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Digest Number 214

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> Tue, 30 May 2000 03:09:49 -0000

> " Aris Skaliotis " <askaliotis

> Medical Chinese:Dictionary


> Hello everyone,

> I have attempted to learn medical chinese over the past few years.

> Since I don't have the time for formal study I am trying to learn on

> my own. Craig Mitchell's trans. of " Shang Han Lun " has been very

> helpful. So has Prof. Unschuld's " Learn To Read Chinese " . I am

> looking

> for a good dictionary to learn characters i.e. stroke order. Any

> Suggestions?


I've enjoyed William McNaughton's _Reading & Writing Chinese._ Perhaps you

will, too. It shows how to write all the radicals and the " 2000 list. "


There's also a web site that might interest you, with animated presentations

of the stroke order for Chinese characters, among other things:




A decent Chinese dictionary exists at:



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, LCTCM <lctcm@n...> wrote:

> Thank you very much for being so helpful. I will be looking for

McNaughton's book and exploring the sites.


Aris Skaliotis


> > Tue, 30 May 2000 03:09:49 -0000

> > " Aris Skaliotis " <askaliotis@n...>

> > Medical Chinese:Dictionary

> >

> > Hello everyone,

> > I have attempted to learn medical chinese over the past few years.

> > Since I don't have the time for formal study I am trying to learn


> > my own. Craig Mitchell's trans. of " Shang Han Lun " has been very

> > helpful. So has Prof. Unschuld's " Learn To Read Chinese " . I am

> > looking

> > for a good dictionary to learn characters i.e. stroke order. Any

> > Suggestions?


> I've enjoyed William McNaughton's _Reading & Writing Chinese._

Perhaps you

> will, too. It shows how to write all the radicals and the " 2000

list. "


> There's also a web site that might interest you, with animated


> of the stroke order for Chinese characters, among other things:


> http://www.ocrat.com/ocrat/


> A decent Chinese dictionary exists at:


> http://zhongwen.com/

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  • 4 weeks later...
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In a message dated 06/28/2000 7:55:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

acupuncture writes:


<< best technique for him is the eye-reflex acupuncture. >>


Could you explain this technique and its possible and appropriate uses? I am

either completely unfamiliar or perhaps know of it by some other term. Thank



Jim Lamboy

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Jim - I don't know what was referred to in the previous post BUT I can tell

you that there is a micro-system of and around the eye called WU LUN BA GUO

(meaning 5 flesh - eight parts). It is a system of diagnosis in part

according to five element and in addition an extensive relationship to 13

divided parts of the sclera. One looks for various sizes, shapes, colors and

direction of those blood vessels in accordance to diagnostic relationships.

Then using acupoint insertions around the bony orbit to affect the whole. No

different than any micro system in the general sense. Extremly effective for

acute conditions such as lumbago.




In a message dated 6/28/0 9:17:45 AM, you wrote:


<<In a message dated 06/28/2000 7:55:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

acupuncture writes:


<< best technique for him is the eye-reflex acupuncture. >>


Could you explain this technique and its possible and appropriate uses? I am

either completely unfamiliar or perhaps know of it by some other term. Thank



Jim Lamboy


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Prehaps you could answer a guest ion regarding needling around the eye.

As I understand it one needles at the bony orbit or the ends and medial part

of the eyebrow. And another point would be directly under the pupil looking

forward level with the nose.

Where does one needle the point that would be near the Tear Duct / the

Bridge of the Nose. Which in one system represents the kidneys.


Ed Kasper L.Ac., Santa Cruz, California



acudoc11 [acudoc11]

Wednesday, June 28, 2000 7:53 AM


Re: Re: acupuncture Digest Number 214



Jim - I don't know what was referred to in the previous post BUT I can tell

you that there is a micro-system of and around the eye called WU LUN BA GUO

(meaning 5 flesh - eight parts). It is a system of diagnosis in part

according to five element and in addition an extensive relationship to 13

divided parts of the sclera. One looks for various sizes, shapes, colors and

direction of those blood vessels in accordance to diagnostic relationships.

Then using acupoint insertions around the bony orbit to affect the whole. No

different than any micro system in the general sense. Extremly effective for

acute conditions such as lumbago.




In a message dated 6/28/0 9:17:45 AM, you wrote:


<<In a message dated 06/28/2000 7:55:06 AM Central Daylight Time,

acupuncture writes:


<< best technique for him is the eye-reflex acupuncture. >>


Could you explain this technique and its possible and appropriate uses? I am

either completely unfamiliar or perhaps know of it by some other term. Thank



Jim Lamboy

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That's it, exactly. I didn't know it was usefull for acute deseases, such as lumbagos :-o

Thanks for your contribution

Muchas gracias por su atención, Than you very much for all your attention, Josep Carrion.



-----Mensaje original-----De: acudoc11 [acudoc11]Enviado el: miércoles, 28 de junio de 2000 16:53Para: acupuncture Asunto: Re: Re: acupuncture Digest Number 214Jim - I don't know what was referred to in the previous post BUT I can tell you that there is a micro-system of and around the eye called WU LUN BA GUO (meaning 5 flesh - eight parts). It is a system of diagnosis in part according to five element and in addition an extensive relationship to 13 divided parts of the sclera. One looks for various sizes, shapes, colors and direction of those blood vessels in accordance to diagnostic relationships. Then using acupoint insertions around the bony orbit to affect the whole. No different than any micro system in the general sense. Extremly effective for acute conditions such as lumbago.RichardIn a message dated 6/28/0 9:17:45 AM, you wrote:<<In a message dated 06/28/2000 7:55:06 AM Central Daylight Time, acupuncture writes:<< best technique for him is the eye-reflex acupuncture. >>Could you explain this technique and its possible and appropriate uses? I am either completely unfamiliar or perhaps know of it by some other term. Thank YouJim Lamboy>>

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  • 5 years later...
  • 5 months later...


do you do infant massage on your baby? If not try it, it can help a lot

with " nervous tension " you may find the possibility that she will be able to

sleep longer stretches.

Just a thought,



Sonya Bastow



303.619.5326 cell

303.516.0959 home




[ayurveda ]

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:00 PM


Digest Number 214


There are 2 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. Re: new member intro and question

" tracey_rao " <tracey_rao

2. Re: new member intro and question

Rebecca Vann <star_seed111






Message: 1

Mon, 16 Jan 2006 22:26:00 -0000

" tracey_rao " <tracey_rao

Re: new member intro and question


hi rebecca,


thanks for your reply. she has gotten 8 teeth over the last few

months, but noticed that her symptoms have been constant since she

was three months old and don't seem to be impacted by teething,

except she might be a little more fussy during teething. its like she

has too much nervous tension and can't relax. she just won't stop

kicking, crawling, moving etc.

i have also tried the hylands cammomila, the gummomile oil for

teething (which helps) and i've tried the calm forte, but it didn't

do much (i tried it for 7 days).

this has been a constant every night for the last 7 months. it just

doesn't seem normal and i feel like i can't enjoy being a mother

because i am so exhausted (she hasn't slept longer than a 2 hour

stretch in these 7 months and rarely naps in the day)

i've also tried the no cry sleep solution book, but things actually

got worse (probably just coincidental).

my current thought is to try the tylenol to see if it makes any

difference. at least i would know if she is in pain. i'm just scared

about giving those kind of medications.


thanks again for your help



ayurveda , Rebecca Vann

<star_seed111> wrote:


> I say teething. I have a baby too 4 months now (and an older 3

year old, so I've been thru it recently). Similar scenario, things

were going swell until a couple weeks ago.

> Look for red gums, swollen whitish " teeth buds " , runny nose,

cranky etc.

> My personal mantra is when it appears to be nothing else, you can

blame it on teething. It makes everything go haywire.

> I may get a slap on the hand for saying this but with this

particular malady, we use tylenol when no other natural methods bring

relief. only as a last resort. I am an herbalist, that being said I

know the cons of NSAIDs and the " masking of symptoms " that cover up

the " real problem " . But with teething the real problem is that the

teeth have to come in and it HURTS. Our bag of tricks looks

something like this.......

> nurse

> homeopathic chammomile

> nurse

> hylands teething tablets

> nurse

> peace and calming EO

> nurse

> Lavendar EO (on me and him)

> nurse

> (EOs only after the homeopathic attempts, they will interfere

with the remedies)

> nurse

> Warm cloth on the jaw (anytime)

> nurse nurse nurse!!!

> Change of scenery

> Pacifier

> Okay, tylenol if nothing else works.


> I am sure there will be some more input from the other mamas

(Adrienne, Martha etc).

> Good luck and hang in there, everytime you get used to a routine,

expect them to change it!!

> Bless

> Rebecca V






> so heres my question:

> She slept fine until exactly 3 months old (nursing every 2-3 hours


> the night) from 3 months up until now her sleep has gotten

> progressively worse, some nights she wakes crying every 10-15




> Photos

> Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events,

holidays, whatever.



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hi sonya, yup, everyday in the evening i massage her body with sesame

oil...for as long as she'll stay still which isn't long!



-- In ayurveda , " Sonya " <sonya@m...> wrote:


> Tracey

> do you do infant massage on your baby? If not try it, it can help

a lot

> with " nervous tension " you may find the possibility that she will

be able to

> sleep longer stretches.

> Just a thought,

> Sonya


> Sonya Bastow

> MettaDoula

> sonya@m...

> 303.619.5326 cell

> 303.516.0959 home



> ayurveda

> [ayurveda ]

> Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:00 PM

> ayurveda

> Digest Number 214


> There are 2 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re: new member intro and question

> " tracey_rao " <tracey_rao>

> 2. Re: new member intro and question

> Rebecca Vann <star_seed111>










> Message: 1

> Mon, 16 Jan 2006 22:26:00 -0000

> " tracey_rao " <tracey_rao>

> Re: new member intro and question


> hi rebecca,


> thanks for your reply. she has gotten 8 teeth over the last few

> months, but noticed that her symptoms have been constant since she

> was three months old and don't seem to be impacted by teething,

> except she might be a little more fussy during teething. its like


> has too much nervous tension and can't relax. she just won't stop

> kicking, crawling, moving etc.

> i have also tried the hylands cammomila, the gummomile oil for

> teething (which helps) and i've tried the calm forte, but it didn't

> do much (i tried it for 7 days).

> this has been a constant every night for the last 7 months. it


> doesn't seem normal and i feel like i can't enjoy being a mother

> because i am so exhausted (she hasn't slept longer than a 2 hour

> stretch in these 7 months and rarely naps in the day)

> i've also tried the no cry sleep solution book, but things actually

> got worse (probably just coincidental).

> my current thought is to try the tylenol to see if it makes any

> difference. at least i would know if she is in pain. i'm just


> about giving those kind of medications.


> thanks again for your help

> tracey


> ayurveda , Rebecca Vann

> <star_seed111> wrote:

> >

> > I say teething. I have a baby too 4 months now (and an older 3

> year old, so I've been thru it recently). Similar scenario, things

> were going swell until a couple weeks ago.

> > Look for red gums, swollen whitish " teeth buds " , runny nose,

> cranky etc.

> > My personal mantra is when it appears to be nothing else, you


> blame it on teething. It makes everything go haywire.

> > I may get a slap on the hand for saying this but with this

> particular malady, we use tylenol when no other natural methods


> relief. only as a last resort. I am an herbalist, that being said


> know the cons of NSAIDs and the " masking of symptoms " that cover up

> the " real problem " . But with teething the real problem is that


> teeth have to come in and it HURTS. Our bag of tricks looks

> something like this.......

> > nurse

> > homeopathic chammomile

> > nurse

> > hylands teething tablets

> > nurse

> > peace and calming EO

> > nurse

> > Lavendar EO (on me and him)

> > nurse

> > (EOs only after the homeopathic attempts, they will interfere

> with the remedies)

> > nurse

> > Warm cloth on the jaw (anytime)

> > nurse nurse nurse!!!

> > Change of scenery

> > Pacifier

> > Okay, tylenol if nothing else works.

> >

> > I am sure there will be some more input from the other mamas

> (Adrienne, Martha etc).

> > Good luck and hang in there, everytime you get used to a


> expect them to change it!!

> > Bless

> > Rebecca V

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > so heres my question:

> > She slept fine until exactly 3 months old (nursing every 2-3


> in

> > the night) from 3 months up until now her sleep has gotten

> > progressively worse, some nights she wakes crying every 10-15

> >

> >

> >

> > Photos

> > Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events,

> holidays, whatever.

> >

> >

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