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Borrowing Benefits and Remote/distant healing...

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Mark and All,


Here is another way of doing it, that is a little different from Borrowing

Benefits. It runs along the lines of remote/distant healing. You don't even

need a volunteer. Tell everyone in the audience to find a problem and rate

it, SUD's scale. Have them notice the location they feel it in their body

and to focus on it hold it softly in their mind...


You create in your mind's eye a representation of one body over them (which

includes all of them) and you do the process in your mind on your

representation (using this issue/problem I'm feeling). You can do the whole

process without saying a word and get the new SUD's level after you are

done. I like to do this instead of spoon bending or standing an egg on end.

It gives everyone newcomers and practitioners an internal experience.


You can do this over the phone as well. It can be used in any energy

healing modality since the theory is it is on the quantum level any way.


I used to do this with Quantum Touch but EFT/Shallow PEAT are usually a lot

quicker even though I do combine QT with it from time to time depending on

my RVing, calibration etc...


As far as animals - Silvia Hartmann had done a lot of energy work with

animals. It still makes since if " Energy is the building blocks of EVERYTHING! "


Utilize Everything,

Dr. Houston (Doc Results) Vetter



At 10:41 PM 4/11/2005, you wrote:



>Hi Doc Houston,


>Borrowing Benefits eh, nice stuff.


>You mean you could get a group of people together to do a

>demonstration of EFT. Find a willing volunteer, get him or her up in

>front of the group, and just before doing the EFT drill, tell an

>isomorphic metaphor about " How we all just may have something we'd

>like to work on, perhaps some negative Thing we'd like to make less

>negative, and how we could think of that thing and give it a rating

>of somewhere between zero and ten on the SUDS scale " .


>Then run the EFT drill on the victim, er, volunteer, get his or her

>SUDS rating down to zero. Then ask the group where their own personal

>SUDS rating were, NOW. And find that ALL the ratings

>had " accidentally " gone down?


>Does that work? Do you think? I know it does. We did it last november

>in Medford.


>And then there's Remote EFT. Hmmm... Can this be done with animals



>Thanks, and all the best,



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Hi Houston and Mark,


Thanks for the posts, because it reminded me of one of those drills I started to

do, it worked, so I got bored and moved on to the next drill before I got real

good at the one I was doing. HAHAHA


I learned this drill from Doc. I don't recall if he specifically taught us this

exact drill, but he has posted before that he does it, so I asked myself, " If I

could do that, how would I? "


So Houston mentioned a location for emotion X.


The drill is to go into hakalau or to go to level or do both, and segment intend

asking that person on the SUBJECTIVE level a simple, short question that

ellicits the appropriate response.


This also trains telepathic awareness.


Then you notice where their energy field expands or shrinks or where it lights

up or gets dark.


I suggest that you first go learn the drill on how to ellicit like / don't like.

Good feeling / Bad feeling. And timelines, as an absolute minimum if you don't

already know how to do that drill (Houston and Mark already know that drill).


Once you can do that and calibrate it with eye movements AND with energy testing

(notice how they test strong or weak depending on whether they think of someone

they like / don't like or food they like / don't like).


Notice that you have to ask a specific question to ellicit the response you

want, and you direct that to them using your subconscious mind, directed to

their subconscious mind. If you want the bigger steps:


1) Conscious mind notices (is aware) of what you want / don't want. You can

train the CM for this if you don't already have it.


2) The Subconscious mind is the mind that communicates telepathically with

other SCM's. This is a bit simplified as the various energy systems are in

telepathic communication with each other, even over distances. For instance, my

radiant energies activated in appreciation toward someone (or even an animal or

plant) affects them in positive ways, even over a distance.


3) The Subconscious mind usually does whatever it is used to doing / has been

programmed to do.


4) The Subconscious mind is controllable by suggestion.


5) We can CHOOSE, with the conscious mind, which suggestions we want the SCM to

carry out.


6) When two suggestions are in conflict, the stronger suggestion wins. (Ie,

belief systems, tag ends, blab, blab, blab)


7) Will power alone is not enough to affect change / learn the ability you want

to know. Whenever will power and the imagination are in conflict, the

imagination will always win the day (or lose it, depending on how you use it).


So you go learn the skill. How do you get the skills? " When you do the drills,

you get the skills; when you don't do the drills, you don't get the skills, so

do the damn drills and get the skills! " -DOC


So once you learn that skill, you can then do it at level and notice how the

person on your mental screen moves their eyes or how their energy field expands

/ shrinks, etc.


Then you learn (through programming and practice and anchors) to have that skill

while you go about your business throughout the day.


Do the drill telepathically, then when you get the answer telepathically, go

ellicit the same response from the person, using your language patterns and

calibrate if you got the same answer both times.


If not, what was different, why, what else can you do instead, blab, blab,



As you calibrate, you will get better and better and better at it.


You might even find yourself being able to see other people's thought forms. I

don't know yet how quickly you will be able to know what those thought forms



Thanks again for the posts!



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