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creative_energies , " kahunamaker "

<kahunamaker> wrote:


> Has anyone had any good results in clearing blocked arteries and

> reversing damage of heart attack?


Some possible heart solutions.


I've hesitated answering this because it's a serious topic that

should not be answered in a simplistic way.


I suggest that you check into the following 12 methods. There are

many more but these might be important to you.


1.Intravenous Chelation therapy.


This is where a medical doctor does IV's of EDTA (ethylene

diaminetetra-acetic acid) to roto-rooter your arteries.


It does take about 2 therapies a week for about 5-6 weeks, unless

very clogged. I have seen people that have blue lips, can hardly

breathe, and fear walking up stairs because of the strain. 5 weeks

later they are vigorous, healthy and acting almost like young adults.


Sometimes the Chelation EDTA therapy is alternated with intravenous

peroxide treatments.


It seems like arthritis disappears from their joints magically.


It is spendy and is not covered by most insurance. In fact I know of

only one person that has had it covered by insurance, and he owned

the agency!


Last I checked, about 3 years ago, one treatment was between $75 -

$150 bucks, depending on which MD you choose to go to. And you will

need 10 - 20 visits for any good roto-rooter job.


To find the good ones in your area, go to several of the health food

stores and just gab with the clerk about who does what, and what

their costs are.


They'll tell you who to avoid and who is the best. One of the better

grapevines on the planet for health related matters.


EDTA is not approved as a therapy for controlling cardiovascular

problems, but it is approved by the FDA for heavy-metal



The reason the FDA has not approved it for cardiovascular problems

is because that approval is so expensive no one has tried to get it.


2.Proper diet. No fried foods, PERIOD. No sugars. Best to get a

good nutrition book, preferably one by Edgar Cayce ( " The Edgar Cayce

Remedies " by William A. McGarey M.D.), or Max Gerson ( " The Gerson

Therapy " by Charlotte Gerson), or the micro-biotic diet.


3.Proper exercise. And in this case, preferably walking. The thigh

muscles are secondary hearts. Starting with short walks and building

up over time to longer walks. Get " The Edgar Cayce Handbook to

Drugless Therapy " by Harold Reilly D.C.


4.Proper vitamins to take care of free radical damage, and reducing

and repairing current artery damage. Dirk Pearson and Sandy Shaw do

have some very good oral Chelation vitamin products that work very

well. You can find them at lifeenhancement.com, and even cheaper at



Another good source book is " How to Live Longer and Feel Better " by

Linus Pauling. A Very good book. You can buy it new for about $6.99,

or you can buy it used for about $1 buck.


5.Proper thoughts and self-talk. Proper goals. Proper reasons for

continuing to live and act in a normal manner. If there are no

reasons to exist, we seem to die very quickly. We need valid reasons

for us to exist.


So, using Donna's book and the cranial tapping to installation of

proper thoughts on the left brain and the right brain is a good

place to start.


6.Learning how to do a very deep relaxation method with cause the

body and the blood vessels to relax and enlarge. Just by going

consciously to alpha brain wave will create health miracles in one's

life. I did give away a FREE CD on this once before.


7.Be sure and keep those Radiant Circuits humming. Norman cousins

has talked about this in his book where he explained how he survived

a heart attack. How he replaced fear with positive thoughts. How

humor is good for the heart. He has many examples in his book that

covers the how's and the why's.


8.Do the energy drills. Do them daily. Be sure and fix your

homolateral condition. Fix it several times a day. Do your Meridian

tracing according to the time of the day. The methods (many more)

are in Donna's and David's book.


9.Also twist and massage the tips of the fingers of both hands. The

little finger is the heart meridian. The middle finger is the

pericardium meridian (also called circulation sex). Just twisting

those two fingers will help relieve any chest pains. Most of clients

get the best results from twisting the middle finger, and by

massaging the CS source point in the middle of the crease of the



10.You can also flush forward the heart meridian. Start at the under

arm and slowly flush down the arm and off the little finger, with a

twist on the end of the little finger.


11.Then you can flush forward the pericardium meridian. From the

nipple , up to the shoulder, and slowly down the inside of the arm

and off of the middle finger with a twist to the end of the middle



12. Controlling Triple Warmer overdrive is very important. Norman

Cousins does talk about his in his book. It is also talked about

above in #5. I suggest you learn the basic Triple Warmer normalizing

methods. They've been gone over before.


If you need them again and can't find them in the back posts, on in

Donna/David's book, let me know.


Hope this gives you a direction.



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