Guest guest Posted February 22, 2005 Report Share Posted February 22, 2005 creative_energies , " kahunamaker " <kahunamaker> wrote: > Perhaps you did not realize this might be offensive to some, but >I found it very unpleasant to read the parts of your email that >commented on and evaluated women's bodies and ages...both >positivie and negative. I find your attempt to install guilt to be aprehensible! First, off, I do believe you probably/might mean well... ....and I personally do NOT appreciate your attempts to install guilt into another, and I feel you have no right to attempt that. Are you her parent? I find that behavior very unpleasant. .... and I find it strange that you are attempting to publicly install GUILT into S, when what she did was give some very good advice, and to ask a couple of good questions. S meant NO harm, but you did mean to harm. And you did it under the pretense that you feel others should conform to your preconceived standards. And, if you want to install GUILT, I do wonder why you did it publicly, when doing it private " Wood " be so much more effective and so much MORE POLITE. One of the things I find real weird is a Wood/Earth combination. I think they start most of the wars, then they induct the Woods into the military to protect the people and enforce their erroneous laws, rules and regulations that they have developed from their own opinions. Just my tiny opinion. And I am NOT attacking, but telling what I see going on. And since you did it, then it must be okay. Right? And, for the group, a very good resource to know more about all the guilt trips and traps those around you attempt to make you a slave by, I suggest you get the book, " How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World " by Harry Browne. Very informative, and it will point out, with numerous examples of the " traps " others lay for us..., friends, enemies, churches, lovers, spouses, society, governements, etc. So, just because I did find S's post so interesting and INFORMATIVE, I've decided to answer some of her very important points. >They look good. They move good. They all move and act like young >people. Yes S. Most people who have great mental outlooks, and a neat sense of humor, do not seem to grow old at the same rate as those that are ALWAYS LOOKING for FAULTS, and something to COMPLAIN ABOUT. The 3 people you mentioned are always walking around with smiles on their faces, with LOVE in their hearts, and are doing positive SERVICE for those around them. Very good people to model for other skills besides weight loss. One time I had a blessing from Sandy, and it took me weeks to get over it. A Wood element is not used to those warm, REAL emotions of Love and caring. Thank you Sandy. And, all 3 of them are very capable of normalizing their Triple Warmers, activating their Spleen Meridians, clearing their lymphatics. They actually do the POSITIVE DRILLS to get THE POSITIVE SKILLS. >So I do know that Triple Warmer normalizing is neat. Yes, even more so than many people that study energy know. It has to do with the Primary types of unconscious Psychological Reversals, and with neurological dissorganizations..., if the TW is always engaged, and you can't seem to normalize it for any period of time, then look for the unconscious Psychological Reversals, and all the flight, fight and freeze combinations that go with them. Psychological Reversals ALWAYS interfer with a person's capacity to achieve any goal. They are when we consciously want one thing, but have a conflicting " belief " that is outside of our behavior, so we are actually fighting ourselves internally. Here they are. 1. Global PR's. 2. Specific-Context PRs. 3. Criteria-related PRs. 4. Intervening PRs. Then there are the Neurological disorganizations, which refers to subtle, pre-clinical stresses of every day life, toxins in the system, brain damage, or other electromagnetic disturbances in the nervous system. Clear up the energy perturbances in your field, then the TW normalization WILL WORK properly. >I do know that holding the strengthening points for Sp Meridian does >wonders. Good. >I do know that back flushing the spleen once and then forward >flushing it is good for the immune system. Good. >I do know that thumping the Sp-21's right after eating will help >with food absorbtion and digestion. This is really one of the important ones for me. Especially after eating supper, so I can sleep easily without stomach distress. >I do know that a deep massage on the thigh lymphatics, both insides >and outsides will rid the body of toxins. I found this very interesting. I do teach this to athletes, but normally for a different reason, flexibility. And those athletes, even the older ones have the flexibility of people 20-30 years younger. And, I can see how doing those thigh massages (Large Intestine Lymphatics & Small Intestine Lymphatics) would help remove toxins from the system so the energies would not be filtered through toxins. Very good point. Thank you. And I'll do the 5 sets that the other " nice " lady recommended in the file. Thank you " nice " lady for collecting those back posts and putting them available for all to study. >But I think that the model needs more for work for the rest of the >world. So, what is that more? What are those 3 people doing with >their minds that cause their energies to work more efficient? A very good point. Besides the 8 Energy Systems mentioned and taught very very well by Donna, there are 3 nervous systems involved with health, and proper weight. The cerebrospial nervous system, is designed in man to control conscious action and muscular movement. It is the functional component in the body of man for the conscious mind. This is the mind that is the ego. Second is the sympathetic nervous system, or what we recognize today as the autonomic nervous system. This is the portion of the mind where the old negative emotions that are HABITS affect our energy fields in a negative way and causes the Psychological Reversals, the running backwards of Meridian, the homolateral, the switching, blab, blab, blab. The 3rd system is the Sensory Nervous system (term coined by Edgar Cayce), which is functionally the only means by which we can be aware that we are living in a 3-d world. This latter system involves all the nerves that supply the 5 senses and is closely intertwined and involved with the other two systems of neural transmission. For example, the smell of a certain perfume takes us instantly back to a specific time and a specific place and a specific person. Back in my beer drinking days, when I and my room mate, Tito Larrea Llanas de Bolivia would close down bars, his favorite song was Zorba the Greek. And we'd go into the Ashland Cafe, play that song on the juke box and eat a chilly burger with tons of red tabasco sauce on it. So there is, in my mind, a total gestalt of all 3 of the above nervous systems acting together as one... ....along with the positive emotions of friendship for Tito, even though I've not seen him in 39 years...with total memories, of who we knew, the classes we took, the ladies we dated, etc... Which is a very useful ENERGY MEDICINE technique, when you learn to use it consciously. For example, Donna will have you remember a good time, a good emotion, a task well performed, and then have you TAP THAT FEELING INTO THE 3RD EYE! This 3rd eye then becomes a " trigger " and AN anchor for positive feelings. So, whenever you use your intutition, you are using it in a positive manner. What a great skill! And you can also anchor the Radiant Energies! And you can also anchor LOVE... And just about anything you want. Unfortunately many people accidently anchor the NEGATIVE EMOTIONS... Oh Well... And Donna AND David's work, the Energy Medicine and the Energy Psychology Interactive do address all three of the above. >What are they doing with their attitudes and emotions that cause >their energies to work more efficent? They LOVE people. They CONTRIBUTE A POSITIVE SERVICE. They add to the EVOLUTION OF MANKIND ON THIS PLANET. They see the POSITIVE IN OTHERS! These people know that positive attitudes do NOT just happen. They are built by the mind, and that those attitudes can be changed simply by recognizing that they are really under our direction and control. My point is, all people have attitudes... only question is, " what type of attitudes are they? " ....and who did those subconscious attitudes come from? ....and are those subconscious attitudes productive, or not? ....criticism... ....tag questions to self, " but it won't work " ... is useless... husband is a pain in the neck... ....down at the mouth... ....that's just the way I am... Here's some quotes that you may enjoy. I know Donna loves reading/studing him. .... " No one can hate his neighbor and not have stomach or liver trouble. " .... " No one can be jealous and allow the anger of same and not have upset digestion or heart disorder. " .... " Don't get mad and don't cuss a body out, mentally or in voice. This brings more poisons than may be created by even taking foods that aren't good. " .... " For anger can destroy the brain as well as any disease. For it is itself a disease of the mind. " .... " when there is the ruffling of your disposition when there is any anger, it prepares the system so that it blocks the flow of the circulation to eliminating channels. Thus you can take a bad cold from getting mad. You can get a bad cold from crusing out someone else, even if it is your wife. " .... " it is necessary to change the attitude and to let the life forces become constructive and NOT destructive. Hate, malice and jealousy only creat poisons within the minds, souls and bodies of people. " A very good method to help in the above negative attitudes, is to first you notice you've got them... ....and then to do the Ben Franklin technique, and fix them one by one. > I would appreciate your not doing this anymore. Actually, hopefully you'll take your own advice. Or, if not, do it privately. > We are all here to learn and share about Energy Medicine Yes, and S's post was entirely about Energy Medicine. Read it again. >and not >to make personal comments about others bodies or anything else >about them. I did not take it personal. I'm about 20 lbs overweight. She pointed out other things that I might do that will help. I thank her for that. You on the other hand, just griped and gave NO positive input about anything. Are you overweight? If so, then maybe what has been stated about attitudes and PR's and Emotions, and energies will help. And again, maybe they will not. I know that I sure feel a lot better when I bless someone, versus when I bitch about someone. Even if it's deserved. It's late. More later, since I just got started. Let me know if interested, or not. Sincerely, --- End forwarded message --- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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