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point locators

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For ear acupuncture, you might want to use the PointerPlus, which is

about $100 (U.S.). It's inexpensive, handheld, can deliver electrical

stimulation (good for kids)



Although i agree with others who say point detectors are more useful for

ear acupuncture then body acupuncture, I don't even use them for ear

acupuncture. Shine a good light on the ear, use your eyes, adapt your

consciousness to the tiny dimensions of the ear and put the needle in.

If your patient doesn't flinch or make a face or say " owww! " ask them if

it hurt. If they say " no " , then take the needle out and try again.

Usually even by you just touching the ear with the needle, the patient

can tell whether you're " on " or not.




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Re: point locators and LLLT's Thank you. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a

candy store trying to make up my mind which is the best one to buy. So all

opinions are greatly appreciated


Ed Kasper LAc


JCarrion [jcm00055]

Friday, February 18, 2000 1:56 PM


RE: acupuncturepoint locators

Importance: High



" JCarrion " <jcm00055



The Diods laser (not infrared, is such a kind of a soft laser) is very

usefull to stimulate points, and in pediatrics and veterinay. And if you

prefer the infrared-ones, you2ll get the same benefit with an expensive one

than using the " toy-laser " for kids that are sold on the streets. but

believeme, diod lasers really work, I used them a lot in my clinical

practice at Sri Lanka's Hospital (We can talk about this place if anyone is

thinking on going there, I have a very critical opinion...).



Muchas gracias por su atención,

Thank you very much for all your attention,


Josep Carrion.



-----Mensaje original-----

De: Ed Kasper [edkasper]

Enviado el: jueves, 17 de febrero de 2000 11:42

Para: acupuncture

Asunto: RE: acupuncturepoint locators



Ed Kasper <edkasper


Greg thanks for the information.


Could anyone else also recommend or NOT recommend any certain LED or


tool for acupuncture ?



To Your Health,

Ed Kasper LAc.







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The Diods laser (not infrared, is such a kind of a soft laser) is very

usefull to stimulate points, and in pediatrics and veterinay. And if you

prefer the infrared-ones, you2ll get the same benefit with an expensive one

than using the " toy-laser " for kids that are sold on the streets. but

believeme, diod lasers really work, I used them a lot in my clinical

practice at Sri Lanka's Hospital (We can talk about this place if anyone is

thinking on going there, I have a very critical opinion...).



Muchas gracias por su atención,

Thank you very much for all your attention,


Josep Carrion.



-----Mensaje original-----

De: Ed Kasper [edkasper]

Enviado el: jueves, 17 de febrero de 2000 11:42

Para: acupuncture

Asunto: RE: acupuncturepoint locators



Ed Kasper <edkasper


Greg thanks for the information.


Could anyone else also recommend or NOT recommend any certain LED or LASER

tool for acupuncture ?



To Your Health,

Ed Kasper LAc.








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Hello Greg,

I fully agree with you on the point location in the

ear. All it really takes is focus and the point of the

needle, if properly located it will give a very sharp

and sometimes deep feeling, in extremo people will

find it go all the way to the affected area. An other

common reaction is when they say the affected region

becomes warmer. In the ear itself you see redness and

it feels very warm. Good luck, Rob Jansenxxx





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