

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Tue, 25 Jan 2000 14:22:45 +0100

" JCarrion " <jcm00055



I have very good results in artrosis, discal protusions, chronic pains

allergies, and " depresive " (mind afecctions) deseases. It is true that

anybody want to accept what his real problem is caused (emotions), so when a

chronic ailment is not getting cured, I puncture the emotion points of the

bladder outer branch: 15-44b + 18-47b +19-48b + 20-49b + 23-54b. And in

addition to these, local points (not much points, there are enough for a

session). And the miracle happens: next day he (the patient) has began to

improve fron his pains, and whatever you puncture now is very effective.

Sometimes I use all these points, and other just a few, depending on if the

patient has a pain who is causing him anger, frustation, hate...

(18,19,47,48 b (the four, and bilateral)), or if he is obsessioned with this

pain (20-49b), if he is surrounding to it, loosing hope, the volunteer to

improve (23,54b). Or if the pain began time after an anger-frustrated

situation (liver again), losing self-estime (liver and kidney), etc. I use

the heart and pericardium, when I want to reinforce the treatment, or when

something hard happened in the past, espiritual afections, etc. If you are

able to see beyond the eyes of the patient, reading the Shen, this, believe

me, is very effective.









Message: 2

Tue, 25 Jan 2000 14:40:03 -0200

" geovani " <inandor



+ACI-JCarrion+ACI- +ADw-jcm00055+AEA-teleline.es+AD4-



I have very good results in artrosis, discal protusions, chronic pains

allergies, and +ACI-depresive+ACI- (mind afecctions) deseases. It is true

that anybody want to accept what his real problem is caused (emotions), so

when a chronic ailment is not getting cured, I puncture the emotion points

of the bladder outer branch: 15-44b 18-47b 48b 20-49b 23-54b. And in

addition to these, local points (not much points, there are enough for a

session). And the miracle happens: next day he (the patient) has began to

improve fron his pains, and whatever you puncture now is very effective.

Sometimes I use all these points, and other just a few, depending on if the

patient has a pain who is causing him anger, frustation, hate...

(18,19,47,48 b (the four, and bilateral)), or if he is obsessioned with this

pain (20-49b), if he is surrounding to it, loosing hope, the volunteer to

improve (23,54b). Or if the pain began time after an anger-frustrated

situation (liver again), losing self-estime (liver and kidney), etc. I use

the heart and pericardium, when I want to reinforce the treatment, or when

something hard happened in the past, espiritual afections, etc. If you are

able to see beyond the eyes of the patient, reading the Shen, this, believe

me, is very effective.


geovani+AD4- Thanks for your comments, JC. I find this kind of contribuition

very usefull.

From which +ACI-source+ACI-, or TCM line did you learn to use these points?

Do you use all

the +ACI-emotion+ACI- points from bladder, or only some in each session?

When you say 15-44b do you mean 15 through 44 (including the ones between)

of just the point 15 and the point 44? Could you give me a relation of these

+ACI-emotion+ACI- points in a more specific manner?

Thanks again....






Thanks for the reminder. Using the Outer Bladder line in conjunction with

the Shu point.

In answer to your question, geovani:

So for instance, UB 15 is the Shu point for the Heart and UB 44 is the Outer

Bladder point, " Spirit Hall " , 2ACI Lateral of the shu point. This is

treating the Spirit level of the Heart for someone who is maybe retreating

from life, or feels too vulnerable, say through heartbreak. It welcomes the

spirit to step out, to connect with life again,( maybe if there has been

shock, pain, or panic), using HT 7 " Spirit Gate " could ground this

treatement nicely. Just a quick, off of the top of the head example. This

type of treatment, while addressing the spirit level will also treat the

physical manifestations such as insomnia, night sweats, heart

palpatations,etc. when there has been an emotional/spiritual trauma of deep

level imbalance connected with the symptoms (which there usually is). Say

the combination UB 20 and UB 49. The shu point for spleen is UB 20 and the

Outer bladder line point is UB 49 " Thought Dwelling " . As mentioned in the

example..it's the obsession with the pain..or merely the obsession (in

general) that is pointing to the out of balance Earth energy.

Thanks, JC, for mentioning the Outer Bladder line for Spirit work it is an

often forgotten or tremendously under used treatment for helping the patient

shift at deeper levels. When point selection takes on this level of

connecting with the symptoms and the person's energetic, conditions that

have persisted for years, can begin to heal at an alarming rate.


Aloha, Janine





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I have very good results in artrosis, discal protusions, chronic pains

allergies, and +ACI-depresive+ACI- (mind afecctions) deseases. It is true

that anybody want to accept what his real problem is caused (emotions), so

when a chronic ailment is not getting cured, I puncture the emotion points

of the bladder outer branch: 15-44b 18-47b 48b 20-49b 23-54b. And in

addition to these, local points (not much points, there are enough for a

session). And the miracle happens: next day he (the patient) has began to

improve fron his pains, and whatever you puncture now is very effective.

Sometimes I use all these points, and other just a few, depending on if the

patient has a pain who is causing him anger, frustation, hate...

(18,19,47,48 b (the four, and bilateral)), or if he is obsessioned with this

pain (20-49b), if he is surrounding to it, loosing hope, the volunteer to

improve (23,54b). Or if the pain began time after an anger-frustrated

situation (liver again), losing self-estime (liver and kidney), etc. I use

the heart and pericardium, when I want to reinforce the treatment, or when

something hard happened in the past, espiritual afections, etc. If you are

able to see beyond the eyes of the patient, reading the Shen, this, believe

me, is very effective.


geovani+AD4- Thanks for your comments, JC. I find this kind of contribuition

very usefull.

+AD4-From which +ACI-source+ACI-, or TCM line did you learn to use these points?

Do you use all

the +ACI-emotion+ACI- points from bladder, or only some in each session?

When you say 15-44b do you mean 15 through 44 (including the ones between)

of just the point 15 and the point 44? Could you give me a relation of these

+ACI-emotion+ACI- points in a more specific manner?

Thanks again....






Thanks for the reminder. Using the Outer Bladder line in conjunction with

the Shu point.

In answer to your question, geovani:

So for instance, UB 15 is the Shu point for the Heart and UB 44 is the Outer

Bladder point, +ACI-Spirit Hall+ACI-, 2ACI Lateral of the shu point. This is

treating the Spirit level of the Heart for someone who is maybe retreating

from life, or feels too vulnerable, say through heartbreak. It welcomes the

spirit to step out, to connect with life again,( maybe if there has been

shock, pain, or panic), using HT 7 +ACI-Spirit Gate+ACI- could ground this

treatement nicely. Just a quick, off of the top of the head example. This

type of treatment, while addressing the spirit level will also treat the

physical manifestations such as insomnia, night sweats, heart

palpatations,etc. when there has been an emotional/spiritual trauma of deep

level imbalance connected with the symptoms (which there usually is). Say

the combination UB 20 and UB 49. The shu point for spleen is UB 20 and the

Outer bladder line point is UB 49 +ACI-Thought Dwelling+ACI-. As mentioned in


example..it's the obsession with the pain..or merely the obsession (in

general) that is pointing to the out of balance Earth energy.

Thanks, JC, for mentioning the Outer Bladder line for Spirit work it is an

often forgotten or tremendously under used treatment for helping the patient

shift at deeper levels. When point selection takes on this level of

connecting with the symptoms and the person's energetic, conditions that

have persisted for years, can begin to heal at an alarming rate.


Aloha, Janine



geovani+AD4- Let me see....The Outer Bladder Line Points should be located

side-by-side to the shu point I am using? My doubt here is that this would

tie a shu point to only one or two +ACI-spiritual outer bladder line

points+ACI-. How

would I deal with the following sitation: point UB 11 (bone problems), and

the need to work with UB 49 as the Outer Bladder point? They are not side by

side - any impediment?


Another question: the name of this Outer Bladder points are based in which

translation? Only Worsley's translation would be advisable - or are there



....translucid and solid foundation...



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  • 1 year later...

hi , i uploaded a heart chakra meditation music for all of you and sent it ,

but it got retuirend stating its to large to send, its only about 5 min long

of beautiuful music, oh well, am i allowed to upload it in the files at the

site ? im just curious , i think you all may liek this and if you do , i

have many more to send. blessings, spirit






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>Message: 1

> Wed, 28 Nov 2001 15:40:21 -0800

> Peggy Jentoft <skygreen

>music preferances


>I was wondering what if any music list members liked for meditation and

>for doing crystal healing treatments or energy work I thought maybe we

>could post some favorites


For me it varies; sometimes it is natural music ... I especially enjoy

listening to cd's with thunder/lightning on them ... but I;ve also been

known to meditate and do self-treatments to Duran Duran & John Taylor








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spiritualgoddes1 wrote:


> hi , i uploaded a heart chakra meditation music for all of you and sent it ,

> but it got retuirend stating its to large to send, its only about 5 min long

> of beautiuful music, oh well, am i allowed to upload it in the files at the

> site ? im just curious , i think you all may liek this and if you do , i

> have many more to send. blessings, spirit


I have never tried to upload music to the files you can try

the list won't accept attachments as a protective measure





http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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