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Is it possible to check the Care Bear Heart Flow in a Social Situation?

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essentialskills , " scarolina1000 " <dougspri@r...> wrote:


> me or to do the bedy pendulum, such as being in a public place?


> seeing what is possible with this technqiue I am greedy and want to

> have those kind of results anytime I want and have not yet been able

> to caibrate for the difference when it does not work as well.



Learn to recognize them in others FIRST!


You can do this by watching their behavior...


....by reading their analogue...


....by smiling and see if they smile in return, and mean it...or do

they smile, then they get flat faced and glassy-eyed?


Have fun calibrating.


Go back and study Genie Leborde's books for specific calibration




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1) No one has yet to ask me WHY I'm running my hands on my chest.

2) If they do, it's automatic " permission " to show them the drill (which gives

you " permission " to energize THEIR heart bridge circuit with whatever segment

intent *you* want, which you don't need permission to do anyway, but the drill

works easier when you physically trace it).


If you need to, get up and go to the bathroom and trace it in there. Nobody has

ever " minded " that I traced it while I was there in person. The gay guy I

didn't notice was at the register I was in line for LIKED it, and so I got a

good laugh out of it later...


Anyways, if you are " afraid " that it might have reversed, it probably just did

with the fear of it being reversed.


What break states can you do? What other types of anchors can you set up to

trigger that energy flow? And who says you can't trace it in a social

situation? Have you tried it yet?


Have fun!





scarolina1000 <dougspri

Apr 17, 2005 4:01 PM


Is it possible to check the Care Bear

Heart Flow in a Social Situation?





Hi Doc,


I've been using the Care Bear Heart Flow, both the short version and

the full version taught at the seminar, have had some good success at

times and other times have been less dramatic. I can only assume that

during the less dramatic instances at some point my heart chakra

started flowing the wrong way after I did the drill. I was reading

again the transcript of the private session I had with you after the

seminar and during the session you told me several times that my heart

chakra had reversed direction after I had corrected it only a few

minutes before, so apparently I am usually flowing the wrong way and

even after correction am easily prone to having it reverse again. I

hope that one day I can see these energies as you can but in the

meantime is there any way to know or sense when the heart chakra flow

is reversed when it is not possible to have someone else energy test

me or to do the bedy pendulum, such as being in a public place? After

seeing what is possible with this technqiue I am greedy and want to

have those kind of results anytime I want and have not yet been able

to caibrate for the difference when it does not work as well. Thanks.

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essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001>


Thanks Doc,


I have never heard of Genie Leborde but will look for the book on

Amazon. Perhaps I have been looking for too extreme responses from

others which has happened when I did the drill a few times, as my

evidence that it is working, rather than more subtle responses such

as a smile as you mentioned.


> healingenergies-

> essentialskills , " scarolina1000 " <dougspri@r...>



> > me or to do the bedy pendulum, such as being in a public place?

> After

> > seeing what is possible with this technqiue I am greedy and want


> > have those kind of results anytime I want and have not yet been


> > to caibrate for the difference when it does not work as well.

> Thanks.


> Learn to recognize them in others FIRST!


> You can do this by watching their behavior...


> ...by reading their analogue...


> ...by smiling and see if they smile in return, and mean it...or do

> they smile, then they get flat faced and glassy-eyed?


> Have fun calibrating.


> Go back and study Genie Leborde's books for specific calibration

> drills.



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essentialskills , " scarolina1000 " <dougspri@r...> wrote:


> I have never heard of Genie Leborde but will look for the book on

> Amazon. Perhaps I have been looking for too extreme responses from

> others which has happened when I did the drill a few times, as my

> evidence that it is working, rather than more subtle responses such

as a smile as you mentioned.




Many people expect to do the FRIENDLY ENERGIES drill, and then have a

strange female offer to give them free sex just because they did that

drill one time...


....and it just normally doesn't happen that way with women...


....there are 3 other things required in most cases...


Now with guys...;-)


Genkie Z. Laborde has 3 books...


1. " Influencing with Integrity " ...


2. " Fine Tune your brain: How to sell your idea to someone else " ...


3. " 90 Days to Communication Excellence: a skill-building workbook " .


Her books are fine for people that want REAL GOOD basic skills.


I've noticed with the current fad of NLP trainers being certified,in a

weekend training, that many/most of them couldn't calibrate a $50



I'm sorry to say that NLP has been so dumbed down that the skills that

used to be required for a lowly Practitioner took a minimum of 6 months

to develop, practice and to be tested on.


And to become an NLP Trainer took about 6 years, and that was only if

they liked you.


Oh well.


That is progress.



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, " James R.

Knippenberg " <erommel@e...> wrote:

Hi Jim,


> 1) No one has yet to ask me WHY I'm running my hands on my chest.

> 2) If they do, it's automatic " permission " to show them the drill

(which gives you " permission " to energize THEIR heart bridge circuit

with whatever segment intent *you* want, which you don't need

permission to do anyway, but the drill works easier when you

physically trace it).

It never occurred to me to trace someone elses heart bridge cicuit

for my own segment intent, but that is a fascinating thought. When

you do that, do you imagine you are doing the physical motions to

the person? If your segment intent was, for example to get a woman

to notice you or say hello to you , do you visualize her doing that

as you trace their heart bridge?


> If you need to, get up and go to the bathroom and trace it in

there. Nobody has ever " minded " that I traced it while I was there

in person. The gay guy I didn't notice was at the register I was in

line for LIKED it, and so I got a good laugh out of it later...


> Anyways, if you are " afraid " that it might have reversed, it

probably just did with the fear of it being reversed.

Good point, as I think back it does seem like I had the most success

when I didn't give it much thought after doing the drill. The last

few times when I didn't see immediate results, I started wondering

why it wasn't working.


> What break states can you do? What other types of anchors can you

set up to trigger that energy flow? And who says you can't trace it

in a social situation? Have you tried it yet?

I guess that is just my limiting belief that I need to get over.


Thanks Jim.


> Have fun!

> Jim




> scarolina1000 <dougspri@r...>

> Apr 17, 2005 4:01 PM


> Is it possible to check

the Care Bear Heart Flow in a Social Situation?





> Hi Doc,


> I've been using the Care Bear Heart Flow, both the short version


> the full version taught at the seminar, have had some good success


> times and other times have been less dramatic. I can only assume


> during the less dramatic instances at some point my heart chakra

> started flowing the wrong way after I did the drill. I was


> again the transcript of the private session I had with you after


> seminar and during the session you told me several times that my


> chakra had reversed direction after I had corrected it only a few

> minutes before, so apparently I am usually flowing the wrong way


> even after correction am easily prone to having it reverse again.


> hope that one day I can see these energies as you can but in the

> meantime is there any way to know or sense when the heart chakra


> is reversed when it is not possible to have someone else energy


> me or to do the bedy pendulum, such as being in a public place?


> seeing what is possible with this technqiue I am greedy and want


> have those kind of results anytime I want and have not yet been


> to caibrate for the difference when it does not work as well.


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essentialskills , " docspeed2001 " <docspeed2001>



> healingenergies-

> essentialskills , " scarolina1000 " <dougspri@r...>



> > I have never heard of Genie Leborde but will look for the book


> > Amazon. Perhaps I have been looking for too extreme responses


> > others which has happened when I did the drill a few times, as


> > evidence that it is working, rather than more subtle responses


> as a smile as you mentioned.


> Yes,


> Many people expect to do the FRIENDLY ENERGIES drill, and then

have a

> strange female offer to give them free sex just because they did


> drill one time...


> ...and it just normally doesn't happen that way with women...


I agree, however one of the first times I did the drill I really did

get offered free sex, of course that was after about three hours of

building rapport with her, but I believe the drill helped me meet

her in the first place.


> ...there are 3 other things required in most cases...


I would be very interested in hearing more about the 3 other

things. Thanks for the book recommendation, I have read more good

books from your recommendations that I would have not have heard of



> I'm sorry to say that NLP has been so dumbed down that the skills

>that used to be required for a lowly Practitioner took a minimum of >6 months

to develop, practice and to be tested on.


> And to become an NLP Trainer took about 6 years, and that was only

>if they liked you.


> Oh well.

> That is progress.


I also get the impression the Silva method has been dumbed down is a

similar fashion.





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Only 3? What are they? :-) How high are you chunking? Did you mean the 3

books you mentioned? Or?







docspeed2001 <docspeed2001

Apr 18, 2005 10:32 PM


Re: Is it possible to check the Care

Bear Heart Flow in a Social Situation?






Many people expect to do the FRIENDLY ENERGIES drill, and then have a

strange female offer to give them free sex just because they did that

drill one time...


....and it just normally doesn't happen that way with women...


....there are 3 other things required in most cases...

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Hello Doug & All,


> > I'm sorry to say that NLP has been so dumbed down that the skills

> >that used to be required for a lowly Practitioner took a minimum

of >6 months to develop, practice and to be tested on.


> > And to become an NLP Trainer took about 6 years, and that was


> >if they liked you.


> > Oh well.

> > That is progress.


> I also get the impression the Silva method has been dumbed down is


> similar fashion.


> Doug



Isn't that the trend? Just add Water Certification. I see it in

martial arts and such. Some who promote that take the stand that

their will go to someone else who will certify them so why not me?

The rule of the land is that they will be sorted out in some way?

Either dwindle on the way side just take the money and say bye. Too

bad for them they don't get to see the real stuff. Actually losing

them may be a better option since you would not want anyone to

represent you in a bad light.


Instant cert is not a bad idea the only thing is what results come

out of it. I have seen a weekend training where practice and lecture

are both done. They have created fairly competent practitioners but

for some there is a lack of knowledge...or what I perceive to be a

lack of knowledge...or maybe theyy ar ejust not sharing. I do have to

thank them for partly starting me on this journey. Quality control

is key.


At an info session I attended, there were certain comments that

caught my ear that I thought was a possible cop out, one of which is

the body knows best. Having read the posts on this group, it gives

light to why they may have said things. Being the metal that I am, I

started to look at what they were saying and maybe they had a reason

for saying certain comments. So now I am here and researching adn

sharing with the same people that have gotten into EM but have not

nearly progressed. An Doc is right, Donna's EM book in itself will

get you years and give you understanding. David's EPI cd set is also

cool since it has all the diagrams and such on the CD so it is worth



> > ...there are 3 other things required in most cases...


> I would be very interested in hearing more about the 3 other

> things. Thanks for the book recommendation, I have read more good

> books from your recommendations that I would have not have heard of

> otherwise.


I would be very interested too.



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Well what I meant in the example I gave was if they see you tracing your own and

ask you what you're doing, then it gives you automatic permission (since they

just asked you about it) to show them the drill. Then when you trace theirs to

show them the energy test....


Damn... I just had a wonderful, awful idea... I can't wait to try it out...


Anyways, so as you trace her's, you stand in front of her and " intend " that her

Heart Flow is connecting with you and flows in the correct direction " because "

of you (making you the anchor for her good energy).


And, no, I would never do that remotely at level and then wait to see how they

react when I see them in person, either.


And I wouldn't think of the " Norma " drill, either and put a thought form of

" Norma " where they sleep or sit or stand at work... (Can't really talk about

what I did with it....Go have fun with it for yourself. The " Norma " drill is in

the mindmastery-essentialskills archive.)


Also, when you are making out with them, you couldn't probably trace it either

so that there's another anchor for their heart energies.


Shit, don't do that with somebody you don't want to date, though. They get



Also, on the other energy circuits, if you do the drill enough times at home,

then you CAN just do part of the drill, and " imagine " the rest of it, and it

will activate your front or back regulator circuit. It's better to do the whole

drill, though. If you do it enough, though, just thinking it can act as an

anchor. The full drill, traced with the fingers and hands is much better,



And, yes, I DO those two drills in public, too. It just looks like you are

massaging the face and stretching. Nobody knows what the hell you're doing,

unless they know the drill.


Sort of like people who worry about getting caught doing embedded commands.

I've TRIED to get caught and couldn't until I told the person what I just did.

Or you know, the guys who are worried about doing handwriting analysis to meet

chicks because they're afraid what women will think because they are carrying

around paper and a pen. WTF? Most people don't think most of the stuff we

imagine they will think.


Hope that explains it a little better. Have fun!









scarolina1000 <dougspri

Apr 18, 2005 10:36 PM


Re: Is it possible to check the Care

Bear Heart Flow in a Social Situation?





, " James R.

Knippenberg " <erommel@e...> wrote:

Hi Jim,


> 1) No one has yet to ask me WHY I'm running my hands on my chest.

> 2) If they do, it's automatic " permission " to show them the drill

(which gives you " permission " to energize THEIR heart bridge circuit

with whatever segment intent *you* want, which you don't need

permission to do anyway, but the drill works easier when you

physically trace it).




It never occurred to me to trace someone elses heart bridge cicuit

for my own segment intent, but that is a fascinating thought. When

you do that, do you imagine you are doing the physical motions to

the person? If your segment intent was, for example to get a woman

to notice you or say hello to you , do you visualize her doing that

as you trace their heart bridge?





> If you need to, get up and go to the bathroom and trace it in

there. Nobody has ever " minded " that I traced it while I was there

in person. The gay guy I didn't notice was at the register I was in

line for LIKED it, and so I got a good laugh out of it later...




> Anyways, if you are " afraid " that it might have reversed, it

probably just did with the fear of it being reversed.

Good point, as I think back it does seem like I had the most success

when I didn't give it much thought after doing the drill. The last

few times when I didn't see immediate results, I started wondering

why it wasn't working.


> What break states can you do? What other types of anchors can you

set up to trigger that energy flow? And who says you can't trace it

in a social situation? Have you tried it yet?




I guess that is just my limiting belief that I need to get over.


Thanks Jim.


> Have fun!

> Jim



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