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herbal licensing

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Hi again Kit


Yes, self regulating is important.


Although in a general context the statement that separate licensing for

herbal practice does not yet exist.....it does not preclude the FACT that one

better be very careful about many other practice laws within their state.


The statement that certain states allow herbal to be administered by western

diagnosis is absolutely incorrect - at least here in Florida. There is no

mandate BY WESTERN DIAGNOSIS. Secondly - here in Florida - as I previously

noted those diagnosing and/or dispensing any herbal product need to be AWARE

of the Laws. Florida does not take it lightly for those practicing any form

of medicine without some sort of license. And anything taken orally needs at

least a primary care provider's license...such as MD, DO, DC, AP, etc.


Whether we agree or not that it should be like this.....the fact remains that

the laws here are written that it is illegal to practice medicine without a

license and you can not sugar coat or confuse the DISEPNSING of herbs which

may or may not be under control with DIAGNOSISNG (whether by Western or

Oriental diagnosis) which is definitely forbidden in Florida ........without

a license to do so. Acupuncture Physicians are licensed here to diagnose and

treat illness and injury with both western and oriental methods.


Therefore the thousands of so called herbalists and homeopaths who may have

been practicing for thousands of years and the potential unaware

newbees......BEWARE of the LAws where you live.






In a message dated 12/3/02 10:17:00 AM, kitcurtin writes:


<< Hi again Richard,


With my curiousity further piqued, I found the statements below.

I do think, like most, that we should do a careful job of self-

regulating so that we can avoid further govt. interference. I wish

the unscrupulous profiteers (i.e. weightloss pill purveyors)

would do the same. Hmmm, I guess a scrupulous profiteer

would be an oxymoron!! ;-P Kit



Practitioners: There is no government licensing for herbalists. Training for

herbalists varies and certifications are available. Generally, Ayuvedic

doctors, chiropractors, medical doctors, naturopaths, and Chinese medicine

doctors prescribe herbs.





Concerning State Licensing for Herbalists

At this time, no state has authorized separate licensing for practicing

herbalists. In many states, only a licensed Acupuncturist or Naturopath can

legally prescribe herbs using a western diagnosis. However, that does not

prevent you from seeing patients and suggesting formulas for them in


with Chinese Medical theory.

So it is not using herbs that is at issue but diagnosing a western named

disease and suggesting a treatment, without having a medical license issued

from the state you practice in.

There are thousands of herbalists practicing in America and Europe. In the

West, Herbalists have been accepted as healers for hundreds of years. In China

Herbalists have been mainstays of the medical healing arts for thousands of





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Hi again Richard,


With my curiousity further piqued, I found the statements below.

I do think, like most, that we should do a careful job of self-

regulating so that we can avoid further govt. interference. I wish

the unscrupulous profiteers (i.e. weightloss pill purveyors)

would do the same. Hmmm, I guess a scrupulous profiteer

would be an oxymoron!! ;-P Kit



Practitioners: There is no government licensing for herbalists. Training for

herbalists varies and certifications are available. Generally, Ayuvedic

doctors, chiropractors, medical doctors, naturopaths, and Chinese medicine

doctors prescribe herbs.





Concerning State Licensing for Herbalists

At this time, no state has authorized separate licensing for practicing

herbalists. In many states, only a licensed Acupuncturist or Naturopath can

legally prescribe herbs using a western diagnosis. However, that does not

prevent you from seeing patients and suggesting formulas for them in


with Chinese Medical theory.

So it is not using herbs that is at issue but diagnosing a western named

disease and suggesting a treatment, without having a medical license issued

from the state you practice in.

There are thousands of herbalists practicing in America and Europe. In the

West, Herbalists have been accepted as healers for hundreds of years. In China

Herbalists have been mainstays of the medical healing arts for thousands of



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Kit and anyone else in the Austin area:

I am having an open house party Thursday night between 5 and 8 pm.

If you can make it that would be great. You can check out the website for all

the details and to RSVP.



Leesa Bolden RMT/owner

WholeBody Connection


The " spa " for real people with real stress

Massage, Acupuncture & Holistic Therapies

1617 W. 6th Suite C

Austin, TX 78703




ACUDOC11 ; acupuncture

Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:58 AM

acupuncture herbal licensing



Hi again Richard,


With my curiousity further piqued, I found the statements below.

I do think, like most, that we should do a careful job of self-

regulating so that we can avoid further govt. interference. I wish

the unscrupulous profiteers (i.e. weightloss pill purveyors)

would do the same. Hmmm, I guess a scrupulous profiteer

would be an oxymoron!! ;-P Kit



Practitioners: There is no government licensing for herbalists. Training for

herbalists varies and certifications are available. Generally, Ayuvedic

doctors, chiropractors, medical doctors, naturopaths, and Chinese medicine

doctors prescribe herbs.





Concerning State Licensing for Herbalists

At this time, no state has authorized separate licensing for practicing

herbalists. In many states, only a licensed Acupuncturist or Naturopath can

legally prescribe herbs using a western diagnosis. However, that does not

prevent you from seeing patients and suggesting formulas for them in


with Chinese Medical theory.

So it is not using herbs that is at issue but diagnosing a western named

disease and suggesting a treatment, without having a medical license issued

from the state you practice in.

There are thousands of herbalists practicing in America and Europe. In the

West, Herbalists have been accepted as healers for hundreds of years. In China

Herbalists have been mainstays of the medical healing arts for thousands of





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At 10:47 AM 12/3/02 -0600, you wrote:


> Kit and anyone else in the Austin area:

> I am having an open house party Thursday night between 5 and 8 pm.



Hi Leesa,

Thanks. That's the night of the drumming circle at the new

White Crane Herbal Pharmacy, SOCO.

Perhaps, those that hop can make both. Kit

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