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RE: Digest Number 177

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Hi Josef,


I just read about your daughter and her neurological problems. Have you

ever heard of Dr. Upledger, D.O. and his work with Craniosacral Therapy? If

you search on the internet for the Upledger Institute located in Florida,

you may find some fascinating things. He has done, and the clinic there

continues to do wonderful work and research with children and adults with a

variety of neurological difficulties. There is also a European Institute, I

don't know where it is, but I'm sure the web site could tell you.







Message: 1

Thu, 9 Mar 2000 11:07:41 +0100






Dear friends!


I am new on this mail list. I am searching for help for my daughter (age

12). I am trying to find opinions and informations how to improve health

status of her. She has neurology problems from the birth - development

delay, speech problems with hyperactivity. She had three epilepsy attacks

last year.

Neurologist say: there are no evident patological changes in the brain


On the EEG there are no specific Epi-symptoms but the right hemisphere is

more active then the left.

With help of child neurologist knowing about holistic medicine (rare case

in our country) we discontinued the using of chemo-medicine (Tegretol) and

trying to use another methods. I have attended Shiatsu nad reflexology

courses. I am using also Reiki, flower remedies for her. This with diet,

mineral and vitamin supplements caused improving of health status. During 9

months she had only 1 seizure. If anybody could help me with advice or

opinion I would be very happy.


Many thanks.



P.S. I apologize for my poor english. Thanks.

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 1/1/02 5:23:45 PM, Gettingwell writes:


<< I woke up after 6 hours of sleep (my


usual get-up time) & felt chilled. The room temp was still at 72. I


tested blood glucose levels & they were up to 151. This is 8 hours after


eating an orange & 10 hours after my last night meal. I am perplexed. >>


I am obviously way behind reading my mail -- but I happen to run across this

inquiry --glucose does not just rise and fall in relation to food intake and

insulin release -- it also has diurnal rhythm and generally rises toward

morning before the intake of food -- the liver is always releasing glucose

-- either from what we eat or from stored glycogen.

Thus it is normal that your glucose levels go up toward morning, but ask your

doctor if the early mroning level is too high.


Namaste, Liz

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Saturday, January 26, 2002 4:33 AM

Re: Digest Number 177




> In a message dated 1/1/02 5:23:45 PM, Gettingwell writes:


> << I woke up after 6 hours of sleep (my


> usual get-up time) & felt chilled. The room temp was still at 72. I


> tested blood glucose levels & they were up to 151. This is 8 hours after


> eating an orange & 10 hours after my last night meal. I am perplexed. >>


> I am obviously way behind reading my mail -- but I happen to run across


> inquiry --glucose does not just rise and fall in relation to food intake


> insulin release -- it also has diurnal rhythm and generally rises toward

> morning before the intake of food -- the liver is always releasing


> -- either from what we eat or from stored glycogen.

> Thus it is normal that your glucose levels go up toward morning, but ask


> doctor if the early mroning level is too high.


> Namaste, Liz


My doctor is very focused on the medicines she prescribes. She

does not want me off the drugs she feels are good for me & her time is very

limited (I go to a charity clinic) so I feel she is not the one to talk



Yes, I realize there is a diurnal rhythm, but I also notice that wen

I am not able to get a fell night's sleep my body ups the blood sugar to

help me get functional. Likewise if room is chilly, my morning blood sugar

is also a bit high. Again, I feel my body is releasing sugar to warm me up.



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In a message dated 26/1/02 21:59:30 GMT Standard Time, alobar



I know this may sound silly, but have you thought about a 'night cap' as the

majority of heat loss is from the head, this may well help to stop you from

getting the high!




> . Likewise if room is chilly, my morning blood sugar

> is also a bit high. Again, I feel my body is releasing sugar to warm me

> up.






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Interesting. I shall have to give it a try. I now wear socks to

bed because of poor foot circulation & chilly feet. Makes sense.







Sunday, January 27, 2002 1:45 PM

Re: Digest Number 177



> In a message dated 26/1/02 21:59:30 GMT Standard Time,


> writes:


> I know this may sound silly, but have you thought about a 'night cap' as


> majority of heat loss is from the head, this may well help to stop you


> getting the high!


> Marianne


> > . Likewise if room is chilly, my morning blood sugar

> > is also a bit high. Again, I feel my body is releasing sugar to warm me

> > up.

> >





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>>>>>I now wear socks to bed because of poor foot circulation & chilly feet.






Hi Alobar,

try wearing 2 pair of socks, and putting a little cayenne pepper in the 2nd

pair, and i mean a little.

You can always add more if need be.

Also, sprinkle some in your shoes etc.


Regards, Dorothy.

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Thanks for the tip, Dorothy, but as I do not have much feeling in my

feet, I am nervous about what you suggest. I struggled with a non-healing

diabetic ulcer on my foot for over a year before it healed up & do not want

to do anything which could cause more problems.






" Dorothy " <dotcats


Sunday, January 27, 2002 5:07 PM

Re: Digest Number 177



> >>>>>I now wear socks to bed because of poor foot circulation & chilly







> Hi Alobar,

> try wearing 2 pair of socks, and putting a little cayenne pepper in the


> pair, and i mean a little.

> You can always add more if need be.

> Also, sprinkle some in your shoes etc.


> Regards, Dorothy.


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