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Doc, you are manipulative...

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Dear doc, group,


just wanted to mention that you ARE manipulative. Everyone who is reading this

right now

was manipulated into it, for he or she does not do anything else right now.


Let me give a personal example or two of how you manipulated me:


I am a member of mindmastery-essentialskills for 2,5 years now. With your posts,


manipulated me into taking energy medicine serious, into reading books and


that broadened my horizon in ways I didn`t think would exist.


You manipulated me into doing and keeping to do a 10-15 minutes energy medicine

routine every single morning. You manipulated me into posting, into using the

skills I have

to enhance quality of my posts and of the discussions in general, whereever I



You manipulated me into spending quite some money for an eeg, for books, for


tank sessions, for courses and other stuff I need to further advance my



When joining the group, I thought that this guy from the backwoods is a big

mouth with

nothing to proove it, or he is one of the best teachers I met so far. So I

decided to buy this

RVRI course, to prove for myself that he is a poser. (i truly like this


construct- a friend tried to use it on me last night:-)


Well, when listening to the RVRI course, I realized that those were the best


and " alpha tapes " that I had heard so far. Damn, now what?


You manipulated me into wanting to attend your York (GB) seminar for two years

now, and

when I (with grinding teeth and 2 days of hard core social networking to get

away from my

project) realized I would not have the money, you manipulated me into telling

you if I

would want y o u to ask Dirk if installments would be ok.


But it doesnt end there. Guess what. I am putting money away for the seminar,


should be somewhere around july/august already- and it is only april. Now that

is some

thorough manipulation, i`d say.


So doc, you do manipulate, in the best and most positive sense of the word. At

least you

manipulated me into thinking that... and yes, it tests strong.


kindest regards,


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, " cassius2600 "

<pac1@g...> wrote:



> Dear doc, group,


> just wanted to mention that you ARE manipulative. Everyone who is

reading this right now

> was manipulated into it, for he or she does not do anything else

right now.




Nobody manipulated you. That, to me, is an extremely negative

statement. That says that you have no free will. That says that

things happen TO you and not FOR you.


You choose your life, each and every moment of it. Whether good or

bad, you choose it, based on what you think you deserve, who you think

you are, what you think should happen.


Yes, even the bad shit.


Lemme repeat myself for emphasis.


You choose your life, each and every moment of it.


EVERY moment of it. The problem is when we don't choose conciously,

and allow our subconcious to do it for us. That's about like letting

a 6 year old plan our investment portfolio. It could work, but it's

not bloody likely. When a six year old is afraid of something, it's

disproportionately so. Remember the monsters under you bed/in the

closet/on the roof/wherever you had them? Remember how afraid you

were of absolutely nothing? If your abilities of manifestation had

been fully awakened at that moment, guess what you would have had in

your closet, under your bed, on your roof, in your tub, in the cereal,

etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.




Now I don't know Doc, never met the man, and I'm sure he can bloody

well defend himself, but to accuse someone of " manipulating " you into

getting something you wanted yourself shows a lack of basic

understanding of things as they stand.


I'm no energetics guru by any means, but I can get shit done simply

because I understand that each and every moment I live is my choice.


Every bloody one of them.


NOBODY manipulates me. They can't, because I take full responsibility

for my thoughts, actions, and feelings. Yeah, it hurts like hell

taking responsibility for all those failed relationships and being

about five thousand bloody miles from my 8 month old son, but guess

what. I did it. For whatever fucked up reason I had, I chose to be

precisely where I am at precisely this moment.






Sheesh people, get a grip. There are three basic laws that I've

always learned.











I bear no ill will p@, but for some reason that kind of thinking

REALLY pisses me off... Must be a fire element...


But I'm better now /grin.


Now, on to formulate the rest of my " Time? " theories.




Choosing my life, moment by moment,






" Free trade is the height of morality. " ~kahunaviking

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Hi Group, some comments about MANIPULATION...


I'm still learning from Doc, and Cinta, and Jim, and Docresults, and a whole bunch of other people, too... as a matter of fact, I've barely scratched the tip of the iceberg.


But I don't think I've been manipulated. I have been shown by example, and been given some hard lessons on how to learn from my mistakes, and have had ACTUAL TOOLS actually LAID OUT in front of me, and, as a result, I have DEFINITELY LEARNED, and I have also realized that I do have much, much more to learn, BUT..



If Doc had just said " Here's the tools, and here's how to learn them " - well, honestly, I don't think, back then, that I would actually have picked them up and used them. I probably would have said something like, " Oh, that sounds too easy " or " that can't be right " or something similar.


I don't think that Doc is manipulating when he says DO THE DRILLS AND GET THE SKILLS. I think he's EMPOWERING, definitely, but not manipulating - he doesn't FORCE you to pick up the tools, or do the drills, or get the skills. He shows you a very small part of the map, and shows you (as do all of the other wonderful instructors/posters on this list) how to FIND THE REST OF THE MAP, IF YOU SO CHOOSE. Manipulating would be making you do something. Doc et al give you a CHOICE. It's your decision whether you pick them up and run with them.


Due to circumstances that were beyond my control (mostly because I didn't quite catch on that they WERE within my control!!) finances have been very limited here, but, Now I have some TOOLS (that I have learned FROM THIS LIST (and other places too)) that I CAN USE to fix that. And, as SOON as I am able, the first damned thing I'm going to do is order everything I can from both Doc J. La T. and Doc Houston.. because I appreciate the input they (and the others in this list) have brought to my life, and I have learned to RESPECT them immensely. And I dont' think I was manipulated into that, either.



At first, I thought that Doc was gruff and even a little beligerent.. but so what? who the hell cares what I think? the TRUTH of the matter is that DOC (and the others!) HANDS THE KNOWLEDGE TO THOSE WHO ARE WILLING TO MEET HIM HALFWAY. He cannot, nor can anybody, MAKE YOU LEARN. That's the part you gotta do yourself.



IF I've been manipulated, I've been manipulating into LOSING my INITIAL REACTION to what appeared to be a gruff personality ;) But I STILL had to READ the POSTS ;)


[Doc - does that mean that I can take half the credit? ::giggle::]


Big thanks to ALL of youse!






On 4/14/05, cassius2600 <pac1 wrote:

Dear doc, group,just wanted to mention that you ARE manipulative. Everyone who is reading this right now

was manipulated into it, for he or she does not do anything else right now.Let me give a personal example or two of how you manipulated me:I am a member of mindmastery-essentialskills for 2,5 years now. With your posts, you

manipulated me into taking energy medicine serious, into reading books and ressourcesthat broadened my horizon in ways I didn`t think would exist.You manipulated me into doing and keeping to do a 10-15 minutes energy medicine

routine every single morning. You manipulated me into posting, into using the skills I haveto enhance quality of my posts and of the discussions in general, whereever I can.You manipulated me into spending quite some money for an eeg, for books, for samadhi

tank sessions, for courses and other stuff I need to further advance my research.When joining the group, I thought that this guy from the backwoods is a big mouth withnothing to proove it, or he is one of the best teachers I met so far. So I decided to buy this

RVRI course, to prove for myself that he is a poser. (i truly like this presuppositionconstruct- a friend tried to use it on me last night:-)Well, when listening to the RVRI course, I realized that those were the best installations

and " alpha tapes " that I had heard so far. Damn, now what?You manipulated me into wanting to attend your York (GB) seminar for two years now, andwhen I (with grinding teeth and 2 days of hard core social networking to get away from my

project) realized I would not have the money, you manipulated me into telling you if Iwould want y o u to ask Dirk if installments would be ok.But it doesnt end there. Guess what. I am putting money away for the seminar, which

should be somewhere around july/august already- and it is only april. Now that is somethorough manipulation, i`d say.So doc, you do manipulate, in the best and most positive sense of the word. At least you

manipulated me into thinking that... and yes, it tests strong.kindest regards,p@-- -----------------------------Lurq / Lurker@Hearthttp://Lurquer.com/

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Hi David and All,


When someone says I've manipulated them I say, " thank you " . Or I say, " That

a pretty manipulative thing to say. "


As far as I can tell the original meaning of manipulation was - to move

with deliberateness. Somewhere along the line many people added the

negative concept - to take advantage of self or another which only goes to

back up the 1st Forgotten Fundamental of Life (You are the Meaning Maker).


Now-a-days I suspect the word persuasion has more of the original meaning

of (to manipulate) moving with deliberateness that's why My Grampa Vetter

said, " It's manipulation when you do it to me and persuasion when I do it

to you. "


To be (responsible) or not to be (responsible)

Now that's a decent question....

Dr. Houston (Doc Results) Vetter

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