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Fwd: More Chronic Homolateral Drills INCLUDE Persistence!

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creative_energies , " docspeed2001 "

<docspeed2001> wrote:

> If you go to do a health case on someone who is homolateral, how do

>you make sure that they aren't affected by all the other homolateral

>people around them?


You DON'T. What you do instead is fix your own energies, keep them

strong, and then you positively affect all those around you, while

their energies just flow through you with NO lasting EFFECT!


> But let's say a dog has cancer. Does the dog, because it is loyal

>and loves its owner, " absorb " the homolateral from the owner to

>protect him/her?


When a dog gets cancer it is NOT directly because of the owner, but

could be indirectly because of the owner...because the owner's

emotional field is such that the dog's emotional field soon has the

aspects of the dog owner.


Owner is stressed. So the dog, being telepathic becomes stressed. The

stress causes the Triple Warmer to become engaged, which shuts down

all the other meridians except the heart, blab, blab, blab...


But if the dog is healthy, then those negative energies flow right on



That's one reason it's wise to have the dog have other companions

besides the lonely owner. Other dogs. A horse. A cat. Things to

chase, play with, fight with, have sex with, eat with, etc.


>(I'm not saying it's their fault the dog has cancer. It is funny

>that the husband only has seizures when he's on vacation with his

>wife, though... Damn, I shouldn't have said that...)


Actually, very truthful in many cases. But, if the husband has a 15

minute quite time twice a day, a " recharge the battery time " , then

her presence will not affect him the same way because it will flow on



I remember this one gentleman that had Hodkins. And it only flared up

when his ex-wife visited him.


The emotional side of Cancer is very valid.


> So when you go to work on the health case, do you have to FIX

>everyone in the whole @#%$#$@ family? Or can you just work on the



Normally if you fix the " instigator " then the rest will also become

fixed. Notice the word " instigator " . Another word is " the poison

finder " . Another word is " the psychic attacker " . Another word, from

Al Capp is " the sad sack " .


Remove them, and every one feels good. Sometimes very difficult to

fix. Divorce is much easier.


Avoidance is much easier.


Pacing, rapport building, then leading, is much easier.


There is always someone that just loves to install " shit " and

to " find out shit " and tell everyone.


We get them on these lists also.


When I get them on my own private list, I just get rid of them and

flush them from the system.


There is always another group they can find that will enjoy their

type of energy.


> Oh, yeah, and do I HAVE to do it 3 times a day, 10-15 minutes each

>time for it to work?


Nope. You've got to do it at least 5 times a day. At least for



Anger switchs you instantly and when you can recognize that, then the

fixes become simple, quick, easy and automatic.


> Anyway, how would I go about doing it? Ed Bernd Jr, on the Choose

>Success (I think it's that tape set) course says that Jose spent 3

>years working on 10 " impossible " health cases.


Well, Ed is sick. Jose died at 83. Jose was practicing and

reconstructing remote healing technologies from all that he had

studied. Ed is a writer, and ex-SMC trainer.


>Why the hell did it take 3 years for them to all get better?


Their reasoning is because you first affect a change on the energy

level in the non-local universe...and that affect then needs to be

translated onto the physical plane, which does take some time.


The same reasoning is given by the Edgar Cayce studies.


Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology, done correctly and

systematically can start seeable changes at once. But they still

need persistence also.


So all three come from the same Healing Grid Sequences.


>And how the hell did he keep interested in doing the cases that

>long, anyway? I get bored after about 2-3 sessions of working on

>the same thing.


Being bored is a tag end. So, if it bores you, you are then

transmitting the energy of bordom to those you are attempting to

help. So, you are doing them a dis-service in that attempt.


You are giving them an energy that only will hurt them and their



So, only work on topics that interest you. Or reframe the job, in a

way that matches YOUR criteria so that it now interests you.


>OH, and did they ever do long-term follow up to see if the people

>stayed " healthy " after he stopped working their cases?


Many people are NOT helped. They, on a remote unconscious level

refuse the help because the help will deprive them of their

unconscious secondary gains.


ie, many non-healers stay crippled because they want their kids to

wait on them hand-and-foot. They want the company of other people

when they shop. Blab,blab, blab. A very common and well known

occurance in all fields of healing.


So just accept them. And, if you cannot stand to be in the same room,

then leave the room and still accept them as they are, just be

somewhere else.


Your job is NOT to fix anyone else, unless they want your help.


So, whom do you work on?




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