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Fwd: rebounder + flexibility + Strength training

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creative_energies , " docspeed2001 "

<docspeed2001> wrote:

creative_energies , flylo@t... wrote:

> I was thinking about getting a rebounder.


The rebounder will " help " , but not much in the way you are talking

about. It will do a " general " conditioning at the cell level, but


enough for what you need. You want your old flexibility back, and

your youthful strenght back. More needs to be done.


> I've been getting noticeably weaker in the legs, especially knee

>joints. I can't put my foot in the stirrup and swing over into the

>saddle unassisted. Ditto on getting on the tractor, and when you

>have a lot of gates to open,


This is loss of strength and loss of flexibility.


What I " see " here with many is, because of the creaping up of years,

and a weight gain, restriction in the back, restriction along the

outer and inner thighs, and, of course the knees themselves. (Donna



This is also due to loss of collagen in the cells themselves.


The collagen can be revitalized by taking about 2,000 mgs of vit C,

three times a day with a meal. (Dr. Linus Pauling)


Deeply massaging the outer sides of the thighs (large intestine

lymphatics), and deeply massaging the inner thighs (small intestine

lymphatics) will help with the flexibility. Having a spinal flush

done daily, with much imphasis on the tailbone and the Circulation

Sex points in the buttock, will also help. (DE)


Also massaging under the rib cage from the floating ribs to the


will regive you much of that flexibility, almost at once. (DE)


The best thing I've used for people getting into their 50's, and

60's, is that Chuck Norris Inclined board. (Bill Pearl)




Because the use of that board does totally support the small of the

back, so you can easily use it as a " hack " machine for building up

the strength in the knees.


That means that you sit on it...put your feet on the base board, and

push yourself up until your knees are straight...then you slowly

lower yourself back down.


Again, the great thing about this CN slant board is, there is NO

pressure on the spine, or the small of the back, like there is in

attempting deep knee bends to a stool, or a chair.


We bought our CN slant board on E-bay for peanuts.


I've clients with tremendous knee damage that could not even do one

deep knee bend when they started doing the drills, that are now

running up and down hills, and have strength and flexibility

back...along with a bunch of " other " benefits.


My 21 year old " boy " who is weight training is the one that


me to try it out...


A simple process to...


1. revitalize the collagen


2. massage those specific lymphatics


3. regain the flexibility


4. strengthen that specific body part


....and, after that is accomplished, THEN we start the REAL training!


John M. La Tourrette

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