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RE: Digest Number 174

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Just read about your daughter. My first inclination would be to wonder

about food allergies, does she eat dairy, is she sensitive to it? Since she

is so young, children's digestive systems are very sensitive. The next

question I would have is, has there been any changes within her interaction

in the family lately, emotional upsets or environmental changes. The skin

is the third lung and is so susceptible to temperature and moisture changes,

and emotional flare ups. Using cortisone creams, although they bring relief

will drive it deeper into the body. Homeopathic remedies using sulfa, I

believe (I am not a homeopath, you should look this up) can be very

effective for small children for skin rashes. Is there a presence of heat

in the lung or the pericardium? Sounds like you were onto the the heat

issue using LI 11.I guess the best thing would be to try to identify the

pattern and then select the points. Maybe points to calm the spirit if

necessary (Ht 7), but I'd say generally Lung, Spleen and Heart are usually

involved. Hope this was somewhat helpful. All the best to you and your





P.S. The laser sounds like a good idea, also try using Japanese

Serien-Type-J size 00 needles, they are so fine usually children can handle







" geovani " <inandor





Ed Kasper <edkasper



My 2 1/2 year old daughter has been suffering with eczema for almost 7

months. Not bad but persistent. Dry scaly small bumps. The MD has suggested

that it would go away (naturally) and suggested various over the counter

creams instead of soap when bathing and to keep the skin from drying. Also

suggested Hydrocortisone which I finally started using last month. Worked

right away to relieve itching and reduce the redness and broken skin from

the scratching mostly at night. However the eczema is still present and I do

not want to continue its use. I also tried the Zinc and other OTC remedies.


I needled Spleen 10 and Large Intestine 11. Needless to say she objected.


I purchased a Laser Pen 3.5 mW. and was thinking about using it on the

following points: Spleen 6 & 10, Large Intestine 11, Bladder 40 (behind the

knee) Stomach 36.


Is it OK to Laser the rash itself?


Any ideas or suggestions.


She is intrigued with the light


To Your Health,


Ed Kasper LAc.










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> He comments have done no favours for TCM, instead coming from a man

> that seems to back TCM, are a strong 'living' negative attack

> against TCM.


How? Unless you can show that acupuncture was not degraded in its

native environment by the early 19th century, and CM itself nearly made

illegal in 1929, intellectual integrity demands dealing with these issues.

What does no favor to CM are the ahistorical mythologies that encourage

the political dismissal of CM.





bob Paradigm Publications

www.paradigm-pubs.com P.O. Box 1037

Robert L. Felt 202 Bendix Drive

505 758 7758 Taos, New Mexico 87571





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Yes, I'm sure acupuncture was degraded by its natural host as

Unschuld points out, but does it need further degrading from the fly-

by-night comments he makes about its efficacy?


Can you elaborate on the historical mythologies you mentioned?





Chinese Medicine , " Robert L.

Felt " <bob@p...> wrote:

> Atillio,


> > He comments have done no favours for TCM, instead coming from a


> > that seems to back TCM, are a strong 'living' negative attack

> > against TCM.


> How? Unless you can show that acupuncture was not degraded in


> native environment by the early 19th century, and CM itself nearly


> illegal in 1929, intellectual integrity demands dealing with these


> What does no favor to CM are the ahistorical mythologies that


> the political dismissal of CM.


> Bob



> bob@p... Paradigm Publications

> www.paradigm-pubs.com P.O. Box 1037

> Robert L. Felt 202 Bendix


> 505 758 7758 Taos, New

Mexico 87571




> ---

> [This E-mail scanned for viruses by Declude Virus]

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Bravo Bob


You are one of the few, most level headed and logical people around.

It is a privilege.







> Chinese Medicine , " Robert L.

> Felt " <bob@p...> wrote:

> >Atillio,

> >

> >>He comments have done no favours for TCM, instead coming from a

> man that seems to back TCM, are a strong 'living' negative attack

> >>against TCM.

> >

> >How? Unless you can show that acupuncture was not degraded in

> its native environment by the early 19th century, and CM itself nearly

> made illegal in 1929, intellectual integrity demands dealing with these

> issues. What does no favor to CM are the ahistorical mythologies that

> encourage the political dismissal of CM.

> >

> >Bob

> >

> >

> >bob@p... Paradigm Publications






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