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" BoumBoum " <boum.boum


I use a plum blossom needle for kids (aka seven star hammer). I draw a face

over the point, and get them to bash it on the nose (so much for pacifism);


geovani> Hi Amanda. Its ben some time. Sorry... you draw a face over

what " point " ? I didn't get the picture...


or get them to blow a huge raspberry while the needle goes in


geovani> " to blow a huge raspberry " ???? LOL Is not raspberry

a fruit? How is one supose to " blow " one? Sorry again...

It seems relevant, to me, concerning our behaviour towards

kids... needles may be quite frightening. How about mosha,

and ventosa (how do you say this word in English... you know

the aplication of vacuum with some mechanical means over

acup. points)



, if plum

blossom doesn't seem strong enough treatment. All the kids I've treated have

been fine with this.


geovani> hmmmm.....sounds interesting to me...what a

mistery, thought...





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>and ventosa (how do you say this word in English... you know

>the aplication of vacuum with some mechanical means over

>acup. points)


" cupping "

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Hi Geovani and all


to explain - I draw a circle around the acupuncture point of choice (so not

ink over the actual point), draw a little face in it with a nose - smaller

circle) which the child can bop with the seven star hammer. This makes the

whole treatment fun for them, takes the tension out of it - treatment is

more than purely a clinical process! Blowing a raspberry means that the kid

gets to make a huge noise with their mouth - like a fart - sorry, I don't

know how to translate this - basically the rudest noise they can think of.

Another child chose to say something rude - 'big bottoms' - anything to make

them feel they're in charge and doing something fun.


I realise that I'm a Fire CF, which colours my approach, but trust me, kids

have fun with it!



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I know a cuping (ventose) technique for acupoints, invented by a chinese Dr. here, with magnetic point of pressure inside. It is usefull, but I think doesn't worth it so much... better trying another techniques.


Muchas gracias por su atención,

Thank you very much for all your attention,


Josep Carrion.




-----Mensaje original-----De: geovani [inandor]Enviado el: lunes, 06 de marzo de 2000 20:34Para: acupuncture Asunto: acupuncture Kids"geovani" <inandor "BoumBoum" <boum.boumI use a plum blossom needle for kids (aka seven star hammer). I draw a faceover the point, and get them to bash it on the nose (so much for pacifism);geovani> Hi Amanda. Its ben some time. Sorry... you draw a face overwhat "point"? I didn't get the picture... or get them to blow a huge raspberry while the needle goes ingeovani> "to blow a huge raspberry" ???? LOL Is not raspberrya fruit? How is one supose to "blow" one? Sorry again...It seems relevant, to me, concerning our behaviour towardskids... needles may be quite frightening. How about mosha,and ventosa (how do you say this word in English... you knowthe aplication of vacuum with some mechanical means overacup. points), if plumblossom doesn't seem strong enough treatment. All the kids I've treated havebeen fine with this.geovani> hmmmm.....sounds interesting to me...what amistery, thought...Amanda-geo-









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  • 4 years later...
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I've had great results on kids as old as 12 with just acupressure, ear seeds

and also craniosacral therapy. Constipation, cerebral palsy, otitis media,

you name it. Even if they won't stay still, just follow them around.



> Message: 20

> Wed, 2 Mar 2005 06:37:52 -0700

> " Christopher Vedeler, L.Ac. " <ckvedeler

> RE: TCM and children


> I have treated children as young as 18 months. For kids I don't retain

> the needles and seldom need to go deeper than a mm or two to get strong

> Qi. Children are very Yang and their Qi is right on the surface. They

> also respond much faster to treatment than adults. Also, because they

> are so Yang, it is often unnecessary to use needles at all. Ear seeds

> or gold or silver pellets on the point is often sufficient for many

> conditions. Pediatric Tuina is also very effective.


> I have had remarkable results with ADD and ADHD with children and

> Chinese medicine.


> Christopher Vedeler L.Ac., C.Ht.

> Oasis Acupuncture

> http://www.oasisacupuncture.com

> 8233 N. Via Paseo del Norte

> Suite D-35

> Scottsdale, AZ 85258

> (480) 991-3650


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