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> I recommend it from a certain detox state on, its varying, we dont have exact

> documentation and statistics yet, but the overall effect is that it enhances

the quality of the detox-groups athmosphere, making the whole process internally

> more bearable for the individual, not so much that it alleviates withdrawel

symptoms, but more in helping us out into a more therapeutic kind of awareness.


I've often thought that acupuncture, when not actually curing, makes the patient

aware of their imbalances creating less of an anxiety about its nature.



> I looked at your site(its yours, isnt it)


Acupuncture.com is run by my good friend, Al Stone.



> , why the hepatitis c doesnt smile

> at pills.



I've been working some with hepatitis C and herbs - if you would like some

ideas.> Douglas (that's: )


> hach, excuse me, the name distracted me, i mean, the name is german,

> " strong like iron " , having such a name, makes the-little-guy-with-the-

> badminton-rack-standing-on-the-football-field in me laugh;-)


That's me! The little guy on the football field. Don't let the name fool you.

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> I've been working some with hepatitis C and herbs - if you would like some

ideas.> Douglas (that's: )


i am interested. Symptoms of Hep C, as we notice, in stages without cirrhosis,

are relatively mild, and also tend to blend into individual dispositions,

makingit a bit difficult to focus Hep c as major cause of it. Little list:


a) depressive disposition, weakness in keeping mental balance:

--> liver qi blocked, yin deficiency, deficient mindhousing

b) vomiting, loss of appetite

--> liver overacting on spleen and stomach

c) loss of weight (less frequent)

--> stomach fire condition, spleen deficiency

d) insomnia

--> heart and kidney yin deficiency (kidney: +nightsweating)

e) general lassitude, loss of energy:

--> general qi deficiency


tops a) b) and d) being predominant, but i think, an effeciant herbal

formula for a+b would help us a lot, also a certain group would need

a formula for c)+e) to build up substance and energy.


d) together with a) are usually candidates for antidepressives with sleep-

promotion and ambulant psychotherapy, but something to shelter liver would

give more of a hopeful perspective.


b) comes also as a result of prolonged and/or initial methadone treatment,

which is also a mojor goal: deminishing toxic sideeffects of methadone, which

most of our patients still seem to need.


c) in itself is less frequent, mostly a result of a period of drug usage,

different stages of it. gets better with begin of treatment


a formula for treatment of sideeffects of interferone/ribaverine-treatment,

which some more promoted and stabil customers undergo.


Herbal formulas: I tried some from the literature i have, most important

is how we can get it, i tried to get some over local pharmacies, a cure

for 14 days would cost almost 140 DM, which is about 75 $, too much to do

it on large scale.


Any hints will be appreciated.



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Good post, next week or so I will be back: like to talk more then or

record your comments on the Cave man list by sending an Email to--









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