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Fwd: Self-Spinal Corrections THEN the Energy Drills Work

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creative_energies , " kahunamaker "

<kahunamaker> wrote:

> update on my leg and knee problems: I'm still not good enough to


> myself in the saddle (or on the tractor), (without aid) but I've


> having to hang onto the banister when I go up and down the stairs.

> update on my leg and knee problems: I'm still not good enough to


> myself in the saddle (or on the tractor), (without aid) but I've


> having to hang onto the banister when I go up and down the stairs.


Are you sure this is not a sciatic nerve problem?

That thought keeps popping into my head when I read and re-read your

description of pain and weakness.


Both times, when you first posted a month or so ago, and on this



When those nerves are whacked (because of the need of a spinal

adjustment) NOTHING that is pure energy, i.e., a belt line flow, a

panty line flow, nor a tie flow, will help until those vertebras are



At least that has been my own experience.


I did enjoy the story of Donna getting off the plane and rushing to

teach a seminar in England, but her upper back hurt so much. So she

took off this heavy heeled shoe of hers and whacked herself HARD on

that area until the vertebra went back into place, and then gave her



Even a Source Point massage won't help.


After they are re-aligned, then all are very helpful.


So here's a simple way to adjust that spinal lower back area.


An easy way to re-align the spine in the small of your back by

yourself is to…


1. …Lay on the floor (NOT on a pad, or a thick carpet). You need the

hardness under your spine.


2. Put a 2-3 inch telephone book behind your head to take stress off

of your neck.


3. Extend your left leg out so it's straight on the floor, and you

pull your right knee to your chest with both hands.


4. While holding this position, gently rock your spine sideways,


and forth about 15 times as your spine relaxes in that position.


5. Switch position to extend your right leg out so it's straight on

the floor, and you pull your left knee to your chest with both hand.


6. While holding this position, gently rock your spine sideways,


and forth about 15 times as your spine relaxes in that position.


The good news is, EVERYONE that has done this drill properly has had

almost instant relief.


The bad news is, those that have NOT done this drill have continued

to have pain.


I learned this drill for myself about 8 years ago because I used to

have those same pains.

After one application, the pains were almost totally gone. So now

those drills, which take about 60 seconds, are done daily and are a

part of my life.


And it works for all the athletes that had this problem.


(They, of course, get many other drills on strength training,

flexibility, and Energy Secrets for Athletes.)


> I don't really set aside time to do the energy drills,


The excuse of " not having the time " usually means that you don't

understand the importance of building up A HEALTHLY HABIT of


10 minutes a day of COMPETELY focusing on your body and it's



And, procrastination seems to be a human thing. So, with most the

ladies I train I have them do the shower routine that Kaeline made


years ago. She's on this list, so she might read this and


If not, then I can repost it if anyone is interested. I'm sure

Barbara Ann also has a copy.


While taking the shower, between the soap and the conditioner

(usually about 3 minutes), do the energy routine.


Then after drying off, spend the few seconds necessary to do

the " Connecting Between Heaven & Earth " correctly, the Spinal

Stretch " correctly, and the cross-crawl.


What is interesting is that the cross-crawl, when adapted just a


can be changed into a torso-twist technique for also adjusting the

lower spine.


The spinal-torso-twist is another drill that many of my athletes use

on a daily basis.


Glad you are getting better. And, I've enjoyed reading about when


how you are managing to do some of the drills interspersed with your

daily chores.



Ps. Who's going to Florida next month? Just curious.

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