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Behavioral Traces of Past Lives?

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, Jeanne

Garner <jeanneg@e...> wrote:

> This is the " standing " pose. Stand with legs slightly apart, toes


> slightly outward, knees bent. Place hands about 5-6 " above the

knees, this

> means you will be bending at the waist slightly. Now, let your

breath out,

> all of it, and sort of tuck your stomach upward to push out the

rest of

> it. Still holding your breath, snap your abdomen out, then in,

then out--a

> total of 3-5 times (start out with a smaller amount at first),

then relax,

> take a new breath, let it all out as before, and repeat. I do 5

cycles of

> 5 " snaps " or some might say " tucks " twice a day. It's sort of

like doing

> rapid breathing, except without air--if that's any help.


Thank you Jeanne.


Yoga has always been " downplayed " in my own awareness because...


....well, let me tell you a story.


When I was 18, and an advanced student of Juijitu, the head sensei

invited into the dojo a lady yoga trainer that had been teaching

yoga for 12 years to give us a workshop.


Amazingly, virtually all poses she showed us, no matter how much

they depended upon balance, breath control, flexibility...


....I COULD DO THE " FIRST TIME " I was shown the drill!


Which really pissed off the rest of the Juijitsu black belts, and

the yoga trainer...


But me, being so ignorant, just thought " yoga " was nothing.


I never, at that time, even considered the higher level question

of, " Why can I do these drills so easily? " .


In fact that question never occured to me until your post.





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