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When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...

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In a message dated 4/19/05 9:58:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, docspeed2001 writes:


>>Many people expect to do the FRIENDLY ENERGIES drill,

>>and then have a strange female offer to give them free

>>sex just because they did that drill one time...


>>...and it just normally doesn't happen that way with women...


>>...there are 3 other things required in most cases...








Hi Doc, Sue and Everyone:


I just wanted to report on my feedback with doing the Care Bear Drill. I did it twice but preceded it with an EFT setup statement: "Even though the Care Bear Drill won't work for me, I deeply....." I decided to say "won't" rather than other ways that was suggested because I had an intuition that there was a part (NLP wise), that was a defiant brat, who probably saved me from harsher outcomes while I was growing up. That defiance, I believe, served me in the past, but is no longer useful in many ways.


After doing the EFT tapping I then did the CB drill, and went on my merry way to spend an afternoon at a Barnes and Noble in New Jersey (I live in New York). I did notice that my own feelings were rather "friendlier" and I just wanted to smile for no reason. When I arrived at B & N, and was getting coffee and bagel, I felt someone staring at me, and when I turned around, I noticed a man at the far wall, was indeed staring at me, and sort of took a step forward in my direction. Not knowing what to make of that, I scampered out of there and went up the escalator to where the comfortable chairs were and took a seat, having my coffee and bagel. A nice looking man sat down at an empty chair next to me, (even though there were other vacant comfy chairs nearby).....and, I swear, was smiling at me for the whole time that I was there, which was several hours. I didn't make eye contact, but every time I turned a page of my Energy Medicine book, he would turn my way, attempting to get my attention. Funny stuff.


Today I did the drill, but without the EFT set up, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. I will do it again tomorrow with the EFT tapping protocol and see what happens.



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In a message dated 4/20/05 9:56:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, hunter.cris writes:



Hi Paulina,

I am interested - what stopped you from responding to these friendly overtures?


I think it is great to combine EFT with EM - as Jack has said in the past, it works for building your EM testing skills too ("even though I can't get reliable tests results in EM I deeply and completely accept myself").............




Hi Cris: I don't know whether it is because I live in New York, and sorta got used to having this "looking through people" rather than at people that many New Yorkers have seemingly adopted or maybe it's because I am rather shy. I don't do small talk well at all, and any time that I did make eye contact with men, they seem to take that as permission to "come on." Part of me wants that I guess, and another part of me just shies away from that. Or I may just not have the "social skills" of this man/woman dance.



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In a message dated 4/20/05 12:48:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, erommel writes:



Well how about decide on a specific experience you want to have, and then program for that and go do the steps necessary to have THAT experience.




I am a bit apprehensive to program specific stuff, since I have been getting the opposite effect of what I program for. I would like to program for an "all clear" from the doctors, but I just came back from one and he scared the poop out of me, LOL.....Good thing he is not a proctologist, LOL


I know you meant in the "social dance" arena, though.



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Hi Paulina,


I am interested - what stopped you from responding to these friendly overtures?


I think it is great to combine EFT with EM - as Jack has said in the past, it works for building your EM testing skills too ("even though I can't get reliable tests results in EM I deeply and completely accept myself").............Cris




Wednesday, April 20, 2005 5:15 AM

Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...

In a message dated 4/19/05 9:58:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, docspeed2001 writes:

>>Many people expect to do the FRIENDLY ENERGIES drill, >>and then have a strange female offer to give them free >>sex just because they did that drill one time...>>...and it just normally doesn't happen that way with women...>>...there are 3 other things required in most cases...Hi Doc, Sue and Everyone:I just wanted to report on my feedback with doing the Care Bear Drill. I did it twice but preceded it with an EFT setup statement: "Even though the Care Bear Drill won't work for me, I deeply....." I decided to say "won't" rather than other ways that was suggested because I had an intuition that there was a part (NLP wise), that was a defiant brat, who probably saved me from harsher outcomes while I was growing up. That defiance, I believe, served me in the past, but is no longer useful in many ways.After doing the EFT tapping I then did the CB drill, and went on my merry way to spend an afternoon at a Barnes and Noble in New Jersey (I live in New York). I did notice that my own feelings were rather "friendlier" and I just wanted to smile for no reason. When I arrived at B & N, and was getting coffee and bagel, I felt someone staring at me, and when I turned around, I noticed a man at the far wall, was indeed staring at me, and sort of took a step forward in my direction. Not knowing what to make of that, I scampered out of there and went up the escalator to where the comfortable chairs were and took a seat, having my coffee and bagel. A nice looking man sat down at an empty chair next to me, (even though there were other vacant comfy chairs nearby).....and, I swear, was smiling at me for the whole time that I was there, which was several hours. I didn't make eye contact, but every time I turned a page of my Energy Medicine book, he would turn my way, attempting to get my attention. Funny stuff. Today I did the drill, but without the EFT set up, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. I will do it again tomorrow with the EFT tapping protocol and see what happens.Paulina

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In a message dated 4/20/05 12:12:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, hunter.cris writes:



I engage people in conversation, secure in the knowledge that I can walk away from it just as easily as I got into it.....but then maybe I am just a flirt....then again isn't that a part of what strange flows are about - turning on the feel good factor in ourselves and others???



Maybe I should program for becoming a flirt? LOL


Well the thing is, when I did allow myself to engage in some small talk (and some large talk,), inevitably a guy would ask me out on a date, and that is not really what I would be interested in doing. I guess maybe it's expected that men and women, eventually HAVE to go on dates. I guess the only reason a guy would chat up a woman is to (a)....get her into bed (b) take her on a date so that he can take her to bed or ©...ask for a loan, LOL


Yes and I know there is absolutely nothing wrong with two consenting adults, blah blah blah, LOL (as Doc would say). I should program for a tall, dark, and rich stranger to come take me away on his white horse, or his sports car. :-)



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you could EFT the part that shies away though i would be specific about what you are tapping - some reserve is a useful self preservation tool :)


It seems a shame to activate all this goodwill and energy and then shy away from the great reactions you are getting.......


I engage people in conversation, secure in the knowledge that I can walk away from it just as easily as I got into it.....but then maybe I am just a flirt....then again isn't that a part of what strange flows are about - turning on the feel good factor in ourselves and others???




Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:13 PM

Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...

In a message dated 4/20/05 9:56:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, hunter.cris writes:

Hi Paulina, I am interested - what stopped you from responding to these friendly overtures? I think it is great to combine EFT with EM - as Jack has said in the past, it works for building your EM testing skills too ("even though I can't get reliable tests results in EM I deeply and completely accept myself").............CrisCrisHi Cris: I don't know whether it is because I live in New York, and sorta got used to having this "looking through people" rather than at people that many New Yorkers have seemingly adopted or maybe it's because I am rather shy. I don't do small talk well at all, and any time that I did make eye contact with men, they seem to take that as permission to "come on." Part of me wants that I guess, and another part of me just shies away from that. Or I may just not have the "social skills" of this man/woman dance. Paulina

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PS - if you don't like small talk, go straight to big talk - THAT will def get you a reaction :)))




Wednesday, April 20, 2005 4:13 PM

Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...

In a message dated 4/20/05 9:56:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time, hunter.cris writes:

Hi Paulina, I am interested - what stopped you from responding to these friendly overtures? I think it is great to combine EFT with EM - as Jack has said in the past, it works for building your EM testing skills too ("even though I can't get reliable tests results in EM I deeply and completely accept myself").............CrisCrisHi Cris: I don't know whether it is because I live in New York, and sorta got used to having this "looking through people" rather than at people that many New Yorkers have seemingly adopted or maybe it's because I am rather shy. I don't do small talk well at all, and any time that I did make eye contact with men, they seem to take that as permission to "come on." Part of me wants that I guess, and another part of me just shies away from that. Or I may just not have the "social skills" of this man/woman dance. Paulina

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Well how about decide on a specific experience you want to have, and then

program for that and go do the steps necessary to have THAT experience.


Going out and practicing " social skills " just to say I did is my idea of hell.

Why would I want to be sociable with everyone out there?


I remember one time I decided to improve my social skills and be more sociable

with the people I saw wherever I went, and this damned guy who was stoned out of

his mind decides my practice of social skills must mean that I wanted him to

talk to me.


It was only a couple of minutes, and I thought I was in hell for eternity.


But on the other hand, I've used the RV/RI skills to influence events that have

not yet happened, and what you do is you program for an experience that you want

to have. And you make sure you have enough information so that you will

RECOGNIZE the opportunity when it happens.


You either see the person's face ahead of time (even if you have never seen them

before), or you have some environmental cue (we're in a store or we're in a fast

food place or we're in a bar) that lets you know to pay attention here and see

what can happen.


You might get a sudden urge to go somewhere you had not gone before, or you

might get an urge to go to a DIFFERENT location of the same store--for instance,

I was going to go to Target at XXXXX and XXXXXXXX, and I got a feeling and a

picture that said to go to the Target at XXXXX and XXXXXX instead, and to go



I go there, and who do I see? The same person I saw when I programmed--someone

I had never met before. The person who shared that experience with me that I



Or, you know, it might not even happen right away... I went almost all day

thinking my programming had surely been goatfucked by someone / something out

there who must have it in for me...


And I was waaaayyy on the other side of town, over on the Missouri side, LATE at

night, when that " voice " said, " YOU GO TO THIS WALMART, NOW! "


I go there, and I see what I saw when I programmed. I don't even know what to

say to the woman, so I comment on what she's looking at there in the store.


We talked for OVER THREE HOURS, which is way too long to stand in a WalMart and

talk with somebody. But I still got her email address. And I had a blast.


Why go practice " social skills " if that's NOT what you want?


Go practice what it is you DO want instead.


And take good notes; you will learn a lot while you have fun doing what it is

YOU want to do.








Apr 20, 2005 7:13 AM


Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for

a STAR...



Hi Cris: I don't know whether it is because I live in New York, and sorta

got used to having this " looking through people " rather than at people that many

New Yorkers have seemingly adopted or maybe it's because I am rather shy. I

don't do small talk well at all, and any time that I did make eye contact with

men, they seem to take that as permission to " come on. " Part of me wants

that I guess, and another part of me just shies away from that. Or I may just

not have the " social skills " of this man/woman dance.



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Why should he? What's in it for him?


(No, I'm not trying to be mean, either...Do the drill, get the skill.....)








Apr 20, 2005 10:47 AM


Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for

a STAR...



Well the thing is, when I did allow myself to engage in some small talk (and

some large talk,), inevitably a guy would ask me out on a date, and that is

not really what I would be interested in doing. I guess maybe it's expected

that men and women, eventually HAVE to go on dates. I guess the only reason a

guy would chat up a woman is to (a)....get her into bed (b) take her on a date

so that he can take her to bed or ©...ask for a loan, LOL


Yes and I know there is absolutely nothing wrong with two consenting adults,

blah blah blah, LOL (as Doc would say). I should program for a tall, dark,

and rich stranger to come take me away on his white horse, or his sports car.




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Pandora51@a... wrote:

> Hi Cris: I don't know whether it is because I live in New York,

and sorta

> got used to having this " looking through people " rather than at

people that many

> New Yorkers have seemingly adopted or maybe it's because I am

rather shy. I

> don't do small talk well at all, and any time that I did make eye

contact with

> men, they seem to take that as permission to " come on. " Part of

me wants

> that I guess, and another part of me just shies away from that.

Or I may just

> not have the " social skills " of this man/woman dance.


> Paulina


Actually it's more of a Protective Psychological Reversal, and

something that you (at least a part of you) desires, that protection.


So, go for the " hurt " that caused the protective PR...


....also, build in some resources, or better choices, for that type

of situation.


Very easy to do using " Change History " , " Add a Resource " , Times

Lines for Anxiety, etc.


If you need more information, let me know.



ps. I'm glad the CareBearHearts drill is working so good for you. On

a deep structure level, that means several REAL POSITIVE things.

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Hi Jim,

When I was around 15 years old I used to see situations in dreams few days before they happened exactly the same way.Most of the times they were about Hindu temples and idols.I would see temples in my dreams I had never seen before and end up going there with my parents.Infact I used to be frightened of visiting any new place expecting to see something I have dreamt before.Some times when I visit these temples in dreams , ...the beautiful idols get life and smile at me.What do you call it?I still have these dreams which come true.But they are more like I have to interpret them.

Best regards


>"James R. Knippenberg" <erommel



>Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...

>Wed, 20 Apr 2005 09:41:49 -0700 (PDT)



>Well how about decide on a specific experience you want to have, and then program for that and go do the steps necessary to have THAT experience.


>Going out and practicing "social skills" just to say I did is my idea of hell. Why would I want to be sociable with everyone out there?


>I remember one time I decided to improve my social skills and be more sociable with the people I saw wherever I went, and this damned guy who was stoned out of his mind decides my practice of social skills must mean that I wanted him to talk to me.


>It was only a couple of minutes, and I thought I was in hell for eternity.


>But on the other hand, I've used the RV/RI skills to influence events that have not yet happened, and what you do is you program for an experience that you want to have. And you make sure you have enough information so that you will RECOGNIZE the opportunity when it happens.


>You either see the person's face ahead of time (even if you have never seen them before), or you have some environmental cue (we're in a store or we're in a fast food place or we're in a bar) that lets you know to pay attention here and see what can happen.


>You might get a sudden urge to go somewhere you had not gone before, or you might get an urge to go to a DIFFERENT location of the same store--for instance, I was going to go to Target at XXXXX and XXXXXXXX, and I got a feeling and a picture that said to go to the Target at XXXXX and XXXXXX instead, and to go NOW.


>I go there, and who do I see? The same person I saw when I programmed--someone I had never met before. The person who shared that experience with me that I created.


>Or, you know, it might not even happen right away... I went almost all day thinking my programming had surely been goatfucked by someone / something out there who must have it in for me...


>And I was waaaayyy on the other side of town, over on the Missouri side, LATE at night, when that "voice" said, "YOU GO TO THIS WALMART, NOW!"


>I go there, and I see what I saw when I programmed. I don't even know what to say to the woman, so I comment on what she's looking at there in the store.


>We talked for OVER THREE HOURS, which is way too long to stand in a WalMart and talk with somebody. But I still got her email address. And I had a blast.


>Why go practice "social skills" if that's NOT what you want?


>Go practice what it is you DO want instead.


>And take good notes; you will learn a lot while you have fun doing what it is YOU want to do.








>Apr 20, 2005 7:13 AM


>Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...



>Hi Cris: I don't know whether it is because I live in New York, and sorta

>got used to having this "looking through people" rather than at people that many

>New Yorkers have seemingly adopted or maybe it's because I am rather shy. I

>don't do small talk well at all, and any time that I did make eye contact with

>men, they seem to take that as permission to "come on." Part of me wants

>that I guess, and another part of me just shies away from that. Or I may just

>not have the "social skills" of this man/woman dance.




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In a message dated 4/22/05 6:26:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, hunter.cris writes:



What is a date? If i arrange to meet someone for a coffee does that make it a date? Does the sex of the person matter? If it does then why?


Dark stranger/white horse.....interesting yin/yang fairy tale concept. How would it feel to program a white stranger on a black horse? Would it be the same if the horse was chestnut?

just playing with a few ideas....





Hi Cris:


The tall "dark" stranger on a "white" horse was just a fairy tale story that a lot of little girls grew up with from long ago. I am not sure if I meant anything Ying/Yang about it. Long before the Women's Liberation Movement, I suppose, the most that a female was expected to do was to "snag a good catch." I was being facetious. I guess it sounded from what I wrote that ALL guys have ONLY sex on their minds when meeting a woman that they are attracted to.


I was just speaking from my limited experiences, and not accusing the whole male gender. I do have male clients, who are looking for a "good" woman, with whom they can share a life, and I have those male clients who will undress any reasonably attractive woman with their eyes, and attempt to do it for real.


To tell you the truth I don't really know what constitutes a date these days. I married my first boyfriend when I was 20 after being with him for 5 years before that, you do the math, LOL.....Besides if I am going to program for anything in this field, it will be for a good, loving, caring man. How much he makes, or what color "horse" he rides makes little difference. :-)



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What is a date? If i arrange to meet someone for a coffee does that make it a date? Does the sex of the person matter? If it does then why?


Dark stranger/white horse.....interesting yin/yang fairy tale concept. How would it feel to program a white stranger on a black horse? Would it be the same if the horse was chestnut?


just playing with a few ideas....



Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:47 PM

Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...

In a message dated 4/20/05 12:12:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, hunter.cris writes:

I engage people in conversation, secure in the knowledge that I can walk away from it just as easily as I got into it.....but then maybe I am just a flirt....then again isn't that a part of what strange flows are about - turning on the feel good factor in ourselves and others??? Maybe I should program for becoming a flirt? LOL Well the thing is, when I did allow myself to engage in some small talk (and some large talk,), inevitably a guy would ask me out on a date, and that is not really what I would be interested in doing. I guess maybe it's expected that men and women, eventually HAVE to go on dates. I guess the only reason a guy would chat up a woman is to (a)....get her into bed (b) take her on a date so that he can take her to bed or ©...ask for a loan, LOLYes and I know there is absolutely nothing wrong with two consenting adults, blah blah blah, LOL (as Doc would say). I should program for a tall, dark, and rich stranger to come take me away on his white horse, or his sports car. :-) Paulina

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Pandora51 [Pandora51] April 22, 2005 9:06 AM Subject: Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...



Dark stranger/white horse.....interesting yin/yang fairy tale concept. How would it feel to program a white stranger on a black horse? Would it be the same if the horse was chestnut?

I'll just go for the horse. Nothing like quiet time with a horse when my partner is being a pain <grins>

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hi Paulina,


lots of little boys grew up with that fairy tale too :)


When I read your mails and the ones that followed I was struck by the importance of the meaning we put on words - which is why i asked what constitutes a date. Is meeting for coffee a date? Does it matter if it is someone you already know? Is it the fact that it is an offer to meet from a stranger that makes it a date?


By exploring this it is possible to work out the feelings that "date" is hooking into. Feelings/values etc are all significant in this. If I can meet someone for coffee but I can't go on a date then i will reject everyone who i think is offering me a date even though they might be offering me coffee - make sense?


Not sure I am explaining this very well and I probably need to clarify the process in my own mind but being a chatty bugger I tend to share my thought processes as they happen :)


It just so happens that your mail triggered this line of thought (which is great).


take carePS - if i am gonna get picked up by a stranger I sure as hell would rather he were tall AND dark AND rich :) Then again maybe I would do the picking up.....intention and all that....

Hi Cris:The tall "dark" stranger on a "white" horse was just a fairy tale story that a lot of little girls grew up with from long ago. I am not sure if I meant anything Ying/Yang about it. Long before the Women's Liberation Movement, I suppose, the most that a female was expected to do was to "snag a good catch." I was being facetious. I guess it sounded from what I wrote that ALL guys have ONLY sex on their minds when meeting a woman that they are attracted to.I was just speaking from my limited experiences, and not accusing the whole male gender. I do have male clients, who are looking for a "good" woman, with whom they can share a life, and I have those male clients who will undress any reasonably attractive woman with their eyes, and attempt to do it for real. To tell you the truth I don't really know what constitutes a date these days. I married my first boyfriend when I was 20 after being with him for 5 years before that, you do the math, LOL.....Besides if I am going to program for anything in this field, it will be for a good, loving, caring man. How much he makes, or what color "horse" he rides makes little difference. :-)Paulina

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In a message dated 4/22/05 9:10:15 AM, Pandora51 writes:



The tall "dark" stranger on a "white" horse was just a fairy tale story that a lot of little girls grew up with from long ago. I am not sure if I meant anything Ying/Yang about it.   Long before the Women's Liberation Movement, I suppose, the most that a female was expected to do was to "snag a good catch."



Ah, but there is more to this on a mythological, unconscious basis. We (girls) were

taught that by being pretty and passive, the "someday our prince will come." This would

be the beginning of our life. Our identity was formed by that relationship. So we must

have the wisdom to pick the right one, the prince. We had to wait. THEY were the

active ones. (remember the left/right discussion last week or so)

more later if anyone is interested. Check out Marion Woodman or Clarissa Pinkola Estes'

works on Jungian interpretations of fairy tales and myths. And, of course, the true

master of it all, Joseph Campbell.






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In a message dated 4/22/05 10:55:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, hunter.cris writes:





hi Paulina,

lots of little boys grew up with that fairy tale too :)

When I read your mails and the ones that followed I was struck by the importance of the meaning we put on words - which is why i asked what constitutes a date. Is meeting for coffee a date? Does it matter if it is someone you already know? Is it the fact that it is an offer to meet from a stranger that makes it a date?


By exploring this it is possible to work out the feelings that "date" is hooking into. Feelings/values etc are all significant in this. If I can meet someone for coffee but I can't go on a date then i will reject everyone who i think is offering me a date even though they might be offering me coffee - make sense?

Not sure I am explaining this very well and I probably need to clarify the process in my own mind but being a chatty bugger I tend to share my thought processes as they happen :)

It just so happens that your mail triggered this line of thought (which is great).


take carePS - if i am gonna get picked up by a stranger I sure as hell would rather he were tall AND dark AND rich :) Then again maybe I would do the picking up.....intention and all that....



Hi ya Cris:


Sometimes I think that some words we choose to use are a matter of semantics, and may not hold a deeper meaning. I guess, what I mean is, it's a matter of intent on what outcome one is looking for. I enjoy the company of men and women (no I am not bi, lol)....I mean I love to share ideas, explore different areas of subjects, and such over coffee or a soft drink or just sit and chat.


If my intent or the intent of the fellow with whom I am chatting, is one of physical attraction, then the mere coffee chat, is only a prelude to other things. (Mind you I have no objection to other things, in the general sense). As I am writing this, it occurs to me that the fellows who approach me and I assume are attracted to me, (otherwise they would not attempt to approach me), is that I am not physically attracted to them. And I swear, I can sense what their intention is, and yes I am aware that it could be a mind read WAY out of proportion, on my part.


Now I have a question on the Care Bear Drill.....I did it yesterday again, in first doing my EFT reverse way: "Even though the CBD won't work for me today, etc.......".....and as I was driving again to New Jersey (I love their Barnes and Noble Bookstore)......a van pulled up next to me with some men in it....and they were smiling and flirting, and giving me the thumbs up......A few more miles down the highway....a Truck Driver was honking his horn at me........Does that sound like the result of the Care Bear Drill? Some other stuff happened at the B & N.....but I was my usual "stare through them and not look at them" mode.


The day before, I did the drill without first doing the EFT tapping and did not notice anything out of the ordinary. Hmmmm interesting stuff.



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I just had a thought about the " stare through them and

not look at them " mode. Have you considered EFT/Shallow PEATing it

and what if you were to do the CBear Drill on it or toward yourself what

might happen?


Doc Houston


At 09:50 AM 4/23/2005, Paulina wrote:

Hi ya Cris:

Sometimes I think that some words we choose to use are a matter of

semantics, and may not hold a deeper meaning. I guess, what I mean

is, it's a matter of intent on what outcome one is looking for. I

enjoy the company of men and women (no I am not bi, lol)....I mean I love

to share ideas, explore different areas of subjects, and such over coffee

or a soft drink or just sit and chat.

If my intent or the intent of the fellow with whom I am chatting, is one

of physical attraction, then the mere coffee chat, is only a prelude to

other things. (Mind you I have no objection to other things, in the

general sense). As I am writing this, it occurs to me that the

fellows who approach me and I assume are attracted to me, (otherwise they

would not attempt to approach me), is that I am not physically

attracted to them. And I swear, I can sense what their intention

is, and yes I am aware that it could be a mind read WAY out of

proportion, on my part.

Now I have a question on the Care Bear Drill.....I did it yesterday

again, in first doing my EFT reverse way: " Even though the CBD

won't work for me today, etc....... " .....and as I was driving again

to New Jersey (I love their Barnes and Noble Bookstore)......a van pulled

up next to me with some men in it....and they were smiling and flirting,

and giving me the thumbs up......A few more miles down the highway....a

Truck Driver was honking his horn at me........Does that sound like the

result of the Care Bear Drill? Some other stuff happened at the B

& N.....but I was my usual " stare through them and not look at

them " mode.

The day before, I did the drill without first doing the EFT tapping and

did not notice anything out of the ordinary. Hmmmm interesting



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In a message dated 4/24/05 5:19:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, docresults writes:


I just had a thought about the "stare through them and not look at them" mode. Have you considered EFT/Shallow PEATing it and what if you were to do the CBear Drill on it or toward yourself what might happen?





Houston: That's a good idea. I only know EFT and not PEAT, but I guess that's ok. I think doing the EFT about feeling shy would be more appropriate I think, rather than just my response to it? How do you mean doing CB Drill towards myself?



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In a message dated 4/24/05 5:19:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, coachdrgridley writes:




Ah, but there is more to this on a mythological, unconscious basis. We (girls) were

taught that by being pretty and passive, the "someday our prince will come." This would

be the beginning of our life. Our identity was formed by that relationship. So we must

have the wisdom to pick the right one, the prince. We had to wait. THEY were the

active ones. (remember the left/right discussion last week or so)

more later if anyone is interested. Check out Marion Woodman or Clarissa Pinkola Estes'

works on Jungian interpretations of fairy tales and myths. And, of course, the true

master of it all, Joseph Campbell.









How very true that some little girls grew up on the notion of being rescued by a handsome prince, with whom they would "Live Happily Ever After." Based on the divorce statistics, it is clear that they (big girls) probably bought into that myth, and when it didn't pan out....well then either they bailed or the "prince" bailed out. I am sure little boys had their own unrealistic expectations of what a wife would be. I am sure there is an equivalent joke in English, but in Russian, the joke is that a wife should be a Chef in the Kitchen, a Lady in mixed company, in the Living Room and a S*ut in the bedroom. However, some wives get their rooms mixed up, and that's the reason for divorce, lol.


I think that what it is that we THINK that we NEED from another person, is truly inside each and every person. We just haven't discovered that the prince and princess are really our own true essences and we are just looking in the wrong places. Looking within, loving oneself, honoring the self, etc.is where the prince/princess can be accessed.


That is old news I know, but no one tells us how to access that part of us that makes us feel whole. I love Serge King's approach to this. He says to inundate yourself with telling yourself good things about yourself, loads of compliments to yourself, praise, encouragement, pats on your own back, and to do it frequently, even for the smallest achievement of any sort. Since a lot of us have grown up with not getting the positive messages about ourselves, we still are looking toward another to find value in ourselves, to reflect back to us what we want to see about ourselves. That may or may not happen from another, yet the longing may continue and discontent will follow our footsteps.


I also like the idea where he has one exercise that is similar to Louise Hay, except that he adds things like: "I love my eyes, and my eyes love me; I love my beautiful hair and my beautiful hair loves me,"...etc........to inner organs, skin, and everything within our bodies. I think that is so powerful. When I remember to do it, I swear I walk taller, and have an inner calmness and contentment within. I don't feel the need to be rescued, or anything else. I fell whole and complete.


I read somewhere (maybe Power vs. Force?) that love is the highest vibration. So I think we seek it out from another, rather than give it to ourselves. Even the Bible says love they enemies, which can be stretched, I think, to include loving those parts of yourself that you find are not loveable (yes even certain "temporary" illnesses). That seems to be the premise in the EFT set up statement as well. How interestingly it all seems to fit. Gosh this post was much longer than I anticipated it.....sorry....:-)




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In a message dated 4/24/05 11:16:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time, gdradke writes:


The husband should be hard worker at his job, a good resource provider, a gentleman in mixed company, and generous romantic in the bedroom....






That works for me, lol Know of any Prince Charmings like that? (just kidding)



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Thanks for a great post! I think the "joke" works, regardless of language... but than maybe I've heard it from he Russian women I've been around in the past... How about a saying for the Princes? The husband should be hard worker at his job, a good resource provider, a gentleman in mixed company, and generous romantic in the bedroom....


Greg R.




On Behalf Of Pandora51Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 9:47 AM Subject: Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...

In a message dated 4/24/05 5:19:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, coachdrgridley writes:

Ah, but there is more to this on a mythological, unconscious basis. We (girls) were taught that by being pretty and passive, the "someday our prince will come." This wouldbe the beginning of our life. Our identity was formed by that relationship. So we musthave the wisdom to pick the right one, the prince. We had to wait. THEY were the active ones. (remember the left/right discussion last week or so)more later if anyone is interested. Check out Marion Woodman or Clarissa Pinkola Estes'works on Jungian interpretations of fairy tales and myths. And, of course, the truemaster of it all, Joseph Campbell.SueSue:How very true that some little girls grew up on the notion of being rescued by a handsome prince, with whom they would "Live Happily Ever After." Based on the divorce statistics, it is clear that they (big girls) probably bought into that myth, and when it didn't pan out....well then either they bailed or the "prince" bailed out. I am sure little boys had their own unrealistic expectations of what a wife would be. I am sure there is an equivalent joke in English, but in Russian, the joke is that a wife should be a Chef in the Kitchen, a Lady in mixed company, in the Living Room and a S*ut in the bedroom. However, some wives get their rooms mixed up, and that's the reason for divorce, lol.I think that what it is that we THINK that we NEED from another person, is truly inside each and every person. We just haven't discovered that the prince and princess are really our own true essences and we are just looking in the wrong places. Looking within, loving oneself, honoring the self, etc.is where the prince/princess can be accessed.That is old news I know, but no one tells us how to access that part of us that makes us feel whole. I love Serge King's approach to this. He says to inundate yourself with telling yourself good things about yourself, loads of compliments to yourself, praise, encouragement, pats on your own back, and to do it frequently, even for the smallest achievement of any sort. Since a lot of us have grown up with not getting the positive messages about ourselves, we still are looking toward another to find value in ourselves, to reflect back to us what we want to see about ourselves. That may or may not happen from another, yet the longing may continue and discontent will follow our footsteps.I also like the idea where he has one exercise that is similar to Louise Hay, except that he adds things like: "I love my eyes, and my eyes love me; I love my beautiful hair and my beautiful hair loves me,"...etc........to inner organs, skin, and everything within our bodies. I think that is so powerful. When I remember to do it, I swear I walk taller, and have an inner calmness and contentment within. I don't feel the need to be rescued, or anything else. I fell whole and complete. I read somewhere (maybe Power vs. Force?) that love is the highest vibration. So I think we seek it out from another, rather than give it to ourselves. Even the Bible says love they enemies, which can be stretched, I think, to include loving those parts of yourself that you find are not loveable (yes even certain "temporary" illnesses). That seems to be the premise in the EFT set up statement as well. How interestingly it all seems to fit. Gosh this post was much longer than I anticipated it.....sorry....:-)Paulina

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That would be Greg.




--- Pandora51 wrote:

> Greg:


> That works for me, lol Know of any Prince Charmings

> like that? (just kidding)


> Paulina


> gdradke writes:

> > The husband should be hard worker at his job, a

> > good resource provider, a gentleman in mixed

> > company, and generous romantic in the bedroom....






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At 09:05 AM 4/24/2005, Paulina wrote:

Houston: That's

a good idea. I only know EFT and not PEAT, but I guess that's

ok. I think doing the EFT about feeling shy would be more

appropriate I think, rather than just my response to it? How do you

mean doing CB Drill towards myself?


Do the CB Drill towards yourself -

A couple of ways

Do it in front of a mirror with the intent that you are effected by it

internally the same way others are outside you.


Use time -line and do the CB Drill toward you in the future/past/

the next 8 hours, etc.

One more

Have the " ideal you " , that has been using the CB Drill for

quite a while, come pay you a visit and apply it toward you.

Play with doing these at level, in Hakalau and just when you've finished

the 5 minute daily routine. Be aware of the different results in your

body and with others.

Anyone else have any other ways to apply to self or include yourself in

the effects of any drill?


Utilize Everything,

Dr. Houston (Doc Results) Vetter


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One of these has already come up on the list - doing a drill on someone else or "in the place of" someone else.


When working with clients if they are really scrambled then this tends to affect me after a while (obviously I show them how to correct as quickly as possible!). When they get their energies flowing I then have a much easier time. So i guess what I am saying is that by showing others how to do the drills and then being around those people who are healthier, I am affecting or receiving the benefits myself.....



Monday, April 25, 2005 6:24 AM

Re: When Selling Hamburgers look for a STAR...

At 09:05 AM 4/24/2005, Paulina wrote:

Houston: That's a good idea. I only know EFT and not PEAT, but I guess that's ok. I think doing the EFT about feeling shy would be more appropriate I think, rather than just my response to it? How do you mean doing CB Drill towards myself?Paulina,Do the CB Drill towards yourself - A couple of waysDo it in front of a mirror with the intent that you are effected by it internally the same way others are outside you.Use time -line and do the CB Drill toward you in the future/past/ the next 8 hours, etc.One moreHave the "ideal you", that has been using the CB Drill for quite a while, come pay you a visit and apply it toward you.Play with doing these at level, in Hakalau and just when you've finished the 5 minute daily routine. Be aware of the different results in your body and with others.Anyone else have any other ways to apply to self or include yourself in the effects of any drill?Utilize Everything,Dr. Houston (Doc Results) Vetterhttp://www.achieve-your-potential.com

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