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Help with Withdrawal and Depression

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I was wondering if there are any drills I can do to help me with some

physical sensations I am experiencing from withdrawal from one of my

anti-depressants, and also with the ensuing depression that I am



I've been doing EFT and it's helping, and am using positive mental

attitude and imagery which has also helped, but am wondering if there

is anything else I can do.




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STRANGE FLOWS. Many of my clients have either avoided or been able to

reduce their anti-depressant meds through incorporating the basic drill and

strange flows into their day. of course they only reduce their meds with

the consent of their doctor - which means that I am now getting referrals

from a number of doctors.....


Fluff your aura...lots. In my experience, people with depression tend to

have compressed auras.


" shotomom2 " <shotomom2


Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:00 PM

Help with Withdrawal and







> Hi,


> I was wondering if there are any drills I can do to help me with some

> physical sensations I am experiencing from withdrawal from one of my

> anti-depressants, and also with the ensuing depression that I am

> experiencing.


> I've been doing EFT and it's helping, and am using positive mental

> attitude and imagery which has also helped, but am wondering if there

> is anything else I can do.


> Thanks,

> Candice






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Hi Chris,


Thank you very much for the info, and for pointing me in the right

direction. It helped a lot. I've been reading and reading, and doing

a lot of drills. Working on the strange flows, and being very mindful

of my aura. Doing the 'care bear' drills and working on radiant

energies. Using EFT for the physical symptoms I mention below.


When I last posted, I was teetering on the precipice of despair, but

am much, much better now. I knew that it was just a chemical reaction

and that I had a lot to be thankful for, especially my beautiful

children and the sun and the air.


I was diagnosed by both my therapist and physician as clinically

depressed a few years ago, and the meds were necessary at the time and

helped me through a LOT. But then again, I didn't know about EM at the

time either.


You are so, so right, people should NEVER reduce their meds without

their doctor's consent (yah, I know, do as I say, not as I do...but I

just didn't have any money to buy them, had to scrape up $ for gas to

get to work instead), because withdrawal from these things is not for

wimps or sissies by any means. When I saw I was getting low on the

meds, I did this...'on 2 days, off 1', 'on 1 day, off 1 day, etc.

until I ran out of them.


One other time a couple of years ago I had not taken them for two days

and described the physical sensations to my doctor, and he said it was

similar to withdrawal from heroin or morphine or somehting (can't

remember which), but without the psychological withdrawal.


So if you have clients that are trying to get off the

anti-depressents, here is my experience with Paxil and Wellbutrin, at

least the physical side of it. Starts with nausea and headaches,

migraine-like and overall feeling like s**t. Then after a day or so

add to that what I call 'electrical jolts' in your head, kind of like,

'zzzt.....zzzt.....zzzzt' every few minutes. Doesn't hurt, just

feels weird. After another day or so that same electricty starts

zipping down the inside of your arms. And your head starts feeling

wobbley, like if you turn your head too fast everything wobbles.


thing happens if you move your eyes too fast. Then after another couple

of days you might get auditory hallucinations, which I think are

related to the eye-movements. For me it's sort of like a shh-shh-shh

sound, like someone shaking a maraca (sp?) or sliding a box back and forth

on a wooden floor. This is still happening along with the headaches

and wobbliness, but to a very small degree.


The emotional part of it seemed easier to get over at least for me,

and it was basically crying all the time, feelings of hopelessness and

despair, and grieving over some losses I experienced in the past few

years. Again the drills and EFT helped with that, and so did huna

exercises. I tried to block any negative thoughts and visualize myself

as I will be, happy and prosperous. :-)


Hopefully this is some help to you for your practice and what to look

for with your clients so as to help them through it.


Thanks again, Cris.


Best regards,







, " hunter.cris "

<hunter.cris@w...> wrote:

> STRANGE FLOWS. Many of my clients have either avoided or been able


> reduce their anti-depressant meds through incorporating the basic

drill and

> strange flows into their day. of course they only reduce their meds


> the consent of their doctor - which means that I am now getting


> from a number of doctors.....


> Fluff your aura...lots. In my experience, people with depression

tend to

> have compressed auras.


> Cris

> -

> " shotomom2 " <shotomom2>


> Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:00 PM

> Help with Withdrawal and

> Depression



> >

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I was wondering if there are any drills I can do to help me with


> > physical sensations I am experiencing from withdrawal from one of


> > anti-depressants, and also with the ensuing depression that I am

> > experiencing.

> >

> > I've been doing EFT and it's helping, and am using positive mental

> > attitude and imagery which has also helped, but am wondering if


> > is anything else I can do.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Candice

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

hi Candice,


I have been trying to apply the rule of a tidy inbox makes for a tidy mind

and am wading through back posts to create some semblance of order. i came

across your post and realised that I probably omitted to reply to it - if so

it was an oversight on my part.


A little voice prompted me to reply NOW so here I am doing so. You are very

welcome for the pointers i gave. I am glad that they were useful in moving

you in the right direction.


The physical effects you describe match what i have come across as well and

you are right - EM can help loads!


How are you getting on?


" shotomom2 " <shotomom2


Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:28 PM

Re: Help with Withdrawal and







> Hi Chris,


> Thank you very much for the info, and for pointing me in the right

> direction. It helped a lot. I've been reading and reading, and doing

> a lot of drills. Working on the strange flows, and being very mindful

> of my aura. Doing the 'care bear' drills and working on radiant

> energies. Using EFT for the physical symptoms I mention below.


> When I last posted, I was teetering on the precipice of despair, but

> am much, much better now. I knew that it was just a chemical reaction

> and that I had a lot to be thankful for, especially my beautiful

> children and the sun and the air.


> I was diagnosed by both my therapist and physician as clinically

> depressed a few years ago, and the meds were necessary at the time and

> helped me through a LOT. But then again, I didn't know about EM at the

> time either.


> You are so, so right, people should NEVER reduce their meds without

> their doctor's consent (yah, I know, do as I say, not as I do...but I

> just didn't have any money to buy them, had to scrape up $ for gas to

> get to work instead), because withdrawal from these things is not for

> wimps or sissies by any means. When I saw I was getting low on the

> meds, I did this...'on 2 days, off 1', 'on 1 day, off 1 day, etc.

> until I ran out of them.


> One other time a couple of years ago I had not taken them for two days

> and described the physical sensations to my doctor, and he said it was

> similar to withdrawal from heroin or morphine or somehting (can't

> remember which), but without the psychological withdrawal.


> So if you have clients that are trying to get off the

> anti-depressents, here is my experience with Paxil and Wellbutrin, at

> least the physical side of it. Starts with nausea and headaches,

> migraine-like and overall feeling like s**t. Then after a day or so

> add to that what I call 'electrical jolts' in your head, kind of like,

> 'zzzt.....zzzt.....zzzzt' every few minutes. Doesn't hurt, just

> feels weird. After another day or so that same electricty starts

> zipping down the inside of your arms. And your head starts feeling

> wobbley, like if you turn your head too fast everything wobbles.

> Same

> thing happens if you move your eyes too fast. Then after another couple

> of days you might get auditory hallucinations, which I think are

> related to the eye-movements. For me it's sort of like a shh-shh-shh

> sound, like someone shaking a maraca (sp?) or sliding a box back and forth

> on a wooden floor. This is still happening along with the headaches

> and wobbliness, but to a very small degree.


> The emotional part of it seemed easier to get over at least for me,

> and it was basically crying all the time, feelings of hopelessness and

> despair, and grieving over some losses I experienced in the past few

> years. Again the drills and EFT helped with that, and so did huna

> exercises. I tried to block any negative thoughts and visualize myself

> as I will be, happy and prosperous. :-)


> Hopefully this is some help to you for your practice and what to look

> for with your clients so as to help them through it.


> Thanks again, Cris.


> Best regards,

> Candice






> , " hunter.cris "

> <hunter.cris@w...> wrote:

>> STRANGE FLOWS. Many of my clients have either avoided or been able

> to

>> reduce their anti-depressant meds through incorporating the basic

> drill and

>> strange flows into their day. of course they only reduce their meds

> with

>> the consent of their doctor - which means that I am now getting

> referrals

>> from a number of doctors.....


>> Fluff your aura...lots. In my experience, people with depression

> tend to

>> have compressed auras.


>> Cris

>> -

>> " shotomom2 " <shotomom2>


>> Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:00 PM

>> Help with Withdrawal and

>> Depression



>> >

>> >

>> >

>> > Hi,

>> >

>> > I was wondering if there are any drills I can do to help me with

> some

>> > physical sensations I am experiencing from withdrawal from one of

> my

>> > anti-depressants, and also with the ensuing depression that I am

>> > experiencing.

>> >

>> > I've been doing EFT and it's helping, and am using positive mental

>> > attitude and imagery which has also helped, but am wondering if

> there

>> > is anything else I can do.

>> >

>> > Thanks,

>> > Candice

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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