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The DARK SIDE of 3rd eye activation and the use of Psychic Skil

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I give credence to the AABailey/Dwaj Khul statement that the purpose of

incarnation is

consciousness evolvement. With this as a foundation of my belief

system, what follows (for me) is that spiritual development is

expanding one's ability to embrace and live with the Christ-like

attributes or fruits of the spirit that (Doc) mentioned: .. " (Galatians

5:22), which are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness,

goodness, faith meekness, and temperance... " Why Christ -- well

because he was one of the

greatest avatars/teachers/masters I know of.



Consciousness Expansion/Spirital Path Treading is to recognize

(intellectually) and then incorporate into my life (ie--walk the talk)

unity consciousness...Easier said than done!!!. Which means that I

understand that we are all connected in one vast sea of energy. What I

do to one, I do to all including self. I can live (think, be, feel,

emote, act) in a way that creates harmony or disharmony & discordance..

In spiritual terms this could be seen as love/enlightenment versus

hate/darkness. In electromagnetic terms or as sacred geometry

it could be registered as forms that internest nest and blend with

harmonic resonances versus forms that mis-align and create discordant

resonances. In terms of vibration, it would be

slow-sluggish-dense-dull versus fast-spritely-etherial-bright. Of

course, these are polarities and

given as contrasts. As,I see it, life is not a digital off-on affair,

its the gradients in the analog.


Maybe if Jesus walked the earth today giving sermons he would talk

about super strings and the holographic nature of our universes and

which body chemicals each of our emotions and thoughts created.


Consciousness expansion is about growing in lovingness, compassion,

empathy, and goodwill toward my fellow human beings and for that

matter all life forms (a Machelle Small Wright sort of thing as

expressed in her book " Behaving as if the God In All Life

Mattered " ---she is an American version of the Findhorn people).



I just finished reading the huna intro articles at two different sites

and to the best I understand it, the ways and means and philosophy of

Huna exemplify what lovingness and goodwill are.


Using this as a definition of spiritual, one can be psychic without

being spiritual or spiritual

without being psychic (up to a point, for at some level spiritual

development will bring various

psychic/knowing/intuitive/healing skills into play--at least so I have



However, it seems to me that to learn and grow in adeptness in many of

the skills Doc and

Huna Teachers and Donna E. (and others) teach can increase

consciousness expansion all the faster. They will empower you to

develop your potential and innate talents, and to live at cause rather

than as a victim. That can foster spiritual growth if one has that as

their intent; however, it does not in and of itself mean one will grow

spiritually. Psychic people and people who do remote veiwing

(etc./etc.) can be as much jack-asses (or worse) as those who can't.

Hitler is a classic example of one with psychic / occult skills who did

not bring love and light/enlightenment to his fellow man. His fruits

were pretty rotten fruits: genocide, slavery, torture, etc.


Its my belief that having psychic skill are not a measure of one's

spiritual evolvement: (goodness/lovingness quotient -- or where you

would rise to on the Hawkins concsiousness chart). They can actually

slow down spiritual evolvement but so can money, good looks, a mensa

level IQ, or half a dozen other goodies you might have or acquire.

Conversely, they can serve you well and at the same time move you along

the spiritual path of becoming more loving and compassionate to self

and others.


I agree with Doc that the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of the

church are not always

in sync. Jesus said, this and more will ye do also. Yet it someone

walked into most Churches and

started turning water to wine, or doing other such Jesus skills, that

person would be labeled

anything but Christ-like. One church bulletin I saw warned its

membership to beware of energy

workers, massage therapists, and even chiropractors as they would

lead you astray with their

evil ability. Too much of religious teaching is based on and foster

fear and guilt; these emotions debilitate the human spirit and keep

people in bondage and limitation--guilty and fearful people

are easily manipulated--even if you don't know NLP!


As I see it, the ability to comfort and heal another is a great and

wonderful skill--no matter

which modality is used: NLP -- EFT -- as a medical intuitive -- or

psychic surgeon, or reading another's subconsciousness to discover the

real source of their problems--or whatever. To the degree I increase

myability to understand and work with occult anatomy (the human energy

systems science has not yet discovered or acknowledged) and use that

information/skill to heal myself or others; to

that degree I have evolved spiritually & expanded consciousness.

Ditto with understanding earth energy and using energy work/psychic

skills to do such things as locate or create ley lines, or clear

water & air pollution, or work with devas to facilitate soil & plant

health and the nutritional & chi value of food, or clear harmful

psychic/etheric imprints in the land or man made structures. This is

a service to all concerned -- nobody benefits from pollution and toxins

whether they are in the land, the air, water---or in ones emotional or

mental vehicles or physical body.


When it comes to subtle energy problems, if I have not learned to

read/sense subtle energy, then I am an unwitting victim to them. If I

can sense/read them, I can identify the problem, and if I become

skilled at working with them, I can change or modify them to a more

healthy, health promoting state. In my book, that's part of evolving

consciousness. I have read that

one of the greatest of occult tasks is: " Know thyself. " That means,

among other things, know your potentials. Jesus said don't bury your

talents. That means develop, use, and grow those potentials.


I agree mental training is also key -- The soul/higher self may know

all yet without clarity,

the ability to discern, to focus, to create & hold an intent, then

what ever that soul part can get through to ordinary work-a-day

consciousness either won't do much good or will be limited, skewered or

diminished. For that matter, with mental training, even ordinary

everyday life skills (communicating with a neighbor, negotiating a

contract, doing the laundry) can become easier and more effective.


As to being led away from psychic ability or mental development, the

issue is control. Dumbed

down , ineffective, un-empowered people are easier to control. You

can sell them glitz as gold or any other product or agenda you want.

Knowledge is power. Skill and adeptness at using that knowledge is

even more enpowering. Mental training moves people

from emotional herd conconsiousness to actually being thinking



Can you imagine how cool it would be if we the people, the collective

masses, saw auras and read energy. That would eliminate a lot of

politicians from ever getting elected and making all laws that control

almost (if not absolutely) every thing we do, own, or can have access

to. And make us safer as we could identify the " bad " guys that intend

harm to us. We'd know who was

lying to us. And to see illness developing and heal it before it ever

got physical would certainly upscale our ability to bring love ,light

and harmony into this world. Suffering and pain are the pits.


If I keep going on like this, I might have to conclude that its my

" spiritual obligation " to learn those drills and do those drills so

I'll get those skills.


Okay, thats my POV, at least for the moment.


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, Gail Raby

<graby@m...> wrote:

> Can you imagine how cool it would be if we the people, the


> masses, saw auras and read energy.




I had an " intuition " to go to my mechanic's place...


....so I turned around and drove there, since I mostly follow my

intuitions, and my CALIBRATIONS of those intuitions...


....and when I arrived I noticed the FLASHING RED LIGHTS, the cop

car, the ambulance, and the still body laying on the concrete slab

in the rear of the shop...


One of the workers had a stroke and instantly died. He wasn't

noticed for 10-15 minutes, which was way too late.


So I'm talking with the fellows and I notice a " scared-like "



....so I asked myself, " I have this scared-feeling, and I want to

know what it is in a way I can understand " ...


....and I get an immediate answer... " he's still here! He doesnt know

where to go nor what to do " ...


....so I go to level, contact him, and send him on his way with the

specific help he needs.


....and his mother comes (enough of the story for now)...


So, I continue talking with my friend and the other people around,

and one of the co-workers said, " No, his only living relative I know

about is his father, so I'll get hold of him and let him know " ...


So, " energetically " , what is this post about?



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I don't know what happened as far as why you got the message to go there.


It could be that the guy knew (whether you told him, or just his SCM knew) about

your abilities, so he called out to you.


It could be that because of your expanded awareness, you picked up on the fact

that there was an emergency at a place that was of interest to you -- because

that's where you take your cars and trucks to get worked on.


Or it could be that those who crossed over heard the man's cries for help, and

since he had just passed over, he was not yet able to recognize and or

communicate with them because of his own fears and beliefs. So perhaps they

heard his cries for help and then they contacted you.


All of these possibilities make sense, so I'm curious as to what happened. I'm

going to energy test them when I get home from work.


There might be another possibility that I have not considered, too, but I don't

(yet) know what it might be.


I don't know if you ever met his mother or not or how she would know to contact

you. It seems as if his mother heard him on the other side and showed up to

meet him. I don't know yet if she was there because you helped find her or if

she was there because of the telepathic connection between mother and child even

on the other side. If I had to bet, I would put every penny on the probability

that it was because of telepathic communication between mother and son.


It would be interesting to Remote View the BELIEFS of the son to see if he

believed that when he died he would meet his mother or whether he believed in an

afterlife or not, although from what I've read of others, it does not

necessarily matter if they believe in the afterlife, and that sometimes their

relatives meet them anyways when they cross over.


I wonder how that fits in with mutliple lifetimes and multiple time lines? Do

those people have connections with each other over multiple lifetimes or not?

And what happens if the departed relative has already returned for their next

lifetime? How does that affect these types of situations, if at all?


Anyways, you helped him know where to go and what to do next. How did you know

what HE'S supposed to do next? How did you know where he's supposed to go? I'm

not sure that it would be the same for everyone? For instance, Monroe's book

talks about people going where they believe they would go in between lifetimes.

I wonder how long the man would have been " stuck " there in the shop all alone if

you hadn't helped him? How long would it have taken him to be able to move on

if you had not helped out?


Thanks for the really awesome post, Doc!







docspeed2001 <docspeed2001

May 2, 2005 5:27 PM


Re: The DARK SIDE of 3rd eye

activation and the use of Psychic Skil


, Gail Raby

<graby@m...> wrote:

> Can you imagine how cool it would be if we the people, the


> masses, saw auras and read energy.




I had an " intuition " to go to my mechanic's place...


....so I turned around and drove there, since I mostly follow my

intuitions, and my CALIBRATIONS of those intuitions...


....and when I arrived I noticed the FLASHING RED LIGHTS, the cop

car, the ambulance, and the still body laying on the concrete slab

in the rear of the shop...


One of the workers had a stroke and instantly died. He wasn't

noticed for 10-15 minutes, which was way too late.


So I'm talking with the fellows and I notice a " scared-like "



....so I asked myself, " I have this scared-feeling, and I want to

know what it is in a way I can understand " ...


....and I get an immediate answer... " he's still here! He doesnt know

where to go nor what to do " ...


....so I go to level, contact him, and send him on his way with the

specific help he needs.


....and his mother comes (enough of the story for now)...


So, I continue talking with my friend and the other people around,

and one of the co-workers said, " No, his only living relative I know

about is his father, so I'll get hold of him and let him know " ...


So, " energetically " , what is this post about?



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Hmm..Here it goes.


It was a good lesson in reminding us a few things, such as:


Don't freak out when life gives you very subtle nudges from the other

realms, but instead, help him in a manner that empowers him, empowers

you and doesn't make you look wierd to folks who have not yet takend the

time to develop their subtle telephone to the universe.


Or better over time you conditioned and built up the muscle and

effectiveness of your third eye to stay open, and not just when you want

to go for something specific.


Energetically, Your 3rd eye was attracted to some kind of wandering aka

string-likeconnection and you followed it the place of origin. the body

laying on the floor. the Spirit didn't know he was dead or was lost and

confused and you helped me, find the doors and let him make choose what

he wanted to do.





docspeed2001 wrote:


> , Gail Raby

><graby@m...> wrote:



>>Can you imagine how cool it would be if we the people, the






>>masses, saw auras and read energy.






>I had an " intuition " to go to my mechanic's place...


>...so I turned around and drove there, since I mostly follow my

>intuitions, and my CALIBRATIONS of those intuitions...


>...and when I arrived I noticed the FLASHING RED LIGHTS, the cop

>car, the ambulance, and the still body laying on the concrete slab

>in the rear of the shop...


>One of the workers had a stroke and instantly died. He wasn't

>noticed for 10-15 minutes, which was way too late.


>So I'm talking with the fellows and I notice a " scared-like "



>...so I asked myself, " I have this scared-feeling, and I want to

>know what it is in a way I can understand " ...


>...and I get an immediate answer... " he's still here! He doesnt know

>where to go nor what to do " ...


>...so I go to level, contact him, and send him on his way with the

>specific help he needs.


>...and his mother comes (enough of the story for now)...


>So, I continue talking with my friend and the other people around,

>and one of the co-workers said, " No, his only living relative I know

>about is his father, so I'll get hold of him and let him know " ...


>So, " energetically " , what is this post about?












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Jim and Richard had some really great things to say. And I learned a lot

from both posts. Since Doc didn't change the " subject " , I was wondering how

this might all fit together. As a stated earlier, 'what if all people saw

auras and read energy?'


In this case, Doc can and did that because of his energetic balance and

awareness. Further, he took physical action to follow up on his intuition,

because his calibration indicated he should follow up.


Visual, auditory, kinesthetic indications on site... PLUS psychic awareness

of others physical, emotional, and sub-conscious states -- they may not have

even been aware of them consciously (psychic shock of sorts?) So even those

who may not have been trained or studied in brain levels/after life/etc...

they were energetically aware that he was still there!


Regardless of the deceased beliefs, his spirit didn't know what to do...or

who to seek out. Would, could that energy have stayed in the garage? If it

did stay there with no purpose and no direction -- could it have become a

problem for the others who worked there as well? Could that affect the

business or the quality of the work?


Your ability to contact him and find out what he needed was significant ...

To many people. Perhaps he didn't know where to go because he seemed cut off

from his family...'only living relative being his father...' And since you

knew that his mother came to help him cross over.... I look forward to the

'rest of the story'...


What if we all saw these occurrences with active 3rd eyes, but we didn't

know what to do? Is that a dark side of having the skills? Could it torment

someone? To the point of insanity? I think this is a 'red pill' vs. 'blue

pill' (The Matrix) --- Once you know, you can't go back... You can choose to

ignore it, but it won't change the energy in the universe. We are energy.


Greg R.




> On

> Behalf Of docspeed2001

> Monday, May 02, 2005 5:28 PM



> of 3rd eye activation and the use of Psychic Skil


> , Gail

> Raby <graby@m...> wrote:

> > Can you imagine how cool it would be if we the people, the

> collective

> > masses, saw auras and read energy.


> Today,


> I had an " intuition " to go to my mechanic's place...


> ...so I turned around and drove there, since I mostly follow

> my intuitions, and my CALIBRATIONS of those intuitions...


> ...and when I arrived I noticed the FLASHING RED LIGHTS, the

> cop car, the ambulance, and the still body laying on the

> concrete slab in the rear of the shop...


> One of the workers had a stroke and instantly died. He wasn't

> noticed for 10-15 minutes, which was way too late.


> So I'm talking with the fellows and I notice a " scared-like "

> feeling...


> ...so I asked myself, " I have this scared-feeling, and I want

> to know what it is in a way I can understand " ...


> ...and I get an immediate answer... " he's still here! He

> doesnt know where to go nor what to do " ...


> ...so I go to level, contact him, and send him on his way

> with the specific help he needs.


> ...and his mother comes (enough of the story for now)...


> So, I continue talking with my friend and the other people

> around, and one of the co-workers said, " No, his only living

> relative I know about is his father, so I'll get hold of him

> and let him know " ...


> So, " energetically " , what is this post about?




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, " Greg Radke "

<gdradke@e...> wrote:

> Regardless of the deceased beliefs,

>his spirit didn't know what to do...or

> who to seek out. Would, could that

>energy have stayed in the garage? If it

> did stay there with no purpose and

>no direction -- could it have become a

> problem for the others who worked

>there as well? Could that affect the

> business or the quality of the work?


Hi Greg,


Depends on the people that work there.


It also depends upon the emotional content of the pass-over.


I was more concerned about his " fear " and " confusion " that I was

feeling, then anything else.


He didn't seem to be able to " tune-in " to anything except the

physical dimension...



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