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The DARK SIDE is only a MINOR part of the GOOD SIDE of personal Growth!

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I was standing around with some friends of mine, passing the time

while they were heatedly dis-cussing religion and spirituality.


I said, " But! You know it's all metaphorically Holographic. "


They went " Huh? "


I said, " There's this guy who wrote this book called 'The Holographic

Universe'. In it he proposes that the universe is like a holograph.

You know, when you take a holographic picture you shine a laser

through a transparency and get a 3D image.


" Here's the cool part, you can cut the holographic transparency into

pieces and when you shine that laser through those pieces you get

that same 3D image from each one. Albeit somewhat fuzzier. Keep

cutting those pieces smaller and you keep getting that image.


" You are a piece of this universe. Shine the laser light of God

through your soul and what do you get? "


They all nodded and thought I'd said something profound.


Of course I did use their own presuppositions. And I did not mention

anything about going to theta with intent. Nor chakra activation. Nor

RV. Nor RI. Nor 3 mind communication. Nor a lot of things.


And perhaps they did understand more of what I was saying than I was

willing to say " out loud " .




P.S. There's nothing in here about lions and lambs, is there? Nor

whether they're lying down together or one having a tasty meal, is



el-Ghazali relates a tradition from the life of Isa, ibn Maryam:

Jesus, son of Mary.


Isa one day saw some people sitting miserably on a wall, by the

roadside. He asked: " What is your affliction? " They said: " We have

become like this through our fear of Hell. "


He went on his way, and saw a number of people grouped disconsolately

in various postures by the wayside. He said: " What is your

affliction? " They said: " Desire for Paradise has made us like this. "


He went on his way until he came to a third group of people. They

looked like people who had endured much, but their faces shone with



Isa asked them: " What has made you like this? " and they

answered: " The Spirit of Truth. We have seen reality, and this has

made us oblivious of lesser goals. "


Isa said: " These are the people who will attain. On the Day of

Accounting these are they who will be in the presence of God. "


From " The way of the Sufi " by Idries Shaw


, " kahunamaker "

<kahunamaker> wrote:

> healingenergies-

essentialskills , " liberpeace "

> > <liberpeace> wrote:

> > > I have to say that my background is different from yours. I am

> > >african and in Africa there are a lot of psychics who use their

> > >power in the destruction of other people lifes and use it for

> > >money as well.


************BIG Snip**********


> The following is VERY IMPORTANT. The basis of spirituality in the

> individual is MOTIVATION.


> AND, where-ever we are RIGHT NOW in our own personal evolution is

> EXACTLY RIGHT, or we would not be here.


> So I guess that Peace, me and Barbara Ann are all exactly where we

> need to be right now to get the learnings we need to get to evolved

> even more.


> Right?



> ps. GROUP, now is the time for you to dissect the above. Have fun.


> > > Hope this clears my point of view.

> > > Thanks for all

> > >

> > > Peace

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