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The DARK SIDE of 3rd eye activation and the use of Psychic Skills

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, Peace Morrel

<liberpeace> wrote:


> is not easy to put in words what I am thinking right

> now) is how come it takes only 10 hrs to reach a

> competency in the third eye and it took years for the

> saints/prophets/sufis to reach that stage?


I think that you might be confusing the spiritual path with the

development of certain psychic skills.


This is something that is often done.


This confusion is because many people who have the skills don't want

you to get those skills.


So they are throwing out camaflage so you can't see what can easily

be done by just about anyone.


Even Pantajali stated not to go for the psychic skills but to go for

the spiritual path because the spiritual path is more important.


And the spiritual path does take years, even life times.


But the calibration of seemingingly psychic skills, ie, aura seeing,

remote viewing, remote influence, Energy Medicine, and much more,

are done quite easily.


unfortunately, according to those like Pantajali, those psychic

skills learned for ego reasons, might be detrimental skills in the

long run, because they might take certain people from the path of

light, to the path of darkness.


There is nothing wrong with those skills, but the use of those

skills might turn a nice guy into a Hitler, or into another



Hope this helps.



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> I think that you might be confusing the spiritual

> path with the

> development of certain psychic skills.


Yes most probably. When I talk about the third eye I

am talking about the spiritual path.

Thanks for your help.








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, Peace Morrel

<liberpeace> wrote:


> > I think that you might be confusing the spiritual

> > path with the development of certain psychic skills.


> Yes most probably. When I talk about the third eye I

> am talking about the spiritual path.

> Thanks for your help.

> Peace


Okay Peace,


What are the differences between psychic development and

spirituality, and a Spirtual Path?




Especially since even Jesus was considered by the religious leaders

of his time to be a follower of Satan (see Matthew 12, where he

answers them on that accusation!...


....as was all the Old Testament prophets (what's a prophet?)...


....as was all the New Testament apostales...


....even though he did follow a very spiritual path, a path which is

NOT even close to what current " christians " profess to teach...


....and " HE " actually used the " fruits of the Spirit " (Galatians

5:22), which are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness,

goodness, faith meekness, and temperance...


(Aren't these the same " fruits of the Spirit " that Donna Eden lives



....and even though he taught only good, his distractors alleged that

the good work he appeared to have done, was a guise assumed by

satanic forces for the purpose of deceiving those who would seem,

initially, to have benefited by the information.


Now-a-days we call this type of negative influence, propaganda for

the sake and survival of those in power...


So one of the main problems in ALL religious and spiritual

developments has been differentialing that which is truly of the

Spirit, and thus valuable, and that which is a matter of form or

tradition, or survival of those in power, whether it is a religious

organization, or a political organization...


And, much rejection of psychic skills by the masses has been based

on (premeditated and planned misrepresentation)ignorance of what

being psychic is, ignorance of what psychic work is about, and a

serious bias rather than a clear and Spirit-guided understanding of

how all psychic skills are a necessity if one is to fullfill any

Spiritual connection...


....a connection that is based upon " works " and MENTAL TRAINING, and

following a higher ideal.


And these skills can be easily learned.


So, what do you mean when you state, " Spiritual " ?


Group, how about some other imput to help her and the others out.


Reference points are neat.




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Ok, the debate continues. I actually expected the question about

spirituality and psychic. First of all I strongly agree with most of

what you said doc, especially the part where religions have been used

for political reasons.

Now I'll try to reply to the question:


> What are the differences between psychic development and

> spirituality, and a Spirtual Path?



I have to say that my background is different from yours. I am african

and in Africa there are a lot of psychics who use their power in the

destruction of other people lifes and use it for money as well.

Usually the practice is somebody hires them for a short time for some

bad " plot " against somebody. These people are psychics.

Now for the spirituals-this is more complicated to explain. Usually,

they are people who elevated the ego, the greed, will not do harm to

other people. Their purpose in life is to bring harmony among others.

Psychics are not all bad but I've seen and heard of pretty bad ones

(not in their skills but in how they use it). I don't think these

people actually activated the third eye,may be the evil eye.

Then I really distinguish between psychics and spirituals, they are

not necessary on the same path.

Hope this clears my point of view.

Thanks for all



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, " liberpeace "

<liberpeace> wrote:

> I have to say that my background is different from yours. I am

>african and in Africa there are a lot of psychics who use their

>power in the destruction of other people lifes and use it for money

>as well.


I read this with humor.


Many people don't know it but the good Doc is also a Huna Minister,

and does know something about that side also.


So Dr. La Tourrette, what do you say about the evil use of psychic



I do realize that Peace did not answer your original question, but

this is a nice substitute.


Barbara Ann


> Usually the practice is somebody hires them for a short time for


> bad " plot " against somebody. These people are psychics.

> Now for the spirituals-this is more complicated to explain.


> they are people who elevated the ego, the greed, will not do harm


> other people. Their purpose in life is to bring harmony among


> Psychics are not all bad but I've seen and heard of pretty bad ones

> (not in their skills but in how they use it). I don't think these

> people actually activated the third eye,may be the evil eye.

> Then I really distinguish between psychics and spirituals, they are

> not necessary on the same path.

> Hope this clears my point of view.

> Thanks for all


> Peace

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On 5/1/05, williamsspecialty <williamsspecialty wrote:


> I think that you might be confusing the spiritual path with the

> development of certain psychic skills.


> This is something that is often done.


> This confusion is because many people who have the skills don't want

> you to get those skills.


> So they are throwing out camaflage so you can't see what can easily

> be done by just about anyone.



This is a very good point.


I wonder sometimes why it is that people who have

skill/power/money/whatever don't want others to have it.


My suspicion is that, at some level, they are psychologically reversed

about having " it " themselves. Maybe believing they don't deserve what

they have, or that " it " isn't good for them...


....and that reversal causes them to lock down tight, because being the

source of " it " is not congruent for them. So they hide " it " , or teach

" it " badly, and it stagnates, never truly reaching that 5th level of



This seems to me like something to watch out for, for anyone who wants

a skill without first figuring out the WIIFM, and the future pacing,

and so on, on their own spiritual path...


At least, that's my theory.


--David Brandt

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