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RE: The Secret Prerequisite to GUARANTEE results in EM...

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Hi Juan,


Please add me to the Study Group.


Thank you,



Juan M. Mercado [profesormental2004]Tuesday, April 05, 2005 5:26 AM Subject: The Secret Prerequisite to GUARANTEE results in EM...The secret is studying the book, Energy Medicine, chew it for a while, so it breaks into pieces that can easily be integrated into your system.The steps are all in the book to have a fundamental basis for which to work wonders...So in my current reading of the book I decided to do many of the suggestions in it... specially the one about using it as a study group.So I decided to outline the contents, the objectives of the convincers and stories, the WIIFM's and the names of the drills. Also a small discussion on what is learned. Just to encourage discusion and sharing of What else's.I've been really chewing the book, and the ideas that come from that kind of study can become a book onto itself.And the interesting thing about this kind of practical book is that many people can develop lots of "what else's". This is from experience. So I encourage everyone in the list to share their experiences with the materials (as I will) and the "what' elses'" and stories that have come from plating with EM.Also, every post will apply a daily set of drills as to ingrain the technologies as to become second nature. The drills that are not in the book (likely very few) mostly are explained in other materials, which I'll refer where they are.Since they say "You are what you constantly do" the material will expand to about a month, enough time to become a habit if the instructions are followed.On wedenesday, I'll begin with the most powerful method Donna Eden has turned to to become a World Class (many say #1 rcognized) Energy healer in the World.It is in the book.I hope we can all play along and have loads of fun doing this little project! Isn't this one of the stated purposes of this group?Yes it is!Sincerely,Juan M. MercadoP.S. Doc, you can send this to all lists or people that you think will benefit from this project. I think it'll be the equivalent of a mega EM home study course...and the cost is about 30 min. a day or less for about a month...to become skilled enough to help in the healing and learning process of anyone you wish in the EM discipline... including and specially yourself!P.S.S. Doc gives "what elses'" almost DAILY on this list and on MM-ES group. But they only work if the technologies waiting in the book are ingrained and mastered.So if you write saying you wanna play too, I'll throw in lots of stuff that will Power up the potential of the book so much it'll fly off the scale and you 'll get (fill blank with anything you want NOW) in no time!Then all the wonderful and "mystical" what else's that Doc teaches everyday will be within your grasp!Let's play!

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Great idea Juan


I read " Energy Medicine " once quickly - put it away for a while -

now am going through it slowly and step by step.


I would love to " play " . Maybe there are others who, like me - want

the skills - - completely willing to " do the damn drills " and work

at it - - maybe a bit overwhelmed? not sure how to integrate it



Going through the book with others - including a discussion would be





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I don't know if this will help but when i feel overwhelmed by the vastness

of techniques out there, I go back to basics for a while. Elizabeth was

talking about buying lots of books and I can relate to the hunger for

knowledge. I can only assimilate once I have the basics fully integrated.


The five minute drill is the basics. Having said that, I don't do all of it

every day and all at once- I try to sense what I need and when as this

heightens my awareness of my energy systems (sometimes i only notice how

much I value something when I no longer have it). Then I add things into

the mix as and when I feel the urge/need or when i am learning a new skill.

It's a bit like building blocks - I need a solid foundation to be able to

reach the sky/my dreams/my objectives etc etc..


I pick up EM (the book) every so often and scan it. I then focus on the

areas that don't use so much. I do the same with the CD ROM and other

books - I read them once thoroughly and then dip back into them. If

something comes up that i am unfamiliar with or unsure about then I refer

back to the books I have on the subject. I mark my books with turned down

pages (labels would be a better system and one that is on my list of things

to do!) so I can quickly find those things that i just can't seem to



Wall charts are great too as they are quick to refer to.


" mindgms2 " <mindgms


Wednesday, April 06, 2005 2:44 AM

Re: The Secret Prerequisite to

GUARANTEE results in EM...





> Great idea Juan


> I read " Energy Medicine " once quickly - put it away for a while -

> now am going through it slowly and step by step.


> I would love to " play " . Maybe there are others who, like me - want

> the skills - - completely willing to " do the damn drills " and work

> at it - - maybe a bit overwhelmed? not sure how to integrate it

> all?


> Going through the book with others - including a discussion would be

> awesome!


> Cheers!

> Elaine




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This sounds like a wonderful idea. Thank you. Please add me to your study group.





Juan M. Mercado [profesormental2004] April 5, 2005 5:26 AM Subject: The Secret Prerequisite to GUARANTEE results in EM...The secret is studying the book, Energy Medicine, chew it for a while, so it breaks into pieces that can easily be integrated into your system.The steps are all in the book to have a fundamental basis for which to work wonders...So in my current reading of the book I decided to do many of the suggestions in it... specially the one about using it as a study group.

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Hi juan,


Please add me to the study group



--- ketayun <ketayun wrote:

> Hi Juan,


> Please add me to the Study Group.


> Thank you,


> Kate


> Juan M. Mercado

> [profesormental2004]

> Tuesday, April 05, 2005 5:26 AM


> The

> Secret Prerequisite to

> GUARANTEE results in EM...



> The secret is studying the book, Energy Medicine,

> chew it for a while,

> so it breaks into pieces that can easily be

> integrated into your system.


> The steps are all in the book to have a fundamental

> basis for which to

> work wonders...


> So in my current reading of the book I decided to do

> many of the

> suggestions in it... specially the one about using

> it as a study group.


> So I decided to outline the contents, the objectives

> of the convincers

> and stories, the WIIFM's and the names of the

> drills. Also a small

> discussion on what is learned. Just to encourage

> discusion and sharing

> of What else's.


> I've been really chewing the book, and the ideas

> that come from that

> kind of study can become a book onto itself.


> And the interesting thing about this kind of

> practical book is that many

> people can develop lots of " what else's " . This is

> from experience. So I

> encourage everyone in the list to share their

> experiences with the

> materials (as I will) and the " what' elses' " and

> stories that have come

> from plating with EM.


> Also, every post will apply a daily set of drills as

> to ingrain the

> technologies as to become second nature. The drills

> that are not in the

> book (likely very few) mostly are explained in other

> materials, which

> I'll refer where they are.


> Since they say " You are what you constantly do " the

> material will expand

> to about a month, enough time to become a habit if

> the instructions are

> followed.


> On wedenesday, I'll begin with the most powerful

> method Donna Eden has

> turned to to become a World Class (many say #1

> rcognized) Energy healer

> in the World.


> It is in the book.


> I hope we can all play along and have loads of fun

> doing this little

> project! Isn't this one of the stated purposes of

> this group?


> Yes it is!


> Sincerely,


> Juan M. Mercado


> P.S. Doc, you can send this to all lists or people

> that you think will

> benefit from this project. I think it'll be the

> equivalent of a mega EM

> home study course...


> and the cost is about 30 min. a day or less for

> about a month...


> to become skilled enough to help in the healing and

> learning process of

> anyone you wish in the EM discipline... including

> and specially yourself!


> P.S.S. Doc gives " what elses' " almost DAILY on this

> list and on MM-ES

> group. But they only work if the technologies

> waiting in the book are

> ingrained and mastered.


> So if you write saying you wanna play too, I'll

> throw in lots of stuff

> that will Power up the potential of the book so much

> it'll fly off the

> scale and you 'll get (fill blank with anything you

> want NOW) in no time!


> Then all the wonderful and " mystical " what else's

> that Doc teaches

> everyday will be within your grasp!


> Let's play!





> ----


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