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Shari's Thyroid Enhancing Program!

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Shari " <sharig

Re: Re: Hypothyroid and

it's corrections: Please post

" doc towers " <docspeed2001


Thyroid Information healing Secrets from Shari.


The Thyroid (mostly from Internet)


Thyroid hormone activates over 100 enzymes to produce a multitude

of bodily functions. In fact, the brain, heart, lungs, intestines,

sex glands and muscles owe much of their function to normal thyroid

physiology. Thyroid hormones regulate energy production. The thyroid

gland is also greatly influenced by adrenal hormone balance.

Imbalances often occurs in mid-life western women. Usually unknown

specific cause, occasionally from trauma as whiplash. This sheet is

primarily about Hypothyroid (low Thyroid) although much of the

information would apply to Hyperthyroid as well.


Checking for Hypothyroid yourself: Basal Metabolic Temperature

(using a digital thermometer) Shake down thermometer and place on

bed stand the night before. Upon awakening in the morning, while

still in bed, place thermometer in armpit for 10 minutes before

getting up. Normal basal temperature should be between 97.8 - 98.2°F.


Goitrogen Sources: (Thyroid uptake inhibitors) Avoid these:

Brussels Sprouts-raw, Lima Beans, Cauliflower-raw, peas,

Broccoliraw, Cabbage-raw, (raw) carrots cooked-OK , rutabaga,

millet, Nitrate rich foods-pork, pork products Processed meats

All soy products in any form that is not fermented


Cottonseed/cottonseed oil, flaxseed/flaxseed oil, peanuts/peanut

oil, canola, safflower, corn oils (use olive oil)

Refined sugar and caffeine (stresses both the thyroid and the



Avoid unless cooked thouroughly: Asparagus, Cauliflower,

horseradish, kale, leafy green vegetables (turnip greens, mustard

greens, collard greens), Legumes (beans and peas), pine nuts,

radishes, Spinach, turnips, WatercressUse peaches, pears and

grapefruit in moderation.


Also avoid:

Fluoride and chorine (in toothpaste and tap water)

Cold, dark weather

Sulfa drugs and antihistamines

Iron supplements

Microwaves, Plastic.

Pesticides, Herbicides, Tobacco



Food Allergies: Allergies to foods, particularly the casein in dairy

products can effect the Thyroid.


Possible Symptoms of Thyroid dysfunction:

Depression and anxiety

Low Cardiac Output

Edema-water retention-swollen ankles

Hair loss


Tiredness, weakness

Poor healing

Knee and elbow problems

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Memory loss

Inability to think-brain fog

Weight gain

Learning disabilities

Mild to moderate intellectual impairment

Low body temperature

Dry skin, brittle nails

Insomnia and restlessness

Heart problems

Decreased libido

Blood sugar problems

Cholesterol problems

Immune dysfunction



Some possible Thyroid helpers:


Coconut Oil (good quality) use liberally

Sunflower Seeds



Fish Liver Oils- Cod Liver Oil (Cod Liver Oil)



Sea Kelp-has organic Iodine, Seaweed

Himalayan Crystal Salt or unrefined sea salt




Good Foods/Herbs: Oat Bran, Alfalfa, Beet tops, Carrots, Cayenne,

Celery, Green Peppers, Parsley, Seaweeds, Sprouts, Apples, Apricots,

Cranberries, Grapes, Pineapple, Black Cohosh, Gingko Biloba,

Rosemary. Siberian Ginseng may help, Chlorella and Spirulina are

recommended. Red Tart Cherries contain Melatonin. Diet should be

low sodium, high potassium.




Whey protein (or soluble Rice Protein) or cottage cheese or Ricotta

(10 gr proteins per 100 lbs of body weight) before bedtime or as a

late evening snack will raise basal temperature in the morning. One

scoop of Designer Protein, in the evening with a glass of pineapple

juice is a good choice. Lack of certain amino acids, particularly

tyrosine and taurine impairs thyroid function and immune function.

Whey is a good source of tyrosine, taurine and glutamine (increases

HGH levels while you sleep).


If for any reason you are intolerant to whey protein, use a

predigested rice protein powder - 15 grams once a day in the evening.



Thyroid Tonic

Juice of cucumber, celery radish and lemons. Add a dash of dulse

for a boost of iodine. Cranberry juice contains iodine. A steady

diet of radishes and radish juice can be quite beneficial. A sulphur

compound found in radishes is a regulator of thyroixine and

calcitonin. When enough of this sulphur compound is circulating in

the blood, the thyroid is less apt to over or under produce these




Guggul is known to help the thyroid. Like ginger, so it again

increases the metabolism, while breaking down cold clogging fat

(cholesterol). Triphala has lots of enzymes, vitamin C and helps

digestion and elimination, and since that is a problem with thyroid

patients this may be good. Kelp, dulse and kombu have iodine. Red

Clover Tea.




Digestive System/ Detoxification: Detoxification is critical to


Water: Drink copiously, good quality only.


We know the thyroid hormones are mostly converted in the liver and

the kidneys, so helping these two organs will help the conversion

and give the thyroid a break. Look up website such as " Custom

Homeopathics " in Canada. They make remedies to exactly address some

of the major toxins in YOUR Liver. The stomach should absorb the

food at its best so that the liver will have less toxins to

cleanseand be able to convert the thyroid hormone better. Therefore

we would want to eat easily digestible foods. Some tonic's

that are easier to digest and absorb are the royal jelly, bee pollen

and bee propolis. Since these are warmer energetically, yet a whole

food the body can break them down easier. They are known for

increasing metabolism, nutrients and enzymes in the body.



There is a big fear about going on something synthetic or even

non-synthetic (Armour) because it replaces our thyroid and may shut

our bodies down, and that is contraindicated if the adrenals are too

weak (which makes one think that it could weaken our adrenals), but

the opposite can also be true. If we do not have proper peristalsis

or metabolism then we begin to run off of our adrenals and weaken

them even more. If we use just the right amount, while incorporating

the natural options we should be able to keep our dosages lower

while preserving our adrenals and other healthy functions of the

body. If we take too much thyroid, then of course we

get burned out, but if we need it, and can't get our thyroids going

after trying the natural stuff for 2 to 4 months, then we may need a

little of it to help the body actually assimilate the natural



Homeopathics: Over the counter homeopathic preparations for Thyroid

imbalance that help some people.


Energy Work: The Thyroid is governed by the Triple Warmer and the

Spleen meridians. It is essential that they be in balance. Hooking

Up the Central and Governing meridians often is necessary.

The " Daily Routine " . " Energy Psychology " or Star Diagnostic, EFT and

so on, to work on emotional blockages. " Thyroid Normalization

Drill " . Chakra Clearing + " Ancient Energies " . General Balancing of

all systems. Adrenal support/work if needed. All techniques to calm



Iodine: Some alternative practitioners believe that lack of iodine

is not the cause of autoimmune hypothyroidism, and that iodine

aggravates an autoimmune thyroid. Chinese medicine believes that a

combinations of herbs working together usually work best, and kelp

(which is how they get iodine from herbs) is usually a very low

percentage of the formula (5%) as it is very cold energetically and

hard to digest and absorb. So it would always be used with some form

of warming digestive herb to help it assimilate properly. Iodine

Skin Test: Get a bottle of tincture of iodine, the kind that stains

your skin yellowish brown (not the colorless kind). Paint a

1-inch square area on your arm. The stain should stay present for 24

hours. If it goes away in a few hours or before the 24-hour period

has elapsed, it means your thyroid gland is looking for and needs

more iodine.


Minerals and Vitamins:


Supplementing some minerals, particularly selenium may be helpful.

Also manganese (oat bran, pineapple), magnesium, potassium.

Supplements for Adrenal support if needed as they often go together.

Vitamins A, B2, B3, Pantothenic Acid, B complex and E are often

cited. Also the supplement NADH has been mentioned. The Amino Acid L-

tyrosine is very important and possibly Taurine, Glutamine.

D'Glucarate. binds estrogen receptors, major detox pathway.


Exercise: is important--moves toxins out of the body and oxygenates

all of the cells. The Shoulder Stand (a yoga pose) is beneficial for

the Thyroid. Very slow NECK ROLLS can be beneficial if there are no

mechanical problems with the neck.



Acupressure Points: Specific acupressure points located through

kinesiology may be helpful when stimulated.


Heavy Metals: a hair analysis may tell if heavy metals are



Miscellaneous: DHEA may help if a blood test determines that it's

needed. Transfer Factor and TF+ are advertised to be effective.

Ojibwa Tea is reported to normalize the Thyroid after several month

of use. Venus Fly Trap (Carnivora) may be good. VISUALISATIONS/

MEDITATION is always good to do.


Colors, sounds, crystals, stones can be used as well.


Adrenals: Many of people who suffer from low body temperature and

immune dysfunction have exhausted adrenals and impaired

detoxification pathways. These are interconnected. Adrenal Support

is a whole subject unto itself beyond this handout. Most things that

are good for the Thyroid are good for the Adrenals.


In addition, one hormone to look at might be Cortisol: The adrenals

may not be secreting enough Cortisol which binds to the thyroid

hormones and depresses the immune response. If small amounts of

Cortisol are given, the feedback loop through the Hypothalamus and

Pituitary results in lower ACTH levels. Lower ACTH reduces demands

on the adrenals resulting in reduced adrenal estrogen output. This

is good because too much adrenal estrogen and the subsequent binding

of thyroid hormones by estrogen from the

adrenals can contribute to a wide range of health related problems.

Too much Cortisol is also problematic for the Thyroid

causing " hormone resistance " including Thyroid resistance. Blood

assays can determine Cortisol levels. Progesterone may be needed as



Xenoestrogens: bind to our estrogen receptors either creating

problems in and of themselves and/or preventing our hormonal system

from doing its job well. They are ubiquitous in the environment from

pollution, petrochemicals and their products (as plastic,

herbicides, pesticides especially). Another big source is

meat.Eating hormone treated meat may increase estrogen levels

hundreds of times over what a body normally produces. Beef cows

inthe U.S. are implanted with multiple synthetic hormones, including

estradiol, to make them put on weight. There is no withdrawal period

for these implants, which are in the cows at the time of slaughter.

When you consume excess estrogen in your food from commercial beef,

pork and poultry injected with growth hormones, the estrogen binds

with thyroxine and lowers your metabolic rate.


This lowers your body temperature. The estrogen also causes sodium

and water retention. This can raise your blood pressure and lower

energy production in the mitochondria of the cells. It can wrack

havoc with your hormone balance (also, excess estrogen in meats

iscontributes to obesity, high blood pressure, insulin resistance,

heart disease, cancer and diabetes). Buy only free-range, grass fed,

organic, if meat is eaten.

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