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The Energy code breakers!

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essentialskills , " webrunner2023 "

<webrunner2023> wrote:


> Doc,


> Could your philosophy be based on the Socratic Method? Win Wenger


> " You Are Brighter Than You Think "


> describes the Socratic Method as " any technique which induces the

> learner to examine his/her internal and external perceptions and to

> describe in detail what s/he discovers there-- "


> So by causing us to think about what we " know " we find the gaps in


> knowledge. Which points out what we need to learn/do to increase

> proficiency. Could posting be considered describing in detail?


> Also, if you did the drills and then described what you discovered

> " out loud " to yourself would it have the same effect?




But, sort of...


....but Not unless you actually listened to them and wrote them out.


Win's techniques are an add-on to some of the SMC methods, and they

really enhance those remote viewing skills.


I recommend all of Win's materials.


Have fun.



ps. My job is to help people learn how to do the skills for

themselves...so my method takes that into account. Have fun.

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Ok, I am going to give this a go ... I used to be a computer programmer and also a trouble shooter and debugger. Part of my job was to examine huge core dumps - a complete dump of every byte of information in computer memory at the time of the failure. I can see parallels between figuring out a core dump and code breaking.


The first thing was that potentially every piece of information could have value in finding the solution.

I had to break down the whole into it's smallest parts and examine the ones that I felt had relevance. That didn't mean that any of the other parts might not also have relevance. I had to remember that!!

I also had to be sure that I wasn't missing other parts that were more obscure in how they were affecting the whole.

I looked for patterns and pointers to the original issue by trying to back trace what had happened.

Once I had the base issues in place I then had to reconstruct the failure and figure out how to prevent it happening again.


For Code Breaking I suspect that a lot of the above also applies. You have to break apart or chunk down the message. You have to examine each bit in detail. You have to look for patterns, themes etc. As these become apparent you have to test against the original message to be sure that the pattern holds true. As each pattern emerges you gradually build the big picture.


With language translation I keep thinking about how if you translate word by word the meaning is lost. You then have to apply a knowledge of the language into which you are translating in order to get the full sense of what you are reading. Not sure how to explain this in terms of code breaking but it has to be a part of it.


In NLP the idea is to break down an observed action or whatever is being examined into minute detail including all submodalities. This gives a detailed picture that allows us to replicate and understand how to repeat the action for ourselves. So, in the case of a person who we consider to be a model of excellence we need to get a big picture of that excellence, get a feel of how it feels and then break it down into small pieces that we can integrate into our own model.


In examining the code we find the reason (this isn't the right word) for the message.





docspeed2001 [docspeed2001] April 10, 2005 5:21 PM Subject: The Energy code breakers! I stumbled across a couple of other drills, of> course, but had no clue what they were about, as they were all written> in bloody CODE! teehee. Of course they were/are.Now, why do I/we do that?ps. Back a few years, I was with Military Intelligence. Guess what my job was?I was a code breaker, and a translator of the Korean language. Is that important for this group, and if so, how & why?

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, " Elizabeth

Sleight " <esleight@s...> wrote:

> In NLP the idea is to break down an observed action or whatever is


> examined into minute detail including all submodalities. This

gives a

> detailed picture that allows us to replicate and understand how to


> the action for ourselves. So, in the case of a person who we

consider to be

> a model of excellence we need to get a big picture of that

excellence, get a

> feel of how it feels and then break it down into small pieces that

we can

> integrate into our own model.


> In examining the code we find the reason (this isn't the right

word) for the

> message.


> Elizabeth


Simply put, those who do the drills get the skills.


Like in college.


For a simple class like US history, looking at someone else's class

notes will be good enough to get an " A " , presupposing their notes

are up to par.


But, in Chemistry, if you've not been to lab and done the

experiments SUCCESSFULLY a few times, you cannot get the skills.


Those skills are gotten by the " experiencing " of the processes.




By the way, modeling of expertise presupposes many more things than

you mentioned, and some of them are vital.


Can you or anyone else tell this group what those other vital points



Especially since what I do is covertly cover them experiencially

about 1/2 the times I post.



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hello Doc,



> Have fun.



> ps. My job is to help people learn how to do the skills for

> themselves...so my method takes that into account. Have fun.


You know what? I AM having fun. More than I could have imagined just a

short time ago. With things like intuition, programming myself and

others, NLP (still needs lots of practice/study), pendulum (just

started), etc.


With intuition I have a large number of correct answers........IF I

calibrate. And that's the thing. Calibration seems to change depending

on the circumstance.


When in a bookstore walking down the metaphysical section (a personal

favorite) sometimes I get a feeling in my solar plexus. As I walk down

the aisle if there is nothing there for me it feels like I have a mild

stomach ache. It even intensifies if I ignore it and go further down

the aisle.


The pain(?) goes away INSTANTLY if I turn and walk back up the aisle

towards another section. On the occasions I ignored the pain and

continued looking it was a waste of my time.


At other times walking down the same aisle I get a feeling that says

" stop here. " If I examine the shelf in front or immediately to the

right or left of me I always find a book to take home.


I work in the parts department of a trucking company. Once I needed a

particular part and I " saw " the logo for a company. It was down

towards my lower right and in color. Not sure of the significance of



When I called and asked for the part they said it was out of stock.

Now this really burst my bubble because I just " knew " they had it. So

I asked the guy to go and check in the back. He comes back and says

they have one and he'll send it to me that day. Woo hoo!


And then there's the telephone.


My job requires me to make many calls each day. Sometimes I can dial a

number and KNOW who will pick up the phone on the other end. Since I

know most of the people I get a picture of the person and a " voice "

that tells me who it will be.


There have been times when I've had conversations with them BEFORE

they pick up the phone. It's not wishful thinking either. Because I

don't always like the person I intuit will answer the phone.


In fact sometimes I even dread being right. I really would rather

speak to almost anyone else.


Now that I'm writing this post its as thought the reason why that

happens popped into my head. The person answering is the best person

for me to speak with at that time. They probably solve my problem in a

way that others couldn't or wouldn't.


Or......this is an opportunity to use those skills I've been learning.

Maybe helping me learn to pace and lead better. Surely it wouldn't be

a chance to use the skills from the Ultramind ESP course I bought from

you many months ago. Along with the RV/RI course.


Now all I have to do is finish going through the ESP course, outline

and apply more of EM to my life, ditto SSAW, and then I'll have the

time to learn/use the RV/RI course.


Something else I just realized. The better I get with theese tools the

better I get at work AND with my personal relationships. Of course

that's just a coincidence, right? After all, any left brained person

would never believe a word of this, would they?



Craig Caire

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