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Breast Cancer Technologies that WORKED!

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(Shari's post was so GOOD, that I got permission to repost it.

Thanks Shari. )


Shari <sharig

Fri Apr 22, 2005 5:57 am

Breast cancer techniques


Hi all,


I want to preface my comments: it is possible that NOTHING I did had

any importance and that a simple prayer from someone was all that I



I had a huge (7 CM) breast tumor, invasive, approaching 5 years ago

( I'm 56 now). The mammogram could not see it. I elected for a

mastectomy, no lymph nodes removed. The surgeon took 2 anyway and I

was told the cancer was in my system. Stage 3 (of 4).


After the surgery the only doctor I returned to was the surgeon to

make sure the incision was OK. I refused radiation, chemotherapy,

tamoxifin. I spent numerous hours researching books/internet.

Decided to dedicate whatever time it took to work with this until it

felt right to stop which became almost 5 months pretty much full-



I put together a protocol for myself and changed it every week or

two as needed. I enlisted the help of my chiropractor/kinesiologist

to check supplements. He was also invaluable in knowing about and

having access to supplements I didn't either have or know of. I also

went to a Naturopath several times for Hydrotherapy.


I also want to say that I have always been quite health-conscious,

so this was not a 180 for me. Because I didn't know which things

would be really helpful, and because of synergy, I included many

things into my routine. Were it now, I would energy check

everything, and, yes, I would ask my body questions as I seem to be

able to do that reliably now (it has taken me years of working with

kinesiology to be able to do this).


Immune system support: The best thing I know of for the immune

system is Maitake mushrooms (can be purchased dried from Franklin

Farms). I steamed them for breakfast, in soups, etc always using the

liquid as well. I created an Immune Soup recipe (will send recipe if

you e-mail me) with these and other great veggies like burdock and

greens which I ate at least once per day. Also Wessiac, author Susun

Weed's version of Essiac to which I added Astragalus. Lots

of fresh raw garlic (must sit out after chopping for 10 minutes to

develop Allicin). Also " Green " drinks.


Supplements: I took many. They changed over the weeks. Some were

Carnivora, Beta Glucan , Digestive enzymes, Super Green foods,

Thymex, Flax Oil, DIM, Natural Progesterone, Thyroplex,

Magnesium/Calcium, Kyolic, B-vits, Echinacea, homeopathics. Some

things that are considered important did not check with me as

Vit C.


Food & Water: I eliminated everything that doesn't work for me

including all sugar except a little organic fruit, all flour

products, all fried food, all foods to which I had been sensitive.

No meat (some cold-water fish). Diet must be alkaline. Basically

vegan. Possibly minimal raw organic dairy. All food organic and not

processed. Well water which I put through a Microwater machine

to alkalinize it but I'm not sure that was necessary. No water from

plastic. No table salt (I would use Himalayan salt now if it



Attitude is everything. Celebrate life! Journal. Spent time daily

meditating/visualizing. Gratitude. Read/pondered new spiritual

material.Forgiveness. Stay upbeat. Essential oils can raise

vibration as well. Colors.


Detoxification: I did Coffee Enemas daily for the first month and

then less frequently. There were 6 sessions of Hydrotherapy with the

Naturopath and I alternated them with Detox baths with salt/vinegar

or Ozonated baths with peroxide. Also did a few baths with a product

called Body Soak Gold which were intense. Skin brushing several

times per week. Drank Dandelion/Oatstraw tea.


Exercise/Sunshine/Sleep: Walked 30 minutes most days. Deep breathing

of clean air. Yoga. Tai Chi. Rebounder. Get some fresh sunshine.

Regular sleep.


Energy Work: I did have training then in Touch for Health

Kinesiology I,II, III, and IV but little experience applying it. I

used it to the best of my ability to balance meridians. I also have

Reiki training and used that daily. Some Massage. Worked lymphatics.


Misc: applied Lavender Oil to surgery area and other breast. Do

something helpful, loving or activist. Work on other problem areas

as gums, hormones as needed. Scheduled surgery for around day 20 of

menstrual cycle. Best to do surgery well before a full moon (I'm not

sure I remember this right).


Of course, look at your life and rework as needed. In my case I had

been a professional potter for 30 years. I have since added weaving

and of course,Energy Work and LOVE the combination.


I am doing great now. Have had a few AMAS tests for the cancer and am

normal to date and thanks to the Donna-work I have been

studying/practicing,primarily, am healthier/happier than I have been

in many, many years. If I knewthen what I know now, I probably could

have had the same result 2 - 4 months instead of 5 and I know the

integrating after that time would have been much faster/better as

well. Have also since discovered source for custom homeopathics for

the Liver and Kidneys which are wonderful. Would really focus

on hormones as well. And Blood Sugar after the 5 months as I never

realized till recently how important this really is..I could go on

but enough is enough!



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