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More onThe REAL SECRETS to activation of the 3rd Eye!

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, " James R.

Knippenberg " <erommel@e...> wrote:

> Hey, Doc... HOW the $%^* does somebody know whether or not I did

>my damned lymphatics every day or not, when they say they didn't

>remote view me, they " just knew " .


" Knowing " is a 2nd chakra function.


And, who knows, they may have guessed, but I " see " them " feeling the

knowing " . Second Chakra.


> I do them when they get clogged enough.


They are way past, " clogged enough " .


When you clear your lymphatics your really feel good. You feel



And the lymphatics is only the first part.


You also have to do the eliminations!


Because if you don't do the eliminations, then the toxic materials

cleared from the lymphatics go to the liver and colon and are RE-

ABSORBED into the body and back into the lymphatics.


It's a vicious circle of toxic waste accumulating on more toxic



Instead, Think the 3-day " apple diet " with all of it's colonics.


sorry buddy. I know it's a shitty topic.


And, Then you'll really know what clean lymphatics are, because

you'll have them.


Your diet (eating regime) is really important also. Get off the

fried foods. Starting eating fresh salads and fresh fruits.


You know all of this.


> WTF? Now I got somebody with less training than I do that can

>read MY mind without even trying?


Different strokes for different folks.


And they weren't reading your mind...


....so, what were they doing?


Let me tell you an ego blasting story...


I'm real good...and back in 1980 I finally convinced my wife to take

the ESP class from me, so she enrolled...


....DAMN IT! She's so good naturally, that it's has taken me 32 years

and I'm still NOT as good as she was her first time, and I'm the ESP



By the way, what she did then, and can still do now, is NOT normal.


Donna Eden can do the same thing...so, me comparing myself and my

skills to Lynn or to Donna just is not really appropiate.


(It's amazing how when Lynn and Donna stand next to each other they

look like sisters, and when we among people that know Donna, they

come up to Lynn and start talking to her as if she is Donna.LOL)


It's the difference of NATURAL SKILLS vs Learned skills.


In my youth I could play a pretty darn good of basketball, but I

could NOT have been a Michael Jordan. Different equipment!


But, here's the real good point...


....BEFORE I trained Lynn (my wife) she did NOT have a clue she could

do what she now does so easily. She still had to be trained so she

could UNLOCK THAT 3RD EYE so she can use it at will " helping

people " . She's a school teacher.


I use my " skill " for other purposes than that of a school teacher. I

am a " life Coach " and I help people grow in the manner they choose

to grow...and I love working with aggressive athletes...I love

working with business people, helping them become ethically

financially successful.


> How in the hell does somebody in XXX, for Christ's sake, know what

>drills I do or don't do, without me saying anything at all?

> I'd be pissed, if it weren't for the fact that I can't stand not

>knowing how the hell she " just knows " ????


Now you know.


And, you are comparing yourself to the wrong person.


So, who should you be comparing yourself to?


And at what time frames?


Nice " sharing " Jimmy.



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Thanks, Doc!


OK, so when Jesus KNEW their THOUGHTS, how do mental THOUGHTS interact with the

2nd chakra? How does it go from a " yes/no " answer to a " knew their thoughts " ?

We energy tested, using the 2nd chakra, for " yes " and

" no " . And you taught that as a form of Remote Viewing. We did that same drill

several different ways, and did not need the person there with us to do the

Energy Testing from the 2nd chakra.


So how do you go from a " yes / no " answer to a " Knew their thoughts " ?


Thanks Doc,


P.S. Sorry I haven't posted much lately -- I haven't known what to post. I


several posts, and they didn't feel right, so I didn't write them.



docspeed2001 <docspeed2001

May 2, 2005 3:45 AM


More onThe REAL SECRETS to activation

of the 3rd Eye!


, " James R.

Knippenberg " <erommel@e...> wrote:

> Hey, Doc... HOW the $%^* does somebody know whether or not I did

>my damned lymphatics every day or not, when they say they didn't

>remote view me, they " just knew " .


" Knowing " is a 2nd chakra function.


And, who knows, they may have guessed, but I " see " them " feeling the

knowing " . Second Chakra.


> I do them when they get clogged enough.


They are way past, " clogged enough " .






Baaaaaa... Baaaaaa.... Huggy Feely Goat :-)

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Well, WHICH part of " frying " makes it worse than cooked some other way? Is it

the skillet? Or the oil? In other words, if I eat a soft boiled egg or hard

boiled egg is it any healthier than an over easy egg or sunny side up egg or

scrambled egg cooked in a teflon skillet without oil? Is a baked pork chop

(yeah, I know, pork... I hardly ever eat it, though) better than one browned in

a non-stick skillet w/o adding any oil?


Also, can the Inner Power be substituted for some of the protein in the diet

(assuming I know enough to take it at the right time, on an empty stomach, blab,

blab, blab...).


Where do I get my protein from? Is a baked / broiled or " crock-potted "

boneless, skinless chicken breast healthier than one that is browned WITHOUT oil

in a non-stick skillet? If so, how come? I already know that " great tasting "

protein powders are made by liars who don't have any damn taste buds on their

tongues. I suppose I could scrape my taste buds off with a razor sharp knife.


This Del Monte Tropical Fruit Salad with the pull top lid so you don't need to

carry around a can opener tasted pretty damn good, but it was too sweet after I

ate about 1/3 of it, so that can could have probably lasted me all day. It's

really low in fiber, too. Oh damn...


Couldn't I just overdose on Inner Power, and if I survived the initial shock and

didn't pass out and die, wouldn't that empty my stomach and intestines and colon

all in about 2-3 hours? Just kidding... I remember one time I thought I had

built up my tolerance to it, and I took too much... Man, I thought I had sinned

or something, and God was trying to kill me. In between blacking out on the

toilet seat, I was trying to figure out which sin I had done that pissed God off

so much and why he was taking his time killing me instead of just getting it

over with... Then I remembered that I read too much choline will do that to a



Anyways, I'm off to the grocery store to get a huge, fresh salad. They got

awesome stuff on their salad bar, and they charge extra for the damn dressing,

and since I'm a Scrooge, I never buy the dressing....


So what the hell do I do for protein? A pork chop or chicken breast browned in

the skillet can't be any worse than one wrapped in foil and put in the oven to

bake for 45 minutes, can it?


See you soon...


Jim Huggy Feely Goat... :-)





docspeed2001 <docspeed2001

May 2, 2005 3:45 AM


More onThe REAL SECRETS to activation

of the 3rd Eye!



Your diet (eating regime) is really important also. Get off the

fried foods. Starting eating fresh salads and fresh fruits.


You know all of this.

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