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Fwd: Some possible Heart Solutions!

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creative_energies , " akashamoonlite "

<akashamoonlite> wrote:



Over a year ago, I wrote Dr. La Tourrette about a client I was


with. She had a heart attack and subsequent stroke which left her

with right hemi-paresis, a trach tube and a feeding tube. The


doctors recommended that she be placed in a nursing home and wait

death as they felt it was imminent. I must tell everyone she is now

eating and drinking a normal diet and walks with a walker. To me,


managed to give me instructions to help this client see a miracle

happen in her own life.


1. Triple Tapp Sequence

- tapp K-27's

- chest tap

- side tap (below the last rib)


2. Cross Crawl - Modified

Since my client could not move her right side, I had to move the


on the right while she raised her left leg. Then, she raised her

right leg and I raised the left leg. We did this for approximately


reps and then rested a moment. Both of us needed it!


3. Triple Warmer

- place my right hand at the base of her throat in the finger notch

- left hand on right temple

- hold position for aprox 2 mins

- switch sides


4. Circulation/Sex Meridian for Heart Function

- trace from right nipple up to shoulder and then down inside of the

arm to fingers. This was more of a pinching motion rather than a


- Shake of hands

- Switch to other side of arm

- Repeat 3 times for each side


5. Massage " Well Spring of Life "

- pres and hold the area on bottom of the foot on the pad below the4

2nd toe.

- I did each foot individually first

- Hold both feet and press " Well Spring of Life " on each foot

- I held the position aprx 2-3 mins each.


6. Alarm Point Massage for Lungs

- place first two fingers and thumb at the end of clavicle aprx 1

inch down and press tips of fingers into this area and twist

This movement I did approximately 3 times on each side.


I also incorporated the following:


Full body massage twice weekly, guided meditations three times weekly

and daily I would offer some kind of positive reinforcement. We


many hours discussing her own personal ability to make things happen

and that the results she saw were from her own ability and not mine.


It's so important that a client understand the mind is the builder


thus, with proper focus one can achieve anything. I was just a

conduit in helping her achieve such remarkable results and was very

blessed to be a witness to it.










-- In creative_energies , hdickson@t... wrote:


> I would also add to this that you might want to goggle and explore


> enzyme >serrapeptase<. This is enzyme is derived from silk worm

> cocoons and there is good research in Asia and Europe that supports


> claims that serrapeptase clears arteries of plaque. It is quite

> reasonable in cost, too.




> kahunamaker wrote:


> >

> >

> >>Has anyone had any good results in clearing blocked arteries and

> >>reversing damage of heart attack?

> >>

> >>

> >

> >Some possible heart solutions.

> >

> >I've hesitated answering this because it's a serious topic that

> >should not




be answered in a simplistic way.

> >

> >I suggest that you check into the following 12 methods. There are

> >many more but these might be important to you.

> >

> >1.Intravenous Chelation therapy.

> >

> >

> >




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